How many days does a rabbit wear? How many rabbits does a female rabbit bring? Carrying out births. How to care for a pregnant rabbit

When the mating process of the rabbits was successful, the rabbit became pregnant. This period is one of the most exciting and important. A number of questions arise regarding what signs to determine pregnancy, how long it will last, and how many babies there will be in the litter. In addition, each breed of rabbit has its own due date, which will be discussed further.

How long does pregnancy last in different breeds?

Today there are more than 9 breeds of rabbits. Here are dwarf, domestic, and large ones. Despite such a wide choice, only 15 breeds are used on the farm. But the modern world does not stand still, and breeders are trying to breed new species of animals with improved productivity, endurance and fertility.

Such a demand for these pets is explained by the fact that their meat is an excellent dietary product. And despite the lack of high wearability, fur is inexpensive and boasts a wide choice of colors.

The causes and treatment of bloating are indicated.

Duration of the Belgian Flanders breed

This breed of rabbits is characterized by external distinctive characteristics such as massiveness and clumsiness. They have large burdock ears on their heads. In appearance, the animals are very similar to real bumpkins.

Their pregnancy lasts 30 days. Very often this breed is used as pets. They have a very calm and balanced character and are friendly. In addition, Belgian Flanders are an excellent option in terms of breeding.

Find out at what age these animals occur.

Gray giant

This breed is characterized by a large number of babies born, milk production and excellent maternal qualities. The duration of pregnancy is 28-35 days.

In a litter you can find 7-8 cubs. The breed is not characterized by high quality meat, so they are kept only for the production of skins. The color scheme is hare-gray, although you can also find dark gray, white, and black.

This will help you understand what you can feed rabbits and what you can’t.

White giant

They are bred both for meat and for skinning. The breed is characterized by a light head and long, straight ears. Females are capable of giving birth to a large number of babies.

After giving birth, a female rabbit can have 8-10 young rabbits. The duration of pregnancy is 28-34 days.

Is it possible to bathe decorative breeds?


The animals have a dark brown color with small markings on the paws, nose, tail and ears. These animals are not afraid and have a calm character.

These animals are able to move calmly on the mesh floors of the mesh. In females, pregnancy lasts 28-30 days.

Females of this breed have a well-developed maternal instinct. Female rabbits have high milk production and fertility; pregnancy lasts 28-30 days.

High quality meat characteristics and delicate fur color with silver and blue tints have allowed this breed to become very popular.

Duration of pregnancy in black and brown rabbits

In addition, rabbits have excellent meat characteristics; their fur has an original color. It can compare with black and brown foxes. It is this fur that occupies a leading position in thickness and wearability. Female rabbits are prone to high fertility.

I can carry 8-9 babies in one pregnancy. The average weight of rabbits at birth is 80 g. Pregnancy lasts 28-30 days. The cubs grow very quickly.


Females can produce 8-9 cubs during one pregnancy. She bears them for 28-36 days. Rabbits grow quickly, and by 4 months the weight can reach 4 kg.

The skin of these animals is well let down, the fur is very thick and has a shiny hue. The color can be smoky, silver-blue. In appearance it is very similar to old silver. The cubs are born black, and only then acquire the required color as they grow.


Vienna blue

These animals are distinguished by their softness and fluffiness. For this reason, they are in wide demand in . In addition, animals adapt well to harsh climate conditions.

Females are characterized by high fertility. On average, the litter will be 8-9 cubs. They grow and develop very quickly. Pregnancy lasts 28-32 days.

Rabbit ram

A characteristic feature of rabbits of this breed is the presence of long, hanging ears and a head shape that is similar to that of a lamb. There are several varieties of this breed.

They are characterized by high fertility; in one pregnancy they can produce 8-9 rabbits. It grows and develops intensively. Pregnancy lasts 27-28 days. The ram-type rabbit is characterized by a calm and docile disposition. There is an opinion that this is achieved thanks to lop ears, which prevents him from hearing extraneous sounds.

