The strongest dog in the world in fighting without rules. Top most powerful dogs in the world. ~ Staffordshire Terrier ~

1.Mastiff – very big and domineering. This is the strongest dog in the world. He will need a lot of space in the house, as well as a green area for games. Mastiffs are not picky about grooming and only need regular walks.

2. Alabai is an excellent watchman and a wonderful hunter of large animals.

3. The Great Dane was used in ancient times as a large and hardy working dog. It is more than a meter tall, but is extremely friendly and calm towards strangers and animals. The Great Dane has short hair that does not require special care. The only serious problem is bathing the giant! For these purposes, it is better to purchase a small pool.

4. Akita Inu use this dog for bear hunting and dog fighting.

5. St. Bernard is losing weight very quickly and gaining weight. He is not aggressive at all and loves when people take care of him. For a full, healthy life, your dog simply needs daily walks and exercise.

6.The American Bulldog breed has the strongest bite.

7. Dogue de Bordeaux - this breed is still used to participate in illegal dog fights.

8. The Rottweiler is the ideal bodyguard. This fearless beast is medium in size. It was bred specifically for guard purposes, but with a lack of training it can become an extremely aggressive and ruthless creature.

9. The Irish Wolfhound is among the strongest dog breeds in the world. This dog has a lightning-fast reaction, for which it is so valued when hunting wolves. The 50-kilogram wolfhound is quite friendly with its owner, but its pronounced instinct makes it guard its territory and be extremely unfriendly with strangers.

10. A very unusual and rare breed is the Brindis fighting dog. It is also called the Brindisian. The breed got its name from one of the Italian towns. It is believed that the dog was bred by crossing several breeds: pit bull, Rottweiler and Mastino Neapolitan. The average height of the dog is 56 cm. Quite large, since the weight usually reaches 50 kg. The physique is muscular and strong. The wide and powerful chest catches the eye. In some countries, this breed is prohibited for import and breeding due to its high level of aggressiveness. The Brindis fighting dog is not very widely known in dog training circles.

11. The Boerboel is originally from South Africa. It was bred for security purposes. The dog is proud, aggressive and extremely resilient. Even wounded, he is able to continue the fight with the enemy and defeat him. An intelligent and quick-witted Boerboel should never be allowed to go for a walk alone. The dog attacks strangers without warning!

12. Boxer - very active, great for home protection.

13. Bulli kutta - often used in brutal battles.

14. The Pyrenees Mountain Dog is used primarily for herding livestock. The history of the breed begins in North America. Now this muscular creature, covered with thick long hair, is loved all over the world.

15. Bandog - used for guarding and fighting.

16. The American Pit Bull Terrier has a strong chasing instinct, but can be very friendly. The age of these strong and strong dogs can reach up to ten years. When properly raised at a young age, Pit Bull Terriers will be affectionate and curious with strangers and loyal to their owner. If the dog’s development is left to chance, the result will be a cruel and aggressive animal that can cause serious injuries not only to the neighbors’ dogs and cats, but also to neighbors.

17. The Doberman Pinscher is a breed of dog that participated in World War II.

18. The Siberian Husky is a breed of dog with a very independent, independent character that requires a strong leader next to it. But at the same time, huskies are kind and friendly dogs, both to people and to dogs, although primitive instincts may prompt them to run after a cat or other living creature running past.

19. The Greater Swiss Mountain Dog was bred in the Alps as a working dog. She is sociable and flexible towards all family members, but especially children, and treats them with love.

20. Newfoundland closes the list of twenty strongest dogs in the world. This animal is an excellent swimmer, and thanks to its waterproof coat, it does not get wet or freeze at all in the water. And although the 70-kilogram giant was previously used primarily for work, today a huge number of people around the world keep the Newfoundland as a pet.

photo from the Internet

When the question of the strength of a certain breed of dog is raised, it often means developed physical characteristics, the presence of a strong and muscular physique, the level of aggression towards defenseless living beings, endurance and endurance, as well as the ability to tame and stop a dog in a fit of rage. All of this certainly plays a role in determining how strong a breed is and how much power it has. In order to determine the strongest breeds, a rating was created that demonstrates the clear advantages and disadvantages of “our smaller brothers.”

10th place. Boerboel

Boerboel breed, quite strong and domineering. They experience an incredible need for constant heavy loads, which affects their physical and moral condition. These dogs require maximum attention from the owner, namely daily training.

