Gurgling wheezing in chickens - what does this symptom mean? Chickens wheeze and sneeze: what to do? What to do if a chicken hiccups

Sometimes farmers notice wheezing breathing in chickens. This is the same pathology as in humans. More often this is a sign of a disease.

Timely treatment will help prevent death.

  • In case of colds and bronchial diseases, it is necessary to check the housing conditions once again: the house must be dry, without drafts and heated evenly over the entire area.
  • Overcrowding of birds beyond the housing standards is unacceptable.
  • The water should be fresh, and the diet should contain the necessary microelements and vitamins.
  • When it gets colder and the risk of colds increases, young animals should be given a nettle decoction to drink - this is an effective folk method.
  • It is recommended to treat the chicken coop with smoke bombs.
  • A sick bird must be immediately removed from the flock; it must be locked in a separate enclosure and the chicken coop must be disinfected with iodine- and chlorine-containing preparations.
  • You need to immediately start strengthening the bird’s immunity by adding vitamins and microelements to the drinking water.

  • When chickens sneeze, powder their nose with streptocide. Do not forget that there may be harmless explanations for a sneeze: bedding made of small shavings, which, when it gets into the nose, causes irritation, or the bird may simply be choking, or snoring in its sleep.
  • If the symptoms are limited only to the respiratory system, bronchodilators will help: mucaltin, licorice root, broncholithin.
  • You can crush one quarter of a ciprofloxacin tablet, shake it in water and pour it down your throat. Effective for throat diseases lysobact.

Wheezing and coughing are signs of many diseases that are not easy for a farmer to identify: it could be a virus, infection, and even tuberculosis or worms.

If the disease is unclear, the sick animal is taken to a veterinarian, who conducts laboratory tests to determine the pathogen and recommends what to do next. Examination of fresh chicken corpses helps in diagnosis.

Treatment with antibiotics

When treating colds and bronchial diseases, antibiotics are indispensable. Antibiotics should be started immediately if the following signs appear in chickens:

  • eyes are red;
  • wheezing, sneezing and coughing appeared;
  • white discharge began to appear from the beak;
  • gurgling sounds are heard when breathing;
  • the bird became inactive and lost interest in food.

  • The duration of antibiotic therapy is 5 days. Baytril, streptomycin, erythromycin, oxytetracycline, spiramycin and lincomycin are mainly used.
  • Mycoplasmosis is perfectly treated with Tiamulin, and to restore reproductive abilities, Typosin is used.
  • If only one bird in a flock gets sick, the entire flock is treated. When adding antibacterial drugs to feed for treating livestock, add 200 g of the drug per ton of feed.
  • Sick chickens are subjected to intensive antibiotic therapy, for which the drug is diluted with water according to the instructions and instilled from a pipette into the beak.
  • The use of antibiotics also depends on the breed of chickens. For example, broiler chickens are given the broad-spectrum antibiotic Enrofloxacin or Baytril (for prevention) from the third day of life, simply by adding it to the water. Even if one chicken from the flock gets sick, all birds are treated with antibiotics. After antibiotic therapy, you should not eat poultry meat or eggs for two weeks.


Colds are the most common in chickens. The main cause of the disease: violation of living conditions, hypothermia, drafts. The following symptoms indicate the development of a cold:

  • the chicken has heavy breathing;
  • she breathes with her mouth open;
  • chickens sneeze and may wheeze;
  • snot appears from the nose, a runny nose begins;
  • coughing begins.

Colds should be treated as early as possible. Otherwise, it may be aggravated by serious bronchial complications.


Infectious laryngotracheitis is a respiratory disease characterized by inflammation of the mucous membranes of the trachea, nasal cavity, conjunctiva and accompanied by heavy breathing, wheezing, and cough. The incubation period lasts from a couple of days to a month.

The first symptoms may appear within 3-7 days. In the acute course of the disease, individual individuals are first infected, and after a week the entire chicken coop is infected. A sick chicken has:

  • lethargy and general depression;
  • loss of appetite;
  • inactivity;
  • the presence of whistling and croaking sounds in the larynx;
  • breathing through an open beak;
  • the bird may begin to cough up blood;
  • due to swelling of the larynx, the bird may experience attacks of suffocation or the bird shakes its head, when it begins to choke, its neck stretches;
  • the rooster loses its voice;
  • Your head may begin to swell.

If chickens are not treated, they begin to go blind. Mortality in the acute form of laryngotracheitis reaches 60%.

Infectious bronchitis

Infectious bronchitis is a new disease that can cause the death of entire livestock. It can easily be confused with a cold, but if treatment does not result in recovery, then infectious bronchitis should be suspected.

The causative agent of the disease is coronavirus, persistent in the environment, which can survive on bird feathers for several weeks, and on eggs it can survive up to 10 days. Chickens under 30 days of age are most susceptible to pathology.

The source of infection is not only sick chickens, but also those who have recovered from the disease and are carriers for more than three months. The spreader of the infection can be the person working in the poultry house, and even the equipment.

Contribute to the spread of the virus: bedding and general drinking bowls contaminated with the secretions of a sick bird.

The symptoms of the disease are as follows:

  • chickens wheeze: the nasopharynx fills with mucus, a whistling sound is heard when inhaling;
  • begin to sneeze;
  • the chicks begin to stretch their necks to inhale;
  • conjunctivitis develops;
  • then cough.

In older chickens, disorders occur in the reproductive system. In this age group the following phenomena can be noted:

  • the formation of the egg is disrupted (the shell becomes discolored, becomes thinner and softens, growths and bumps appear on it);
  • egg laying deteriorates. When a laying hen walks, it lowers its wings and drags its legs.

Only three days are enough for the infection to spread. The virus is airborne and is active within a kilometer radius. Sick chickens die in 35%.


More often, bronchopneumonia is the result of an untreated cold. Bronchopneumonia is a dangerous complex disease that causes the death of birds.

Causes of the disease:

  • staphylococcal or pneumococcal infections of the upper respiratory tract, gradually spreading to the underlying segments;
  • adverse effects of dampness or drafts;
  • complication of bronchitis.

More often 2- and 3-week-old young animals suffer from bronchopneumonia.

Main symptoms:

  • the sick chicken's breathing becomes heavy, she breathes with an open beak;
  • moist rales are heard;
  • chickens begin to sneeze, cough and runny nose appear;
  • sick chickens become lethargic, inactive, and cannot eat or drink;
  • They sit separately, disheveled.

Already on the second day, livestock mortality may begin.


Mycoplasmosis is an infectious disease that affects chickens and is the result of excessive dampness in the poultry house and poor ventilation.

Microorganisms Mycoplasma gallisepticum and Mycoplasma synoviae affect the respiratory organs and eyes. Typically, the disease affects young animals with weakened immune systems.

The disease is transmitted:

  • from mother to offspring;
  • through water in drinking bowls;
  • by air.

Chickens become infected extremely quickly due to the fact that the latent period of the disease can reach three weeks. If hens and chickens sneeze, in order to preserve the livestock, it is necessary to immediately isolate the sick.

The pathogen enters the mucous membranes, depresses the respiratory and reproductive organs, and affects the immune system. Young animals are most susceptible to death as a result of this disease.

The virus can even infect an egg, so infected eggs and eggs from a sick mother should be destroyed immediately. A particular danger of mycoplasmosis is that any other bird can become infected from chickens: ducks, turkeys.


Colibacillosis often affects young animals under 2 weeks of age. The duration of the incubation period is 3 days. In the acute form, the bird’s body temperature rises by one and a half to two degrees, thirst appears, the sick bird loses appetite, then loses weight and becomes weaker. At first she suffers from constipation, after a while diarrhea begins. Death is inevitable from intoxication and resulting sepsis. If treatment is ineffective, the acute form quickly becomes chronic.

Symptoms increase gradually. Vivid signs of the disease are:

  • diarrhea;
  • change in appearance - the bird sits disheveled and with dirty feathers;
  • strong thirst;
  • due to lack of appetite, the individual loses weight;
  • after a couple of weeks shortness of breath and cough appear;
  • chickens wheeze heavily and sneeze frequently;
  • a squealing and crunching sound is heard in the sternum;
  • the bird turns its head unnaturally.

Even if a sick chicken was cured, its development stops.


Aspergellosis is caused by the fungus Aspergillus, which attacks the respiratory system. Aspergella is transmitted through feed grains: excessive dampness promotes its proliferation.


  • dyspnea;
  • heavy breathing with dry wheezing;
  • the birds always look tired and sleepy.

In the acute course of the disease, mortality reaches 80%. Regular checking of feed grain, treating the grain storage area with antifungal agents, regular cleaning of the chicken coop and replacing the bedding will help avoid an outbreak.

Aspergellosis is treated with antifungal medications and adding copper sulfate to water and food for several days.

General symptoms

Many diseases in birds begin with wheezing.

  • The breathing of a sick bird is very different from that of a healthy bird: whistling and squealing can be heard. Mucus accumulates in the bird's respiratory tract, causing uncharacteristic sounds when breathing.

These first signs indicate the onset of colds, bronchial or other diseases.

As soon as a chicken begins to wheeze or sneeze, it must immediately be isolated from the livestock and the cause of the disease must be determined in order to prescribe effective treatment. Otherwise, one bird can infect everyone in the coop.

Chickens are perhaps the hardiest birds of all those bred on homestead farms. They almost never cause any trouble to their owners in terms of health. But sometimes, of course, this popular farm bird also gets sick in the backyard. Next, we will look in detail at why chickens cough and wheeze. Such symptoms may be a sign of a fairly serious illness.

What types of chickens are there?

Poultry of different productivity types can be bred on farms and in household plots. For meat, specially bred hybrid broilers are often kept. This bird gains weight very quickly, but, unfortunately, does not have excellent health. It is broilers that get sick most often on farms.

Many people also keep chickens for meat production on their farmsteads. Representatives of such breeds also gain quite a lot of weight. In this regard, they are inferior to broilers, but at the same time they are distinguished by better health. Chickens of this variety sneeze and wheeze (how to treat the bird in this case depends on the specific disease).

In villages and dachas, laying hens are often kept. Egg hens are the most popular variety and are actually very healthy. Sometimes farmers also keep chickens of mixed productivity. Such a bird lays quite a lot of eggs and at the same time gains weight quite quickly. Representatives of the breeds of this group, like laying hens, get sick quite rarely.

What to do if you have a cough

Why do chickens wheeze?Let's look at it below. First, let's figure out what measures should be taken when such a symptom is first detected.Most often this problem isas you can already guess,observed in broilers. However, cough can appear in representatives of any other productivity group. But in any case, wheezing and sneezing are absolutely uncharacteristic sounds for a bird. Therefore, their appearance certainly indicates health problems in the chicken.

Unfortunately, very often a bird’s cough occurs due to infectious diseases. Therefore, chickens that begin to wheeze should be immediately placed in a separate room. Unfortunately, infections spread among poultry almost instantly. But still, such a measure may help avoid infection of the entire herd, and therefore large losses.

What diseases can a cough be a sign of?

So in what casesIs the chicken wheezing and breathing heavily?The most common cough and sneezing isthis economic birdare symptoms of some kind of lung problem.Wheezing appears inchickens usuallyat:



    infectious bronchitis;

    respiratory mycoplasmosis;



Cold in poultry

Most modern breeds of chickens and even hybrids in our country are bred taking into account the difficult Russian climate. Therefore, the cold almost never causes any particular harm to this backyard poultry (with the exception of some broilers). But, unfortunately, chickens, both meat and laying hens, are very sensitive to drafts in the barn itself. The same goes for dampness. Draft and high air humidity in the poultry house are one of the most common causes of wheezing and coughing.

The cold is a relatively harmless disease. Even without being treated, the chickens in this case will not die. However, at the same time they will significantly reduce productivity indicators. Therefore, it is still necessary to treat chicken colds.

Cold therapy

Since this disease occurs in birds due to hypothermia, the sick individual should first be placed in a warm room. In the poultry house itself, drafts must be excluded. Treatment of the cold itself, if chickens are wheezing and coughing, at home can be done, for example, using nettle infusion. This folk remedy will help strengthen the bird’s immunity.

In addition to the broth, the chicken must also be given some kind of antibiotic. For example, colds in poultry are often treated with the drug “Oflosan”. This medicine is simply added to chickens' food or water, according to the instructions.

You can also use a spray to treat a bird's cold. In this case, for example, the medicine “Lugol” is very suitable. It is very easy to use this drug. You need to open the chicken's beak and spray a little spray into its mouth.

Chickens sneeze and wheeze: how to treat bronchopneumonia

Pneumonia is also a common cause of wheezing in chickens. This disease is much more serious than a cold, and can even lead to the death of the bird. Most often, bronchopneumonia is diagnosed in chickens 15-20 days old. The cause of pneumonia, like colds, in chickens is most often hypothermia.Adult birds get sick less often than young birds, but they can still develop similar problems.

At the initial stage of this disease, the chicken's bronchi become inflamed. Then the disease spreads to the lungs and pleura. In this case, chickens’ cough appears due to irritation of the upper respiratory tract. Wheezing in birds with pneumonia is “wet”. The chicken also begins to produce “snot.” The bird itself, sick with bronchopneumonia, usually completely loses activity - it sits in one place, does not move and breathes only through its mouth.

Treatment of a bird with pneumonia should begin as quickly as possible. Otherwise, in a few days the herd size may be greatly reduced. In this case, chickens are also treated with antibiotics. In this case, penicillin or the drugs “Norfloxacin” and “Terramycin” are most often used. In addition, the chicken coop is sprayed with Ashpiseptol.

In combination with antibiotics, a mixture of honey and mumiyo (20 g and 1 g, respectively) is also used. As with colds, nettle infusion is used to strengthen the immune system.

The chicken wheezes: what to do with infectious bronchitis

Wheezing in birds with this disease is also usually “wet.” Infectious bronchitis poses a danger to the life of a chicken as serious as pneumonia. Moreover, this disease is also highly contagious. Sick birds should be separated from other birds as quickly as possible.