Russian ermine

Their coat is shiny, thick and silky. The average weight will be 4 kg. Females are very fertile and are characterized by high milk production.

Pregnancy lasts 28-35 days. Russian ermine animals are very hardy, do not require special care, and adapt well to climate conditions.

The females of this breed are fertile; they can bear 8-9 cubs in one pregnancy. Sometimes this figure can reach 10-12 pieces. The fur color can be light or dark brown. In terms of external characteristics, the fur resembles the color of the knit. It is quite thick, elastic and elastic. The skins are used in the fur and leather industries.


How to determine pregnancy

A “happy” rabbit can be recognized by her behavior. It is noticeably different from the usual. The females stop making noise and frolicking. They become quiet and cautious. Female rabbits begin to gain weight and are less active. Now they don’t jump while walking, they move with careful movements.

In addition, femoral rabbits eat a lot. But such signs do not always appear in a pregnant female. For inexperienced rabbits, the behavior is completely opposite. On the contrary, they move more, frolic and are not careful.

Sometimes there is a situation when, in the first weeks of their pregnancy, expectant mothers behave extremely aggressively. They drive the owner away from their cage, threatening him, grinding their teeth and biting when they try to touch it. Sometimes, to determine pregnancy, you can observe the behavior of the male. If his companion is in a position, then she does not let anyone in, attacks or tries to hide.

Characteristic differences and false pregnancy

An imaginary pregnancy occurs when the mating process does not end with fertilization. As a result, a corpus luteum appears in the place where the ovarian follicle ruptured. This condition is called false pregnancy. At this time, for about 18 days, the female behaves like a real mother. She carries straw into the nest and prepares the fluff. In order to understand that a false pregnancy has occurred, you can abruptly stop the animal’s activity.

When 18 days have passed, the female is ready to let the male approach her. Why does a false process occur? This happens due to the low activity and viability of rabbit sperm. In addition, false pregnancy can occur during active labor of a female rabbit, without interruption. Most often, this situation occurs on large farms, where animal pregnancy is a constant process.


This video will tell you about the pregnancy period in rabbits.

Rabbits are very popular animals in the household. The reason for this popularity is explained by the fact that they are born very quickly, grow and are unpretentious in care. Each breed has its own timing of birth and the process of pregnancy. If you know these qualities, you will be able to properly organize offspring planning. Is it possible to eat meat with myxomatosis?

Rabbits reproduce very quickly. You can get up to 40 rabbits per year. A female rabbit can become pregnant as early as three months, but the recommended age for mating is 4-5 months. How long does pregnancy last in rabbits? From 28 to 35 days, most often lambing occurs on the 30th day. The movement of the rabbits in the mother's stomach occurs on the 25th day, and is a sign of imminent birth. If the due date is unknown, begin preparations for labor as soon as movement is detected.

During pregnancy, the rabbit's behavior changes. She may become aggressive, or, conversely, will hide in the corner. As the due date approaches, she begins to pull out fur from her belly, collect hay in the cage, forming a nest. The nest with hay is placed on the female about 4 days before the birth. If this is done earlier, there is a high probability of using it as a toilet; if it is done later, the female will not have time to get used to it.

Rabbits, especially pregnant rabbits, prefer silence and twilight. Try to prevent your family from visiting the rabbits and making noise near the cage. A pregnant female's need for water and food increases. Make sure that its bedding is dry and the light is dim. Insulate the cage from temperature fluctuations, optimally if the room is 20 degrees.

Rabbits kitten late in the evening or early in the morning. The process lasts approximately 1 hour, although there are exceptions. Rabbits are born blind and naked. The female rabbit licks them, stimulating breathing, and eats the placenta. At first glance, it may seem that the mother does not care about the offspring. But baby rabbits need care 2 times a day for 5 minutes. The mother spends the rest of her time away from the nest, distracting potential predators. But if you see that the rabbits have sunken bellies and the skin lies in folds, urgently show the rabbit to the veterinarian.