The Boerboel is a very hardy dog ​​breed. It is ideal for them to experience daily exercise in the form of sports walks of 5 km twice a day. Otherwise, there will simply be nowhere to put the accumulated energy, and it can easily turn into anger and aggression. There are many known cases of Boerboels attacking defenseless people. There is an opinion that this breed of dog will not attack for no apparent reason, but the outburst of unpredictable anger and hatred proves that it is very difficult to curb representatives of this color. And even more so to understand what is on their mind.

This breed is used in security and guard work. They have incredible strength and, while in a state of shock, can even withstand bullet wounds.

9th place. Siberian Husky

A specially bred breed of sled dogs, which is considered one of the most ancient breeds in the world. They are characterized by incredible strength, endurance, speed and resistance to harsh weather conditions. According to its physical characteristics, the Siberian Husky can reach up to 60 cm in length and weigh 28 kg. Despite such a low weight, this breed has an incredibly developed muscular system and impeccable physical shape.

The character of these dogs as friendly as possible, however, freedom-loving. They are playful, lively, active. They are completely unsuitable for guarding or hunting, and they are also completely useless watchmen. A Siberian Husky can easily settle into a new place, but it does not become attached to it. Therefore, at any moment he can run away towards a free and carefree life.

8th place. Doberman Pinscher

The Doberman Pinscher breed was developed by crossing a German Shepherd, a Great Dane and a Rottweiler. These dogs are famous for their services during the Second World War, when they were used as scouts and, moreover, very successfully. Due to their strong and independent character, they are valued both in the military field and in guard duty. Dobermans are distinguished by a high level of intelligence, fearlessness, invulnerability, quick reaction and incredible speed. In many countries, this breed is usually called “devil dogs”.

Externally, Dobermans look incredibly elegant. Their growth can reach 72 cm, and weight - 45 kg. These dogs, despite their average physical characteristics, are very strong and strong, and have a muscular body structure. Also, representatives of this breed have a very developed sense of smell and sense of smell, so they are permanent assistants to the law enforcement system.

7th place. Caucasian Shepherd Dog

The breed comes from the Caucasus and is one of the most ancient, it already has about 2000 years. By their purpose, shepherd dogs are guards. From time immemorial, they protected houses and households from predatory animals and intruders.

According to their structure, Caucasian Shepherd Dogs can reach 75 cm in height, and their weight can vary up to 70 kg, and sometimes in some males up to 100 kg.

By nature, these dogs are loyal and reliable. They are distrustful of strangers, however, the strength of endurance and a sense of inner dignity stops their impulses of aggression. Courage, determination and perseverance are the main advantages of representatives of the Caucasian Shepherd dog breed.

6th place. Brindis fighting dog

This breed was developed by crossing a pit bull terrier, a Rottweiler and a Canadian dog. There is an opinion that this breed was bred by order of the Italian mafiosi to participate in dog fighting tournaments.

Now this breed is one of the most popular fighting breeds in Italy. According to external characteristics, they can reach 56 cm in height, and their weight can fluctuate from 42 to 50 kg.

Brindis dogs have a rather obnoxious character. They are easily excitable, and their rage can quickly turn into aggression. For representatives of this breed, anger, ferocity and aggression were cultivated. For them there are no authorities, they do not even see him in the person of the owner, and the attitude towards them is more tolerant than respectful. Raising a Brindiso dog is difficult and it is very time-consuming work. They have an extremely negative attitude towards strangers and other animals and can attack for no apparent reason. They can easily be provoked into a fight, since these dogs have zero endurance. Therefore, it is strictly prohibited to let this dog off the leash while walking.

5th place. Tibetan Mastiff

The breed, which has been taking root since ancient times, is famous for its power and incredible strength. In ancient times, these dogs were used as guards in monasteries and were indispensable assistants to nomads in the Himalayas. They have been extolled and sung in various works, since the natural physical characteristics of the Tibetan mastiffs are amazing and unique. Even the barking of these dogs was characterized as something unique and characteristic only of this breed.

The external characteristics of the Tibetan Mastiff are as unique as their internal ones. Height can be between 60-77 cm, and weight can reach 80 kg. By nature, mastiffs are very reserved, non-aggressive and calm. It is difficult to make them look negative; representatives of this breed respond with dignity to their opponent.

Created for protection, they behave quite balanced and friendly towards people and other dogs. However, it is worth remembering that the training and education of this dog is an important factor in its life in society. Because the lack of due attention to their person provokes a feeling of alienation in them and makes them evil, renounced sociopaths.

4th place. Central Asian Shepherd Dog (Alabai)

The oldest breed of dog from the regions of Central Asia. Alabais were used for escort, security and guard duty. They were also guardians of the dwellings of cattle and other various household animals.

The psychological characteristics of the breed are quite specific, so training should take place exclusively on an individual basis. As for physical data, the height of representatives of this breed is at least 65 cm, weight can reach 80 kg. Central Asian Shepherds are strong, robust and massive in body structure.

The character of these dogs is friendly and friendly. They will not attack or attack someone unless they feel there is clear danger from them. However, when the Alabai are forced to defend their own and go into battle, things smell like frying.

3rd place. Irish Wolfhound

The Irish Wolfhound is one of the oldest and tallest breeds in the world. In their structure they are very elegant and can reach up to 79 cm in height, as well as up to 55 kg in weight. Dogs of this breed are not heavy, however, their muscles are strong and strong. Physically, wolfhounds are very developed.

The history of the appearance of this breed goes back to the distant past. They were bred to protect and protect livestock from wolf attacks. Due to this, representatives of this breed are strong and muscular, they have incredible strength and endurance.

By nature, the Irish Wolfhound is very friendly and kind. He is calm, balanced and affectionate at home, but impulsive, aggressive and merciless on the hunt.

2nd place. Bull Terrier

Bull Terriers are a breed “for the intelligentsia.” She was nicknamed this way due to the fact that almost all representatives of the upper class level, as well as teachers and students of Oxford itself, were happy to keep dogs of this breed at home. However, it is believed that bull terriers should be raised by people who are strong by nature, so that their tough character does not subjugate all family members.

In terms of their physical structure, these dogs are strong, muscular and have incredible strength. People credit them with the ability to have a “death grip.” The whole point of this process is that if the bull terrier has grabbed his jaw, then it is absolutely impossible to unclench it with the help of physical force. The only way to do this is to break an ampoule of ammonia in front of their nose, the smell of which representatives of this breed absolutely cannot stand.

An attack of aggression can be provoked by absolutely anything, from loud sounds to attempts from other animals. The largest percentage of tragic situations that were caused by dog ​​attacks occurred specifically with bull terriers.

1 place. English Mastiff

A breed of British origin, the largest of all mastiffs. It is believed that the English Mastiff is largest dog in Europe. Judging by its external characteristics, we can say that this breed is deservedly considered one of the most powerful Great Danes in the world, since its height reaches minimum 75 cm, and weight - minimum 70 k d. According to the etymology of the name of the breed, translated from the Anglo-Saxon language “masty” means “strong”. Strength and ferocity are the main character traits of these dogs. It is not surprising that this breed was purchased by the Romans for use in gladiatorial battles in the arena of the Roman Empire.

Since ancient times, these dogs have been direct participants in military affairs, they served for the benefit of the state, were used in hunting large animals and were a kind of overseers of slaves.

However, mastiffs were not always useful to people. Due to their hunting skills and tough temperament, they were prone to attacking prey many times larger than themselves, such as deer. To prevent such precedents from happening, three claws on each front paw were cut off, naively believing that this could stop them from their intended goal.

This breed wins laurels not only in hunting. The English Mastiff also skillfully coped with such a craft as fishing. In Rome, they were indispensable assistants to fishermen in catching bulls, which characterizes them not just as strong dogs, but also as dexterous and very resourceful.

Not only a human friend and a pet. Many breeds can become protectors and will loyally protect their territory and their owner from danger. Big dogs evoke ambivalent feelings. It can be either admiration or fear.

Large and strong breeds need an experienced, responsible leader. Maintaining them is quite difficult. Everything needs the right approach, from feeding to training. The question often arises - what is the strongest dog? The answer can be found in this article.

The strongest dog breed: what is it?

