Rare breeds of chickens. Rooster breeds: description and photos. Pedigree White chickens that lay large eggs

Today there are a huge number of chicken breeds with different productivity trends. The selection of new breeds of chickens dates back to Ancient Egypt. It is still actively developing today; breeders have learned to produce chickens that meet certain productive or decorative qualities.

Today, science knows many methods for selecting new breeds: crossing, improving a breed or line for certain qualities, breeding selection, and even blood transfusions.
All chicken breeds They differ from each other in appearance, productivity, size, and temperament. From all this huge number of varieties, you can choose a specific breed of chicken.

Chicken breeds were released at different times. In the old days, the best breeding achievements belonged to eastern countries, including China. After the cult of cockfighting arose among them, they began to breed very strong fighting breeds.

The greatest successes in the selection of egg-laying chickens have been achieved in Italy. Italian breeders developed the Leghorn breed, which still holds the record for eggs laid in a year. It is impossible to cite the example of Russian breeders who bred Russian white egg-laying chickens.

The best meat breeds were bred in the USA. An excellent example is the Brahma, Cornish and Plymouth rock chickens.

The most common and versatile are meat and egg breeds of chickens. They were bred on absolutely all continents and almost the entire globe. These breeds have earned popularity among poultry farmers who raise chickens on their small plots.

Decorative breeds of chickens are distinguished by their unusual external characteristics. Although not very productive, they win the hearts of poultry farmers with their remarkable appearance. Many people breed ornamental chickens. Some breeds are not specially bred; many are domesticated forms of wild chickens.

Based on all this, we can conclude that the selection of chicken breeds has developed all over the world and almost every state has made its contribution to this matter.

Already based on chicken breeds, crosses, lines and hybrids began to appear. All of them are characterized by increased productivity compared to their predecessors. An example of this is broiler chickens.

The choice of chicken breeds is very huge. Dealing with this issue is not easy. First of all, you need to decide on the purpose of breeding and keeping chickens. For example, if you want to get only eggs from chickens, then you should choose from egg breeds. If you want to get meat from chickens, then from meat (or broilers). If you want to receive both meat and eggs in equal quantities, then the choice should fall on meat and egg chickens.

For reference. Meat and egg chickens are also different. Some are larger and some are smaller. Some lay more eggs and some lay less. In any case, you will have to sacrifice something.
If you want something exotic and extraordinary, then buy decorative or rare chickens.

Below is the entire list of chicken breeds: fighting, decorative, meat, meat and egg and egg, crosses. There will also be a small list below with the rarest chickens. Thus, having familiarized yourself with it, assessing the qualities of each breed, it will be easier for you to make a choice of breed.

Fighting breeds of chickens

Fighting chicken breeds are the oldest breeds. The homeland of most fighting chickens is Central Asia, but after they were brought to Europe, they became very widespread throughout the world.

All fighting breeds of chickens are characterized by a very strong body constitution. They have very strong bones, they are very strong and resilient. There are both large-sized fighting chickens and dwarf ones. Live weight can range from 0.4-0.5 kilograms to 6-7 kilograms. By temperament, fighting breeds of chickens are usually aggressive.

All fighting breed chickens have rather loose and scanty plumage, so they are not adapted to severe frosts. In this regard, fighting chickens must be provided with special conditions of detention. .

Kulangi chickens photo

Kulangi chickens are a very old fighting breed of chickens. It was bred in Central Asia. Upon receipt, a selection method was used according to very strict criteria. From the roosters of local breeds, they chose the most aggressive, strong, hardy ones with a strong physique - great meatiness and strong bones. .

Chicken breed: Belgian fighting photo

Belgian fighting chickens are the work of Belgian breeders. This breed is characterized by great strength, endurance, and high fertility. The Belgian fighting breed is quite large - the average weight of chickens is 3.5-4 kilograms, and roosters 4.5-5.5 kilograms. .

Azil breed.

Chickens of the Azil breed photo

Azil chickens are the oldest fighting breed. Includes a fairly large number of subspecies. These beautiful chickens were brought to European countries in 1860. By nature, this breed is very aggressive; roosters often attack even their owners. These birds are small in size - chickens weigh 1.5-2 kilograms, and roosters weigh 2-2.5 kilograms. .

Uzbek fighting breed.

The Uzbek fighting breed of chickens was bred in Uzbekistan through long selection for strength, endurance and aggressiveness. The average live weight of roosters ranges from 4-7 kilograms, and that of chickens is 2.8-3.5 kilograms. Egg production is 100-120 eggs per year. The shell is light brown. Egg weight is 57-62 grams. .

Modern English dwarf fighting chickens

Modern English dwarf fighting chickens were bred in England. They differ from other fighting chickens in that they have a fairly kind temperament. This breed is very small in size - the average weight of roosters is only 0.6 kilograms, and the average weight of hens is 0.5 kilograms. Nevertheless, these chickens show very good performance in battles. . Belgian dwarf chicken breed photo

The Belgian dwarf fighting breed was bred by German breeders. The average weight of roosters is 1-1.2 kilograms, and chickens 0.8-1 kilograms. Egg production is up to 100 eggs per year, eggs have an average weight of 35-40 grams, the shell is white. .

Moscow fighting chickens.

Moscow fighting chickens are a breed that is characterized by two types of focus - meat and fighting. This breed was obtained by crossing fighting breeds of chickens: English, Malay and others. After crossing, breeding took place “in itself” and the resulting individuals were subjected to selection for many traits. This breed was developed by Russian breeders in the 18th century.

The average live weight of adult roosters is 3.5-6 kilograms, and chickens 2.7-3 kilograms. Egg production is 100-120 eggs per year. The eggs have a brown shell and weigh 53-55 grams. .

Malayan fighting breed of chickens photo

Malayan fighting chickens are one of the oldest in this area. This breed originated from Central Asia. These chickens are not particularly popular, but some amateur poultry farmers, including those in Russia, breed them.

The average live weight of chickens is 2.5-3 kilograms, and that of roosters is 3.5-4 kilograms. Egg production is 100-120 eggs per year. The egg shell is cream colored. The average weight of an egg is 57 grams. .

Fighting breed Shamo photo

Shamo chickens were bred in Japan a long time ago. There are three main types of shamo - dwarf, medium and large. They are distinguished by a very aggressive character and good combat tactics. These chickens are very picky about their living conditions - they require warmth. In this regard, not many people in Russia breed this breed. .

Indian fighting breed.

Indian fighting chickens have very good fighting bird qualities. Indian chickens have a very cocky character. Indian fighting chickens are quite large birds. The weight of roosters can reach up to 4.5-5 kilograms, and chickens up to 3-3.5 kilograms. Many are bred exclusively for meat. .

English fighting breed of chickens photo

English fighting dogs are the most common fighting breed. They are unpretentious, good fighters, and quite productive. On average, an adult rooster weighs 2-3 kilograms, and a chicken 1.75-2.5 kilograms. The average weight of an egg is 55-60 grams. The shell is white or yellowish in color. .

Decorative breeds of chickens are characterized by a very unique appearance. In Rus', chickens with a beautiful appearance have always been valued. Exhibitions and competitions with cash prizes were constantly held. However, most ornamental breeds originate in Ancient China.

Ornamental chickens do not have very high productivity, but their appearance is striking.
Decorative breeds of chickens are suitable for those who appreciate beauty and elegance in them, for those for whom the productive value of the bird has faded into the background. .

Bantam chickens photo

To date, the exact origin of bantam chickens has not been established. Bantams are small ornamental birds, they are very beautiful. These chickens are not very productive, so there is absolutely no point in keeping them for food. There are quite a few varieties of bantam chickens.

The plumage of bantams can be of different colors: calico, black, walnut, etc. These birds are distinguished by their energy. Bantams are wonderful hens. The egg production of these birds is small and amounts to only 45-70 eggs per year. The weight of the birds is only 700-1200 grams. .

Seabright chickens photo

Seabright chickens are very beautiful small ornamental chickens that are a type of bantam. The body is rounded. The chest is strongly convex forward. The tail is very beautiful, fan-shaped.

Egg production is 60-90 eggs per year. Egg weight is 30-40 grams. A rooster weighs on average 450-500 grams, and a chicken 400-450 grams. .

Poduan breed photo

Paduan chickens are an ornamental breed that was bred by English breeders.

Although these chickens are decorative, they show quite good productivity.

The average egg production of Paduan chickens is 120 eggs per year.

Egg weight – 48-55 grams, white shell.

The weight of adult roosters is 2-2.5 kilograms, and chickens 1.7-2 kilograms. .

Dutch white-haired black chickens.