On the 12th day, the baby rabbits' eyes open and they leave the nest.

Rabbit pregnancy / How to determine pregnancy

The pregnancy of female rabbits lasts from 28 to 34 days, or an average of 30 days. There are cases of intermittent births, when rabbits are born with an interval of a day, and very rarely repeated births - with an interval of 10 days. Multiple litters often occur with shorter pregnancy periods: after 29-30 days, an average of 10-11 rabbits are born, after 31 - 9-10, after 32 - 8-9, after 33 - 6-7, after 34 - 4-5 baby rabbits With low-fertility litters, childbirth usually occurs on the 28th-29th week, but sometimes with a small number of rabbits, the spread in the timing of childbirth is significant. With a pregnancy duration of 31 days, the rabbits have a live weight of 57 g, 33 days - 60-61 g.

In order to make sure whether the rabbit is pregnant. carry out a pregnancy test. The fertilized egg enters the uterus on the fourth day and attaches to the walls of the uterus on the eighth day. 12-15 days after mating, the embryos can be felt to determine pregnancy. This is done like this: the female is placed on a flat surface with her head facing the rabbit breeder.

The left hand is held in the sacral area, and the right hand is brought under the stomach. If the rabbit is pregnant. Her uterus is greatly enlarged and filled with fluid.

The embryos are oval-shaped, the size of a hazelnut, elastic, soft to the touch, located in the form of a chain on the sides of the back of the abdomen. It is necessary to feel the embryos very carefully so as not to cause a miscarriage. It is more difficult for inexperienced rabbit breeders to determine the gestational age of rabbits due to the similarity of the embryo to feces pellets, so you need to know that feces can be felt as more rounded and harder.

If in this way it is established that the rabbit is not pregnant. she should be placed with a male on the same day. Thus, palpation makes it possible to determine pregnancy in 15-17 days and speed up the maturation of barren rabbits.

The embryos in the uterine horns develop very quickly, so on the day of palpation they reach a size of 2-2.5 cm in length. Rabbits grow especially intensively in the second half of pregnancy, that is, from the 16th to 20th day. Until the 20th day, the embryo weighs about 2-3 g, at 25 days - approximately 21-22 g.

Pregnancy for a female is an ever-increasing burden that requires maximum stress on the body, as well as a significant waste of nutrients for the formation of fetuses, membranes and placenta. Good, nutritious feeding of females at this time contributes to better development of the rabbits. Pregnant females need complete rest. You can pick them up only as a last resort, and you should be careful to hold the animal not only by the fold of skin on the neck and withers, but also from below. During pregnancy, silence is maintained; females are not disturbed or moved.

The ability to fertilize in female rabbits is restored within a day if there are less than 5 rabbits in the litter, and after 8-10 days if there are more than 5.

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    How to determine if a rabbit is pregnant?

    About a rabbit's pregnancy and how to determine it.

    There are several ways to determine whether a female rabbit is mated or not.

    One of the most common is checking with the help of a male. One to two weeks after mating, place the rabbit with the female. If the female rabbit is pregnant, she will attack and try to bite the male. But this method is not always accurate; sometimes the female lets the male in and recoating occurs.

    Pregnancy can also be determined by palpation, but at least two weeks must pass after the intended coverage. The fruits can be felt with your fingertips; at this stage they are felt in the form of small balls.

    Palpation should be carried out carefully, lightly touching the rabbit’s belly, so as not to injure the babies. If you have little experience in such manipulations, it is better to contact a veterinarian.

    Very often, pregnant females begin to eat more food than before mating with the male. And this is not surprising. At this time, from 4 to 8 babies develop in the womb. A female rabbit's pregnancy is clearly visible in the later stages, approximately one to two weeks before giving birth. But this method is not the most accurate; in some rabbits, the appetite remains at the same level as before mating with the male.

    A coated female may develop a bad habit of throwing food out of the feeder in search of something tastier. This is also one of the methods for determining the pregnancy of a rabbit, but it can hardly be called reliable.