Top 10 strongest dogs in the world:

  1. Pit bull terrier. Dogs of this breed are considered the strongest in the world. They have a rather complex and changeable character. These animals have a strong physique and have enormous physical strength and power. Their jaws are well developed, thanks to which they have a death grip. Despite their innate aggressiveness, pit bull terriers have well-developed intelligence, so they are easy to train. With strict and proper upbringing, they will become a loyal friend and a good guard for their owner. Thanks to their agility, dogs can participate in both dog fights and bullfights.
  2. Rottweiler. This breed ranks second in the ranking of the top 10 strongest dogs in the world. This is a large animal with strong bones and powerful jaws. Rottweilers are very hardy and fearless. With proper upbringing, they will become reliable guards for their owner. However, this is a rather dangerous breed of dog; they should only be owned by experienced owners who are well versed in this breed. For a family with small children, these animals are not suitable. Due to their clumsiness, they can injure the child. These four-legged animals have a stable psyche and are actively used for police service. Rottweilers are also used when hunting game.
  3. Alabai or Central Asian Shepherd Dog. These dogs have not only incredible strength, but also intelligence. Alabais are a brave breed; they are excellent guards. Central Asian Shepherds are able to withstand heavy loads. These animals have a high degree of endurance and often take part in battles. Alabais need training and strict education. They need a lot of space, so keeping these dogs in an apartment is not worth it. Shepherd dogs are quite aggressive towards strangers.
  4. Doberman. These are quite strong and dangerous fighting dogs. They occupy an honorable fourth place on the list. Dobermans have physical strength, endurance and a keen sense of smell. Therefore, they are often used for police service. If you carry out early socialization and properly raise such a pet, it will become a faithful companion for its owner.
  5. . This breed ranks fifth in the ranking. Quadrupeds have strong jaws, a reliable grip and dexterity. They were bred to hunt large predators. These animals can become a serious rival even for a lion. Rhodesian Ridgebacks are energetic, absolutely tireless, active animals. They are not suitable for keeping in an apartment. Ridgebacks have a commanding personality. Their peculiarity is that they are able to withstand heat and drought.
  6. Wolfdog. Quite a rare breed that was bred in Russia. Their ancestors are the wolf and the German shepherd. These animals are used for police work. Wolf dogs have powerful physical strength and jaws. Their death grip will leave the enemy no chance.
  7. Alaskan Malamute. These four-legged animals rightfully occupy seventh place in the top 10 most powerful animals. This is a breed of sled dogs that are very hardy, are not afraid of the cold and are able to survive even in the harshest climatic conditions. Malamutes have good physical characteristics, a strong and muscular build. It is also important that these strong four-legged animals are not devoid of intelligence.
  8. Bullmastiff. The eighth place in the top 10 can, without a doubt, be given to this breed. This is a powerful and also quite intelligent pet. Bullmastiffs are strong and confident animals. They can become excellent watchdogs, as well as faithful companions for their owner. For no apparent reason, these dogs do not show aggression, however, in case of danger, without hesitation they are able to rush into battle and neutralize the offender.
  9. German boxer. This breed is rightfully among the ten most powerful dogs in the world. The ancestors of the Germans were used to hunt wild animals. Boxers have a stable, balanced psyche. They are active and energetic and need regular movement and exercise. These animals work well as guards.
  10. Cane Corso. This large breed closes the top 10 strongest dogs in the world. Their ancestors took part in gladiator fights. Strong and muscular animals with powerful jaws and lightning-fast reactions. Cane Corsos are considered excellent guard dogs; their owners can be confident in their safety.

The largest dog breeds

In addition to these ten largest animals, there are other breeds in the world that are worthy of attention and can be considered the strongest dogs.

Let's look at some of them:

Description of the strongest breeds

Dogo Canario is a large and muscular dog. This breed is fearless and aggressive. Perfect as a guard, and can also be used for hunting animals. The owner of a Dogo Canario must have leadership qualities and be a strong and patient person.

Tosa Inu - This is a Japanese dog breed that was created for fighting. They do not rush at their prey, but wait for it to approach. Then they press him down with a massive body and grab him by the neck. These four-legged animals have a rather complex character, which is why dog ​​training can take a long time. Tosa Inu are very active animals.

is a herding breed that is distinguished by its large stature. These animals are tireless and energetic, and also friendly to people. However, it will be quite difficult for strangers to enter the territory protected by the kangal.

Saint Bernard. These dogs have enormous strength. They were brought out to rescue people from avalanches.

Akita Inu - This is a large breed of dog. These animals can become very attached to their owner and are perfect for families with small children. Previously, the Akita Inu was used to hunt predators such as wolves and bears.

Tibetan mastiff is a rather rare and very expensive breed of dog. These are fearless, stubborn animals that have good intuition. With age they become quite calm and balanced, showing aggression only in case of danger.

Boerboel are dangerous dogs that are banned in some countries. The owner of these animals must be a strong and responsible leader. If improperly trained, Boerboels can attack people.

Irish Wolfhound is a large dog that was bred to catch wolves. They are able to move quickly and react with lightning speed. Wolfhounds are excellent guards and hunters.

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Are you interested in knowing what the top strongest dogs in the world look like? It's always interesting what living beings are capable of: it's almost always much more than we can imagine.

And this is interesting because it makes us understand: we ourselves can do much more than we think. Especially if we observe animals as close to us as a dog.

First, it’s logical to look at the facts. The Guinness Book has established records for the strength of dogs. In 1978, a four-year-old Saint Bernard named Raittes Brandy Bear(Rayttes Brandy Bear) dragged a load of 2,905 kg placed on a cart five meters. This is a record for the weight moved by a four-legged pet.

In 1979 Newfoundland (or diver) named Barbara Allens Dark Hans(Barbara Allens Dark Hans) handled a load of 2289 kilograms. This is less than the previous record, you ask? Which is the strongest dog in the world between these two strongmen?

The St. Bernard weighed 80 kg, and the Newfoundland weighed only 44. In terms of the ratio of body weight to the weight moved, the second record holder, namely the Newfoundland Barbara Allens Dark Hans, is considered the strongest.

Top 10 strongest breeds

Which breeds are stronger than others? In addition to outstanding, famous individuals, there is also an unofficial ranking of the top 10 strongest dogs in the world. It consists of the average indicators of the power and strength of its representatives.

To get to the top there are general physical criteria: height from 60 centimeters, weight from 50 kg. So, we present the ranking of dog strength and power.

Let's get to know these giants better.

1. St. Bernard– without exaggeration, this is the strongest breed of dog in the world. This rock was from the avalanches at the Grand St. Bernard Pass.

To dig out victims from under a thick layer of snow, and often to help them move, St. Bernards needed great strength.

Saint Bernard

2. Newfoundland. It is too She even has webbing between her toes!

Naturally, in order to pull an adult, often chaotically moving person out of the water in difficult conditions,

The breed is also used for transporting firewood and other heavy loads. Adults weigh 70-80 kg. Included in


3. Central Asian Shepherd Dog (Alabai)., used as a herding, service, security. Descended from the most ancient Asian and fighting breeds of Mesopotamia. For many centuries, Alabai (it would be more correct to say “Central Asian Shepherd Dogs”) guarded flocks from wolves and jackals, which naturally made the breed strong. At the withers 70 cm, weight - from 50 kg.

The record holder, nicknamed Bulldozer, weighs as much as 125 kilograms.

Central Asian Shepherd Dog (Alabai)

German dog

9. Dogue de Bordeaux– In the past, it was a fighting dog (participated in bullfights!) and a hunting dog. Butchers' shops were often guarded. The height of males is up to 68 cm, weight – from 50 kg.

Dogue de Bordeaux

10. Cane Corso also called Italian Mastiff. Representatives of this breed took part in gladiator fights. They protected the herds from predators. In Italy there is a saying “brave as a Corso.” Height up to 72 cm, weight up to 50 kg.

Cane Corso

Fighting dogs: strong in a different way

These are not as big dogs as the ones listed above, but they are certainly one of the strongest: and they were bred for dog fighting after dog fighting with bulls was banned in England.

These dogs are distinguished by the most powerful jaws (), as well as good reaction, strength and endurance.

Bull Terrier

Stafford, or from breeds of baiting dogs.

Brave dog with good reaction. Good as a guard, has powerful jaws.

The height and weight parameters (up to 48 cm, up to 40 kg, respectively) look rather weak, but the strength records demonstrated by the Amstaffs in competitions are impressive.

The result of Stafford dragging a load weighing 135 kilograms was officially recorded.

Take a closer look - Stafford is the embodiment of strength and power!

Staffordshire Terrier

So, we learned a lot of amazing (and also a little scary!) about the dog - man's friend, about what is the strongest breed of dog in the world. A strong friend is good!

