Japanese Bobtail breed description. Description of the cat and the cat of the Japanese Bobtail breed. Character and education

The object of adoration, veneration and even admiration of the Japanese are tailless cats that bring good luck. The Japanese Bobtail has a long history of origin, surrounded by legends and myths; the breed is mentioned in ancient manuscripts that were written during the time of the emperors. In the modern world, a cat with a boom tail is a rare and prestigious breed of cat.

As you know, Japan is a country located on 6852 islands, 4 of which are the largest and make up the bulk of the landmass. The historical path of Japanese cats is quite difficult to describe with guaranteed accuracy; to make it clearer, we are talking about the period 530–540 BC. The first cats came to the islands by sailing on merchant ships. One thing is certain: the Japanese literally deified cats and even feared them.

The official domestication of cats in Japan occurred during the reign of Emperor Ichijo. The ruler had rather strange feelings towards four-legged predators; he was afraid of the demonic essence of animals, but believed that taming cats would increase his influence on his subjects. Myobu no Otodo, a fluffy lady-in-waiting who served in the emperor's court, became Japan's first registered cat. The maid of honor had privileges that were not available to the common people, she lived in a palace and wore a collar.

The more attention was paid to four-legged pets, the more sophisticated the legends about cats became. The Japanese believed that there was a deity, more precisely, a huge cat named Necromancer, who watched over people and, if desired, brought trouble. It was believed that the negative force was contained in the serpentine process on the back of the animal, in other words, in the tail. It's not hard to guess what happened next, right?

The legend, like everything inexplicable, aroused fear, and what does a person do when he is afraid? - That's right, it destroys! The Japanese solved the problem as their “animal fear” told them, and the “era of animal husbandry” began. To turn an evil cat into a Necromancer, an expensive, fluffy, and good-luck pet, all you had to do was cut off the defenseless animal’s tail. A new species of tailless cats has been dubbed maneki-neko. By the way, the definition remained in Japanese usage in relation to cat-themed symbolism. The most common symbol of worship is a golden or black Japanese bobtail in the form of a nodding figurine; it is believed that the figurine brings good luck, wealth and prosperity to its owner.

During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, cats born in Japan fell under the knife of “would-be veterinarians.” Physical abuse repeated from generation to generation led to gene mutation and cats began to be born with shortened, crooked tails. The joy of the Japanese knew no bounds, because they defeated the Necromancer himself! Along with the victory over the evil deity, a bright time came for four-legged animals; they began to be idolized, revered and protected.

This is interesting! There is an opinion that for some period, kittens were born with a tail, but the mother cat instinctively gnawed at the “source of evil” in the first minutes after the baby was born.

During the period of isolation, the Japanese Bobtail cat lived and bred in a “closed space”, without the participation of other cat species. After the end of the war and the opening of the merchant fleet, other, previously unseen breeds of cats were massively imported to the continent, which played a negative role in the population of “short-tailed residents.”

Further, events developed chaotically; cat lovers who came to Japan tried to take the strange cats out of the continent. In 1968, Elizabeth Freret, later the founder of the recognized breed, bought three short-tailed kittens and took the babies to Western Asia. Elizabeth and a group of volunteers who admired the Japanese Bobtail created a champion breed standard, a stud book, and filled out statutory forms for the official registration of bobtail cats.

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Lynn Beck- an American woman who managed to smuggle kittens into the United States. The breeder founded the first ever Japanese Bobtail breed club and persistently petitioned for official recognition of short-tailed cats, sending annual requests to the Cat Fancier's Association (CFA).

Virginia Woolf- exhibition judge and fan of Japanese bobtails, made a great contribution to the popularization of the breed. At all shows, the woman asked for a separate ring for showing Japanese Bobtails outside of competition. Virginia introduced the audience to unusual pets, talked about their history, habits and character.

Work to popularize the Japanese Bobtail was carried out in parallel and was crowned with success; for the first time, the breed received recognized status in 1976. The first club whose “barricades collapsed” under the pressure of fans of short-tailed cats was the American Feline Association (CFA), then, after a short period of time, the Japanese Bobtail was recognized by all American clubs. The International Cat Federation (FIFe) issued its verdict in 1990, which gave the breed the status of “worldwide recognized”.

Note! The Japanese Bobtail is considered an absolutely “pure” breed, the peculiarity of which was the result of a “natural mutation of genes”, which is the reason for the ban on interbreed matings.


The Japanese Bobtail cat is an elegant pet with medium or small dimensions and unique features. As you know, a cat’s tail is a full-fledged part of the spine that helps mammals maintain balance and balance their body weight while running. Tailless cats have a number of special habits that are unusual for their tailed relatives, for example, the Japanese Bobtail jumps like a kangaroo.

The weight of the animal ranges from 3 to 4 kilograms; cats are traditionally larger than cats. With all its elegance, the Japanese Bobtail has a “sporty” body structure and is a strong and hardy animal. According to the breed standard, “tailless athletes” must meet the following parameters:

  • The head has the shape of an isosceles triangle with smooth bends in the corners. Visually, the muzzle is elongated, the cheekbones are pronounced and high. The cheeks are taut, rounded with a hollow at the base of the mustache. The nose is clearly defined, slightly elongated.
  • The ears are large, wide, in the shape of an isosceles triangle with a rounded apex. Set on high and wide, there is a slight slope towards the muzzle.
  • The eyes are expressive, oval, open, but not protruding. The color of the iris is any, however, the more common color is golden.
  • The body is strong, muscular, fit.
  • The paws are long, powerful with clearly defined joints. The hind legs are slightly longer than the front legs. The brush is neat and collected.

Japanese Bobtail tail

There are bends, breaks and nodular formations on the spinal column. Thus, the tail has 2 lengths - in a straightened and relaxed state. The maximum length of a relaxed tail should not exceed 8 cm; when spread, no more than 15.

The tail looks like a pompom due to its fluffy fur. The fur is longer and thicker than on the body and creates the effect of a tassel, pompom or shaving brush. Look at photos of different Japanese Bobtails and pay attention to the uniqueness of the tail, this is not a coincidence, breeders compare the individuality of the curves of the vertebrae with the fingerprints of people.

Note! The tail of the Japanese Bobtail is not only the “calling card”, but also the “Achilles heel” of the breed. The short tail is very fragile and bends easily, which requires careful handling by the owners.

Coat and colors

The breed is considered short-haired, but in fact, the length of the coat can reach average values. The Japanese Bobtail is the standard of smooth-haired cats; the fur coat lies so perfectly that if the ward freezes in one position, he can be confused with a porcelain figurine. The coat is soft and elastic, and fits snugly to the body. The only exception is the hair on the tail. In medium-haired pets, on the collar, riding breeches, belly and hind legs, the hair is noticeably longer than the main coat.

Read also: German Rex - a detailed overview of the breed

The Japanese Bobtail comes in all coat and iris colors, but for breeding purposes it is preferable for the colors to be harmoniously combined. The usual colors have elements of fiery red color and white spots. This is explained by the gene pool; in the historical description of the breed, almost 80% of female bobtails had a tortoiseshell color, called mi-ke (red and black spots on a white background). Also, the white Japanese Bobtail can be born as carriers of the heterochromia gene - multi-colored eyes, one of which is blue and the other is golden.

Note! Many sources claim that the mi-ke color was characteristic of animals of both sexes, and this conflicts with the genetic discoveries of the “new century”. For a long time it was believed that only females could wear the tortoiseshell color. However, research and “living facts” have proven that males can also have a tortoiseshell color, but in this case the animals are infertile.

The closest competitor of the Japanese in terms of visual attractiveness is the Kuril Bobtail. Cat lovers are attracted by the animals' endurance and their luxurious coat. The main nuance in which the Japanese Bobtail differs from the Kuril is the fact that the former is the progenitor of the latter. Also, Kuril Bobtails are long-haired cats, “wear” a dense undercoat and are not afraid of water.

Character and education

The Japanese Bobtail has an “explosive” character and sharply contrasts with the usual image of a phlegmatic cat. Short-tailed pets have a strong hunting instinct, which means you don’t have to worry about the invasion of rodents or even flies. Pets prefer an active lifestyle and if the owner does not provide sufficient exercise, behavior problems can result.

As a “prevention of wildness”, the Japanese Bobtail is recommended to walk on a leash, interactive and winding toys, obstacle courses, high scratching posts with mounted toys. Please note that the breed learns new habits very easily, and weaning is very problematic. The owner’s task is to timely correct the “energy flow” of an active pet, preventing problematic moments.

Short-tailed hunters are friendly towards children; most often, the relationship between the pet and the baby is partnership, playful, less often, patronizing. If you have a dog or another cat living in your home, you should think about the match between the temperament of your existing and new pet. The Japanese Bobtail will definitely accept another animal, but will your pet tolerate a new family member with a choleric temperament?

It is worth noting that the company from the Japanese bobtail and ferret is a “ticking time bomb”. Think carefully before combining these animals in one home. Most often, pets work like a “gang”, the ferret has dexterous paws that can open any doors and locks, and the “Japanese” has strength - draw your conclusions. The same goes for the company of two Japanese Bobtails, rest assured that all “devious plans” will be planned and carried out by the couple.

