Pink flamingo. Lifestyle and habitat of the pink flamingo. The common flamingo is the eighth wonder of the world. Description and photo of the flamingo bird Does the flamingo fly or not?

Flamingos are one of the most beautiful and unusual birds. This is the only representative of the flaminga family of the order Flamingiformes.

Famous writers compare pink flamingos to birds of paradise, naturally unique, graceful and very beautiful.

According to recent scientific research, the history of the origin of these birds goes back more than 30 million years.

Description and lifestyle

These birds are characterized by having a long flexible neck, long legs and plumage that can vary in color from white to red. The toes are connected by a swimming membrane. But the most important feature of the flamingo can be called its extraordinary beak. It is very massive and has a downward curved shape. Unlike other birds, flamingos have a movable upper part of their beak, not the lower part.

Currently, there are 6 species of flamingos, which are distributed in Central and South Asia, Central and South America, Africa and the Caucasus.

The largest and most widespread species of flamingo is the common, or pink, flamingo. Its height ranges from 1.2 to 1.5 meters, and its weight can reach 3.5 kg. The smallest species is the small flamingo, growing up to 80 cm and weighing up to 2.5 kg.

Flamingos live along the banks of shallow bodies of water or in lagoons. They live in large colonies that can number up to several thousand individuals. When danger arises, the entire colony takes off, which confuses the predator. In addition, the flight feathers of flamingos are colored black, which prevents the predator from focusing on the prey. Unfortunately, as a result of poaching, the populations of these birds have greatly decreased, and in many countries these extraordinary birds are listed in the Red Book.

Flamingos can live in extremely unfavorable conditions in which many animals cannot survive. For example, their colonies can be observed along the shores of highly saline and alkaline lakes. Also, these birds are able to tolerate significant temperature changes.

Flamingos, with the exception of northern populations, lead a sedentary lifestyle. Their natural enemies are large feathered predators - falcons, eagle, as well as foxes, jackals and wolves.

The flamingo's diet consists of small crustaceans, algae, insect larvae, worms and mollusks. Their beak is well adapted to catching such types of prey. In search of food, the bird turns its head so that the beak is at the bottom. Its shape allows it to scoop up water along with prey. Then, using the tongue and special plates in the beak, the flamingo filters the water and swallows the prey.

The algae and crustaceans that flamingos feed on contain carotenoid pigments. It is thanks to them that the plumage of these birds acquires a pink color. In zoos, so that flamingos do not lose their natural color, they are fed not only seafood, but also food containing carotene - for example, carrots.

To breed, flamingos wait for the rainy season. Heavy rain not only protects them from predators, but also provides them with building material. Flamingos build nests in shallow water, placing them close to each other. The shape of the nest is a cone up to 60 cm high. The building materials are silt, mud and shell rock.

Flamingos usually lay one egg, but sometimes a clutch may consist of two or three eggs. The chicks are born active and well developed and leave the nest within a few days. Parents feed their offspring with bird's milk. These are secretions of special glands in the esophagus of adult birds. The nutritional value of bird's milk is comparable to that of mammals. The chicks feed in this way for two months, until their beak grows enough so that they can independently obtain food, like adults. At about two and a half months of age, young flamingos grow to the size of adult birds and begin to fly.

Flamingos, like other long-legged birds, tend to stand on one leg. It is believed that they do this to reduce heat loss. Long legs have a very unfavorable volume-to-surface ratio in terms of heat transfer. Standing on one leg, the flamingo warms its other leg in the warmth of its plumage.

Before they take off, flamingos run through the water. The length of such a run is 5-6 m. And in the sky, the silhouette of a flamingo resembles the shape of a cross. The bird flies, stretching its neck and legs.

Many people are surprised when they learn that a flamingo is a bird. This is a very beautiful word. But when you see this bird with your own eyes, you cease to doubt that this name suits it. The word "flamingo" means "red feather". And it is right. After all, representatives of this family have red or bright pink feathers with black edging around the edges, which is visible only during flight.

What does it look like?