When they wheeze, they lose their appetite, become lethargic and group around some source of heat. Laying hens can lay defective eggs. Sometimes this disease in birds is also accompanied by diarrhea.

Treatment of chickens for infectious bronchitis is, unfortunately, a useless procedure. The infected bird is slaughtered, and the farm is declared unsafe. The barn is treated with disinfectant aerosols (Lugol's solution, Virkon S, aluminum iodide, etc.). Infectious bronchitis cannot be cured in this way. However, preventing chickens from becoming infected with this disease is not difficult. To do this, you just need to periodically disinfect the poultry house and exclude connections with farms that are unfavorable in terms of infectious bronchitis.

Respiratory mycoplasmosis in chickens

Farm poultry become infected with this infectious disease very often. In this case, she experiences lethargy and loss of appetite, and the chicken wheezes. Many farmers would also probably like to know what to do if mycoplasmosis is detected in a bird.

This disease spreads among chickens quite quickly. Within 2-4 weeks, the number of infected individuals can increase from 10 to 100%. In addition to wheezing and coughing, the main symptoms of respiratory mycoplasmosis in chickens are loss of appetite and lethargy. In some cases, the bird may experience swollen eyelids and watery eyes.

Mycoplasmosis therapy

This disease is treated using the same antibiotics. In this case, for example, medications such as “Farmazin", "Pneumotin", "Enroxil", etc. It is believed that products made on the basis of tiamulin, tolosin or enrofloxacin help birds best with mycoplasmosis.

The selected antibiotic is diluted in water and poured into drinking bowls. The course of treatment for mycoplasmosis in chickens is usually 5 days. Vaccination is most often used as a preventive measure on farms.

Colibacillosis: description of the disease and its treatment

This disease, like mycoplasmosis, belongs to the group of dangerous ones. It can cause really great damage to poultry farming. Young chickens usually get sick with colibacillosis. In the acute form of the disease, up to 30% of the entire herd may die. Infection with colibacillosis occurs through dirty food and water containing feces with E. coli.

In addition to the fact that chickens sneeze and wheeze, they also exhibit the following symptoms with this disease:

    loss of appetite;

    bluish beak color;


The anus of chickens infected with colibacillosis is always dirty. This disease can also be determined by the fact that chickens drink a lot of water.

So, if colibacillosis is detected in the poultry house and the chickens are wheezing, how to treat them? Most often, one of the following three drugs is used for this disease:

    "Enronit". This remedy is considered very effective and is practically non-addictive in chickens.

    "Lexoflon OR". This antibiotic also treats colibacillosis very well.

    Enronit OR. When using this medicine, the bird recovers within 3-5 days.

All three of these medicines usually help very well with colibacillosis, when chickens wheeze. It is therefore clear how to treat this disease. What about prevention? Measures aimed at preventing the spread of this infection in poultry houses, of course, must be taken. As a preventative drug, for example, Enronit OR is just perfect. It is this medicine, fed to poultry in small doses, that helps avoid infection of chickens with colibacillosis.

How to treat laryngotracheitis

Of all the varieties of poultry, chickens are most often affected by laryngotracheitis. Unfortunately, the virus that causes this disease can also infect humans. Laryngotracheitis is transmitted “beak to beak.” Most often, chickens get sick in the fall or spring. In 10 days, infection can cover up to 60% of the herd. In this case, the lunge is usually about 20%.

With laryngotracheitis, chickens wheeze and cough very much. Also symptoms of this disease are:

    wheezing, cough, wheezing;

    discharge from the nose and eyes;

    redness of the larynx;

    accumulation of mucus and cheesy masses in the larynx.

When you press on the bird's trachea with your fingers, it begins to cough.

Treatment laringotracheitis on farms is generally considered impractical.If you are sickthe chicken coughs and wheezes andIt is for this reason that it is usually simply destroyed.However, sometimes therapylaryngotracheitisis still carried out on farms. In this case, only clearly sick and emaciated birds are slaughtered. More or less healthy chickens are treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics (tetracycline,norfloxacin, etc.). The birds are provided with good feeding and heating.

For laryngotracheitis, lactic acid is sprayed into the air. To maintain immunity, the bird is given vitamins “Chiktonik”, “Nitamin”, “Aminivital”. ASD-2 is also added to the mash (1 ml per 100 heads).

Vaccination is used on farms to prevent laryngotracheitis. Injections are given when birds arrive on the farm or at the age of 30-60 days.

Treatment of syngamosis


    the presence of eggs in the litter.

Deworming for syngamosis is usually carried out using a mixture of crystalline iodine (1 gram), boiled water (1500 ml) and potassium iodide (1.5 g). The solution is first heated to a temperature comfortable for the bird (30 C). It is then injected into the chickens' trachea using a syringe with a long, blunt needle. It is recommended to use 1-1.5 ml of the product at one time.