The Japanese Bobtail is a breed of short-tailed cat that is revered in Japan. The Japanese have long believed that these cats bring happiness and luck to their home. Since ancient times, the inhabitants of this country believed that evil and failure were stored in the tail of a cat. Therefore, the shorter the tail, the less bad it is stored and distributed in the owner’s house. That is why these cats are not considered the guardians of evil, but on the contrary, they bring good and only good things.

Historical facts of the origin of the breed

This breed originated in ancient Japan. Even thousands of years ago, Japanese writing mentions these cats, which have short tails and attract good luck to the owner’s house. In the fine arts of the 15th century, you can also see graceful geishas surrounded by long-haired cats with bushy tails and short-tailed cats. After all, the Japanese are very respectful of cats; there are many legends and signs associated with these affectionate animals.

Back in 1602, the Japanese emperor issued a decree to release all domestic cats outside in order to exterminate rodents. At that moment, a truly huge number of rodents brought great losses to manufacturers and artisans. The Japanese understood their hopelessness in this situation, so the emperor’s decree was carried out by every resident of Japan, without exception. However, having defeated the rodent invasion, elite cats have already become street animals.

Only in 1968, this breed was brought to North America by sailors, where it became widespread for the purpose of its further official registration. In the 70s, a short-haired bobtail was registered, and in the 90s, a long-haired one was registered. These certificates are still an official document, despite the fact that absolutely no changes or innovations have been made to its specifications.

Characteristics and features of the breed

This cat breed is medium in size. Females reach a weight of 2.5 - 3.5 kg, and males - about 5 kg.

Characteristics of the breed of the generally accepted standard in accordance with the TICA organization:

  1. The cat's head has the shape of a triangle equal on all sides, although it seems that the width and height are different.
  2. A softly contoured head with graceful curves, raised cheekbones and pronounced features.
  3. Their muzzle is wide and softly rounded at the bottom.
  4. The eyes are large, oval-shaped, wide and attentive, it seems as if the cats are constantly alert. The eyes are located at an angle, which is very noticeable in profile.
  5. Their ears are large and expressive, they always stand straight, despite the fact that they have a wide fit, and are turned towards the center of the head, and not to the sides.
  6. The nose is clearly defined by curly lines along its entire length, stands out clearly and has no depressions.
  7. They have a muscular but lean body structure with a straight back and a defined torso.
  8. The paws are high, slender, corresponding to the structure of the whole body. The hind legs, like all representatives of the cat breed, are longer than the front ones, with a clearly defined bend at the joint.
  9. The tail of these representatives can be straight, twisted or bent - there is even a feeling that the tail is broken. A small tail is the main distinguishing feature of this cat breed. Each person's shape is individual, like a person's fingerprint or the stripes on a zebra, no two are the same. By the shape of the tail you can always find out what mood the animal is in; if it is in an upright position, it means the pussy is relaxed. The maximum tail length that this cat breed has does not exceed 12 centimeters.
  10. The coat is usually of medium length, visually uniform in smoothness, since the undercoat is not visible. However, on the tail the hair is noticeably longer and grows in all directions, creating the image of a dandelion. The hind legs may have a “panties” effect.

Character traits

The Japanese cat has a friendly disposition and is a very dynamic and intelligent cat species. In addition to everything, they have a rather rich vocabulary - from a quiet affectionate or begging “meow” to a loud, persistent and demanding meow.

Due to their activity, cats are very fond of various games, not only with their favorite toy, but also surrounded by people and even in water. The Japanese cat, although it has been a domesticated animal for a long time, still easily lends itself to street walks on a leash, and she does not feel discomfort, and therefore her activity does not fade. Her high mental abilities contribute to quickly learning various tricks.

Thanks to the bone structure of their hind legs, kittens can jump high and far. These cats are fidgety, even when the animal is not involved in any play, it will definitely explore its environment. To sniff, to look closely, and never to be passive - it is already inherent in them at the genetic level. Even in the arms of the owner, the affectionate, devoted cat will not sit for long. Their friendly nature helps them get along without problems in families with children or other animals.

Contents and health specifics of the Japanese cat

The shape and size of the tail of representatives of this breed are determined at the genetic level. But the mutation process no longer carries any other signs of change in the cat’s body. For example, the process of mutation in Manx cats has a dynamic development - it greatly modifies their skeletal structure. The Japanese beauty, however, is very resistant to various diseases, and the existing mutation does not cause any harm to the health of cats.

Kittens of this breed are born quite large when compared with other cat breeds. Therefore, kittens are quite developed, they begin to move around, jump and explore everything and everyone around them early. In specialized nurseries for breeding Japanese cats, kittens can be purchased as early as 3-4 months of their life.

Due to its activity, this cat breed never suffers from obesity, so the daily diet should be calculated: per kilogram of a cat’s weight - 80 kilocalories.

The care is traditional, nothing specific. Absolutely like all cats - you need to clean the ears and eyes once a week, comb the hair, and bathe even less often.

Coloring Features

According to the standard norms that are officially registered regarding the breed, Japanese cats are allowed to have any color and their combinations that are inherent in the cat family. The most valuable cats of this breed have bright colors and contrasting combinations.

According to the standard, they are distinguished according to four criteria:

  • tricolor Japanese cat, this color is also called mi-kei;
  • fiery bright red color;
  • pure snow-white;
  • and deep as pitch black.

Eye color has a rich range of colors and always harmonizes with the color of the animal. But, quite often, it is in the Japanese Bobtail breed that offspring with different-colored eyes are born. Most often it is a combination of blue and yellow eyes. A high probability of getting offspring with different-colored eyes occurs if one of the parents is white, since it is in snow-white individuals that this is a standard trait at the chromosomal level. Therefore, the most valuable species of this breed are snow-white kittens with eyes of different colors. Accordingly, the cost of such kittens is much higher, because this individual will always produce only kittens with different eyes, which is the main value for this breed.

What price can you buy a Japanese Bobtail kitten?

The cost of a kitten directly depends on its characteristics; its class, gender and pedigree are determined according to a single accepted standard. On average, you can purchase such a miracle from a nursery for 30 thousand rubles (12 thousand hryvnia). You can, of course, find it cheaper if you buy it second-hand or through private advertisements. But, you need to be confident in the decency and honesty of the seller.

Even if there are positive reviews about the seller, in no case should you judge the high characteristics of the kitten. Firstly, not every seller will be able to provide a certificate for a kitten, and secondly, a certificate that has been registered by an official cattery for breeding the handsome Japanese odd-eyed cat is considered valid. After all, not only this breed of cats has different colored eyes. A cross between any breed, where the result is multi-colored eyes and a docked tail, will not produce such offspring at all. Moreover, the breed is truly unique for its intelligence and active lifestyle, which significantly distinguishes Japanese beauties from other cat breeds.

Therefore, if you want a kind, affectionate kitty with a restless disposition and the same unique offspring in the future, then you should pay special attention to the documentation provided when purchasing a kitten.

Where can you buy a symbol of good luck for you and your home?

In the former CIS countries, it is very difficult to find an official nursery for breeding the Japanese Bobtail. But, if you go by principle and look for a truly real Japanese cat of this breed, then many happy owners of purebred animals advise contacting the Yuki-Usagi cattery, which is located in Japan. Although in Russia there is also an official nursery, which is called Captain Rybnikov Headquarters and is located in the Moscow periphery. There you can guaranteed to buy a real Japanese bobtail with all the officially confirming certificates.

There are no official nurseries in Belarus and Ukraine. There you can only purchase such a kitty privately, which provides little chance of purchasing a purebred bobtail.

Video: Japanese Bobtail

The Japanese Bobtail is a short-tailed cat breed native to the Land of the Rising Sun. It so happened historically that for centuries the development of Japan took place separately from other countries, for this reason the development of the breed for a very long time proceeded without crossing, maintaining its purity.

History of the breed

It is believed that short-tailed cats were brought to Japan by sailors from India through China in the 10th century AD. So the Japanese Bobtail has an ancient pedigree - it is already more than 1000 years old. The Japanese believed that tailless cats could ward off evil spirits and attract good luck.

The Japanese loved and valued their pets, this is evidenced by the images of tailless cats in ancient engravings and paintings, their images can also be seen in the Gotokuju Temple in Tokyo, and the “maneki-neko”, or “greeting cat” - a cat figurine with a raised paw - is very a popular souvenir in Japan that can be seen in many shops and stores.

Foreigners only saw these unusual cats in the 20th century, when they began coming to Japan after World War II. Residents of the United States were the first to appreciate the attractiveness of Japanese bobtails, and today in America the largest number of nurseries are engaged in their breeding. The breed was officially recognized in the states in 1976, and internationally in 1990. Crossing cats of this breed with others is prohibited.

Both in Russia and in European countries little is known about the Japanese bobtail; the breed is not among the popular and numerous. Meanwhile, the character of these cats is such that any of them will become a wonderful friend, loving and very attached to the owner.

Characteristics of the Japanese Bobtail

The character of cats from the Land of the Rising Sun deserves special attention. They become very attached to the owner, to the family, and want to take part in everything that happens in the house. They get along well with children and never offend children. These pets are talkative; many owners say that they do not meow, but “sing.” Their voice is not as low and hoarse as that of ours and is slightly lower than that of the European ones we are accustomed to.

Both kittens and adults are very mobile and active. In the past, excellent hunters of mice and other rodents, they will find something to do in the apartment - they will happily play with the owner with a toy prey mouse, run after flies, chase candy wrappers.

Japanese bobtails are very inquisitive, enjoy learning new things, and are easy to train. This is an animal for those who want to have an active, active, curious and devoted pet. If you like to sit in front of a computer or TV, and an active lifestyle is alien to you, a guest from Japan will be bored with you.

In addition to humans, bobtails also love the company of their own kind. If you have a desire to have two or three pets, they will definitely not be bored and will always find something to do.

Japanese Bobtails get along well with dogs. Probably because there is quite a bit of “dog” in their character - they love to carry various objects in their teeth, like a fetch dog, play tug of prey with their owner, many individuals love to swim. They follow commands well, walk on a leash, and the cat can be taught to fetch different things.

As an owner, a native of Japan chooses one family member to whom he will be faithful like a dog. If you dreamed of a dog, but for some reason were unable to get one, this amazing cat will turn out to be no less loyal and smart.

Due to its developed intelligence, a pet can get into an unpleasant situation, it is better not to let it go for a walk on its own, and come up with interesting activities for it. Like an active dog, without enough exercise, behavior problems can arise that can then be difficult to correct.

Cats of this breed can be handled in much the same way as dogs. They study with pleasure, pay attention to their owner, and love walks. Reward for following commands can be a treat or a favorite toy.

It is very interesting to watch these cats; they become very excited when their favorite toy or new object appears. But most of all they like active games with the participation of the owner. They treat strangers with caution, but without fear or aggression. Easily meet new people and animals.

The Bobtail is not just a cat, it is a devoted friend and companion, a hunter and athlete who loves walks; with such a friend you can have an active holiday.

Features of the appearance of Japanese short-tailed cats

Representatives of the breed are distinguished by their special grace - a slender neck, a small triangular head, straight, high-set ears, a straight nose, high cheekbones. The body is strong, the legs are slender, long, the back is curved. The hind legs are slightly longer than the front legs - thus gaining the missing balance due to the short tail.

The bobtail's body is strong and muscular; they are agile and very agile small cats. The weight of a cat is usually no more than 3-4 kg, cats are even more graceful - they weigh only 2-3 kg. Most bobtails are excellent at catching mice; they are excellent hunters by nature. Among the representatives of the breed there are both long-haired and short-haired individuals.

The tail is the main distinguishing feature of the breed. Bobtails have vertebrae in their tails, just like long-tailed cats, but they are very tiny. The tail is curled, its length is approximately 10-12 cm. It is very reminiscent of a rabbit's. This is a natural feature of cats of this breed, transmitted genetically. The breed has a curled tail due to a recessive gene.

When crossing representatives of this breed with a long-tailed cat, kittens with long tails are born, so crossing is not recommended.

The tail, made up of small vertebrae, is quite fragile, despite the fact that cats have strong bones and well-developed muscles. Bobtails are very agile, jump high, and the jumps, due to their longer hind legs, resemble the jumps of a kangaroo. Cats can easily jump onto cabinets and other high surfaces, which can be done with low weight.

Heterochromia – eyes of different colors, is another interesting feature of the breed. Often there are individuals in which one eye is yellow and the other is blue, like the Turkish Angora. In general, the eyes of Japanese cats can be of different colors - emerald green, blue, topaz.

The most common bicolor cats are black and white, or red and white, with white being the dominant color. Typically, red or black coloring is present on the ears, top of the head and tail, while the rest of the body remains pure white.

Bobtails of monochrome color are popular, and the most valuable are tri-color cats, whose color is predominantly white interspersed with black and red. This coloring is called “calico” or “mi-ke”. Representatives of the breed of any color have recently been recognized at exhibitions.

How to care for a Japanese Bobtail

Representatives of this breed were bred by nature itself, and not by man, such animals have strong immunity. These cats do not have characteristic genetic diseases. With proper care and proper nutrition, your cat will remain in excellent health and live a long life. On average, representatives of this breed live 15 years.