Flamingo is a bird, a brief description of which you will find in this article. Having seen her once, you will no longer confuse her with any other. These birds also have legs. Moreover, the neck often gets tired, and they put their head on the body to give the stiff muscles a rest. The large beak consists of keratinized particles. It is curved in such a way that it is convenient for them to catch food from the water. A peculiarity of the structure of the flamingo’s mouthparts is that its upper jaw is mobile, not the lower. Flamingo is a bird that reaches a height of 90 to 135 cm and has a wingspan of 140-165 centimeters. Males are larger than females. The color of the feathers leaves an unforgettable impression. The pink flamingo is especially beautiful. A bird to which songs and poems are even dedicated. The color of her feathers depends on the food she eats. The pink color comes from carotenoids found in small crustaceans. The more of them a bird eats, the brighter its color will be.

How does he eat?

The structure of the flamingo is specially adapted for the lifestyle that the bird leads. with membranes, they rake the bottom of the shallow water from which it feeds. The hard beak filters water; for this purpose, there are bony protrusions on its edges. The flamingo is a bird that eats very small food, and in order not to swallow large amounts of water, it engages in straining, as a result of which the water collected in its beak is poured back out, but the food remains. To get food, it lowers its head completely into the water. Interestingly, flamingo tongues were eaten in ancient Rome. A dish made from it was considered a delicacy. But this muscular organ helps birds pump water into their mouths. What do flamingos eat? The answer is simple - everything that gets into their beak. After all, they do not have the opportunity to spit out what they do not like. Therefore, in their stomachs they find silt, small fish, small crustaceans, and mollusks. Flamingo is a bird that lives in a group. But while eating, she will fiercely defend her territory.

The secret is out

Representatives of the flamingo family have other behavioral features. For example, they like to stand on one leg. Moreover, it has been noticed that they do this mainly in water. Scientists have calculated that the period of standing on one leg can be about one hour. You've probably wondered why waterfowl are attracted to this position. The thing is that this is how birds improve their thermoregulation. Simply put, they tuck their paws in to keep warm. It's not easy to stand in cold water for a long time. They fly with their legs extended to their full length, and in flight they make sounds similar to a goose cackling. Flamingo is a beautiful bird. A flock of these creatures, consisting of thousands of individuals, looks wonderful. But flamingos don't get together to show off.

Time to multiply

In a large colony, it is easier to warn each other about the appearance of a predator and find a life partner. Interestingly, birds reproduce better in a large flock. Flamingos attract females through a ritual movement. If the female is interested, she begins to repeat the movements of the male. Flamingos can be considered a model of fidelity. After all, these birds often create one pair for life and raise their chicks together. During the mating season, adults gather near a source of fresh water. They begin their ritual movements, trying to show the size and beauty of their plumage. Flamingos spread and stretch their wings and try to touch other nearby birds with their beaks and wingtips. Scientists have noticed that both males and females do this. Moreover, an observer from the outside will not be able to determine the sex of the birds. After all, they have the same color. Females repeat the movements of males. If the couple likes each other, then the female begins to move away from the group, continuing to make movements that attract the male. The male will begin to sway and follow his lady to continue the race.

My house

Flamingos can breed at any time of the year. Although they prefer to do this at the beginning of summer. During this period, the water is warmer, and there are more opportunities to create a nest and obtain food. These birds build their nest from clay. It is a hill with a depression in the middle in which the female will lay her egg. In order to make bedding, flamingos use branches, feathers and leaves. The female lays one milky white egg. Both partners do incubation. When one of them sits on the nest, the other gets food for itself. Chicks are born after 28-32 days. And although fur babies are born with their eyes open, they cannot feed themselves and are unable to fly. The chicks stay in the nest for 5-8 days. The babies come into contact with “children” from other nests. Parents distinguish their offspring by the sounds they make. This is ensured by an interesting natural mechanism. The fact is that small birds begin to make sounds while still in the egg. Parents get used to them and recognize their babies when they are born.