    How to find out if a rabbit is pregnant

    A female rabbit can reproduce approximately six months after her birth. Some breeds reach sexual maturity five months after birth, while others mature closer to eight months. There are professional rabbit breeders who, in order to increase the number of offspring or to reduce the cost of keeping rabbits, decide to carry out the first mating at four months. And the most interesting thing is that a female rabbit can become pregnant as early as the next day after litter (birth).

    The gestation period for rabbits is approximately 28-30 days.

    The female rabbit should be examined for pregnancy two weeks after mating with the rabbit.

    Sometimes a sign of a female rabbit’s pregnancy can be her sudden change in behavior, which is expressed in the manifestation of greater aggressiveness, a change in her usual diet, excessive obesity, ignoring male attention, and also begins to pluck fluff from her belly. Be careful! All this may be a manifestation of a false pregnancy, which also happens in rabbits. The presence of pregnancy in some rabbits can be found out only when the due date approaches, since throughout the entire period of their interesting position they do not show any special signs. Therefore, this method of determining a rabbit’s pregnancy is completely unreliable. In general, rabbits are quite secretive animals, and even experienced veterinarians make mistakes.

    To master all the skills and techniques for determining a rabbit’s pregnancy, you just need to learn how to do it and undergo a little training. Ask your friends who breed these animals for an uncovered female rabbit that is definitely not pregnant. Using gentle pressure, feel the belly of this rabbit with your fingers and remember its size, as well as what condition it should be in. Then perform the same inspection using palpation of a potentially pregnant rabbit. The differences characteristic of a pregnant rabbit will immediately become obvious: the lower part of the abdomen is denser and harder, because the fetuses are surrounded by placental fluid there. It is important that the rabbit is completely relaxed and not tense during palpating.

    There is another option for determining whether a rabbit is pregnant. Turn the rabbit so that her muzzle is turned towards you. With your left hand, take the animal by the back, and with your right hand, calmly palpate the pregnant rabbit from below through the belly. If there is pregnancy, small fetuses will be felt in the lower abdomen, and the uterus will be significantly enlarged. All these operations must be carried out with increased attention and caution to avoid damage to the fetus.

    Of course, the best and most reliable way to determine if a rabbit is pregnant is to be examined by a professional veterinarian.

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    There is a very rapid increase in the number of livestock. These animals reproduce instantly. This is primarily due to their early physiological maturity, short period of gestation and the ability to combine the latter with lactation.

    Onset of puberty

    Rabbits can breed all year round. Their sexual activity decreases slightly only in the fall - for a short period of time. Precocity can also be attributed to the undoubted advantages of these animals. They reach sexual maturity at the age of 3.5-4 months. Rabbits mate for the first time at 5-6 months, after their body has become sufficiently strong. Experienced fur breeders advise carrying out the first mating no earlier than the time when the female reaches a weight of 3.5 kg. Large breeds usually mature later, small breeds earlier.

    How long does a pregnant rabbit walk before giving birth?

    The length of time a female carries her cubs depends primarily on her breed. On average, pregnancy in these animals lasts about 28-35 days. However, in most cases, queens carry their young for approximately 31-32 days. It is by this time that it is worth carefully preparing the animal’s cage - disinfecting it, as well as installing additional drinking bowls and a queen cell.

    Large rabbits (giants, rizens, flanders), as a rule, carry their babies longer. Smaller varieties have a shorter gestation period. In addition to the breed, the duration of pregnancy may also depend on such factors as the number of embryos. The more there are, the faster the uterus will give birth.

    The answer to the question of how long a pregnant rabbit walks also indirectly depends on the age of the animal. Only mature, experienced females usually give birth to many cubs at a time. Firstborns most often have no more than 4-6 babies. And therefore, their pregnancy in most cases lasts longer.