The kitten is given to a new owner at the age of 3-4 months. Kittens are usually strong, adapt well to new conditions, grow and develop quickly. By the end of the third week, they begin to crawl out of the nest, showing interest in the world around them. Babies begin to walk and show curiosity much earlier compared to kittens of other breeds. At five months they are larger than their peers of other breeds. It seems that having lived with the Japanese for centuries, cats have inherited such qualities of representatives of this nation as speed, agility and endurance.

The fur of animals of this breed does not have a thick undercoat, does not mat and hardly sheds, which means that it is easy to care for - it is enough to comb your furry pet with a special brush once a week. A cat with smooth hair is able to take care of its own hygiene. The longest hair on Japanese Bobtails is on the tail, the shortest on the paws and ears.

Bobtails are sensitive to temperature changes; due to the lack of undercoat, they can freeze at too low temperatures.

Ears and eyes should be examined regularly. Nails are trimmed as needed, but if you buy a good scratching post, you can do without trimming the nails.

It is easier to travel with the Japanese Bobtail than with cats of other breeds, which become very accustomed to the house, to a certain place. When moving frequently, such animals experience stress, but the bobtail adapts to new conditions without problems, as long as the owner whom he has chosen as leader is nearby.

The cat breeds of Japan will not impress sophisticated cat lovers with their diversity. In addition, international organizations of felinologists have accepted only one cat species that originated there - the Japanese bobtail.

And although felinology is developing in the Land of the Rising Sun, cats of other breeds are not selected. Of course, in the modern Japanese state, you can find many meowing pets of all kinds.

For example, sphinxes, Persian and Siamese breeds are quite common here. But local felinologists are in no hurry to breed and create new cat varieties.

Reasons for refusing to breed new breeds

As it turned out, such undisguised conservatism is directly related to the cultural and ritual characteristics of the Japanese religion. To say that cats are respected in this country is to say nothing. They really bow down to them here.

Japan even has a Cat Temple, cat museums, figurines of these animals, a god represented in the form of a cat, a talisman in the shape of a cat's silhouette, and a bridge built to their glory. Cats have become characters in many myths, tales and cult parables. However, what is the reason that in Japan, which idolizes these creatures, the selection of new breeds is still not practiced.

The reason is that in the traditional beliefs of this country, a cat should not have a tail. In ancient times, animals with tails were considered to be the offspring of the devil; for the Japanese, tails represented snakes, and they were supposed to be cut off.

If you look closely at the popular maneki-neko figurine (a cat with a paw and a coin raised in greeting), you will notice that it depicts a cat without a tail. And no matter how modern the country becomes, no matter how massively popular furry pets from Europe and America become, a cat, in the conservative view of Japan, will invariably be without a tail.

Exterior standard for Japanese cats

You should carefully consider the main features of Japanese cat breeds:

  • All of them are related to Japanese bobtails, with all sorts of modified varieties (see all).
  • The roots of the breed go back to ancient times.
  • Individuals are characterized by excellent health.
  • The colors are modest.
  • Tailless Japanese with different eyes are not traditional, they are the creation of breeders from the USA.
  • Taillessness is the main feature of Japanese fluffies.

Causes of taillessness

The traditional ideas and tastes of the people of Japan have become clear, but how did cats without a tail originate in the first place?

The popular idea that cats' tails were cut off for such a long time that they began to be born without a tail is, of course, not scientific. A possible plausible explanation for the taillessness of the local felines is a mutation that took place several centuries earlier.

It should be understood that a genetic mutation is not a disease. Tailless Japanese and the breeds created on their basis have excellent health and live a long time. In addition, these cats still have a tail, but it looks like a small pompom, like a hare’s.

How did it happen that the mutation was fixed in Japanese cats? In fact, this is an example of artificial selection: individuals with a mutation, without a tail, were willingly taken into homes and cared for, while their full-fledged relatives were not at all welcomed on the Japanese islands.

In addition, the traditional tailless cats of Japan have experienced almost no deliberate selection - people chose individuals without a tail, without thinking about the existing character traits and habits of the creature.

Because of this, Japanese bobtails often look like ordinary street cats with their tail cut off. But these traditional pets are characterized by extraordinary obedience and friendliness; they are truly tame and not at all evil.

Modern selection

After World War II, cat varieties from Japan became popular in the United States. It was there that vigorous breeding work with Japanese cats began. The focus was primarily on the physical abilities and conformation of Japanese bobtails.

The tailless Japanese, modified in America, has acquired a variety of colors, a strong torso with well-developed muscles, and some animals have eyes of different colors. But in traditional Japanese beliefs, these cats can only have a certain set of colors, which was formed through the process of artificial selection.

Residents of Japan usually bred animals with a tri-colored torti coloring - now it is the most popular color of tailless Japanese. The next most common color is the “harlequin” color.

It should be noted that only one cat breed from Japan is officially recognized - the Japanese Bobtail. This type of cat was accepted by all felinological organizations in the world, including in the 90th year of the last century it was recognized by the EMFA.

Selection work on this cat breed explains the emergence of more and more interesting subspecies. However, in their historical homeland, breeding is carried out with caution: they try to preserve the hunting instinct, natural colors and the absence of a tail characteristic of the breed, as in previous centuries.

Japanese Bobtails appear to be one of a minority of pets that are bred mainly due to a mutated gene.

Popular kennels for this breed:

  • Russia - (your nursery is here);
  • Belarus - (take place);
  • Ukraine - (submit an application).

Country of Origin: Japan

Recognition: CFA, ACFA, FIFe, TICA, WCF, CFF

Breed standard according to CFA classification

General description: The Japanese Bobtail gives the overall impression of a medium-sized cat with clear lines and bone structure, well-developed muscles, and a rather slender build. What distinguishes the breed from other eastern breeds is the characteristic arrangement of the eyes, combined with high cheekbones and a long, uniformly wide nose. The short tail should resemble a bunny tail, looking like a pom-pom, camouflaging the bony structure of the tail. Overall well-balanced, elegant, sophisticated cats.

Parameter Description
Head In the shape of an equilateral triangle (not including the ears), although the head appears long. The lines are smoothly curved, high cheekbones are indicated by mustache pads. The nose is long and evenly wide. A slight depression at eye level or slightly below - the transition from the forehead to the nose.
Ears Large, vertical, widely spaced from each other.
Muzzle Quite wide, rounded in the area of ​​the whisker pads. Neither pointed nor blunt.
Chin Full.
Eyes Large, oval, but not round, wide open. They are placed with a pronounced slope when viewed in profile. The eyeball is slightly curved, but should not protrude beyond the cheekbones and forehead.

Medium size. Males are proportionally larger than females. The body is long, thin, but not tubular. Well developed muscles, but without coarseness. There are no hints of a cobby build or excessive lightness. Overall balance is important.

Neck Not too long and not too short, in proportion to the length of the body.

In proportion to the body, they are long and thin, but do not look fragile. The hind legs are noticeably longer than the front legs, but their angles are organized in such a way that the back of a calmly standing cat appears horizontal rather than inclined. When a cat stands, the front legs and shoulders form two continuous straight lines, located close to each other.

Paws are oval. Five toes on the front feet and four toes on the hind feet.


Shorthair: slightly long, soft, silky, without noticeable undercoat.

Longhair: medium to long, soft, silky, without noticeable undercoat in adulthood, ruff on the forehead is desirable.

The coat may be shorter at the shoulders, gradually lengthening towards the croup. The hair on the tail and hips is noticeably longer. Tufts and fur inside the ears and legs are desirable. The coat should lie in such a way as to emphasize the lines of the body.

Tail Unique both for the breed and for each individual. Highly visible, consisting of one or more bends, corners, hooks or any combination thereof. The length of the tail (excluding hair) should not exceed 3 inches. The direction of the tail does not matter. The tail may be flexible or fixed, but of such size and shape as to be in harmony with the body.

All colors and patterns are acceptable and equivalent, except chocolate, lilac, colorpoint, ticked tabby. The dominant colors are bicolor and tricolor; preference is given to bright, contrasting colors.

The nose, paw pads, and eye color are in harmony with the coat color. Blue eye color and mixed eyes are allowed.

Crossing with other breeds is strictly prohibited.


  • Short round head;
  • Stocky body;
  • Excessively heavy frame.


  • Tail length over 3 inches;
  • Absence of caudal vertebrae;
  • The tail is not fluffy enough or does not look like a pompom.

History of the origin of the breed

The Japanese Bobtail is one of the ancient natural breeds, whose homeland is Japan. It is assumed that cats were brought to the islands from India through China according to some sources in 538, and according to others in 999, but according to some sources cats ended up on the islands several centuries earlier. As a result of random matings of ordinary cats and individuals with short tails, of which there were not many, short-tailed cats appeared, inheriting this trait from their parents.

According to Japanese legend, there once existed a giant cat, Nekomate, whose long tail contained an evil force that brought death and disease to people. In the XIV-XV centuries. cats' tails were cut off, with the belief that a tailless cat could not bring harm to a person. These actions, which may have led to the mutation, are associated with the birth of cats with naturally short tails.