This is not a myth

But the chicks also recognize their parents by the voice they hear at a distance of 100 meters. They approach them, having caught a special call. It is not customary for flamingos to feed other people's chicks. If the parents do not do this, the baby will die of hunger. It turns out that bird's milk is not fiction. It is this drink that flamingos feed their chicks. Moreover, it is very similar in composition to human, and is produced thanks to the hormone prolactin. Only chicks, of course, feed differently than young mammals. Bird milk is secreted from a special nutritious secretion, which is located in the beak of an adult bird. It is noteworthy that it is not white, but red. Together with it, the first pigments enter the chick's body, which color its feathers pink.

We need to save

Yes, flamingos are a Red Book bird about which, unfortunately, already has an entry on its pages. Nowadays, there is a struggle to preserve them. From whom should these creatures be protected? In their natural habitat, they have enemies - predators who not only hunt adult individuals, but also destroy their eggs. Moreover, these are not only foxes, badgers, hyenas, baboons, wild boars, but also Turkish vultures and yellow gulls. Also, the enemy of the flamingo is man. He eats the eggs and meat of these beautiful birds. He also uses feathers that have an unusual color.


Flamingo is a bird, a brief description of which you found in this article. I would like to mention that there are six species in their genus, which have minor differences from each other. The Andean flamingo is 120 centimeters tall and has white and pink plumage with black flight wings. He has yellow paws. The red flamingo has red plumage, although it can be bright pink. The pink flamingo is the largest among its brothers. His height may be 135 centimeters. Its feathers are soft pink. The wings are red, with black flight feathers. The small flamingo is small in height, only about 90 centimeters. Its feathers are light or dark pink. The shape of the beak has slight differences. James's flamingo is almost the same size and color, but it has a bright yellow beak with a black tip.

This is what she is, a flamingo bird. The description for children may be somewhat simplified. But they should definitely learn about one of our planet’s very own, and why it has such a color.

Everyone, both adults and children, knows about the existence of these beautiful noble birds. But not everyone has seen them live in a zoo, and even fewer in the wild. Where do flamingos live? What is their habitat? What do they eat? How do different species differ from each other? The article will answer these questions.

Classification: species, genus, family, order

Flamingo (Latin flamma - fire) is the only surviving genus of birds of the Flamingidae family, which, in turn, belongs to the order Flamingiformes. In addition to them, the family includes several relict genera. The Flamingo genus includes several species: the common or pink flamingo, Andean, red, Chilean, small, and James flamingos.

These birds owe their name to the characteristic coloring of their wings, on which bright red feathers grow on top and on the inside. It formed the basis for the official, scientific name of the genus - Phoenicopterus, which was given to it by Carl Linnaeus. The scientist probably saw in the coloring of flamingos features that make them similar to the mythical fiery Phoenix, which burns and is reborn from the ashes.

Characteristic features, structure of birds

Flamingos have long, thin legs that allow them to roam freely in shallow water. There are membranes on the toes that allow the bird not to get stuck in the mud. Birds have a long flexible neck, which helps them bend low and search for prey in the water. But the most recognizable feature of flamingos of all species is their wide, downward-curved beak.

Flamingos can often be seen standing on one leg. At this time, they tighten the other one to reduce heat loss, since their thin, long limbs have a fairly large surface. In windy weather, birds freeze. Standing on one leg does not cause them any discomfort and is natural. It is not difficult for flamingos to hold it in an extended position; this pose does not require any special muscle effort from them. The skin on the legs of birds is very dense. Thanks to this, they can live near very salty and even alkaline lakes and wander around them for several hours, looking for food.

Where the pink flamingo lives, the water is often unsuitable for drinking. But some planktonic organisms, for example brine shrimp, which make up the main part of the pink flamingo’s diet, live in very salty water, thrive in it and reproduce, also due to the lack of fish, which simply cannot live in such reservoirs. Therefore, flamingos are very fond of such reservoirs. However, they can fly to freshwater reservoirs and springs to wash off excess salt and drink.

Flamingo plumage

Flamingos owe their unique plumage color primarily to their diet. Dying substances called lipochromes enter their bodies along with plankton containing the pigment canthaxanthin. When birds are kept in captivity, their diet, in addition to crustaceans, is enriched with plant products containing carotene - bell peppers, sweet carrots. Flamingo flight feathers are always black. According to scientists, this coloring is distracting and serves to mislead the predator, which, due to the black flight feathers flashing before its eyes, cannot determine the exact position of the prey.

Nutrition of adults and features of the diet of chicks

What does a flamingo eat? And where does this beautiful bird live? Its main food is small crustaceans. Birds usually settle on the banks of shallow bodies of water. With the help of a beak, the upper part of which is movable, and not the lower, like all birds, flamingos scoop up water or liquid silt. The beak allows them to filter prey from water or mud. The powerful tongue makes pushing movements, water flows out through the covered beak, which acts like a sieve. And only the edible part of the catch remains in the mouth - what can be swallowed. At the same time, the beak of African (small) flamingos is much thinner, and its capabilities as a filter are greater. Therefore, they can filter out not only small crustaceans and shrimp, but also unicellular algae.

Where flamingos live, there is a lot of food that is familiar to them. A bird eats an amount of food per day, the mass of which is about a quarter of its own weight. Their large colonies naturally purify a lot of water every day. Thus, one of the colonies of pink flamingos living in India, which includes about half a million birds, eats almost 145 tons of food every day.

In the event of a shortage of usual food, flamingos are capable of making long flights to other bodies of water - up to 50-60 kilometers.

Nursing offspring

Birds are monogamous. Nesting begins at the age of 5-6 years. A female flamingo lays 1-3 eggs at a time, but most often there is one baby in each family. The nests of these birds have a bizarre conical shape. They are unique; no other bird species builds them like this. To create them, flamingos use their paws to scrape silt and dirt into a pile. The chicks leave the nest within a few days, and at the age of two and a half months they catch up with the adults in size and begin to fly.

Interestingly, newborn birds have straight beaks, therefore they cannot filter water. Parents come to the rescue, feeding the chicks with so-called bird's milk - a special red liquid secretion - for up to two months. It is secreted by glands that line the esophagus from the inside. The secretion contains fat, protein, and some plankton. The same hormone is responsible for the production of “milk” as in mammals, including humans.

The colony raises its chicks together, just as penguins do, and there can be several hundred babies in it at the same time.

Settlement area. Common flamingo

Where do flamingos live? In Russia, the pink flamingo, also known as the common flamingo, is best known. This is the most common species, and also the only one living in the territory of the former USSR - in Kazakhstan. In addition, although flamingos do not nest on the territory of our country, during seasonal migration they fly through Russia - Dagestan, the Volga region, Stavropol and Krasnodar territories, even affecting the south of Siberia. Wintering for these populations occurs in Afghanistan, Iran, and Azerbaijan.

Where do pink flamingos live in Europe? Their colonies are in southern France, southern Spain, and in the south of the island of Sardinia. In Africa, this species lives in Morocco, southern Tunisia, Kenya, in Asia - on the lakes of India and Afghanistan.

Andean flamingo

Sexual maturity is reached at the age of 6 years. There are 1-2 eggs in a clutch. Both males and females incubate the eggs. Representatives of this species are generally very difficult to distinguish by gender, although males are usually somewhat larger (2.5-3 kg, females - 2-2.5 kg). The height of birds is 100-110 cm.

Red flamingos are kept in the Moscow Zoo along with pink ones. Representatives of different species are friendly to each other, but do not form mixed pairs. They reproduce well in captivity and live up to 40-50 years.


Where do flamingos live, in what country? This species is mainly found in Africa. He is the most numerous. These are small birds, only 80-90 cm in height. Its beak is darker than other species and has a burgundy color. The characteristic black spot at the end of the beak is also present. The horny plates on it are well developed, thanks to which the lesser flamingo can filter water more thoroughly than other species.

If you do not feed the small flamingo with its usual food, in captivity it, like other species, quickly becomes white, not counting the characteristic black tips of its feathers. These birds are good swimmers.

Instead of a conclusion

Thus, to the question of where pink flamingos live, the answers may be different, because different species of these birds are colored this color to varying degrees. The only exception can be considered, perhaps, the red flamingo due to its specific coloring. In general, the distribution area of ​​this genus covers the countries of South America, Asia, southern Europe, the Caribbean Islands, and certain areas of the African continent.

Flamingos are birds that scientists classify as members of the flamingidae family. These birds have an unusual appearance. Which? Look at the photo of this beautiful bird and you will understand everything for yourself.

There are six species of these birds in the world: the Andean flamingo, the red flamingo, the lesser flamingo, the common flamingo, James's flamingo, and the Chilean flamingo.

Appearance of a flamingo bird

Depending on the species, they can reach different heights and weights. The smallest species is the small flamingo, living in southern and eastern Africa; they grow to 80-90 centimeters and weigh about 1.5-2 kilograms.

The largest are pink flamingos, which live in Europe and Asia; their height is about 1.3 meters and their weight is 3.5-4 kilograms.

Females are slightly smaller than males. Flamingos often stand on one leg. The reasons for this behavior are not exactly clear, but according to recent scientific research, birds reduce heat loss in this way, since they have to stay in cold water for hours.

Flamingos have a long neck. The plumage varies from white to red.

The red and pink shades of feathers come from bacteria in the water that contain beta-carotene. The flight wings of these birds are black. There are webs between the toes.

The birds have an unusual massive beak with a curved lower part. With the help of such a beak, the bird filters food from the water. The young are reddish-gray in color.

Where do flamingos live?

They live in the western and eastern regions of Africa, India, Asia Minor and the Caspian Sea. Flamingos are also found in Europe - in southern Spain, Sardinia and France. If we talk about the American continent, flamingos have chosen the northeastern part of South America, Central America and Florida.

Behavior of flamingo birds in nature

The habitat of flamingos is the shores of small reservoirs and lagoons. These birds live in large colonies, which can consist of hundreds of thousands of individuals.

Flamingos lead a sedentary lifestyle. These birds prefer reservoirs with a high concentration of salt, in which there are many crustaceans, but no fish.

In search of their favorite habitat, flamingos can settle on the shores of mountain lakes. It is worth noting that these birds tolerate low and high temperatures well. Because birds live in hostile environments, their legs are covered with tough skin. From time to time, flamingos fly to fresh water bodies, where they get drunk and wash off salt deposits from their bodies.

What do flamingos eat?

These birds feed on crustaceans, blue-green algae, mollusks, small worms and insect larvae.

Flamingos obtain food in shallow waters. When searching for food, the bird turns its head so that the upper beak is down. Water enters the mouth and the bird closes it. The flamingo pushes water out of its mouth using its rough tongue through hairy structures called lamellae.

The bird swallows the food remaining in its mouth. This process happens very quickly.

Reproduction and lifespan

Flamingos mate for life. Birds build nests from mud, shell rock and silt. The nests are cone-shaped and reach a height of 60-70 centimeters. This height of the nest protects the masonry during rising water.

Listen to the voice of a flamingo

Most often, there is 1 egg in a clutch. The incubation time lasts 1 month. Parents feed their chicks with a special pink liquid produced in the glands of the esophagus. This liquid contains large amounts of protein and fat, making it extremely nutritious.

The chicks stay in the nest for 6 days, then gradually begin to leave it. Parents feed their babies for about 2 months. The young then develop a beak, and the birds can feed themselves, filtering food like adults.

The young begin to fly when they reach 2.5 months. Sexual maturity in flamingos occurs at 3 - 4 years. Flamingos live no more than 40 years.

Flamingo and man

Flamingos were revered in Ancient Egypt as a sacred animal, and in Ancient Rome the tongues of these birds were considered a delicacy. The Indians of South America killed flamingos for their fat, because they believed that the fat helped cure tuberculosis.

Nowadays, the number of these graceful birds is also declining; this situation is associated with active economic activity. A huge part of the reservoirs that were home to flamingos have dried up. Also, the concentration of harmful elements in the water has greatly increased. All this negatively affects the overall population size.

The zoo first began breeding flamingos in 1958. This happened at the Swiss zoo in Basel. Since then, 389 flamingos have been born in captivity and transferred to other zoos around the world.

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It is difficult to imagine a more amazing and unusual bird than the flamingo. The color of the plumage of different species can vary greatly from delicate pink, orange to a rich red hue. In addition, the bird's long legs and unusual curved beak attract attention. Flamingos are famous for their grace and sophisticated beauty. It deserves to learn in more detail about its habitats, breeding and feeding habits.

Description of graceful birds

The most common species is the common flamingo, or, as it is also called, the pink one. The bird belongs to the order Flamingidae. The description of flamingos should begin with the fact that this species is the largest. The bird resembles a creature from the Garden of Eden. Despite the fact that she can most often be seen walking along the shore of a reservoir, she is an excellent swimmer. The unusual color of flamingos is impossible not to notice. In adult males and females, the main plumage is pale pink, the wings are purplish-red, and the flight feathers are black. The skin on long and thin legs also has a pink undertone. The bird has a large beak, as if broken in the middle, with a black tip.

When describing flamingos, one cannot fail to mention that they are somewhat similar to storks, cranes, and herons. But they have no relationship with these birds. The closest relatives of flamingos are ordinary geese. Previously, they were even part of the order Anseriformes. On average, a flamingo weighs several kilograms and has webbing between its front toes.

The appearance of the pink flamingo can be safely called exotic, due to the unique shade of its plumage. The birds hold their necks gracefully and gracefully, looking like a question mark. Very often you can see how these representatives of birds stand on one leg. In order not to freeze, they alternately tuck and hide one leg in their plumage. This situation seems difficult and inconvenient to people, but for them it is very simple.

The pink flamingo has small red rings and a frenulum “painted” around its eyes. The body is round, the tail is short. The bird is quite large, the body length is 120-130 cm. Adults can reach a weight of 4 kg. Each paw has four toes and three connecting membranes.

Why are flamingos so beautiful, what determines the pink color of their plumage? These birds have this coloring due to lipochromes (fatty pigments or carotenes) that they receive from food. Flamingos eat red crustaceans, which are high in carotene. Food is obtained by filtering water and mud using its beak. In zoos, these birds are just as beautiful because carotene-rich foods are specially added to their food: carrots, bell peppers, and shellfish.

Flamingo habitats

Common flamingos can be found in different parts of the world. Many people are eager to find out where flamingos live. They can be found in Africa and southwest Asia. This bird also lives in southern Europe - in France, Sardinia, and Spain. Places where flamingos live always attract tourists.

Birds can also be found in African countries such as Morocco, Tunisia, Mauritania, Kenya, and the Cape Verde Islands. They also live in the south of Afghanistan, northwest India, and Sri Lanka. These birds also show off on several lakes in Kazakhstan.

Where do flamingos live in Russia? It is important to note that birds do not nest on the territory of the Russian Federation, but only sometimes migrate along the mouths of southern rivers. So, they can sometimes be seen on the Volga and next to other flowing reservoirs of the Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories. Sometimes they fly to Siberia, Yakutia, Primorye, and the Urals, but only in the warm season. They go to Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, and Iran for the winter.

Flamingos are social birds; they live in colonies of varying numbers. For flights, they gather in flocks, and already on the ground they form groups. Their favorite habitats are salt lakes, sea lagoons, estuaries, and shallow waters. Most often they roam in large groups in places with muddy bottoms. Some pink flamingo colonies number hundreds of thousands of individuals.

These are sedentary birds; they roam only to find places for favorable living with sufficient food. Flights are made only by representatives of northern populations.

The living conditions of flamingos differ in different countries. Birds are quite hardy. Their favorite places are salty and alkaline lakes, where there are many crustaceans. Such reservoirs are usually located in the mountains. Birds stand in salt water all day long and do not feel discomfort due to the thick skin on their legs. To quench their thirst, they sometimes fly to springs with fresh water. Flamingos sleep standing in the water.


You already know where the flamingo lives, but what does this bird eat? The article has already mentioned small mollusks. Small crustaceans form the basis of the diet. Flamingos also eat worm larvae, insects, mollusks, and algae. Birds look for all this in shallow water in a thick layer of silt. The beak of these birds has a specific structure; along its edges there are filters that look like small plate-like combs. It plays the role of a kind of sieve. The flamingo keeps its beak in the upper layers of water, where there is a lot of plankton. The bird first draws water into it, then closes it and releases liquid through the beak, and swallows the food. This process goes very quickly.


The pink flamingo is a monogamous species that forms pairs that last a lifetime. There are exceptions where some individuals seek a new partner for each mating season. To hatch chicks, they build nests, which are located in large clusters, very close to each other.

Individuals older than three years are considered sexually mature. However, older birds (5-6 years old) are engaged in building nests. Several months before nesting, pairs engage in mating games. Both males and females take part in peculiar dances. This is an amazingly beautiful sight. Large groups of birds move in unison with necks straight and heads raised, which are constantly turned from side to side. When choosing a partner, plumage color plays an important role. The decision remains with the female; she chooses the male. The intensity of the color indicates the bird’s health and good appetite. The brighter it is, the more likely males are to be chosen by a female.

Those couples who took place earlier do not take part in the dances. Migratory birds perform mating displays in resting areas. As soon as they fly to the nesting sites, they immediately begin building nests. They do this for two weeks.

How do flamingos build nests?

The process of building nests is unique and labor-intensive. To reproduce, flamingos build cone-shaped structures from silt and clay in shallow water, resembling small mounds about 60 cm high. Both the female and the male are involved in the construction. They do not lay many eggs; most often there are 2-3 eggs in a clutch. Parents take turns incubating the chicks for thirty days. The chicks hatch completely independent and active. Within a few days they become full members of the colony.

Parents feed the chick with special bird milk, which is formed in the upper part of the esophagus. This milk is also pink in color. It is produced not only by females, but also by males. The hatched chicks are covered with white down, which turns gray over time. First, the cubs end up in a kind of kindergarten, which even has teachers. Parents are busy searching for food at this time. Such nurseries can house up to 200 cubs. Parents recognize their babies by their voice. The cubs begin to feed on their own after two months, when the beak grows. At three months, young flamingos are already similar in appearance to adult birds.

Flamingo species

Five species are currently known. Red flamingos live on islands in the Caribbean and the Galapagos. The color of their plumage can range from purple to bright red.

Dwarf or small flamingos live off the coast of the Persian Gulf, as well as in areas near the salt lakes of Kenya and Tanzania. Their body length reaches only 80 cm. High in the Andes there are salt lakes where Andean flamingos live. Their plumage is white and pink, less often scarlet. The very rare James's flamingo lives in Bolivia and northern Argentina. They feed on diatoms. In South America you can see Chilean flamingos. The wings of these birds have a red tint.

The dangerous life of flamingos in the wild

The natural threat of flamingos is predators: foxes, jackals, wolves. Birds of prey, such as eagles, also pose a certain danger to colonies. Sensing danger, the flamingos fly away. To take off, they need a takeoff run, which they can do both in water and on land. Since flamingos live in groups, it is difficult for predators to choose one specific prey, and their mottled wings make it difficult for them to focus. In the wild, birds live up to 30 years, in captivity - up to 40.

  • The ancestors of flamingos lived on the planet 30 million years ago.
  • The plumage of birds can be not only pink, but also red and even crimson.
  • To take off, they run 5-6 meters through the water.
  • In flight, they take the shape of a cross, extending their legs and neck.
  • Future parents sit on the nest with their legs tucked in and stand up from it, resting their beaks on the ground.

Protection of different species of flamingos

Due to poaching and human activities, the world's flamingo populations have decreased significantly. In the International Red Book they currently have the status of “Least Concern”. Some species were considered extinct for a long time. So, James's flamingos were found only in 1957. Many countries around the world have listed flamingos in their Red Books.