Dutch white-haired black chickens are a decorative breed. Despite this, this breed has very good productivity. Dutch white-haired black chickens are very beautiful. The breed is widespread in Russia, especially on household plots. Breeding these chickens is complicated by the demanding conditions of keeping and feeding. .

Curly breed of chickens photo

Curly-haired chickens are an ornamental breed that was bred in Southeast Asia. The exact age of this breed is unknown, but their existence was recorded in manuscripts many centuries ago. This is probably the most exotic and beautiful breed from Asia. The appearance of curly-haired chickens is very unusual: the feathers are very beautifully curled into amazing curls. And the little chickens are truly adorable: very funny and amusing. By the way, due to its curly hair, this breed cannot fly at all. .

Chickens of the Shabo breed photo

Shabo chickens are a decorative breed of chickens. This is one of the most common breeds of ornamental chickens. This breed was developed in Japan, but was brought to Europe around the 18th and 19th centuries.

The plumage is mostly white and yellow, but there are speckled, striped, and silver colors of Shabot chickens. Shabo chickens are very beautiful in appearance. .

In fact, there are much more decorative breeds of chickens, but they can also belong to another type of productivity, for example, meat or meat-egg.

Meat breeds of chickens exhibit excellent meat productivity. At the same time, egg production, in most cases, is low. They are distinguished from other breeds by their very large size and very dense build. By temperament, meat chickens are the calmest and most balanced.

Most meat breeds have not lost their brooding instinct as a result of long selection. More details: .

Cornish chickens are very popular meat birds. They are very actively used in breeding for breeding. The Cornish have a very well developed herd instinct.

The egg production of this breed is 120-160 eggs annually. Puberty occurs at the age of 6 months. The average weight of laid eggs is 60 grams. The weight of adult Cornish chickens is quite impressive. For roosters it is 4-5 kilograms, and for chickens 3.2-4 kilograms. Cornish hens are very good at incubating eggs. .

Plymouth rock chickens photo

Plymouth rock chickens, like Cornish chickens, are very actively used in the modern selection of new meat breeds. These chickens are the work of breeders from the USA. The Plymouth Rock breed appeared at the end of the 19th century. Plymouth rock chickens produce very tasty and healthy meat. The egg production of Plymouth rock chickens is 160-180 eggs per year. The average weight is 3.5-4.3 kilograms for roosters, and 3-3.5 kilograms for chickens. .

Mechelen breed of chickens photo

Mechelen chickens are an ancient meat breed. These birds are very common in European countries. They are bred on private farms. Adult roosters weigh on average 4-5 kilograms, and chickens 3-4 kilograms. The meat is tender, juicy and tasty. Egg production per year is approximately 140-160 eggs. The eggs are very large, with an average weight of 60-65 grams, and can be larger. .

Langshan chickens photo

Langshan chickens are a meat breed. This breed is very old and was bred in China. It was brought to Russia from Europe in order to improve Russian outbred chickens. Langshan played a very important role in the modern selection of chicken breeds. The Russian standard for this breed was developed in 1911. Today this breed is quite rare, but it is still bred by poultry farmers on their homestead farms, and is also preserved as a genetic reserve.

The difficulties in breeding langshans lie in poor reproduction and average viability of the young.

Chickens weigh on average 3-3.5 kilograms, and roosters 3.5-4 kilograms. Egg production is 100-120 eggs per year, the average egg weight is 55-60 grams. The egg shell is light brown in color. .

Cochin chicken breed photo

The Cochin chicken breed was developed in China in the 9th century. Cochins arrived in European countries in 1843. From that moment on, they gained particular popularity; every poultry farmer wanted to own this breed. The Cochin breed is also called Shanghainese.

Egg production is 100-120 eggs per year, with an egg weight of 50-60 grams. The egg shell color is brown. The average live weight of adult chickens is 3.5-4 kilograms, and that of roosters is 4-5 kilograms. .

Chickens Brahma.

Brahma chickens are a wonderful meat breed, but they are not valued for their meat characteristics. Brahma chickens are real giants, their weight can reach up to 6 kilograms. There are several varieties of these chickens. A characteristic feature of this breed is the presence of feathers on the legs. Brahma chickens are very kind and calm, and become very attached to their owner. .

Meat and egg breeds of chickens are universal. They provide both meat and eggs in sufficient quantities. These breeds of chickens are very popular among amateur poultry farmers who raise poultry in their households.

Meat and egg chickens are quite unpretentious. How were such versatile birds obtained? Most were obtained by crossing meat and egg breeds.
In terms of productivity, meat and egg chickens are slightly inferior to meat and egg chickens. .

Kyrgyz gray breed photo

Kyrgyz gray chickens belong to the meat-egg type of productivity. This breed was obtained by crossing the White Leghorn, Plymouth Rock and New Hampshire breeds. Kyrgyz chickens were bred at the Kyrgyz Institute of Animal Husbandry.

These chickens get along best in high mountain areas with a hot and dry climate. Today, Kyrgyz chickens are bred both in large poultry farms and on homestead farms. Actively used in breeding. This breed is most widespread in Kyrgyzstan.

Kyrgyz gray chickens have a cone-shaped body. The body is medium in size. The head is small and round in shape. There is a small leaf-shaped crest on the head. The stomach is very well developed. The legs are of medium length and quite strong. The plumage is loose, the color is striped, and roosters may have a red color on the neck. Day-old chicks have a very distinctive coloring: black and white spots on the belly. Cockerels have a light spot on their head.

The average live weight of adult Kyrgyz gray chickens is 2.3-2.7 kilograms, and roosters 3-3.5 kilograms. The meat is very tasty and tender. The average egg production is 160-180 eggs per year, with an average egg weight of 57-60 grams, the shell is light brown. Young animals of this breed gain live weight very quickly. .

Barnevelder chickens photo

Barnevelder are fairly large meat and egg chickens. Barnevelder chickens have a fairly dense large body. The neck is short and without bends. The legs are short and yellow. The wings are of medium length and fit tightly to the body of the bird. The tail is well developed and beautiful. The plumage is quite dense. The color can be black, blue or white - there are laces of a different color around the feathers.

The average live weight of a barnevelder chicken is 2.75-3 kilograms, and a rooster is 3.5-3.75 kilograms. Egg production – 170-190 eggs per year. The egg is dark brown in color. .

Yurlovsky vocal breed of chickens photo

Yurlovsky vocal chickens are meat and egg oriented. However, many poultry farmers breed this breed only for decorative purposes. The thing is that the roosters of this breed crow very beautifully, the singing is very drawn-out in low tones.

The average live weight of adult chickens is 2.5 kilograms, and that of roosters is 3.3 kilograms. Egg production is 150-160 eggs per year. The average weight of an egg is 58 grams. The shell is beige. Yurlovsky vocal chickens have retained the brooding instinct. .

Ukrainian shaggy chickens photo

Ukrainian shaggy chickens are very amazing birds. They have very high productivity, as well as excellent decorative parameters.

Chickens weigh on average 2.2-2.5 kilograms, and roosters weigh 2.8-3.2 kilograms. Egg production is 150-180 eggs per year. The shell color is beige. Egg weight – 55-60 grams. Puberty occurs at the age of 6 months. .

Tsarskoye Selo breed of chickens photo

The Tsarskoye Selo breed of chickens is experimental. She was bred at the VNIIGRZh farm. The main difference between these chickens is their peculiar red-striped plumage. The breed was developed by crossing a cross of Broiler-6 chickens with New Hampshire and Poltava clayeys. .

Russian crested chickens photo

Russian crested chickens are very productive and have good decorative characteristics. They have a very beautiful crest on their head.

The average live weight of a rooster is 2.7 kilograms, and that of chickens is 1.8 kilograms. Egg production is 150-160 eggs per year. The average weight of an egg is 56 grams. The egg shell can be either white or cream-colored. .

Moscow white breed of chickens photo

Moscow white chickens belong to the meat-egg type of productivity. The breed was bred by Russian breeders at the Poultry Institute.

The average live weight of adult chickens is 2.3-2.8 kilograms, and that of roosters is 3-3.5 kilograms. The average egg production is 190 eggs per year. The average egg weight is 55 grams. .

Moscow chickens.

Moscow chickens belong to the meat and egg breeds. These chickens are quite common in our country, especially in the central part. This breed is unpretentious and resistant to various diseases. Moscow chickens are the largest of the Russian meat and egg breeds.

Puberty occurs at the age of 5-6 months. The annual egg production is 170-200 eggs. The egg is quite large - 60-65 grams, with a light brown shell. The average weight of adult chickens is 2-2.6 kilograms, and roosters 3.5-3.7 kilograms. Their maternal instinct is poorly developed. .

Leningrad white chickens.

Leningrad white chickens were bred in the USSR by transfusion of blood into Leghorns from Australorps. Today, Leningrad white chickens are bred on household plots and are also preserved as a genetic reserve.

Leningrad white hens weigh on average 2.5-3 kilograms, and roosters 3.8-4.3 kilograms. Egg production is 160-180 eggs per year. The average weight of an egg is 60 grams. The egg shell is light brown. .

Sussex chickens photo

Sussex chickens are of the meat and egg production type. This breed was bred by English breeders. To obtain this breed, chickens were used: Cornish, Cochin, Brahma and other local chickens. The Sussex breed is not bred on large homestead farms, but is very popular on homestead farms.

The average live weight of chickens is 2.5-2.8 kilograms, and roosters 3-3.7 kilograms. Egg production is 150-170 eggs per year. The average egg weight is 58 grams. The shell is yellow-brown in color. Chickens have wonderful meat qualities. .

New Hampshire chickens photo

New Hampshire chickens are a meat-and-egg breed that was developed in the United States. The name of the breed comes from the name of the state where it was bred - New Hampshire. This breed is a variety of the Rhode Island.

The New Hampshire breed is quite popular. It is bred both in large poultry farms and in home gardens. These chickens are quite unpretentious to their living conditions.

The average weight of adult chickens is 2-2.5 kilograms, and roosters 3-3.5 kilograms. Egg production is quite high, 180-220 eggs per year. .

Welsumer chickens.

Welsumers are quite rare in Russia. They were bred at the beginning of the 20th century. The live weight of chickens is 2-2.5 kilograms, and that of roosters is 3-3.5 kilograms. Egg production is small - only 110-130 eggs per year. The weight of the eggs is quite large - 65 grams. .

Zagorsk salmon chickens photo

Zagorsk salmon chickens are quite impressive in size, which is typical for breeds of meat and egg production. As stated above, these chickens are quite large. The average live weight of roosters is 3-4.5 kilograms, and chickens 2.5-3 kilograms. Egg production is very high for meat and egg production - 260-280 eggs per year. Puberty occurs at the age of 6 months. .

Kotlyarevskaya breed of chickens photo

This breed was bred by Kabardino-Balkarian breeders at the Kotlyarevsky poultry plant. Now a little about productivity. The average weight of adult roosters is 3.2-4 kilograms, and chickens 2.5-3 kilograms. Egg production is not very high, amounting to 140-170 eggs annually. Sexual maturity occurs at approximately 6 months of age.

Kotlyarevsky chickens are quite popular on homestead farms in our country. This breed is bred in poultry farms and preserves the gene pool. .

Naked breed of chickens photo

Naked-necked chickens are perhaps the most amazing-looking meat-and-egg chickens. They have a completely bare neck. Bare-necked chickens have a very kind temperament. Although they are quite good at laying eggs, these birds are excellent brood hens. The chickens are very well looked after.

The average egg production is 160-180 eggs per year. The average live weight of adult roosters is 3-3.5 kilograms, and that of adult chickens is 2-2.5 kilograms. .

California Gray chicken breed photo

California Gray chickens have a very calm nature. In our country, this breed is not very widespread, but there are poultry farmers who breed it on their private farms. The average live weight of adult chickens is 2-2.5 kilograms, and adult roosters - 3-3.5 kilograms. These chickens have a fairly high egg production - 200-240 eggs per year. The average egg weight is 57-58 grams. The shell is usually cream colored. .

Appenzeller chickens.

Appenzeller chickens are a breed of meat and egg producing chickens. It was bred in Switzerland a very long time ago (several centuries ago). These chickens are very rare.

Their plumage is black, golden-speckled or silver-speckled.

Sexual maturity in these chickens occurs at the age of 5.5 months. The average live weight of adult roosters is 1.8-2.2 kilograms, and that of chickens is 1.8-2 kilograms. Egg production is 120-160 eggs per year. The average egg weight is 55-59 grams. The egg has a white shell. .

Chickens of the Lakenfelder breed photo

Lakenfelder chickens are a breed of meat and egg producing chickens. The place where this breed was bred is unknown. Only two regions appear in the origin - Lakervelte (Holland) and Zotterge (Belgium). These chickens are quite rare; they are very rare in Russia.

The average live weight of adult roosters is 1.8-2.3 kilograms, and that of chickens is 1.5-2 kilograms. .

Chickens of the Maran breed photo

Maran chickens are a rather rare breed in Russia. This breed has meat and egg productivity. The Maran breed was developed in France in 1895. These birds are very amazing in appearance, unique colors, very fast growth and excellent meat quality.

The weight of adult roosters is 3.5-4 kilograms, and chickens - 2.5-3 kilograms. Egg production is 150-170 eggs per year. Marans lay very large eggs: the average weight of an egg from an adult chicken is 70-80 grams. .

Mergula chickens.

Mergula chickens are a meat and egg breed. It was developed in Georgia by crossing Cochin, Brahma, Langshan, Plymouth Rock and Rhode Island. This breed is most commonly bred in Georgia. The bird is unpretentious in terms of keeping and feeding conditions.

Mergula chickens have very good meat quality. The breed itself is not very large. The weight of chickens is 1.7-2 kilograms, and roosters 2.3-2.5 kilograms. Egg production is 150-170 eggs per year, the color of the egg shell is brown. The average egg weight is 54-56 grams. .

Poltava chickens photo

Poltava clay chickens have very beautiful clay plumage. Moreover, roosters have darker plumage. The egg production of Poltava laying hens is 170-190 eggs per year. The egg weight is average and ranges from 55-60 grams. The live weight of roosters is 3-3.5 kilograms, and that of chickens is 2-3 kilograms. .

Black bearded chickens photo

Black bearded chickens are characterized by good productivity and outstanding appearance. The fact is that they have a very peculiar beard. The egg production of a black bearded hen is 180-200 eggs per year. Chickens are good brood hens. The live weight of roosters is 3.5-4 kilograms, and that of chickens is 2.5-3 kilograms. .

Red white-tailed chicken breed photo

Red white-tailed chickens are very common in our country. They are especially in demand among owners of private household plots. Red white-tailed chickens have a wide, short body, a leaf-shaped comb, and pink earrings. The head is not too large, the chest is wide and convex. The back is wide. Their characteristic color is orange-red plumage on the body and white feathers on the tail.

The average weight of red white-tailed roosters is 3.5-4.5 kilograms, and chickens 3-3.5 kilograms. The egg production of chickens of this breed is not very high and amounts to 130-160 eggs per year. .

Amrox chickens photo

Amrox chickens are very beautiful. They are distinguished by their motley plumage. They are very calm and kind. The Amrox chicken breed adapts very well to various living conditions, is unpretentious and very viable. The young grow and fledge quickly. Today, this breed is mainly bred on private farms.

The average live weight of roosters is 3-4.3 kilograms, and adult chickens are 2.5-3 kilograms. Egg production is also average, compared to other meat and egg chickens, it is 180-200 eggs per year. .

Austrolorp chickens.

The Black Australorp is a breed that is distinguished by its black plumage. Even in the Soviet Union, these birds were brought more than once and were actively bred “inside”. These birds are most widespread in Estonia.

The average live weight of adult roosters is 3.6-4 kilograms, and chickens 2.6-3 kilograms. Egg production is also quite high - 180-220 eggs per year. The survival rate of young animals of this breed is also quite high, amounting to 95-99%. .

Mini chickens photo

Mini chickens are a real boon for poultry farmers who raise birds on their personal plots. Mini chickens are one of the main breeds of poultry farming in France and England. However, they are also popular in a number of other countries, including Russia.

There are three main lines of mini chickens based on feather color. With white, fawn, and also with red plumage.

The average weight of roosters is 2.5-3 kilograms, and chickens 2.4-2.7 kilograms. Egg production for meat breeds is very high - 180 eggs annually. .

Rhode Island chickens photo

Rhode Island chickens have very dark red plumage. They are big enough. They have very good meat characteristics.

The average live weight of roosters is 3.5-3.8 kilograms, and chickens 2.6-3.2 kilograms. The egg production of chickens is average - 180-210 eggs per year. Sexual maturity in these chickens occurs 6-7 months after birth. .

Wyandotte chickens.

Wyandotte chickens were bred in the West - in the USA. This happened in the 60s of the 20th century. The name of the Wyandotte breed comes from the name of the Indian tribe.

Egg production is small - 135-175 eggs per year. The weight of roosters is 3.8-4.2 kilograms, and chickens 3-3.5 kilograms. .

Faverolles chickens photo

Faverole chickens are very beautiful meat and egg chickens. They have very beautiful and lush plumage on their legs. In addition, they have a beard, like black bearded chickens.

The live weight of roosters is 3.5-4 kilograms, and that of chickens is 2.5-3 kilograms. Egg production is small, approximately 160-180 eggs annually. .

The Kuchin Jubilee chicken is a meat and egg breed of chicken. It was first bred at the Kuchinsky poultry plant. This breed was approved in 1990, and was named in honor of the 25th anniversary of the Kuchinsky poultry plant, by which time the number of livestock had reached about 1,000,000.

The average live weight of roosters is 3.5-4 kilograms, and chickens 2.6-3 kilograms. Puberty occurs at the age of 5-6 months. Egg production is 170-220 eggs per year, which is an excellent indicator for meat-egg chickens. Egg weight – statistical average 55-60 grams. .

Adler silver breed of chickens photo

Silver Adler chickens are quite beautiful. The feathers are yellow, Colombian in color. The scallop has a leaf-shaped shape. Wide chest and back. The physique is very dense and strong. The beak and legs are bright yellow. The head is large in size and has a rounded shape. The plumage of these chickens is not very developed.

The live weight of adult individuals is 2.5-3 kilograms for chickens and 3.5-4 kilograms for roosters. Egg production is quite small, 160-180 eggs per year. Adler silver hens are capable of laying eggs from 6 months of age. .

Yerevan breed of chickens photo

Yerevan red chickens are not very common in the Russian Federation, most of them are in Armenia and Azerbaijan. This breed has a very characteristic bright plumage and beautiful appearance. Birds of the Yerevan red breed are distinguished by excessive timidity and caution.

The average weight of young animals at the age of 2 months is 0.7-0.8 kilograms. The average weight of adult chickens is 2-2.5 kilograms, and roosters 3.5-4.5 kilograms. Puberty occurs 6-7 months from birth. The average egg production of Yerevan red breed chickens is 190-220 eggs per year. .

Ukrainian chickens with earflaps.

Ukrainian earflaps are a very old breed. How it was bred is unknown; most likely, these chickens historically developed on the territory of Ukraine. They have a beautiful exterior: the legs are slightly feathered, and there are feathers on the head that look like ears.

Ushankas are medium-sized chickens. The weight of roosters is 2.5-3.5 kilograms, and chickens 2-2.3 kilograms. The egg production of chickens is 150-180 eggs annually. .

Egg breeds of chickens

Egg breeds of chickens have the highest egg production compared to other breeds. They are bred in large numbers both in large poultry farms and in private households.

Egg chickens are characterized by their small body size. They have fairly dense plumage and thin legs of medium length. In egg-laying hens, puberty begins very early - 4-5 months. Egg breeds of chickens, as a rule, have completely lost the instinct to incubate eggs, since they were subjected to selection for a very long time, which was aimed precisely at this. .

Russian white breed of chickens.

Russian white chickens are very good layers. They are popular in Russia; they are kept both on private farms and in large poultry farms. The average weight of roosters reaches 2.5-3 kilograms, and chickens 1.8-2 kilograms. The egg production of laying hens is 200-250 eggs per year (however, there were specimens that produced more than 300 eggs). The average egg weight is 55-60 grams. Chickens are able to lay eggs from 5 months of age. .

Leghorn chickens.

Leghorn chickens photo

Leghorn chickens are the most productive egg-producing birds. They hold the record for the number of eggs laid in a year - 365 pieces. The average live weight of adult chickens is only 1.5-2 kilograms, and that of roosters is 2.2-2.6 kilograms. Sexual maturity occurs at the age of 17-19 weeks. The average egg production is 260-280 eggs per year. .

Minorca chickens photo

Minorkas are practically not bred on large poultry farms; they are only preserved as a genetic reserve. These chickens adapt very easily to even the most difficult living conditions. They only cannot tolerate extreme cold and dampness.

A few words should be said about productivity. Adult chickens weigh on average 2-2.5 kilograms, and roosters weigh 2.7-3 kilograms. Egg production is 170-200 eggs per year. The average egg weight is 55-60 grams, the shell is white. Puberty occurs at the 5th month of life. .

This breed is distinguished by high egg production and outstanding beauty. The Andalusian breed of chickens is very similar in appearance to Minor chickens, but their physique is much slimmer.

The Andalusian breed of chickens is highly valued not only for its appearance, but also for its excellent egg production, it is 190-220 eggs per year. Eggs weigh on average 55-63 grams. This breed exhibits the worst maternal qualities - it practically does not mother hens.
The Andalusian breed is quite large: the live weight of roosters is 3.5-4.5 kilograms, and that of chickens is 3-3.5 kilograms. .

Italian partridge breed of chickens.

Italian partridge chickens are a very old Italian breed. They belong to the egg type of productivity. It was bred on the basis of local chicken breeds. The history of this breed goes back about 2000 years. These chickens are also known as brown leghorns or brown leghorns. Italian partridge chickens spread very widely in Europe in the 19th and 20th centuries.

The average live weight of roosters is 2.3-2.8 kilograms, and chickens 1.5-2 kilograms. The egg production of this breed is 180-240 eggs per season. Puberty occurs in the fifth month of life. .

Hamburg breed of chickens photo

Hamburg chickens are quite small in size, but very beautiful. In addition, they have excellent egg production. Hamburg chickens are kept in Russia, mainly on small private farms.

In one year they lay 200-220 eggs. The average weight of an egg is small - 50 grams. These chickens have practically lost their instinct to incubate. The average live weight of adult chickens is 1.5-1.7 kilograms, and that of roosters is 1.7-1.9 kilograms. The young of these chickens have good fattening qualities. .

Carpathian Greenleg chickens.

Carpathian Greenleg chickens are a very old breed, the origin of which is not known for certain. The first mention of this breed was recorded in 1879. Carpathian greenlegs are most common in Poland. The type of productivity of this breed has not been established. In Russian literature it appears as an egg breed, and the Poles call it meat-egg breed.

Roosters weigh 2-2.7 kilograms, and chickens 1.8-2.2 kilograms. The average egg production is 140-180 eggs per year. .

Czech golden breed of chickens.

Chickens weigh 1.6-2 kilograms, and roosters 2-2.4 kilograms. Egg production is 150-170 eggs per year. Egg weight – 55-60 grams. Puberty occurs at the age of 5-6 months. .

Chicken crosses

Chicken crosses are a combination of a line and hybrids obtained during the selection process. Chicken crosses have become very popular among large poultry farms. There are crosses of meat and egg productivity.

As a rule, chicken crosses are most well adapted to the climatic conditions in which pain is bred.

Rare breeds of chickens

Rare breeds of chickens are characterized by their exclusivity. Their population is on the verge of extinction. As a rule, these breeds are rare due to low productivity or some difficulties in keeping or feeding.

Aracuan chickens.

Aracuan chickens photo

Araucana chickens are a very ancient breed of chicken. These chickens belong to decorative breeds, but they exhibit very good egg production, so they can also be classified as egg breeds. Araucana chickens were bred on the continent of South America, in the country of Chile. This breed got its name in honor of the Indian tribe that lives in Chile. There are a lot of different mysterious legends around this breed.

The peculiarity of the breed is that Aracuan chickens lay eggs with a bluish tint. Oddly enough, this breed has no brooding instinct at all. The breed is very rare and practically never occurs in Russia.

Breda chickens

Breda chickens photo

Breda chickens are a very rare breed that was developed in Holland. The breed reached its peak in 1869. The plumage color of these chickens can be white, silver, black and blue. A very long time ago, these chickens were common in Russia, but today they are very rare.

Chickens of the Gudan breed photo

Gudan chickens belong to the meat type of productivity. They were bred in France. These birds have a very active temperament. The Gudan breed is quite rare.
These chickens have a very unique exterior. It has a fairly strong bone structure and strong muscles. There is a round crest on the head. You can also notice a beautiful lush beard.
These chickens have very good meat qualities. The meat is very tender and tasty, white in color. The average weight of adult roosters is 2.5-3 kilograms, and chickens 2-2.5 kilograms. Egg production is 130-160 eggs per year. The average egg weight is 53-59 grams. The shell is white.

Yokohama chickens

Yokohama chickens are an ornamental breed that was bred in Germany in 1869. These birds have a very calm temperament. They are quite capricious in terms of conditions of detention, which is why they are not widely used. Adult roosters weigh on average 1.75-2 kilograms, and chickens 1-1.5 kilograms. Egg production per year is 80-100 eggs.

Fayoumi chickens

Chicken breeds are created and bred by breeders for different purposes. Some people set out to breed the meatiest breed, some want to breed one that lays more eggs, and some are determined to breed the most beautiful or unique-looking breed. This article will cover most chicken breeds, from the rarest to the most common, and will also mention all their main characteristics.

Nowadays, more than 100 different chicken breeds of various varieties are already known. And every year, breeders develop new breeds of chickens belonging to different categories. And each of them differs from the others with its unique characteristics. There are tufted chickens, there are bearded ones, there are shaggy ones and even hairless ones, but all of them, one way or another, are initially divided into the following categories:

  • meat and eggs;
  • meat;
  • egg;
  • crosses;
  • rare;
  • fighting;
  • decorative.

After reading this article, breeders will not get all the information on each breed, but they will be able to be aware of their main characteristics.

Meat and egg breeds

These are universal breeds. These are also good for breeding to produce chicken meat and a large number of eggs. Chickens in this category are quite unpretentious and well suited for our sometimes harsh country, so we should dwell on these breeds in more detail.

Poltava chicken breed

Chickens of this breed are covered with dark clay-colored plumage. Laying hens produce up to 180-190 eggs in 1 year. Eggs weigh up to 60 g on average. The weight of a rooster reaches 3.5 kg, and the weight of a chicken reaches 3 kg. Also, Poltava chickens are patient hens. The egg production period begins at 6 months.

Black bearded breed

An excellent example of the meat and egg category are Black Bearded hens, whose laying hens lay up to 200 eggs per year. The weight of a live rooster of this breed, with good maintenance and feeding, reaches 4 kg, and hens up to 3 kg. Black bearded hens are also excellent hens. By the way, the Black Bearded breed of chickens is an excellent fruit of our Russian breeders.

Red whitetail breed

This breed is not as productive as the Black Bearded chicken breed, but it can boast that it is perhaps the most unpretentious of the entire meat and egg category. The ovipositor period begins when they reach 6 months of age, and they lay up to 160 eggs per year. The average weight of Red White-tailed roosters is 4.5 kg, and chickens are 3.5 kg. As hens, these chickens are very poor.

Ukrainian Ushanka breed

This is a breed of chicken with shaggy legs and, as a result, is unpretentious to cold winters. They are more common in Ukrainian farmsteads. These are medium-sized chickens, roosters can reach 3.5 kg, hens - 2.3 kg. From the outside, of course, they look gigantic, but all this is due to the excessively abundant plumage. They are excellent hens and can lay up to 180 eggs in 1 year.

Adler silver breed

Kuchin Jubilee breed

This is one of the largest chicken breeds in the meat and egg category. The average weight of roosters of this breed is 4 kg, and chickens - 3 kg. Their ovipositing begins at 6 months of age, and they produce up to 220 eggs per year - a very high level of egg production. Despite the fact that each egg weighs up to 60 g. The meat has amazing taste, it contains even more protein than broiler meat. Kuchinsky Jubilee are excellent hens with an excellently developed maternal instinct.

Chicken breed Faverol

These chickens are hairy, and not only that. We can say that these are the chickens most adapted to cold weather. They have very developed plumage, and you can’t tell by their appearance that their average weight is so comparatively small. Hens of this breed weigh up to 3 kg, and roosters up to 4 kg. In general, if chickens are shaggy-legged, then they definitely have a beautiful appearance. They are not lagging behind either. Moreover, for all their beauty, they also manage to lay an average of 170 eggs per year.

Russian Crested breed

As a rule, Crested chickens are also classified as decorative breeds, and therefore they are quite rare breeds of chickens on Russian private farmsteads. Mainly because the weight of these chickens is relatively small - up to 2.7 kg for roosters and up to 1.8 for hens. Egg production, on average, is not bad - up to 160 eggs per year, despite the fact that with the relatively small dimensions of laying hens, the weight of each egg on average is slightly more than 55 grams.

Sussex chickens

It is clear from the name that English specialists worked on the creation of this breed, but meanwhile this breed is well practiced by breeders in Russia. The average weight of chickens of this breed is not so high - 2.8 kg for hens and 3.7 kg for roosters; egg production is also not the best - only up to 170 eggs per year. This breed is valued by owners for its unpretentiousness, as well as for the excellent taste of the meat.

Chicken breed Maran

One of the rare breeds in our country. Although chickens are unpretentious both to food and to the external environment, they have a beautiful appearance and grow quite quickly. The weight of a rooster reaches 4 kg, and chickens - up to 3 kg. Despite the fact that laying hens of this breed produce an average of 170 eggs, the weight of each egg reaches 80 grams. These are one of the largest chicken eggs.

Apenzeller chicken breed

This breed is even more rare in our country than the Maran. The color of this breed can be either black, golden or silver speckled. The ovipositor period for these chickens is 5.5 months, and in a year they are able to lay up to 160 55-gram eggs. Adult roosters weigh up to 2.3 kg, and hens up to 2 kg. This explains the low interest in this breed among our owners.

Kyrgyz gray breed

With an average weight of roosters - 3.5 kg, and hens - 2.7 kg, the egg production of laying hens is 160 eggs per year.

California Gray breed

In appearance they differ little from the Kyrgyz gray breed, but they have big differences in egg production. California sulfur laying hens have excellent egg production - 240 eggs in 1 year, while the weight of these chickens is almost the same as that of Kyrgyzstan - 2.5 kg for hens and 3.5 kg for roosters. Eggs weighing up to 58 g.

Tsarskoye Selo chicken breed

The Tsarskoye Selo chicken breed, which is experimental but already quite widespread throughout Russia, was bred by the VNIIGRZh farm. The weight of roosters of this breed reaches 3.3 kg, chickens up to 2.5 kg. In a year, Tsarskoye Selo chickens can lay up to 190 eggs, despite the fact that the weight of each egg can reach up to 60 g.

Ameraucana chicken breed

The Ameraucana breed of chickens, which is quite rare in Russia, is famous for its multi-colored eggs, which is why it received its second name - the “Easter” breed. The colors of chickens of this breed are as varied as the shades of the eggs they lay. With the weight of roosters up to 3.5 kg and hens up to 2.5 kg, the egg production of laying hens is 250 eggs per year, with each egg weighing at least 60 grams.

Black Moscow breed

The Black Moscow chicken breed, registered back in 1980, shows excellent egg production. In a year, with proper feeding and comfortable maintenance, they can produce up to 280 eggs. Moreover, the weight of each hen does not exceed 2.5 kg, and the weight of each cockerel is 3.5 kg. Chickens of this breed are excellent hens and have a developed maternal instinct. These chickens are very unpretentious.

Curly Ukrainian chickens

This breed was not bred by anyone. It simply developed on its own on the territory of Ukraine, which was very useful for all generations of Ukrainian breeders. These chickens are crested, and even too crested. Their crest sometimes even protrudes in different directions. The average weight of a rooster of this breed is 3–3.2 kg, chickens – 2.5 kg. Laying hens can lay up to 180 eggs per year. Each egg weighs up to 60 g. The coloring of chickens of this breed is usually beige; the egg production period begins when they reach six months.

Redbro chicken breed

English Redbrough chickens have settled well in Russian private farmsteads. They are quite large, with the average weight of a chicken being 3 kg; the average weight of Redbro roosters reaches 4.5 kg. Laying hens of this breed can lay up to 160 eggs in a year. Although some breeders cite numbers of 280-300. Egg production occurs from 5 to 6 months of life.

Moscow White breed

This breed was bred by the Poultry Institute. The weight of hens in this breed is about 3 kg, and roosters - 3.5 kg. Their egg production on average fluctuates around 190. Eggs weigh on average 55 g.

Pantsirevskaya black breed

In fact, the Pantsirevskaya black breed of chickens is completely identical to the white one, so the color does not play a role at all, except in terms of aesthetics - some people prefer white, while others prefer black. Chickens of the Pantsirevskaya breed have an average weight, hens sometimes grow up to 3 kg, and roosters - 4 kg. Egg production is much higher than average and amounts to up to 270 eggs per year. Chickens of this breed are quite unpretentious.

Chickens of the Moscow breed

Chickens are widespread in Russia. And it is no coincidence, because Moscow breed chickens are completely unpretentious to all factors and are the largest of all Russian breeds in the meat and egg category. Males reach a weight of 3.7 kg, and females 2.6 kg. They have an average egg production - within 200 eggs per year, egg weight up to 65 g. Maternal instinct is poorly developed.

Mini chicken breed

This breed is practiced mainly by English and French breeders, but is also widespread in our country. The weight of roosters of this breed is up to 3 kg, chickens – 2.7 kg. Chickens lay up to 170 eggs per year, each of which weighs 60 g. The fat in these birds accumulates between the muscle fibers, and therefore their meat is very juicy and high-calorie.

Rare breed chickens

Among the rare breeds of chickens, there are also those that are bred quite often in one country or another. Some breeds are bred for sale to tourists, some for their rare aesthetic qualities, but many are also kept for industrial purposes, just like chickens of the main breeds and varieties.

Elephant chickens

An excellent example of this is Elephant chickens, without which the Vietnamese food industry could hardly survive. Chickens have peculiar legs with wide ankles, which makes the meat of these chickens a delicacy. The live weight of roosters of this breed averages 4 kg, but some owners manage to fatten their birds up to 7 kg, and hens with an average weight of 3 kg with increased feeding can reach up to 5.5 kg. Hens mature for laying eggs very late - by the 9th month of life and can lay only up to 60 eggs in a year.

Breed Chinese silkies

This breed was mentioned in the notes of the 13th century traveler Marco Polo. Everything about this chicken is unusual. The chickens themselves are very beautiful and from the outside they resemble the same chickens, only they have grown to adulthood and have forgotten to grow feathers along with the down. Their meat is grayish-black in color, and the skin under the down is also a strange brownish-blue hue. The feathers of chickens of this breed do not have hooks at the ends, and therefore it seems that these are not feathers at all, but some kind of shaggy fur. The weight of silk chicken roosters reaches 1.5 kg, and that of hens – 800 grams, despite the fact that laying hens produce up to 120 small eggs per year. Chickens of this breed are wonderful “mothers” and happily hatch not only their own eggs, but also those thrown at her by others.

Phoenix chickens

A special feature of this breed is its unusually long tail, sometimes reaching three meters in length. This breed was bred by Japanese breeders, some of whom did not stop there and, going further, bred Phoenixes, whose tails reached up to 7 kg in length, and some even 11 meters! The live weight of an ornamental Phoenix rooster reaches 2 kg, and hens reach 1.3 kg. Laying hens of this breed begin to lay eggs when they reach the age of six months, and produce 100 eggs weighing up to 50 g each per year.

Breed Bald Israeli

These, so to speak, naked chickens, were bred in Israel by one of the scientists at the Faculty of Genetics of the University of Israel.

And despite the fact that these chickens are hairless, they are still purebred chickens, and are very much valued because they do not need to be plucked at all.

But in our conditions, these heat-loving naked “birds” will not survive. Without feather cover in our winters, such birds can only survive at home - in the literal sense of the word. But at the same time, many hairless chickens die from the heat.

These birds were bred for meat and eggs, and geneticists succeeded. Despite their very repulsive appearance, these chickens lay eggs relatively well and quickly build muscle mass.

Another disadvantage, in addition to the required average temperature regime, is the inability to reproduce naturally, which is why these chickens are fertilized using an artificial method.

Breed selection

From all of the above, it is clear that breeders can choose not only one that will supply their family with eggs and meat all year round, but can also pleasantly aesthetically decorate the farm yard.

Hello, dear beauty lovers. Yes Yes exactly! Under this motto we offer you today's communication. Unusual breeds of chickens in our material. The relevance of the topic of beauty and the aesthetic component of the hobby of caring for birds cannot be exhausted, since they are a gift from Nature and a real decoration of Her Majesty!

So, few will deny that chicken is not always trivial: “egg or meat,” although in the sense of gastronomic perception it is more common. What if you try to change the viewing angle and look at the heroine of our review differently?

Agree, its undeniable advantages become clear, and suddenly it becomes apparent that this creature is very, very good-looking. An elegant arsenal: an amazing fluffy tail, a magnificent comb, “feathery boots” - why not decorate any backyard, front garden and aviary?

Let's take a closer look at the decorative beauties that have confidently established themselves as a distinctive segment of the poultry industry. Watch the video of the most unusual breeds of chickens.

A little history

Chickens are birds from the galliformes family of pheasants. The modern one is familiar to everyone; all currently known selections and crosses taken together are distant descendants of the “bank rooster”.

Experts point to several different periods that date back to the domestication of these feathered inhabitants of the Earth: the range of research data gives a wide range: from 2000 to 6000 (according to some sources - 8000) years BC. That is, intermediate data point to the figure 3200.

Agree, any information of this kind is impressive in itself. Also, the starting territory is also a matter of debate and scientific horizons, where the states of Southeast Asia, India and China appear. There is evidence that the line of distribution of this beauty leads to Ancient Egypt and the Middle East.

The beginning of antiquity in Greece was also marked by the breeding of this species, and from the shores of Attica, the path of bird migration ran throughout the entire European territory of the mainland.

What can the most common feathered inhabitants of a modern household do and what benefits do unusual breeds of chickens bring to humanity today?

Here is the most typical list of everything that “Ryaba Hen” gave us:

  • Protein products: meat and eggs;
  • Household direction: feathers and down;
  • Sporting and aesthetic value: decorative and fighting birds.

Unfortunately, over such a long history of existence, some types have not survived to this day, and even now some species are on the verge of extinction.

Unusual breeds of chickens – TOP 10

Unusual breeds of chickens Silkie

“Silky” (from English “Silkie”) pets became famous for their unique obedience; everyone was captivated by their delicate and soft temperament, like silk. The uniqueness of the breed lies in the tactile sensation of touching their silky plumage, which gives the name to the family. In addition to this effect, the bird boasts several other attractive features.

Unlike the overwhelming majority of “pale-faced” relatives, it has an amazing dark blue skin and bones, in addition, it has five-toed legs, while ordinary relatives have only four toes. The history of the origin of these amazing birds is shrouded in mystery, and Ancient China is considered to be the probable point of their appearance in the world.

A hen with a solid history is also attractive due to a number of unique qualities that belong exclusively to it: the feathers of the “Chinese silk” do not adhere to each other and are more reminiscent of fur or fur, in addition, they are not subject to juvenile molting.

Fur caps adorn the heads of unusual fluffy-woolen clumps, covering the entire surface, and individual strands delicately fall over the eyes.

Unusual breeds of chickens Ga Dong Tao

A rare family, one of the rarest in the world - originally from Vietnam, lives exclusively in the territory of its homeland. The livestock is limited to just a few hundred. With its average size (the male weighs 3-4 kg, and the female - 2.5-3 kg), the breed was initially positioned as a fighting breed.

Far from being the most attractive, but a distinctive feature of these piquant creatures are their thick, somewhat ugly, legs.

Unusual breeds of chickens Ayam Tsemani

The translation of the name of this lovely creature sounds like “black rooster”, which is fully confirmed by its appearance, because these chickens are actually completely black!


So our “TOP 10” unusual breeds of chickens have come to the finish line, where we tried to present information about the most striking cases of modern poultry farming.

Of course, the world is home to many amazing birds descended from their ancestor - the wild Asian “bank rooster”, which could compete in all sorts of ratings, but we limited ourselves to describing the “team of the most incredible” of them.

Personally, I like anurans. The taste and color, as they say!

Best wishes to you!

In the comments you can add your photos of laying hens, roosters and chicks! Or other poultry. We're curious, what kind of chicken coop do you have?
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When selecting egg breeds, the main emphasis is on such a characteristic as egg production (the number of eggs produced by one individual during the year). The weight of egg-laying chickens is usually small; they are not suitable for breeding for meat.

All chickens of egg breeds are distinguished by early sexual maturity (which “starts” the process of egg laying). On average, egg-laying breeds begin to lay eggs at the age of 4-5 months, while in meat breeds chickens lay eggs 2-3 months later. Other distinctive characteristics of egg-laying breeds are:

  • light weight (up to 2.2 kg in females and up to 3 kg in males);
  • activity and mobility due to rapid metabolism;
  • good appetite (on average, a chicken lays an egg once every 25 hours, so she needs to constantly replenish her body with nutrition).

The egg production capacity of a particular individual is determined by the number of eggs in its body. This amount is established at birth of the chicken and does not change throughout life. The average number of eggs in the body of a female of egg-laying breeds is about 4 thousand, but this does not mean that a chicken will produce exactly that number of eggs during her life. It will take a laying hen 15 years to realize the required number of eggs. Chickens bred on private farms and poultry farms never live to this age. Peak egg production in laying hens occurs at 3-4 years of age. As a rule, after a decrease in productivity, individuals are discarded.

The record holder for the number of eggs laid is a representative of the Leghorn breed named Princess. In 1930, she produced 361 eggs, i.e. she laid almost every day. This is an impressive figure, considering that the egg production capacity of industrial breeds of laying hens is 200-220 pcs.

The most productive egg-bearing breeds are currently considered:

  • Loman Brown;
  • Rhode Island;
  • Minorca;
  • Sussex;

Loman Brown chickens are capable of producing about 280-300 eggs per year, and the eggs themselves are large (over 60 g). It is also one of the fastest laying breeds: females begin laying eggs already at 136 days of age. Maximum egg production starts at the age of 170-180 days.