The first officially documented mention of the Japanese Bobtail concerns an imperial cat named Myobu no Otodo (“Chief Lady-in-Waiting of the Inner Palace”), who lived at the court of Emperor Ichijo (980-1011). But there was also a period when cats became street cats. The main task of cats was the destruction of rodents.

Local residents especially revered individuals with the calico color, which are a symbol of happiness. The Japanese bobtail has long acquired a high status in the fine arts of the 16th and 17th centuries. Images of cats of this breed are present in paintings, engravings, and ceramics.

Cats of other breeds were imported into Japan only after the country opened ports for trade. The first cats were exported from Japan to America; the breed was recognized by the American Feline Association in 1976, but the long-haired type was recognized later, in 1993. The popularity of the breed in the West came in 1968, when Elizabeth Freret acquired three Japanese Bobtail kittens, from which the development of the breed began. FIFe registered the Japanese Bobtail in 1990.

The Japanese Bobtail nearly lost its championship status with the CFA in the 70s. Very few cats participating in shows met the breed standard. Most of the individuals were more similar to the street cats that lived in Japan. They were larger in size and had a rougher build.

Features of Japanese Bobtails

The unique tail distinguishes the breed from other breeds, but in addition, each representative of the Japanese Bobtail breed has a unique tail, which can be flexible or rigid, with bends. Just as people do not have the same fingerprints, Japanese Bobtails do not have the same tails.

The hind legs are slightly longer than the front legs and they look muscular. Thanks to this feature of the body structure, Japanese Bobtails excel in agility competitions.

Many color variations are another distinctive feature of the breed. Cats are born in a variety of colors, from solid solid colors to tricolors, tabby patterns, brindles, and spots. Most often, individuals are born with a color known in Japan as “mi-ke”, otherwise “calico” - white with red and black. Smoky and silvery individuals are less common.

Japanese Bobtails are born with short and long coats that have a soft, silky texture and no noticeable undercoat.

Personality of the Japanese Bobtail

Representatives of the breed quickly adapt to new living conditions, the main thing is that during the day there is an opportunity to play and communicate with the owner. Therefore, they can easily endure traveling and do not get nervous or worried when they find themselves in the unfamiliar surroundings of a hotel room or an exhibition event.

Animals are not known for their desire to sit on laps, but they prefer to spend time with their owner, sit and lie side by side. These animals are people-oriented; they are always at the center of family life. They get along well with other animals and children.

Japanese Bobtails are active and full of energy. They should have the opportunity to exercise. They love to jump high while playing, are fond of hunting for toys controlled by the owner, and enjoy playing with interactive toys. Japanese Bobtails can often be found carrying objects in their teeth.

The breed is smart, elegant and not averse to having fun. Looking at animals will always give you a reason to smile. Especially if you manage to teach your pet simple circus tricks. Japanese bobtails are capable students; thanks to their intelligence and agility, they can be taught to jump over obstacles and practice agility professionally.

Representatives of the breed are talkative; according to reviews from Japanese bobtail owners, cats do not meow, but sing. Their voice is soft, but they are able to meow in different tones.


As a healthy, hardy breed, Japanese Bobtails are not prone to any health problems, including genetic diseases. But when buying a kitten, you should not neglect information about its health and the health of its ancestors, confirmed in writing.

Proper care, including proper nutrition, hygiene, and timely veterinary care, is the key to a long life for a cat. Healthy adult males weigh 3.1-4.5 kg, and females - 2.2-3 kg.

Caring for the Japanese Bobtail is not burdensome. Representatives of the breed do not have an undercoat and the coat does not tangle. Grooming involves removing dead hair with a brush once a week.

Once a week, brush your teeth using a special cat toothpaste and brush. Claws are shortened as necessary. If there is a scratching post in the house, then there may be no need to trim the claws. You should regularly examine your eyes and ears and clean them as they become dirty.

Japanese Bobtail kittens

Kittens are usually given to a new home at the age of 3-4 months. A litter usually produces 3-4 kittens, which (compared to kittens of other breeds) are large in size. They are active and develop faster, begin to walk earlier, and show curiosity. They are disease resistant and kitten mortality is low.

Kittens are always born with a shortened tail; their tail is never long or completely absent.

Price for Japanese Bobtail kittens

In addition to the cost of maintaining a cat and kittens and the quality of the babies, which make up the main cost of a kitten, the color and eye color significantly influence the cost. So, for example, the price for a Japanese bobtail kitten with blue or different (one blue, the other golden) eyes, or with a lot of white in color is from 70,000 rubles.

Long-haired individuals are more expensive than short-haired ones. The difference in price is approximately 10,000 rubles. The price for a high quality Japanese Bobtail kitten starts from 90,000 rubles.