Instead of a conclusion

Thus, we found out why chickens wheeze. How to treat a cough? The answer to this question depends on the specific disease. If such symptoms appear due to a cold, it will be easy to help the bird on your own. For other diseases associated with coughing and sneezing, the farmer, of course, should seek help from veterinarians.

Like any other pets and barnyard dwellers, chickens are also susceptible to various diseases. Of course, this is a real grief for the owners, who do not easily suffer losses, but also expose their farm to danger. That is why it is important to treat all ailments in a timely manner. Among a number of chicken diseases - wheezing is far from the last place.

Causes of wheezing

A wheeze is a special sound that birds make when breathing. Most often this is the main symptom of bronchitis. In addition, the chicken may begin to breathe heavily, and wheezing will be heard from the sternum area, both dry and wet.

It is important to remember that sound, that is, wheezing, is not the disease itself, but only an accompanying symptom. Therefore, when they are first detected, the bird should be shown to a veterinarian, as this may be evidence of more than just a cold. If treatment is not timely, chickens also begin to sneeze and cough. But from such a disease, with proper treatment, they will not die.

One of the very first and, perhaps, the most harmless is the common cold from hypothermia. If the chickens' room is damp and cold, they quickly get sick and sneeze. The second cause of wheezing is a serious disease - respiratory mycoplasmosis. The disease affects the bird's respiratory system and is also associated with poor ventilation of the room.

It is not uncommon, especially in chickens, to encounter a disease such as bronchopneumonia. This is inflammation of the bronchial mucosa, again due to hypothermia. With this disease, the wheezing is most often wet, and in addition to this manifestation, the birds become blind, cough and soon die.

Colibacillosis is also characterized by the presence of wheezing, especially when the chicken moves. In addition to this symptom, fever and lack of appetite are also observed.

Treatment methods

If wheezing is detected, what should you do? To begin with, if it is a cold, the chickens are sneezing and coughing, then you need to:

  1. Be sure to insulate and dry the room where they live.
  2. The air temperature should not fall below 15 degrees.
  3. To cure birds, you can give them nettle infusion instead of water.
  4. And inhalation, for example, Izatizone, quickly helps relieve wheezing and coughing.

If chickens are coughing and wet wheezing is heard:

  1. It is best to use anti-inflammatory drugs, bronchodilators.
  2. More serious diseases require a full course of antibiotics.

Often, after the first symptoms of disease, many chickens die due to weak immunity, so the owners immediately begin a course of antibiotics. Is it right to do this? There are two thoughts on this matter. Some experts confirm this need, others say that wheezing can also be treated well with inhaled medications. For example:

  1. You can use special smoke bombs for the entire number of chickens.
  2. If a few of all individuals cough or sneeze, then they are removed until complete recovery.

Today, chickens in poultry farms are vaccinated, so they are carriers of various infections. That is why, when young purchased chickens are added to “old” chickens, the old ones begin to cough, wheeze and sometimes even die. In such cases, medications are added to the feeder:

  • tetracycline;
  • sulfadimezine;
  • Furazolidone.

It is important to remember that if the birds got sick and were treated with antibiotics, it is not advisable to eat their products for the first two weeks, that is, eggs and meat. Read more about various diseases and methods of their treatment in the following articles.

Video “Diseases of chickens”

Even the most experienced and responsible farmers are unable to prevent chickens from getting sick; in practice, it is impossible to protect the farm from this. Therefore, any poultry enterprise or farming is not insured against unplanned, sometimes huge, financial losses. After all, poultry, along with other animals, does not have a strong immune system and suffers from many infections, from which it cannot be completely protected. In this article we will take a closer look at the question: why do chickens wheeze and how to deal with it.

Wheezing is an uncharacteristic sound for a healthy chicken, which is a sign of a number of problems with its health. In different cases, difficult breathing resembles rattling, whistling, gurgling, or even human snoring. It is undesirable to ignore this, otherwise even healthy livestock may get sick.

Problems with the respiratory system can cause:

  • cold;
  • bronchitis of an infectious and non-infectious nature;
  • bronchial pneumonia;
  • infections (mycoplasmosis, colibacillosis and others).


Wheezing is the most common symptom of avian illness. They do not pose a serious threat to life and do not lead to death, but they still require some intervention. Since inaction threatens infection of the entire livestock, a decrease in egg production and possible complications in the future.

The main cause of the disease is drafts, low temperature or high humidity levels in the poultry house. A sick laying hen has swelling of the mucous membranes, inflamed airways and, as a result, breathing problems - she tries to breathe through her mouth, since her nose is filled with mucus, similar to a runny nose. If treatment is not started, the hen will begin to sneeze and cough.