Young hens Loman Brown

One of the disadvantages of the breed is the short duration of the peak of egg laying. It is a maximum of 80 weeks (for other breeds - from 100 weeks). Then the egg production of individuals rapidly decreases. Their maintenance becomes unprofitable and the livestock is renewed.

Laying hens of the Loman Brown breed are completely unpretentious in breeding: they calmly react to fluctuations in temperature conditions and adapt to almost any feed. The form of keeping (cage or walking) does not particularly affect egg production, which is another advantage of the breed.

Loman Brown - a breed of chickens

Leghorn: champion of egg-laying breeds

Leghorn chickens demonstrate the highest productivity. She went through many stages of selection before it was possible to develop the current egg production indicators. Currently, the Leghorn is considered the most popular breed of chicken in the world for industrial breeding.

There are several varieties of the breed, the most common being the white Leghorn. One laying hen is capable of producing 300 eggs per year with an average weight of 56-58 g.

Adults are small in size: females up to 1.6 kg, males up to 2.6. Oviposition occurs at 22-24 weeks of life. Laying hens reach their peak egg production in the first year of life, then productivity begins to gradually decline. On large farms, chickens are kept for up to a year, then slaughtered, because... their maintenance becomes unprofitable.

Cage breeding is considered the optimal form of breeding: laying hens feel great in a closed space. The main condition for maintaining productivity is to ensure sufficient lighting in the premises.

Another advantage of the breed is low feed costs. Leghorns eat little and never overeat due to their metabolism. But at the same time, if the balance of proteins and minerals in the feed mixtures is disturbed, as well as if they are given insufficiently clean and fresh water, the chickens can significantly lose productivity.

Rhode Island: American Giant Layers

Among the egg-bearing types of chickens, representatives of the Rhode Island breed are considered giants; they are successfully raised both for eggs and for meat. The average weight of cockerels ranges from 3.1-3.8 kg, and individuals weighing over 4 kg are often found. Females weigh on average 2.5-2.9 kg. Individuals whose diet is dominated by green food reach the greatest weight.

Other characteristics of the breed:

  • Egg production – up to 170 eggs per year;
  • Egg weight – 58-63 g;
  • Beginning of oviposition – 210 days;
  • Hatchability – up to 75%.

Like representatives of the Loman Brown breed, Rhode Islanders are distinguished by their unpretentiousness in maintenance. They feel comfortable even in primitive poultry houses, without separate nests. The breed is resistant to low temperatures; with sufficient light and a balanced diet, egg production is maintained even in severe frosts. Rhode Island chickens have increased immunity to most diseases that affect the young of other egg-laying breeds.

Graceful minors

There are three lines of the breed: black Spanish Minorcas, whose gene pool is now almost exhausted, white-silver British and dwarf. The last line is experimental, the maximum weight of dwarf minors does not exceed 1 kg.

For industrial breeding, the British breed standard is currently used. Female British Minorcas weigh on average 2.3-2.5 kg, roosters - from 3.2 to 4. Along with the Rhode Island breed, Minorcas are equally well suited for both egg and meat breeding.

Minorka eggs are distinguished by the largest weight - up to 80 g. However, only laying hens in the second year of life are capable of producing eggs of such weight. Young animals that have just reached the age of oviposition produce eggs weighing up to 60 g. The egg production of young animals is higher than that of second years and is up to 170 pcs. per year, while individuals in the second year of life are capable of laying a maximum of 140.

A feature of Minorca chickens is the close dependence of productivity on the purity of the breed. Therefore, individuals with signs of deviation are discarded even before the onset of puberty.

Egg breed Minorca chickens
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Minorcas (both young and adult chickens) are very sensitive to changes in temperature and humidity. To maintain productivity, it is important to keep livestock in dry and well-insulated poultry houses.

Noble beauties of the Sussexes

Individuals of this breed are distinguished by their elegant appearance. Chickens with a characteristic pattern on the neck and tail attract attention with their grace. There are many color options for individuals: Colombian, fawn, white, lavender, porcelain, brown, etc.

The most popular in Europe and Russia is Colombian. Representatives of this species are white with a dark “necklace” on the neck. The ends of the flight and tail feathers are also painted black.

Sussexes in the poultry house - photo

The main characteristics of the breed are as follows:

  • weight – 2.4-2.7 kg (females), 3-4 kg (males);
  • egg weight – 56-58 g;
  • beginning of oviposition – 5th month of life;
  • productivity – 170-190 pcs.

The Sussex breed is very precocious: with proper care, young animals gain slaughter weight at 100-120 days of life. The breed's egg production depends on the time of year: in winter, productivity drops significantly, so on large farms chickens are often slaughtered with the onset of cold weather.

New Hampshire: "cousin" of the Rhode Island breed

These laying hens were bred by American breeders based on the Rhode Island breed. New Hampshire chickens weigh slightly less than their prototypes, but are also less voracious. The weight of the female is from 2.1 to 2.9 kg, the male – up to 3.75 kg.

New Hampshire laying hen eggs have a pleasant yellow-brown color, weight 1 pc. – up to 60 g. Maximum egg production is observed in the first year of life of individuals (up to 200 pcs), in the second – up to 160, in the third – up to 140. It is unprofitable to keep individuals older than three years.

Adult chickens and cockerels have a calm character and can coexist without problems with representatives of other breeds. New Hampshires can withstand temperature changes and weather vagaries. To maintain productivity, laying hens require a variety of nutrition; on feed alone, New Hampshire hens will quickly “deflate”. Their diet must include greens, grated root vegetables, and eggshells.

Russian White: the pride of domestic poultry farming

To develop this breed, Soviet breeders used White Leghorn roosters with females of local species. The breed standard is the pure white color of the plumage of individuals with a bright red crest and “earrings”. The live weight of females is from 1.6 to 1.8 kg, males - 2-2.5 kg.

Russian White belongs to the small-egg breeds (egg weight does not exceed 56 g), but it demonstrates good productivity (200-230 pieces per year). The egg production record for individual individuals is 300 eggs per year. The eggs produced are white and the shell is thin.

For best productivity, chickens should spend most of the daylight hours on the pasture. When kept in closed pens, it is important to maintain a microclimate that is comfortable for the birds: Russian Whites cannot tolerate humid air, so the humidity level should not rise above 70%. The temperature in the pen should not be allowed to drop below -2°C: the birds’ combs will immediately freeze, which will significantly affect egg production.

Early maturing laying hens Belarus 9-U

A cross of egg-laying chickens, adapted for growing in the climatic conditions of the middle zone. The breed is early maturing (the hens lay their first eggs on the 135th day of life), and keeping such birds is very profitable. An adult consumes no more than 115 g of feed per day.

Cross "Belarus 9-U"

The average weight of females is up to 2 kg, males are not much larger - up to 2.5 kg. Egg production of the breed is 250-260 pcs. Small eggs - 59-60 g.

Tetra: universal cross

A hybrid breed of laying hens, also suitable for raising for slaughter. Due to the meat and egg orientation of the breed, birds need a adjusted diet. It is imperative to observe the daily intake of calcium and protein by individuals, which is necessary for the regular formation of eggs. If the laying hens' diet is insufficient or unbalanced, this will quickly affect the health of the birds.

Tetra chickens on the run
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The breed's egg production is high - during the year the female is able to lay 230-250 eggs. The Tetra hybrid is relatively early ripening, egg laying begins already at the 21st week of life.

An adult female weighs 2 - 2.5 kg, a male - 2.8-3.5. Since the Tetra breed is a cross (hybrid), the size of the individuals is slightly larger than that of classic egg breeds.

Video - Laying hens Loman Brown and Hisex

Video - Keeping laying hens

Practical chicken breeding is of interest to many farmers and some summer residents who move to their dachas for the summer. What could be better than a fresh egg for breakfast, laid by your own chicken? However, entrepreneurs with a commercial streak do not shy away from raising chickens. From the point of view of organizing a small business, raising chickens for eggs is most justified.

But is any chicken suitable for this? Of course not. According to their purpose, chicken breeds are divided into egg-laying, meat-egg, meat, decorative and fighting. And if the egg production of the former per year can reach 300-350 eggs per laying hen, then the chickens of the last three breeds are unlikely to produce more than 100 eggs per year, and the average egg weight will also differ several times. The largest eggs are found in laying hens of egg-laying and fighting breeds.

Why not breed ordinary outbred chickens, since their chickens will probably cost less? Of course, this can be done, but you shouldn’t expect good results with this approach. A dozen mongrel chickens can still feed one family, but it is unlikely that it will be possible to organize the production of eggs for sale. Breeding work to improve and consolidate certain qualities of chickens is not in vain carried out by specialists over several chicken generations. Breeding a new breed can take several decades, all in order to achieve the best performance.

General signs of egg-laying chickens

So, if the purpose of breeding chickens is to obtain eggs, it is worth focusing on representatives of egg-bearing breeds. Despite the diversity of representatives of the breeds of this direction, they all have common features:

  • medium-sized birds with light bones, the average weight of birds rarely exceeds 2-2.5 kg;
  • wide wingspan and long tail feathers, especially in roosters;
  • large bright red combs and lobes of adult hens and roosters, indicating the sexual maturity of the birds;
  • absence or minimization of the brooding instinct;
  • even birds adapted to cage keeping are distinguished by their mobility; aviary keeping is preferable;
  • early maturation and beginning of egg laying at the age of 4.5-6 months;
  • good appetite, increased intake of minerals, especially calcium.

Characteristics for comparing the quality of the resulting products

What advantages do egg-laying chickens have, what qualities have breeders improved in them over the centuries? Of course:

  • egg production;
  • egg weight;
  • egg shell hardness;
  • disease resistance;
  • offspring survival;
  • lack of aggression;
  • unpretentiousness in the diet.

The efforts of poultry farmers have yielded results: modern representatives of the breeds have collected the most developed of these qualities.

Video - Selecting laying hens for breeding

Leghorn is the progenitor breed of all modern laying hens.

The Leghorn chicken breed, developed in the 19th century, remains unsurpassed. Almost all modern egg-laying breeds are obtained by crossing Leghorns with other chickens. Leghorn hens hold the records for the maximum number of eggs per year (371 eggs), maximum egg weight (454g), and the largest number of yolks in an egg (9 yolks).

Leghorns lay their first egg at the age of 17-20 weeks and continue to lay eggs, under comfortable conditions, almost all year round. One hen produces from 250 to 300 eggs per year, and on average it is second only to the German Loman Browns and Highsex. The average weight of an egg is 60-62 grams. White Leghorns lay white eggs, while Pied Leghorns lay brown eggs. The average weight of a chicken is 1.5-1.7 kg, a rooster - up to 2.5 kg. Hatchability of chickens in a clutch is up to 92%.

Leghorns have one feature that often prevents them from being productively kept outside of factories. They cannot tolerate extraneous noise and are prone to noise hysteria.

Under the influence of noise, birds can begin to hit the wall of the chicken coop, throw themselves at the wire fence, and injure themselves and their neighbors.

During the experiment, it was proven that leghorns exposed to noise had a decrease in egg production, while hens that listened to calm, light music for 6-8 hours a day began to lay eggs 10% better. In addition, these chickens have reduced immunity and are susceptible to many diseases.

Leghorn birds are distinguished by their proud posture. These are small but tall chickens, with a triangular body, a bright red comb and earrings. The comb of chickens hangs to one side, while that of cockerels stands upright. Growing hens have light pink combs and earrings; when they enter the egg-laying season, they become bright red. The elongated back is slightly concave in the middle, the chest is protruded forward. Very mobile, light birds.

The most common are white leghorns, which are characterized by rapid acclimatization. Sometimes there are also variegates that do not adapt to new conditions so quickly, but lay “yellow” eggs, which are in greatest demand among consumers. In total, more than 40 color varieties of chickens of this breed have been registered.

White Russian - improved leghorn

White Russian chickens are a cross between Leghorns and local Russian outbred chickens. Work to improve Leghorns and breed the Russian breed lasted 24 years and ended in 1953.

Since then, the Russian White is rightfully considered one of the best egg-laying breeds. Egg production is slightly lower than that of Leghorns - 230-240, in some cases up to 300 eggs per year. The weight of an average egg is 55-56 grams. The sizes of chickens are slightly larger than their Leghorn ancestors - 1.6-1.7 kg for a chicken, 2-2.6 kg for a rooster. The comb is large, leaf-shaped with 5 teeth, bright red in adults.

The undoubted advantages of the breed include resistance to stress, resistance to cold and many chicken diseases. Chickens of this breed are devoid of aggression towards their fellow tribesmen, are balanced, and mature faster.

As a result of breeding work, the subspecies “Russian Snow White” was obtained, some of the chickens of which are already covered with white rather than yellow down at one day of age. In addition, the subspecies is focused on cold resistance and tolerates temperatures up to 10 degrees below normal.

Loman Brown is the most egg-laying breed

The record holders for average egg production per hen - 300-320 eggs per year - are German medium-sized brown hens of the Loman Brown breed. Breeding Loman Browns is very popular in Russia; they acclimatize well. Perhaps their popularity is also explained by the fact that even day-old chicks of this breed can be easily differentiated by gender: the down of hens is fawn, and the down of cockerels is white.

The production characteristics of chickens of this breed are very high. In addition to excellent egg production, they are distinguished by a high average egg weight - 63-64 grams. Adult chickens weigh from 1.8 to 2 kg, cockerels - up to 3 kg. Representatives of the breed are distinguished by a calm temperament, resistance to stress, and friendliness. They can easily tolerate being kept in cages, although, of course, keeping them out for a walk is more preferable.
They enter reproductive age at 5.5 months, after which they lay well for another 20 weeks.

Hisex - endurance and productivity

In the course of breeding work, Dutch scientists in 1970 developed another Leghorn hybrid, which is now extremely popular in Russia - the Highsex. Due to their color, some chickens are classified as the “Hisex Brown” hybrid, and some are classified as the “Hisex White” hybrid. Officially, the Highsex is still considered not an independent breed, but a hybrid of the Leghorn, which does not prevent these chickens from being widely bred on farms and poultry farms around the world.

Hisex brown is more productive than the white hybrid; the egg production of chickens of this breed reaches 310-350 eggs per year, and white chickens of the same breed - 300 eggs. The weight of an egg for a white hybrid is on average 60 grams, for a brown one it can reach 70 g. The weight of white chickens is 1.7-1.8 kg, brown - 2.3-2.6 kg. Both hybrids are distinguished by good resistance to infectious, fungal and helminthic diseases, undemanding food requirements and tolerance of very low temperatures.

In general, domestic chicken breeders prefer the Hisex Brown hybrid as the most prolific, egg-laying and tenacious.

Minorca - large eggs and aesthetic appearance

An original-looking breed that farmers often breed for aesthetic reasons. The black plumage, bright red comb and large white catkins give the hens and roosters an impressive appearance. Unfortunately, the breed is not suitable for industrial breeding, because... is very demanding in terms of living conditions, and therefore continues to remain in the yards of small chicken breeders.

In addition to good egg production (up to 200 eggs per year), Minorcas can boast of a delicate taste of meat, very early maturation of young animals, and most importantly, eggs that are simply gigantic by chicken standards (up to 80 g). This breed has another advantage - chickens lay eggs almost regardless of the time of year. The breed was specially selected for laying the largest possible eggs in a dense shell.
The disadvantages of the breed include its delicacy: in frosty conditions, scallops and legs are easily susceptible to frostbite, Minorcas do not tolerate high humidity, drafts, and cold.

Tetra SL - a modest working laying hen

The Tetra SL cross, which is not so common in small farms, however, has good egg production rates - 300-310 eggs per year. Externally, Tetra chickens most closely correspond to the stereotyped representation of the concept of “pied hen”.

Tetra SL - breed of chickens

With appropriate feeding, they lay eggs almost every day all year round. For regular egg laying, it is necessary to provide a sufficient amount of calcium in the food and light in the areas where the birds are kept. They lay dark brown eggs weighing 64-65 grams. This hybrid is often considered as a meat-egg hybrid, because The taste of the meat is good and the chickens quickly gain weight, but, like all egg breeds, not too much.

A big plus is the ability to sort chickens by gender already at one day of age (by down color). The chickens have a fawn or dark brown color, a neat small comb, a small head and a lean body shape, and a short tail. Cockerels when they are chicks are white, gray or black. Growing up, most of them fledge white or white with occasional black roosters.

Let's sum it up

You need to choose the breed of chickens that you will breed based on the following considerations:

  • purpose of breeding: for family and friends, for periodic sale of eggs, for uninterrupted production of egg products;
  • area allocated for raising chickens;
  • living conditions: cage, aviary or mixed keeping of birds is expected to be established;
  • region, its climatic features, the degree of adaptation of the selected breed to these conditions;
  • availability of chickens of the chosen breed, both in price and in the possibility of getting them near your site.

Only after carefully thinking through all the nuances of future breeding and organizing premises for keeping chickens, after reading detailed literature on breeding the chosen breed, is it worth purchasing young animals. If these conditions are met, laying hens will delight you with large, beautiful and even eggs all year round.