Find out what the parrot is. How to tell if a female parrot is pregnant. How to find out if a parrot is sick

7 days after birth, sometimes 2 days earlier, the chicks open their eyes, and after a day or two they notice the first stumps of feathers. Feathers on the back, tail and wings appear in the third week of birth, but the plumage acquires a formal appearance by the age of one month. The difference from adult individuals is only in size and color; it is blurry and without shades.

In conditions of captivity, reaching one month of age, small parrots are already leaving the nest and walking along the floor of the cage or aviary, adult birds are watching them and both parents and other parrots bring them food. After some time, the chick begins to take food on its own. From this moment on, as a rule, the owners part with their pet and hand it over to other good hands.

It is possible that in a pet store you will buy a completely mature or even old bird instead of a young chick.

How to determine the age of a budgie?

In order to understand the age of a budgie, you need pay attention to the following factors:

  • When you first look at a bird, pay attention to wavy “cap” on the head. In young budgerigars, such waves begin from the beak and spread throughout the head. The exception is the albino and lutino breeds; these parrots are not designed by nature to have such a pattern. The babies will remain this way for about 3-4 months, then the first, juvenile molt will occur.
  • A young budgie the eyes are large and completely black, and in an adult the pupil is surrounded by a white ring. Older birds can be identified by the lack of feathering around the eyes. The iris appears by six months, however, the appearance of a white rim around the pupil is an individual process and can occur in some cases only after 10 months. A wide light rim means that the parrot is over a year old.
  • The chicks have a black beak. Until one and a half to two months from birth, parrots have a black smear on their beak, which will soon disappear on its own; this will happen when the parrot grows up. Sometimes it happens that the beak loses the black spot earlier, on the twenty-fifth or even twentieth day of life. This feature is typical for lighter species of parrots. Adult birds have a straw-yellow or greenish beak.
  • Budgerigar chicks are capable of flight once they reach the age of one month. Although the plumage is still developing, it is usually sufficient to obtain the first flight experiences. Therefore, if the seller claims that the chick cannot fly yet, you should be on guard. A baby parrot for sale, by the time it has reached its age, usually more than a month old by this time, is already able to explore open spaces.
  • Guess the age of a budgerigar m according to body size. An adult has a body length of about 20 centimeters.
  • Young parrots have a short tail. But it is capable of growing to adult length approximately two months after birth. But it’s worth knowing that this could also be an adult bird that has lost its long tail feathers for some reason unknown to you.
  • By one and a half months of age, a budgerigar distinguished by formed plumage, from now on the parrot should have a “feather to feather” appearance. If you are assured that the bird is young and the feathers have not yet fully grown, then the bird is probably sick or old. The plumage of incompletely formed chicks is dull and unclear in contrast. Over time, it takes on a bright and clear appearance. The chick's plumage is removed and the bird acquires adult plumage at six months of age or a little earlier.
  • The criterion for determining the age of a budgerigar is wax color(this is the area of ​​the beak where the nostrils are located). Basically, the cere of young parrots is colored light pink, bluish or beige. After puberty, which occurs at the age of six months, it acquires a darker color. It should be taken into account that such metamorphoses apply to a greater extent to females. Males usually have a pinkish-purple cere, and it does not change over time. However, everything has its exceptions and the cere may have a blue color, as well as blue fragmentary spots. The color of the wax is not a determining factor; when making a verdict on a bird regarding its age, all signs must be considered comprehensively.
  • Spots on the neck also give away the age of the wavy bird. They are distinguished by their characteristic shape; the older the parrot, the smoother the contours of the spots become. Young pets have throat spots in the form of numerous sectors and semicircles of irregular shape.
  • Finally, it is very easy to determine the age of a budgie by examining its paws. If the scales on the paws fit tightly to each other, creating the impression of a smooth surface, you know that this is a young “specimen”. Over time, individual scales of a parrot become noticeable; accordingly, the older the bird, the looser the cover of its paws becomes.


How long does a budgie live?

A budgerigar lives approximately ten, maximum fifteen years. When comparing its life expectancy with a human, the age of a one-year-old parrot is equal to the age of a ten-year-old child. But this comparison is very conditional.

If the parrots have formed a pair, the male shows signs of attention to the female, and she accepts them favorably, the breeder can hope for a new addition to the family of pets.

All preparations are completed, days go by, and impatience grows. What signs will indicate that a female parrot is pregnant? How to understand that fertilization was successful?

Preparing for nesting

Parrots will safely bear and raise offspring if they carefully prepare paired birds, that is, those who have created a harmonious pair. Work begins almost a month before the expected laying:

Behavior of a female parrot during pregnancy

Physiological signs of an interesting position will appear when the first egg begins to form. A week after fertilization, it is already obvious that the female parrot is pregnant. How can you understand that this happened in the first days? A sign that the female is preparing to lay eggs will be her changed habits:

Egg maturation in parrots

The female parrot has only one ovary. The egg cells mature in it one by one. In the vesicle containing one of the cells, nutrients accumulate. This forms the yolk of the future egg.

When the enlarged egg is released from the ovary, it enters the oviduct where fertilization occurs. An embryo is formed and begins to develop rapidly. At this time, the yolk continues to move through the oviduct, as if on a conveyor belt. In one section, special glands cover it with a thick mucous membrane - protein. In another, it will be overgrown with a thin subshell film, similar to soft skin. At the last stage, the egg acquires a hard shell rich in calcium.

Full ripening occurs in a day or a little longer. All the while, muscle contraction creates a rotating movement of the egg, propelling it forward and giving it shape. This process causes severe discomfort to the bird.

Condition of the female during the laying period

By external signs you can see that an egg will soon appear:

  • The female's abdomen is greatly enlarged. There is swelling in the hypochondrium until the egg is fully formed.
  • Ready to go out, it becomes clearly visible. The cloaca area swells and becomes very red.
  • Having increased in size, the egg interferes with digestion and transit of feces. Therefore, bowel movements become rare, but feces come out in large portions. The stool has an unusual smell. Possible loosening of stools.
  • Before the female lays an egg, her tail begins to tremble rhythmically, in time with her breathing. This is similar to the bite of a fishing rod during winter fishing.
  • A completely bald “brooding spot” appears on the stomach.

Laying eggs

During this period, birds especially need peace, and the breeder’s close attention does not please them. The female parrot is known to be pregnant. How do you know that the egg-laying process is also going well? It is enough to look into the nest box only once a day.

The female lays an egg every day. Usually there are five or six of them. Young couples bring up to twelve eggs, mature ones - only three or four. It is not necessary that all of them will be fertilized. The female sits on the nest when the first two or three eggs appear. She carefully warms them, regularly turns them over and sorts out the bedding. The bird leaves the clutch only to empty its intestines. The male does not participate in the incubation of the eggs, although he feeds the female and spends a long time in the house.

The incubation period for parrot eggs is about eighteen days. By the time the first chick hatches, the clutch will be complete. The female will gradually begin to regain strength for a new, no less difficult period of feeding the chicks.

Have you decided to please your family members with a new pet? Then you need to know exactly what gender he is. The fact is that females and males of budgerigars differ in character and ability to speak. If the male, trying to show off, sings long and beautifully, the female prefers to remain silent. The male is more willing to be trained and enjoys learning new words. To be fair, I would like to note that the female pronounces words more clearly, unlike her partner.

You also need to know the sex of the bird if you want to create a pair. As you know, parrots cannot stand loneliness and simply waste away without a partner. If you already have a boy or girl parrot at home, you should definitely buy a bird of the opposite sex. But how to determine gender? After all, a bird is not a dog or a cat. This can be done based on some characteristic features.

How to determine the gender of a parrot by appearance

  1. As you know, in nature, males of most species are more attractive than females. The whole point is that the male should please as many girlfriends as possible. It displays the bright colors of its feathers and displays their patterns. The female’s task is to bear healthy offspring, so she is not so beautiful. So, the first sign is that the boy parrot has a brighter color.
  2. Professionals and breeders of birds determine their sex by the color of the wax. The cere is the area of ​​skin at the top of the base of the beak where the nostrils are located. We can say that the cere is the nose of a parrot. Immediately after birth, the cere has a delicate pink, lilac and violet hue - in both sexes. The only difference is that the female has a small white edging around her nostrils. After three months, parrots reach puberty and the color of the cere changes. Males acquire blue and bright purple colors, and the “nose” of the female becomes beige and even brown.
  3. The sex of a bird can also be determined by the color of its legs. The paws of males have a bluish tint, while those of females are pink.
  4. The head and back of the male are covered with bright plumage with clear patterns. Of course, over time, the brightness and contrast of the plumage is lost, but the male still remains more attractive than the female.
  5. You can also tell the gender of a parrot by the shape of its head. The male has a wider head with a flat crown. The female's head, on the contrary, is pointed and slightly flattened at the back.

A person who has extensive experience in breeding parrots can distinguish a female budgerigar from a male by one species. If you doubt your abilities, perhaps you should turn to professional breeders?

In addition to appearance, the sex of a bird can be determined by its behavior.

  1. Try feeding an unfamiliar bird by hand. The male is more courageous, most likely he will approach you for food. The female, on the contrary, is very careful and fearful; she will not covet food from someone else’s hand.
  2. Place a mirror in front of the cage. The male, like a true “macho,” will begin to show off in front of the mirror, pacing back and forth. The female is usually indifferent to the mirror, but she is more attentive and patient.
  3. If the birds are in society, it is not difficult to determine the female and the male. The male usually pesters his relatives, trying to find out “who’s boss.”
  4. When the female gets into a new home, she becomes economical like a woman - she begins to throw out everything unnecessary from the cage.
  5. As noted, the male can be identified by his song. The boy is more willing to learn and is more talkative. The female, in turn, rarely raises her voice - she is restrained and well-mannered.
  6. The female is created to protect her offspring, so she bites very hard, drawing blood. The male's bite is quite light; he seems to delicately pinch his finger with his beak to show his displeasure.

All these methods will help you quickly and accurately determine the sex of the bird. After all, the bird’s diet, as well as the method of treatment for possible illness, depends on this.

Today, not only budgies live in Russian homes. Other species of birds that also require sex determination are also gaining popularity.

  1. Cockatoo. Light-colored cockatoos vary in eye color. The male has a dark iris, but the female has beige eyes.
  2. Gray parrot Jaco, Macaw, Red-tailed parrot. All these parrots vary in head size. Males usually have a large head with a wide, impressive beak. Females, on the contrary, have a miniature head, although some female representatives are large in size. In this case, only a professional can help.
  3. Corella. After several months of age, a male cockatiel parrot begins to sing loudly, training his vocal abilities. After molting, which occurs at 8-9 months, the male cockatiel acquires a brighter color. The male Corella parrot has bright, rosy cheeks, while the female has a dull color.
  4. Australian parrots. The pelvis of a female parrot of this species is slightly wider, so when a female parrot sits, her legs are spaced a little further apart.

If all these tips did not help you give a reliable answer to the question posed, then you should turn to science. Modern research makes it possible to determine the sex of a parrot in three ways. The first is endoscopy. The internal organs of the bird are examined, on the basis of which a conclusion is made. The second way is to take a cloacal smear for hormonal testing. The third method is to study the feather shaft of the bird.

If you are still unable to determine the sex of the bird yourself, do not despair. Over time, as the parrot gets older, signs of its gender will become more and more obvious. A little patience and you will be able to accurately determine who lives with you - a male or a female.

Video: how to distinguish a female from a male cockatiel

The parrot's black and white feathers come in waves, starting right from the wax (skin area) near the beak, which means that there has not been any molting yet, that is, the bird is no more than three months old. If the forehead is clean, without stripes, this is an adult male or female.

Pay special attention to the parrot's wax. In young individuals it is light lilac or pale blue with iridescence. With age, male birds acquire a bright blue wax color, while females acquire a pink color. However, there are also nuances: for example, in snow-white parrots (albinos) and canary-yellow parrots (lutinos), the cere remains soft purple throughout their lives.

Look into the parrot's eyes. In a young bird they are completely black, the iris and pupil are indistinguishable in color. If the pupil is a standard black dot surrounded by a white iris, then the individual is already an adult. Additional evidence of the age of a parrot can be the feathers near the eyes: young chicks have them, adult birds do not. However, due to individual characteristics, feathers may be present or absent for reasons independent of age.

Assess the general appearance of the parrot. The young animals do not have such bright plumage, the waves look blurry and start from the top of the head. The length from the head to the tip of the tail is less than 17 - 18 centimeters, with the exception of naturally large individuals. The tail of a young budgerigar is short, but not because the feathers have recently fallen out (you can check this with the bird’s owner), but because they have not yet grown.

Often, the behavior of budgies confuses and puzzles novice owners. Basically, these pets try to explain by their actions what they want. To establish communication with a bird, any owner must understand what a particular bird movement, posture, or strange sounds means. In this article we will look at the basic habits of budgies.

Budgerigars have a very changeable character and their own perception of the world around them. They can have fun and, and a minute later they will get ruffled and grumble. Some birds have an easygoing disposition and therefore make contact quite easily, others behave quite aggressively, others are cowardly and can constantly hide from their fellow birds or people.

The owner must understand the behavior of his pet in order to be able to understand in time when everything is fine with him and when something is wrong. Of course, you won’t be able to change the character of the “wavy dog,” but you can change his attitude towards his owner personally. Having observed these birds for a long time, one can come to the conclusion that their habits are divided into two types:

  • biological;
  • external.

Let's take a closer look at each type of budgerigar behavior.

Biological factors

Sexual arousal

During sexual desire, when budgies have increased levels of testosterone in their bodies, their behavior changes noticeably. In some birds this is very noticeable, while others tolerate such changes quite calmly.

For example, a lonely male may attempt to mate with the owner’s hand or some toy, and the female may attempt to mate with eggs. That is why at such moments experts advise moving away from the pet. If he mistakes this object for a partner, then the relationship with the real bird may not work out. There have been cases when a bird, not receiving reciprocity from its reflection, fell into deep depression.

Hormonal activity causes budgies to groom each other. If you notice that the birds' behavior has changed, they began to circle around each other, take different poses, make loud sounds, coo, then they are ready for...

However, if you have a single male or one female, then puberty manifests itself in the form of such habits as rubbing the cloaca against the poles or bars of the cage. At such moments, it is not recommended to pick up your pet - he may begin to do the same to you. You should also not stroke the female on the back, as this may cause her to lay eggs.

Some pets living alone may begin to feed their owner. On the one hand, this speaks of a manifestation of love, but during the sexual period the bird thus shows its parental instinct. If you don't like this behavior, distract your parrot with a toy or something else when it starts to stretch its neck.

Possible problems

Under the influence of hormones, a pet can become quite aggressive and start biting. Females are especially active in this regard. Since you will still have to clean the cage, replace water and food, you will have to think about how to wean your parrot from this bad habit. Otherwise, these habits will bring you inconvenience.

There are several options for how to stop a parrot from biting. Let's look at an example of the most effective option.

By the way, the answer to the question: why does a budgie bite may not only be hormonal changes. Such habits can also manifest themselves due to lack of attention, defensive reactions, or character traits. And some birds play this way. Therefore, it is first necessary to establish the cause of this behavior, and only then try to eliminate it.

After you understand at what moments your pet tries to bite you, begin to remove the object of biting, strictly saying “No.” Then try to switch his attention to something else (a toy, a treat).

Be prepared for the fact that the bird will not immediately understand what you want from it. Remember - to stop your parrot from biting, you will have to be patient. You can’t shout at him, much less hit him. Your pet may get scared and start biting harder in defense of you. Gradually, he will stop performing actions that you do not like, having heard your categorical “No”.

Also, to stop your parrot from biting, you can lightly click his beak before he wants to do it. But this is not the best way, since it does not always work on the bird. You can simply leave the room if your pet tries to bite you. He will understand that he is losing your attention and will stop behaving this way.

External factors

Throat problems

Sometimes, when watching a budgie, you will notice that it opens its beak several times in a row. Moreover, the bird does not make any sounds. Many owners may be afraid of such strangeness. Let's figure out what could be causing this behavior.

Firstly, pets are trying to clear their throats after cleaning their plumage. The fact is that during such a hygienic procedure, a small part of the fluff gets into their throat, and the parrots try to get rid of it.

Secondly, this behavior may be due to the fact that the bird choked on something. There is no need to worry - “wavy” ones can easily cope with such problems.

Thirdly, the parrot opens its mouth because it is infected. In this case, these movements are accompanied by a lethargic appearance of the pet, loss of appetite and a decrease in its activity. If you notice something like this in your feathered friend, immediately contact your veterinarian for advice. Only he will be able to make a more accurate diagnosis after examining the bird and prescribe treatment.

It is very bad if a budgie breathes with its mouth open. This bird behavior indicates that it has problems with the respiratory tract. If the bird does this for a long time and in a sitting position, it may have been sick for a long time. Take your pet to the vet immediately for timely intervention.


If your wavy pet hides his head under his wing, he may just be cold. This is how the bird tries to keep warm. Try making rooms larger with a portable heater. The main thing is that he does not stand too close to the parrot's cage.

Often the bird hides its head under its wing while sleeping. But not all individuals do this - some can sleep with their head tilted forward or thrown back. In general, these birds can. For example, grabbing the cage with one foot and the perch with the other.

However, if your wavy pet often tries to hide its head under its wing at a time when it should be awake, and this movement is accompanied by rapid or difficult breathing, lack of appetite, weakness, drowsiness, and lack of singing, the parrot may be sick or depressed.