Original nicknames for boys' cats. What a beautiful and interesting name to give a kitten. Nicknames in honor of characters and famous people

One day such an important moment comes when a wonderful, affectionate, gray kitten crosses the threshold of your home. He will definitely become your favorite and friend. After all, animals, especially kittens, are very affectionate, gentle, devoted creatures.

It's fun and funny to spend time with them. When choosing cats, owners mainly pay attention to breed, color and gender. There are different breeds of cats, but the most popular are ordinary yard ones, and among the purebred ones, these are British, Scottish and other types.

How to choose a nickname for a gray boy cat?

When a kitten appears in the house, every owner thinks about what nickname to choose for him. There are a lot of nicknames, but your pet is so special and important that you want to come up with something that will suit him. Sometimes it happens that you see a kitten and a certain name immediately comes to mind. But basically, it takes time to observe the character and behavior of the cat, and based on this, give it a certain nickname.

If you are tired of all the standard nicknames and want to come up with a unique, special nickname, we will help you with this with the help of various examples and tips.

There is no difference between a name for a small kitten or an adult cat, because the little one will grow up sooner or later anyway. Unless the little one can still be called in a diminutive form.

Nicknames are mainly selected, paying attention to such characteristics of the four-legged friend as: character, habits, color, breed. You must also take into account the fact that you will repeat this nickname very often, and therefore it should be pleasant to the ear and not cause negativity in the people around you.

Nicknames for gray colors

Gray cats are increasingly popular among people. Pets of this color are very gentle, affectionate, beautiful and friendly. There are many shades of gray: gray-blue, dark gray, smoky and others. Let's look at the most famous shades of gray.

Common nicknames for gray male cats

For a gray smoky cat, nicknames such as:

There are also standard, fairly common cat names that are very popular with both people and their pets. The most popular nicknames for domestic kittens are:

  • Murzik
  • Borka
  • Fluff
  • Vaska
  • Barsik
  • Tishka
  • Ghost

Cool names for a gray cat boy

If you look at the character and appearance of a cat, you can come up with a large number of different nicknames. You just need to imagine a little.

For example, for a plump, well-fed cat who loves to eat, names such as:

  • Fat man
  • Donut
  • Mars
  • Glutton
  • Bun, etc..

If your kitten is too active and restless, nicknames such as:

There are also cats that are very graceful and important in appearance, this especially applies to purebred British and Scottish cats. Such royal nicknames as:

Owners of computer scientists and simply Internet lovers select such unusual nicknames for their boy kittens, such as:

  • WhatsApp
  • viber
  • Windows
  • Capslock
  • Enter
  • Azus, etc.

You can also call a kitten various symbols of wealth and prosperity. For example:

  • Dollar
  • Mani
  • Ruble
  • Bucks
  • Pound and so on.

If you love a certain brand, then nicknames such as:

  • Versace
  • Briko
  • Reebok
  • Pepsi
  • Chanel
  • Valentino, etc.

And car lovers will like names such as:

  • Opel
  • Mayors
  • iPhone
  • Hummer
  • Nissan
  • Citroen
  • Ferrari, etc..

Nickname for a gray kitten British and Scottish boy

Nicknames for gray cats

So we found out that there are many options for nicknames for gray male cats. So no matter what you name your pet, the main thing is that both you and your cat like this name. You can also come up with something original based on your desires. Good luck in choosing a name for your kitten!

When acquiring a small, furry friend, new owners are faced with the question: “What to name the cat.” Some people want an original, sophisticated and fashionable name. Others are cute and funny. But most people don’t know what name to choose for a kitten. This article will help answer this question.

Name for a cat based on external characteristics

Choosing a name for a cat is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. The easiest way is to start from the appearance of the animal, its color, spots, length of fur, eyes, etc. This method of choosing a nickname is the most popular. Most owners name the animal precisely by this characteristic. Don’t think that it will turn out uninteresting or unoriginal. The main thing is that the nickname suits the cat.

Naming a white cat a girl is quite simple. The owners just need to think about what they associate the color white with.

It can be something of your own or common, for example: Snow, Squirrel, Snowflake, Winter, Snezhana, Umka, Snow, Lady. Very original nicknames for cats: Alaska, Antarctica, Arctic.

And the boy can be called Snowball, Ice, Orbit, Sugar, Tick-Tock, Belok, Weiss.

A black cat is a symbol of elegance and grace. From a small tousled kitten grows a real panther, whose fur shimmers in the light, and every step is filled with elegance. This is what you need to start from when giving a nickname to an animal. The black cat can be called Bagheera, Bastet in honor of the ancient Egyptian goddess, Athena or Perseus. You can give a simpler name, for example: Nochka, Klyaksa, Pepsi, Poppy, Basta, Mukha, Betty.

Suitable nicknames for a boy are Chernysh, Coal, Smaug, Smog, Smokey.

It’s easy to name a gray cat beautifully, since its color is already inspiring. Names such as Sapphira, Serena, Sonya, Sam, Sema, Mouse, Gray, Grace, Aqua, Dove, Smokey or Dymka, Melon are perfect.

A ginger cat can be called by the most optimistic, playful and graceful names. For example: Alice, Fox, Liska, Lisa, Perseus, Stella, Venus, Mars, Marcia, Orange, Mandarin. Simple names such as Peach, Redhead, Redhead, Peach, Sweetie, Freckle, Speck, Ray, Sunshine are also good.

Among boy kittens, the popular nicknames are: Ryzhik, Chubaisik, Luchik, Yantar.

A tricolor cat can be called in different ways. A good imagination will come in very handy, since a variety of names can suit a colorful animal. For example: Rainbow, Rainbow, Wrapper, Flower, Color, Fortune, Christmas Tree, Fun, Kiss, Spot, Watercolor, Watercolor, Tube, Paint, Esmeralda and Spiral. Some of the listed nicknames are also suitable for boys.

Name depending on character

Cats, like people, each have their own character, mood and temperament. When choosing a nickname for cats, it is very important to pay attention to this point, since the name should reflect the pet’s inner world.

A cat distinguished by affection and love can be given the nickname Lyuba, Nyusya, Asya, Mura, Murka, Lova, Musya, Masya, Nyashka, Nyasha, Yummy, Mylyshka, Malya, Manya, Bonya, Masyanya, Nyusha. It should be soft, light and cute, just like the animal itself. The names Bayun and Relax are suitable for boys.

But not all pets are good-natured. Very many cats have a firm, lively, masterly character. They don't like to be touched, stroked or tried to play with. Nicknames suitable for such important persons are: Margot, Tonya, Bomba, Chili, Merlin, Lauren, Gioconda, Jolie, Saltpeter, Sulfur.

There are representatives of the cat family with a playful character. Such cats are always on the move, they need to go everywhere and do everything. Nicknames such as Bullet, Strelka, Belka, Zvezdochka, Flashka, Puma, Headlight, Mouse, Shakira, Besya, Penka, Fish, Shark, Kashtanka, Ocher, Zorka, Sailor, Fury, Simka, Sirena, Anfisa are suitable for cute kids.

Cool nicknames for cats

If the owners have a sense of humor, then you can choose a funny name for the pet. As a rule, funny nicknames are born from the appearance or habits of the animal. A cool name for a cat can be based on its taste preferences, for example: Sausage, Sausage, Cutlet, Pie, Waffle, Sausage, Yummy, Stewed, Charlotte.

It is fashionable to give a cunning and resourceful cat the nickname Spy, Radio Operator, Kat, Trinity, Tricky, Shpan, Zaslanka, Intelligence, Mrs. Smith, Lariska, Kozyavka.

For an athlete cat who is in a hurry to be on time everywhere, the names Bazooka, Cannon, Jump Rope, Hooligan, Troy, Pandora, Pirate, Goonie, Whistle are suitable.

Interesting nicknames for cats in alphabetical order

Every housewife wants to give her cat an interesting name so that her pet stands out from the rest and is the best. There are many good and interesting names for cats. They can be old Russian, foreign and any others.

List of the best cat names:

  • A: Avdotya, Akulina, Aurelia, Agatha, Agnia, Azalea, Aida, Angela, Anita, Apollinaria, Ariadne, Arsenia, Artemia, Astrid;
  • B: Bella, Blackie, Lingonberry, Barbara, Betty, Berta, Bazhena, Bambi;
  • In: Varna, Vandochka, Vasilisa or Vasilek (abbreviated Vasya), Venus, Viola, Vlasta, Vesta, Volya;
  • G: Glafira (abbreviated as Glasha), Hera, Grettel, Glafira, Gloria, Gertrude, Golub;
  • D: Diodora, Gina, Juliet, Deutsche, Dekabrina, Dunka, Domna;
  • E: Eva, Evdokinia, Elizaveta (Lisanka), Euphrosyne;
  • F: Zhanna, Julia, Georgelitta;
  • Z: Zlata, Zimka, Zarina, Zvenislavochka;
  • And: Ivanna, Isabella, Joanna, Jonah, Isolde, Hippolyta, Isidora Duncan, Irma, Sparkle;
  • K: Capitolina (abbreviated Kappa), Coco (Chanel), Carolina, Clarice, Constance, Cleopatra, Xunya;
  • L: Leniana, Lina, Louise, Lenina, Leontia, