Karst Shepherd Dog. Karst Sheepdog - Animals and Nature Characteristics of the Karst Sheepdog breed

Karst Shepherd Dog (Krassian Shepherd Dog) ORIGIN. Like most shepherds, the ancestors of the Karst Shepherd lived in the ancient East.

DESCRIPTION OF THE BREED. The Karst Shepherd is a strong, medium-sized dog. Height at the withers - 55-60 cm. Weight - 30-40 kg, 10% less in females. The head is large. The teeth are very well developed. The eyes are almond-shaped, chestnut or dark brown. Ears are drooping. The tail is saber-shaped, length to the hock joint. The coat is thick, quite long, with good undercoat. Color: steel with dark markings.

CHARACTER. The Karst Shepherd is a pleasant, domestic and cheerful dog, but it will not tolerate the slightest attempt to disturb the peace of its owner or the herd he protects.

USAGE. Shepherds highly value the Karst Shepherd for its endurance and the energy with which it guards and protects the flock even in the worst weather. The special shape of the pads on its paws and the hard skin on the soles allow it to move easily and painlessly along the rocky mountain slopes of Kras. In addition, the Karst Shepherd can be an excellent companion dog, unlike its less friendly relative, the Illyrian Shepherd.

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The Karst Shepherd is a breed of livestock working dog developed in Slovenia. This mountain dog breed is recognized by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale with the support of Slovenia.


Karst Shepherds are medium-sized dogs with well-developed muscles and a strong build. The tail and ears hang. The length of the body in proportion to the height at the withers must be at least 9:8. The width of the skull is equal to its length.

The coat of Karst Shepherd Dogs is long (up to 10 cm), straight, with abundant undercoat. The color is greyish, dark shades on the back are preferable, on the belly the color is lighter. There is a dark mask on the muzzle.

Height at the withers for males is from 57 to 63 cm, weight is from 30 to 42 kg. Bitches up to 60 cm in height and weighing from 25 to 37 kg.


The breed standard describes a dog with a strong individual character and distrustful of strangers. This is a good guard dog. Like all large dogs, Karst Shepherds must be socialized at an early age to make an excellent companion. Please note that individual dog temperaments can vary significantly.


Karst Shepherd Dogs are named after karst plateaus in Slovenia and Italy. The breed's main breeding grounds were Slovenia and the Istrian peninsula in northern Croatia. The ancestors of the modern breed walked with shepherds in these areas and most likely came there with the ancient nomadic herders. In 1689, ethnographer Janez Valvasor mentioned herding dogs in his work exploring the areas of modern Slovenia and Istria, but the breed itself was not described. In the 20th century, the breed was first described and named the Illyrian Shepherd Dog. For a long time, Karst Shepherds and Sharplaninakis were considered varieties of the Illyrian Shepherd, but in 1968 the Canine Federation of Yugoslavia recognized them as separate breeds.

There were several periods in the 20th century when the number of Karst Shepherds was very low. Fearing inbreeding, it was decided to dilute the breed with Newfoundland. The total number of Karst Shepherd Dogs in 2008 was about 600-700 individuals. In 2009, a breeding program for these dogs was adopted to improve characteristics and maintain genetic diversity.

Coming many centuries ago from the territories of the Dalmatian and Isterian islands together with representatives of the Indo-European peoples, the breed of faithful guards, the Kraski Shepherd Dog (international name “Kraski Ovchar”), settled in Slovenia near the Kraski mountain range, the name of which served as the basis for the name of this breed. The first written records about these dogs date back to the end of the 17th century.

This breed officially legalized its place on 06/02/1939, under the name “Illyrian Shepherd”. And only in 1968 there was a division of the group of Illyrian Shepherd Dogs into: Krashskaya - which came from the Krashski Mountains and Sarplanskaya - from the Sarplan massif. The first time the breed was officially presented to the public was in Lublin at an exhibition in 1926.

The Crash Shepherd is a Molosser and Mountain Shepherd type dog.

External data

  • The size of the Krash Shepherd is described as medium.
  • The height of mature individuals: males from 56 to 63 cm, females from 54 to 60 cm.
  • Weight: males from 30 to 42 kg, females from 25 to 37 kg.
  • The dog's body is muscular, has a proportional build and well-developed muscle mass. The head is wide, slightly narrowed at the nose. Muscular wide neck. The ears are medium length, hanging. The chest is developed, the stomach is retracted. Slightly sloping croup and strong top. The tail is medium sized and carried downwards. The paws have an oval, slightly rounded shape. The eyes are chestnut or deep brown.
  • The length of the body in relation to the height of the withers is 9 to 8.
  • The dog's body is covered with elongated hair with a prominent muff and dewlap, as well as soft undercoat. The head and limbs have tight-fitting hair.
  • Color - base deep gray on the back, soft gray on the belly and paws. Possible yellow tan.
  • Movements are flexible and harmonious, with a high level of coordination.

Health indicators

Naturally Crash Shepherds strong and resilient. The mountain climate gave them strong immunity and good health.

The paw pads are a reliably protected place on the dog’s body, due to their shape, as well as the special skin covering. No genetic diseases have been noted in this breed. The average life expectancy is 14 years.

Required care and conditions of detention

Based on the fact that the Crush Shepherd is active, hardy and energetic, the best place for her to live would be own plot. An apartment area is also suitable, but here it should be taken into account that the dog will need long and regular walks in the fresh air, with the possibility of doing the runs it needs so much.

In addition, her hair will require special care. Having long hair, the Crush Shepherd needs to be thoroughly combed and monitored. The dog's eyes, ears and claws also require careful care. The eyes and ears need to be clean, the nails grow back quite quickly, so if you do not achieve hunting goals from the dog, they should be trimmed often.

The main food of a dog's diet is meat. For the Krash Shepherd, lean types are preferred: beef, lamb. In addition to the content of meat ingredients in the diet, sources of vitamins and microelements that are beneficial to the body are also important: vegetables, buckwheat, rice, eggs.

Protein is an essential element of food for the Krash Shepherd. Additional use of vitamin complexes is possible. The following should be excluded from food: sweet foods, fatty foods, potatoes, bone parts of birds and fish.

Character traits, purpose and training

The Crush Shepherd's temperament is courageous and energetic. Devotion and loyalty to the owner are their main features. Another good indicator is the dog's high intelligence.

Pride and individuality distinguish it from other breeds. Because of these character traits, raising a Crash Shepherd requires a fair amount of attention and time. Only by showing respect in training and showing that she is an equal comrade and companion will her training become possible. A rude attitude towards her will be rebuffed and will lead to a breakdown in mutual understanding between the owner and the dog.

By the nature of its origin, the Crash Shepherd is hunter and watchman. She was originally used as a shepherd. High physical characteristics made it possible to calmly leave her to guard numerous herds, because even a fight with a wolf was easy for the shepherd dog. Loyal to their owner, they fulfilled the mission of protecting the territory with full dedication. Having excellent guarding skills, the Crash Shepherd is ideal for reliable protection of the area provided in its possession. Wary of strangers, dogs of this breed will definitely detain strangers who have entered the territory entrusted to it without the owner’s permission.

Also, thanks to its kindness and calm nature, the Crash Shepherd is an excellent family dog. The exclusion of sudden manifestations of aggression from behavior makes these dogs friendly and promote calm communication with children, without fear for the child’s health.

By training this breed with the proper individual approach, it is possible to teach the dog multiple necessary commands related to its intended purpose.

It is considered a deviation from the norm of physical and mental characteristics:

  • Defects of the general skeletal structure.
  • Square body.
  • Light colored eyes.
  • Back down.
  • Ears are erect.
  • Curled tail.
  • Wavy hair.
  • Clumsy movements.
  • A white spot on the chest, more than 10 cm in length.
  • Short tail.
  • Aggressive behavior.

Breed photo

Karst Shepherd Dog (Kraski Ovchar) - detailed description of the dog breed, photos, videos, features of keeping and history of the origin of the breed

Photo: Karst Shepherd (Kraski Ovchar)

Breed dossier

About 11-12 years old.

  • Country of origin:


  • Classification:

    Group 2: Pinscher and Schnauzer, Molosser and Swiss Cattle Dogs

    FCI Section: Section 2: Molossians

    Subsection: 2.2 Mountain

  • Training:

    Special attention should be paid to training a dog because of its independent nature, which it will try to demonstrate throughout its life. Training should be persistent, but not rough. Karst Shepherd puppies require early socialization and training.

  • Color:

    with gray-steel, areas of light fur in the form of glasses around the eyes, a black mask is required on the muzzle.

  • Dimensions.

    Height at withers 51-61 cm. Weight 26-40 kg.

  • General impression:
  • Usage.

    This is a working dog that was originally used as a shepherd.

    She is alert and has an impressive appearance, making her an excellent watchman and protector.

    Today, Karst Shepherd Dogs are increasingly acting as companions.

  • Physical exercise:

    Requires regular exercise.

  • Character:

    She has a wonderful character, good-natured and cheerful disposition.

  • Content:

    The Kart Shepherd should be kept in suburban conditions.

  • Grooming:

    It is necessary to brush your dog's fur regularly.

  • Amenability:

    She is affectionate, playful and good-natured with her owner and his family members. He is wary of strangers.

  • Diseases:

    Healthy breed.

  • Diet:

    Unpretentious to food.

  • Lifespan:
  • History of origin of the breed

    The Karst Shepherd is the oldest local breed of the Yugoslav Alps (Middle Ages). It is close in origin to the herding guard dogs of Greece and Romania, and may be the predecessor of other herding breeds.

    The Kart Shepherd can sometimes be seen at European dog shows, but outside its homeland it is little known.


    The head is large and massive. The skull is slightly convex. The forehead is straight and wide.

    The muzzle is relatively short and voluminous.

    The eyes are almond-shaped and set obliquely. Dark brown or chestnut color.

    The ears fit close to the head and are shaped like the letter “V”.

    The body is strong, almost square in format, with well-developed muscles.

    The neck is wide and muscular.

    The front legs are oval, the hind legs are round and compact.

    The tail is of medium length, saber-shaped. Highly placed. Densely covered with long hair.

    ORIGIN. Like most shepherds, the ancestors of the Karst Shepherd lived in the ancient East.

    DESCRIPTION. The Karst or Krash Shepherd is a strong, medium-sized dog. Height at the withers - 55-60 cm. Weight - 30-40 kg, 10% less in females. The head is large. The teeth are very well developed. The eyes are almond-shaped, chestnut or dark brown. Ears are drooping. The tail is saber-shaped, length to the hock joint. The coat is thick, quite long, with good undercoat. Color: steel with dark markings.

    CHARACTER. The Karst Shepherd is a pleasant, domestic and cheerful dog, but it will not tolerate the slightest attempt to disturb the peace of its owner or the herd he protects.

    USAGE. Shepherds highly value the Karst Shepherd for its endurance and the energy with which it guards and protects the flock even in the worst weather. The special shape of the pads on its paws and the tough skin on its soles allow it to move easily and painlessly along the rocky mountain slopes of Kras. In addition, the Karst Shepherd can be an excellent companion dog, unlike its less friendly relative, the Illyrian Shepherd.