    How to determine pregnancy

    So, we found out. Next, let's figure out how to determine the actual success of mating. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to know with certainty whether the uterus is pregnant. These animals know how to hide their pregnancy well. However, there are still several ways to determine pregnancy. The simplest technique is the so-called palpation. This procedure is carried out two weeks after mating. At the same time, the female rabbit is placed on a level place with her head facing her. Next, they place their left hand on her back, and with their right hand they carefully palpate her stomach. Along the edges of the uterus of a pregnant rabbit, you can feel small “pea” embryos.

    To find out how successful the mating was, you can also simply place a rabbit next to the female. If the uterus does not allow the “gentleman” to approach her, snaps and chases him around the cage, then most likely she is pregnant. Pregnancy can also be determined in this way no earlier than two weeks after mating.

    Sometimes farmers learn that there will soon be a replenishment of the herd through various indirect signs. Pregnant females most often begin to behave unusually. Large rabbits can become very aggressive, small ones, on the contrary, can be timid. Often pregnant females also become picky eaters.

    Queen cell for the rabbit

    A special box with an opening for entry should be placed in the pregnant female's cage. The queen cell should not be too high. The main thing is that the nest, which the rabbit will subsequently build in it, is closed from prying eyes on all sides. The lid of the box should be hinged. In the future, this will allow you to monitor the development of the rabbits.

    Pregnancy in rabbits: when will birth occur?

    The following factors may indicate an imminent birth:

    • The female begins to build a nest from scrap materials.
    • The rabbit is no longer picky about food.

    Usually the day before giving birth, the female begins to pluck the fluff on her chest. Moreover, she does this very intensively - until bald spots appear. If a lot of fluff is noticed in the cage, it means that most likely the rabbit will have babies that same night.

    What should the owner do?

    Owning your own rabbit farm is always a bit of a hassle. And especially when the females are about to give birth. During this period, animal owners should take some actions aimed at preserving the offspring that have been born.

    The female continues to give birth, depending on the number of rabbits, for 5-20 minutes. In some cases, labor can take up to an hour. During birth, the queen drinks a lot. Therefore, the drinking bowls in her cage should be filled to the top.

    The cubs themselves are born naked, blind and absolutely helpless. Some time after the birth, the animal owner should put a rubber glove on his hand and check the nest. Any dead cubs found must be removed.

    How do baby rabbits develop?

    In order for the farm to please its owners with high-quality products, the conditions for breeding rabbits must be up to standard. This is especially true for young children. Rabbits grow very quickly. After two weeks they gain almost 5 times their weight. Babies begin to move independently in the third week of life. At this time, animal owners need to disinfect the cage and remove the queen cell from it.

    The cubs also begin to eat from the feeder with the female rabbit at the age of about 3 weeks. At this time, it is advisable to completely exclude beets from the animals’ diet, since they are a strong laxative. A rabbit with droppings should only be given dried grass.

    The cubs are kept in a cage with a female for at least two months. The longer the rabbits stay with their mother, the faster their development will go in the future, and the more profitable the rabbit farm will be. A new mating of a female rabbit is usually carried out a month after the cubs are deposited. It is not recommended to do this before. Before a new pregnancy, the female’s body should have a good rest.

    Well, we hope we have answered the question of how long a pregnant rabbit walks in sufficient detail. These animals bear their young for approximately 30 days. Actually, mating itself takes place about once every four months. With this breeding technology, you can get up to three litters per year.

    Rabbits are prolific animals. Female rabbits of large breeds are ready to mate already at 6-7 months, small breeds become sexually mature even earlier - at 3 months. To get healthy offspring, the main thing is to prevent the crossing of closely related individuals. Contact between a male and a female from the same litter should not be allowed. A pair from one male and different mothers can be considered optimal.

    Pregnant rabbit

    Is the rabbit pregnant?

    At first, it is difficult for rabbit breeders to determine the pregnancy rate of a female rabbit. This requires observation and experience. When pregnancy occurs, the female's behavior changes. She becomes aggressive and avoids confrontations with males. And if the owner notices that the female is tearing out the hair on her abdomen, then you can be sure that she is going to insulate the nest for the rabbits.

    True, a change in behavior may be a sign of a false pregnancy, which sometimes occurs in rabbits after unsuccessful mating. In this case, aggressive behavior can last up to 18 days, and then the female rabbit calms down and begins to let the male near.

    On days 20-21 of pregnancy, you can examine the rabbit. During this period, an experienced rabbit breeder is able to test future rabbits. If doubts about pregnancy remain, it is better to invite a veterinarian for an examination.

    A pregnant female rabbit runs away from males

    Length of pregnancy

    How long the pregnancy will last is the main question asked to the veterinarian. The owner needs this information in order to have time to prepare the female comfortable conditions for the birth and feeding of offspring. And since pregnant rabbits are pregnant for a relatively short time, there is not much time for preparation.

    Gestation lasts from 28 to 35 days. More often, this period is 30-31 days, that is, one month.

    One litter can replenish a farm with 6-10 rabbits. The duration of pregnancy depends on how many cubs the female carries; the more there are, the shorter the period.

    During pregnancy, the rabbit must be monitored. It is impossible to predict in advance how many days the pregnancy will last. For the term, the pregnant rabbit must be provided with rest, increased nutrition, uniform temperature and silence.

    About 4-5 days before giving birth, a nest of hay is placed in the cage, which the female insulates with her fur. If the pregnancy lasts about thirty days, and the female rabbit has not insulated the nest, then the owner needs to carefully pull the hair from the female’s abdomen and do it himself. When the nest is placed in the cage too early, the female does not perceive it properly. She can use it as a toilet or just throw it out of the cage. But in a nest placed too late, the animal does not have time to get comfortable.

    During pregnancy, it is advisable not to pick up the rabbit. There is absolutely no need to expose the expectant mother to additional stress. If this is necessary, then you need to hold the female not only by the fold of skin on the withers, but also with your other hand under the hind legs.

    Fur-lined nest

    Nutrition of a pregnant rabbit

    If during pregnancy the female gains weight well, then there is no need to make big changes to her diet. It is enough to add calcium (chalk or bone meal). Depending on what the rabbit eats best.

    If the rabbit does not look well-fed, then it is worth increasing the portions of food and adding vitamins to the diet. If in any doubt, it is best to seek veterinary advice.

    The doctor will advise how much concentrated and bulk feed a pregnant female needs. Typically, in the first period of pregnancy, a predominance of bulky feeds is recommended, and in the second - concentrated ones.

    7-10 days before giving birth, the animal’s diet should look something like this:

    • mixed feed, legumes and oats up to 100 g;
    • feed with a high protein content – ​​sunflower cake up to 50 g, soybean meal – up to 30 g;
    • succulent food, carrots are best;
    • mineral additives to the animal's taste - chalk, bone meal, meat and bone meal 2 g, salt - 1.5 g, crushed chicken egg shells - 2 g;
    • vitamin supplements – fish oil 2 g.

    Young pregnant animals should receive food that is 20% more nutritious than full-aged animals, since their body spends energy not only on gestation, but also on its own development.

    Before giving birth, the female rabbit needs succulent food

    Birth of baby rabbits

    The approaching birth is reflected in the behavior of the female. She is nervous and cannot find a place for herself. However, just before giving birth, some animals huddle in a secluded corner of the cage.

    Most often, birth occurs at night or early in the morning. Typically, childbirth does not cause any particular difficulties. How long the birth itself will last depends on the number of cubs and their development. The birth of each baby takes from ten minutes to an hour, respectively, the birth ends quickly or drags on for a whole day.

    If the birth lasts too long, and the rabbits are born very large, then the mother in labor may need the help of a veterinarian.

    However, such situations do not happen often. The maternal instinct in these animals is quite developed, and the female controls the birth process well. The rabbit eats the afterbirth and film from newborns. If there are stillborn cubs, then the animal can also eat them. To prevent this from happening, they need to be removed from the cage after the birth is over.