Cold treatment

There is no need to treat a cold. It is enough to carry out the following activities:

  • maintain a temperature regime of at least 15°C, protect the livestock from high humidity and drafts in the place where it is kept;
  • replace water in drinking bowls with nettle decoction;
  • use inhalation methods using medications or essential oils.
  • special smoke bombs work effectively with large livestock;
  • provide food rich in vitamins and minerals.

Infectious type bronchitis (IB)

A serious infectious disease, the main symptoms are wheezing, sneezing, difficulty breathing, runny nose and cough. Quite often, the disease affects the kidneys of the chicken, which significantly reduces its productivity. If the infection develops and affects the lungs of young animals, they are likely to die.

IBV is transmitted by airborne transmission but is also spread through feed, water, bedding, secretions of disease vectors, or the clothing and tools of workers in large poultry houses. It does not pose a danger to the human body.

IBV almost always affects poultry, although cases of this disease have been recorded in pheasants and quails. Chickens of all age categories suffer from IB, but chickens and young laying hens suffer the most from it. When you detect the first signs, you should react immediately. The disease can lead to a decrease in egg production by 30-40%. In this case, broilers will seriously lag behind in weight gain, and feed conversion will noticeably decrease.

The recovered individual acts as a carrier of the virus for the next 100 days. During this time, it is released along with saliva, waste products, or fluid from the mucous membranes.

Signs of the disease in adults:

  • labored breathing;
  • drop in productivity;
  • green diarrhea;
  • nervousness;
  • hemorrhages in the bronchi and trachea (visible after autopsy);
  • eggs with a limescale coating or thin shell.

Prices for ovoscope

The biggest damage from infectious bronchitis for the farm is a drop in egg production and productivity of laying hens. At the same time, those who have been ill often cannot return to their previous productivity levels.

Chicken bronchitis has three clinical manifestations:

  1. Respiratory syndrome is typical for both chickens and adults. But it is more noticeable in young animals. Has symptoms similar to a cold. Young animals have a decreased appetite, they lose weight and huddle near heat sources due to impaired thermoregulation of their bodies. The disease is most acute in the first three weeks. During this time, according to statistics, chickens up to three weeks old survive in 60% of cases, while adult birds almost always survive, but at the same time lag behind healthy peers in development.

  2. Nephrozenphritis syndrome - the symptoms are almost the same as those of the respiratory syndrome, but in this case the victim’s kidneys are also affected. At the same time, the bird wheezes, coughs, suffers from copious mucus secretion due to inflammation, as well as diarrhea with urate impurities. The survival rate in this case is about 30%. At autopsy, the kidneys have a clearly visible pattern of blood vessels.

    Damaged chicken kidneys

  3. Reproductive syndrome is typical for adult laying hens. In infected chickens, 1-2 weeks after the first symptoms of illness appear, egg-laying rates sharply decrease or they stop laying eggs altogether. Signs of a respiratory disease may not appear, with the exception of slight wheezing and a decrease in egg production. After illness, the productivity of laying hens does not return to its previous level, and the eggs have a defective appearance.

    If IBV is suspected, chicken eggs are not recommended to be used.

Methods to combat IBK

Control of IBV includes the use of disinfectants in the form of sprays. This can be aluminum iodide, glutex, Lugol's solution and others. Particular attention should be paid to the chicken coop, since it is often the cause of hypothermia, one of the main causes of disease. The above measures are only preventive in nature, and if the disease occurs, antibiotics are used.

Preventing the spread of disease in a chicken coop is not easy due to the large number of birds. Disinfection of the chicken coop is also used as a preventive measure, at certain intervals. Disinfection, which we will discuss in this article, helps protect chickens from disease and maintain sanitation.

Bronchipneumonia in chickens

Pneumonia is a serious avian disease. It mainly affects young animals aged 10-20 days; it is practically not found in adults. The cause of the disease is improper maintenance: in a draft, in the cold or in the rain. First, the disease affects the bronchi, then attacks the lungs and pleural film (covers the lungs from the inside).

Sick individuals are characterized by rapid breathing and moist rales. They cough, sneeze, practically stop eating and become inactive. When the lungs are affected, the chicken breathes heavily through its mouth, sits ruffled and practically does not move.

Fighting bronchial pneumonia

In the initial stages it is treatable. When the first signs are detected, aspiseptol should be sprayed in the poultry house (the chickens should be inside at this time). It is advisable to carry out treatment in the evening. The drug is a solution containing 350 g of soda, diluted in 3 liters of water, mixed with 250 g of bleach, diluted in 7 liters of water. Add water to the composition in a 1:1 ratio, stir and spray.


Mycoplasmosis is classified as an infectious disease. It is found quite often on poultry farms. It occurs in the form of acute chronic damage to the respiratory system. It spreads through water and air, and also transovirally, that is, from an unhealthy chicken to its offspring.