Check out the visual description of the St. Bernards, including the record holder named Raittes Brandy Bear in the video below:

Some people, when choosing a barking pet, want to find in its face (more precisely, its face) not only a faithful, but also a strong friend. We will tell you about such breeds in this top 10 strongest dogs in the world. However, it is worth remembering that each breed has its own special character and care features, which are worth learning before you get a puppy.

10 Boxer

To create this breed of dog, dog breeds such as the Bulldog and the Bullenbeiser were crossed. These dogs have good physical strength. The powerful jaws of boxer dogs provide a strong grip.

9 Staffordshire Terrier

Breeds such as the bulldog and terrier took part in the creation of the Staffordshire Terrier breed. The Staffordshire Terrier has a muscular and strong body. This breed of dog has a strong bite and a strong grip. In addition to good physical strength, Staffordshire Terriers have an impressive sense of smell, capable of distinguishing many odors.

8 Bull Terrier

Bull Terriers have great physical strength. Their body is very muscular and strong. If a dog of this breed has clenched an object in its teeth, it is almost impossible to open its jaws using physical force. To take something out of a bull terrier's mouth, you need to scare the dog away with a smell that it doesn't like. The height of dogs of this breed is usually about 35.5 cm. The weight of a bull terrier, most often, is approximately 8-13 kg.

7 Central Asian Shepherd Dog (Alabai)

In the past, this breed of dog was most often used as a guard dog. Central Asian Shepherd Dogs were often trusted to guard barns where cattle and other animals lived. Dogs of this breed can also help shepherds. For many centuries, Central Asian Shepherd Dogs protected flocks from jackals and wolves. Height at the withers is usually about 70 cm. Weight, most often, exceeds 50 kg. The record-breaking Central Asian Shepherd named Bulldozer weighs 125 kg.

6 Irish Wolfhound

This breed of dog was specially bred to hunt wolves. The ancestors of the Irish Wolfhound breed helped humans in hunting wild boars and elk. In addition to good physical strength, the Irish Wolfhound has a quick reaction and pronounced hunting and guard instincts. The height of such a dog usually does not exceed 86 cm. The weight of the Irish Wolfhound, most often, is approximately 45-55 kg.

5 Akita Inu

In the past, Akita Inus helped people hunt large animals. Two dogs of this breed could hold a bear. They hunted deer and wild boar with the Akita Inu. The height of a dog of this breed at the withers is usually about 61-67 cm. Weight, most often, is about 40-50 kg.

4 Dogue de Bordeaux

In the Middle Ages, Dogues de Bordeaux often proved themselves to be skilled hunting dogs. In the past, dogs of this breed were taken to hunt large animals: for example, bear, wolf, elk or wild boar. The height at the withers of the Dogue de Bordeaux is usually approximately 58-68 cm. The weight of a dog of this breed, most often, is approximately 45-55 kg.

3 English Mastiff

They say that in Ancient Babylon, English mastiffs were used to hunt even such large animals as bears or lions. Strength is not the only advantage of these dogs. They are quite dexterous and resourceful, which is why in the past in Rome, English mastiffs helped fishermen, namely, catching bulls. The height at the withers of a dog of this breed is approximately 70-76 cm. Weight usually ranges from 80-86 kg. It happened that the weight of the English mastiff exceeded 150 kg.

2 Saint Bernard

This breed of dog was bred in the 17th century. The monks from the monastery of St. Bernard bred such dogs for an unusual purpose: rescuing people from avalanches that happened on the Great St. Bernard Pass. To dig out an injured person from under a considerable layer of snow, the dogs, of course, needed good physical strength. But often then the injured people also needed help in moving. There is a known case when St. Bernard Barry carried a boy injured in an avalanche for 5 km. The height at the withers of St. Bernards is approximately 70 cm. Weight is usually 45-90 kg.

1 Newfoundland

Newfoundlands are a breed of rescue dogs. This breed was bred to help people drowning in water. Newfoundlands even have webbed toes. To pull an adult, who is often scared and moves chaotically, out of the water, considerable physical strength is needed. Newfoundlands were also sometimes used to transport firewood. The weight of a dog of this breed is usually about 70-80 kg.

If you carefully choose the breed of dog, study all the necessary information about it, train your pet correctly and, of course, love it, then you will have a wonderful friend.