    When the birth is over and the female has licked the babies, it is necessary to check whether all the rabbits are in the nest. If one of the cubs lies separately, then the mother is temporarily transplanted into another cage, and the rabbits are placed in the nest. Before doing this, wipe your hands with hay and down from the cage to eliminate your smell. At the time of transfer, it is most convenient to calculate how many rabbits the animal carried if the owner did not have the opportunity to control the litter.

    After giving birth, you should check whether all the rabbits are in the nest.

    You can return the rabbit to the cage with the cubs after the foreign smell has completely disappeared. This usually takes 20-25 minutes. Then, for several days, you should not disturb the mother and babies. All that is required from the owner is to add protein-rich food in time and pour fresh water into the drinking bowl.

    Mommy feeds the rabbits in the morning and evening. The animal's milk is fatty and nutritious so that the female's diet meets her needs. The owner can control the satiety of the rabbits by taking a closer look at their tummies. There is no fur on newborn cubs, and mother's milk is visible through the thin skin.

    If the female refuses to feed the offspring, then it is necessary to give them to another nursing rabbit in time. Before this, the fluff and hay of the parent's nest are cleaned from them and wiped with the fluff of the new nurse.

    After giving birth, the female stays in the same cage with the cubs for a month and a half. Then they are separated from their mother, and the female rabbit can be placed again with the male for mating.

    There are legends about the fertility of rabbits, but only rabbit breeders know that breeding these animals is a labor-intensive task that requires certain knowledge and practical skills. In order for these pets to develop optimally, they need to be provided with certain conditions.

    When are rabbits ready to mate?

    Fertilizing cells in rabbits will be produced in sufficient quantities with the proper level of hormone stimulation, diet and other external factors.

    It is known that for receiving the offspring should be mated between a female and a male. In this case, one should take into account the fact that the female reaches sexual maturity by 4 months of the small breed and 6 months of the large one. When crossing representatives of the furry brethren, it is necessary to avoid mating of individuals from the same brood and close relatives.

    In its prime, a rabbit can cover a female 4 times a day (2 times in the morning and in the evening).

    How to confirm pregnancy in a rabbit

    You can determine if a rabbit is pregnant in the early stages by her behavior. The behavior of the female is radical is changing:

    It will be useful for inexperienced livestock breeders and farmers to know that rabbits often develop a condition false pregnancy, when all the symptoms are present, but there are no fruits in the womb of the female. Doubts may arise up to 21 days after mating. The delusion will not last long if you check for the presence of fruits in the belly. The female's pregnancy status can be confirmed by palpating the abdomen. To do this, you need to turn the expectant mother on her back and stroke her belly to relax the animal.

    If the “fluffy” shows temper, you should stroke the belly below, without turning the body over. You need to act carefully, without scaring the female or causing her pain. For comparison, you can perform a similar inspection with a female that has not had mating. Experienced rabbit breeders will quickly catch the difference and determine pregnancy, but beginners will need to learn.

    Detection of embryos upon palpation is a sure sign confirmation the pregnancy of a female rabbit.

    To the touch, future rabbits appear to be small balls. Experienced rabbit breeders grab the ears of the expectant mother, and insert the other hand between the hind legs so that the palm rests on the stomach and carefully probes the contents of the uterus.

    Even if previously the female was distinguished by a gentle disposition, then with the onset of pregnancy, she can begin to bite everyone who cares for her.

    Before giving birth, female rabbits have round bellies, their breathing becomes frequent, and their movements around the cage are rare. Mostly they lie in a secluded place and move only to the feeder.

    Duration of pregnancy of a female rabbit

    When confirmed fertilization, you can tune in to expect an offspring.

    How long does pregnancy last for rabbits? According to veterinarians and rabbit breeders, a female rabbit will remain pregnant for 28-35 days. On average, the duration gestation offspring lasts about 1 month. Childbirth may occur on the 31st or 32nd day. But the baby rabbits will begin to move in the womb already on the 25th day.