Mycoplasmosis is spreading extremely quickly. Moreover, its carriers can also be ducks, turkeys and other animals that can infect each other. It is very important to make a correct diagnosis in a timely manner, keep unhealthy individuals separately and promptly treat them. The chance of death is 5-40%.

The virus enters the mucous membranes of the victim, disrupts its respiratory system and reproductive function, and attacks the organs of the immune system. As a result, the body as a whole is depleted. Chickens primarily suffer from mycoplasmosis. Therefore, you need to be extremely careful and exclude the possibility of eggs from unhealthy laying hens getting into the incubator.

Prices for egg incubators

Egg incubators

Sometimes unhealthy chickens suffer from diarrhea and, as a result, their general condition noticeably worsens. Diagnosis of mycoplasmosis is difficult because the disease can develop without any obvious symptoms. Conventionally, the infection includes four main stages of development:

  1. Latent stage. Its duration ranges from 12 to 21 days. An infected and a healthy chicken look the same.
  2. At this stage, signs appear in 5-10% of infected people: in young birds there is difficulty breathing and foamy discharge from the nostrils, in adult birds there is a disorder of the reproductive system (decreased egg production, death of embryos), cough, (conjunctivitis).
  3. Stage three - the unhealthy body begins to secrete antibodies. This and the final stages proceed unnoticed.
  4. The last stage - infected chickens become carriers of mycoplasmosis.

When assessing the health of the livestock, many farm owners first examine the rooster. This is due to the fact that it is the rooster who shows symptoms of diseases earlier than others, so there is a chance to prevent the impending attack. A veterinarian will be able to make an accurate diagnosis after conducting special tests. To do this, he will need to examine cultures of exudates or the so-called polymerase chain reaction.

Treatment of mycoplasmosis

A sick bird is treated with antibiotics. These may be: streptomycin, chlortetracycline, spiramycin, oxytetracycline and other drugs. At the standard dosage, 200 g of medicine is consumed per 1 ton of feed. Treatment is carried out for 5 days. Chickens are treated with tamulin, and tylosin injections are used to increase egg production in laying hens.


Colibacillosis is an acute disease that most often affects young animals up to two weeks old. It can have acute and chronic forms of colibacillosis. In the first case, symptoms will appear from a couple of hours to several days. Characteristic signs are increased body temperature by 1-2°C, severe thirst and loss of interest in food, and impaired defecation. Death occurs due to intoxication of the body.

The next stage is the development of a chronic form, which is a continuation of the acute form. If sick chickens are cured in time, then at first they seem quite healthy. But there is a high chance of re-infection after a couple of days. Clinical signs will begin to appear gradually, with intensification. One of the first symptoms is diarrhea, thirst, loss of appetite, and decreased activity. At the same time, the appearance of unhealthy individuals worsens, and they quickly lose weight.

2-3 weeks after infection, the bird experiences attacks of suffocation, it becomes difficult for it to breathe and a cough appears. Chickens begin to breathe intermittently and a crunching and squealing sound is periodically heard in the sternum. This suggests that every breath is extremely difficult for them. Convulsions and paralysis may occur in young animals when the neck of an infected chicken becomes abnormally twisted. Very often this leads to death. Recovered individuals will develop worse than their relatives in the future.

Treatment of colibacillosis

For colibacillosis, antibiotic treatment is also carried out. In this case, veterinarians advise using biomycin, syntomycin or terramycin. Sick individuals are treated for 5 days, but, if necessary, the course of treatment can be repeated.

Meat or eggs from chickens that have been treated with antibiotics should not be eaten for at least two weeks.

Disease Prevention

As noted above, it is impossible to completely protect livestock from diseases, but this probability can be minimized. To do this you need to adhere to the following rules:

  1. The manifestation of symptoms in one chicken is a reason to inspect the entire flock, since there is a high chance of infection of several individuals at the same time. They all need to be kept separate from healthy birds. At the same time, if possible, infected chickens are given better living conditions and given food with a high content of vitamins and minerals.
  2. There should be no drafts or dampness in the poultry house, and the temperature should not fall below 15°C.
  3. Poultry keeping areas are regularly disinfected.

Self-medication is not always effective. The disease can develop, become more severe and lead to mass death of birds. It is better to consult your veterinarian first.

Video - Wheezing in chickens

Video - What hoarse sounds can a chicken make?

Raising chickens is a labor-intensive process. It is rare to achieve 100% survival rate of a livestock.

Diseases are often the cause of bird death, so it is necessary to constantly monitor their condition. Proper maintenance, adequate nutrition and disease prevention are the three pillars on which the health of birds depends.

The vast majority of bird diseases begin with the appearance of wheezing. Then a cough appears, the birds begin to sneeze and continue to wheeze more and more heavily. All these signs indicate colds or other types of bronchial diseases developing in the bird’s body. Under no circumstances should such symptoms be ignored. The first step is to diagnose the disease and determine the cause of its occurrence.


Colds are the most common disease in birds, especially those with weakened immune systems. The main cause of its occurrence is hypothermia. When the respiratory tract becomes inflamed, swelling of the mucous membrane occurs, as a result of which the bird begins to breathe heavily through its mouth, wheeze and sneeze frequently.

After a while, mucous snot appears and a cough begins. Birds that have a cold must be isolated from healthy ones and must be treated. An untreated cold can cause complications.


Diarrhea in chickens can be caused by many reasons. Read how to rid birds of diarrhea.

Treatment of diseases

If the chicken begins to sneeze frequently, has difficulty breathing, or develops wheezing and mucous discharge, it is necessary to take it to the veterinarian to diagnose the disease. Wheezing and coughing are generally symptoms of most avian diseases, which are quite difficult to immediately determine by eye: it could be an infection, a virus, or even.

If the bird starts to get sick, then you need to check and bring the place where it is kept into compliance with the standards: a cold chicken coop needs to be insulated, a wet one needs to be dried, a roof must be built over the enclosure and a drainage groove must be made to remove moisture around the perimeter. You can protect your livestock from illnesses only by providing the birds with comfortable living conditions.

Take care to maintain a comfortable temperature in the chicken coop: reducing the temperature below 15 degrees is unacceptable. It is imperative to disinfect the chicken coop, for example, with chlorine turpentine, Lugol’s solution, aluminum iodide, etc.

If the chickens sneeze but feel fine, then the disease is in its early stages. You can get by with preventive methods: replace the water in the sippy cups with a decoction of nettles, introduce fortified supplements into the diet. Sneezing chickens will benefit from powdering their nose with streptocide. By the way, there are also more harmless causes of chicken sneezing - for example, bedding made of small shavings that gets into their nose and causes irritation.

Experts prescribe anti-inflammatory medications or bronchodilators to sick birds. If the form of the disease is severe, you won’t be able to get rid of it with anti-inflammatory drugs alone - a full course is prescribed. When taking any medications, chickens must receive vitamins in their diet, mainly A and E. Vitamins can be mixed with small feed.

If the chicken wheezes and coughs and the symptoms do not spread beyond the respiratory system, the drug tromexine or tillosine tartrate helps well. You can treat a bird with licorice root, mucaltin, broncholithin - you just need to accurately calculate the dosage. There are such treatment methods tested by farmers:

  • crush a quarter of a ciprofloxacin tablet, dilute the powder in water and administer it into the throat with a syringe. Give 2 times a day for 4-5 days. Be sure to include vitamin A in your diet;
  • Give half a tablet of chloramphenicol 2 times a day for 5 to 10 days. The duration of treatment depends on the condition of the bird, but not less than 5 days. Along with the tablet, you need to give a few drops of trivit or tetramag.

If the chickens wheeze and die, you need to react as quickly as possible:

  • Buy doxycycline at the pharmacy and place one capsule in the mouth of each sick chicken at night. Be sure to immediately give more water. The course of treatment is at least 7 days. During this entire period, you should not eat eggs from chickens whose shells turn yellow. After treatment, eggs should not be eaten for another week;
  • For 3 days in a row, every morning, give one fourth of a tetracycline tablet (without additives) to young chickens, half a tablet to adults. Stuff it into the mouth of every sick chicken.

Some more tips for treating chickens:

  1. Antibiotics are used to treat colibacillosis: terramycin or biomycin should be mixed with food at a rate of 100 mg per 1 kg. At the same time, sulfadimezin aerosol is used and multivitamins are added to the diet.
  2. To treat mycoplasmosis in chickens that are not severely emaciated (severely emaciated ones must be destroyed), the antibiotics oxytetracycline or chlortetracycline 0.4 g per 1 kg of feed are added to the feed for 7 days. Then take a 3-day break and repeat the course of treatment. It can be treated with other drugs: streptomycin, erythromycin, chloramphenicol, etc.
  3. To treat laryngotracheitis, you can use tromexine, which alleviates the course of the disease. The drug is given in dissolved form (per 1 liter of water - 2 g on the first day, and 1 g per liter on the next day). The medicine is given until complete recovery, at least 5 days.
  4. A good antibiotic for infectious diseases (for example, infectious laryngotracheitis) is Baytril for birds. Baytril helps against a large number of infectious diseases and respiratory diseases. Baytril is added to water for colds, 10% of the drug, 1 g per 1 liter.

Some traditional methods of treatment

You can note some traditional methods of treating chickens and chickens, which are used for sneezing, coughing and wheezing in birds.