    Throughout pregnancy, the condition of the animal should not be lost sight of. The animal must be active, have a good appetite and be well-fed. It is worth adding chalk or bone meal to traditional food.

    Signs of imminent labor in a rabbit

    How many lasts We already know pregnancy in rabbits, now we need to recognize the proximity of the birth.

    The behavior of the expectant mother on the eve of giving birth can be radically different - aggressive or very calm. About a week before giving birth, the female may begin to show excessive activity and hostility towards other individuals. At this moment, the female rabbit needs to be moved to a rabbitry, where sanitary cleaning has been carried out, an equipped queen cell filled with hay, to which fluff from the mother’s belly will soon be added. If the animal was distinguished by its strong temper and mobility, then before the birth it can, on the contrary, be very calm. Huddled in a corner of the rabbit shed, the female will bide her time.

    But in any case, “fluffy” pregnant women will begin to eat more and absorb liquid.

    The birth process begins at a quiet time of day (night or early morning hours). Both the day before and for some time after giving birth, you should not disturb the mother and her offspring again. The mother rabbit takes care of her babies twice a day (feeds them milk and licks them). The rest of the time the animal tries restore strength to get back to normal and have enough milk for your babies.

    The duration of pregnancy is influenced by the breed of the animal. It is known that larger species of rabbits, such as giants and Flanders, bear fruit longer than smaller breeds (California, butterflies). The number of fetuses in the female’s belly also affects the gestation period. The more embryos there are, the faster (by reasonable standards) the birth will occur.

    Young females bear longer in time, but they almost always have half as many embryos. Most often these are 4 little rabbits.

    Zoologists have noticed that some females suffer from toxicosis while bearing offspring. Therefore, if a rabbit’s taste preferences have changed or her appetite has decreased during an “interesting” situation, you should not immediately sound the alarm and suspect a disease.

    You can determine the presence of toxicosis in a pregnant rabbit using the following signs:

    • rapid breathing;
    • nervous or depressed state;
    • the presence of acetone odor from the mouth;
    • frequent urination.

    Diet is of great importance both during the rabbit’s pregnancy and while feeding the rabbits.

    A prerequisite is the presence of water in the rabbit house. Such an unpleasant fact is known - a female who has recently given birth eats her newborns kids. So, one of the reasons pushing for such a cruel act is the lack of water to quench thirst.

    The diet of a nursing female should include fresh vegetables (carrots, cabbage, fodder beets), hay, green grass (alfalfa, forbs) and vitamin supplements.

    How should a female rabbit's cage be equipped before giving birth?

    The rabbit's cage must be ventilated and at the same time prevent drafts. We must not forget about regular cleaning of rabbit sheds and timely removal of leftover feed and feces. On the eve of birth, a queen cell is placed in the cage so that the female has time to insulate it with her down. The cage should handle hot water with the addition of potassium permanganate.

    The nest or queen cell is most often made in the form of an inverted rectangular box with a round hole for entry and exit. The size of the queen cell should allow the mother and offspring to be freely accommodated in it. It is recommended to make a threshold at the bottom of the entrance so that children do not fall out through it. To insulate the nest, use both soft hay and sawdust with shavings. The female rabbit picks up her fluff a couple of days before giving birth. Inexperienced females can pick up fluff, but not bring it into the nest. In such a situation, you should send it to the queen cell in person.

    How many rabbits can a female give birth to?

    Now the reader knows how long a pregnant rabbit walks, the next question should be about the expected number of rabbits.

    A healthy female rabbit can bring from 4 to 15 animals. The number of babies depends on the completeness diet mother, her breed and reproductive age. But most often the litter is 7-10 rabbits. Delivery time can take from 20 to 60 minutes. What will matter here are the births, the breed of the animal and its individual characteristics. Most often, the birthing process takes no more than half an hour. The female copes on her own, and, as a rule, she does not need the owner’s help. But if problems arise, then you need to seek the help of a veterinarian.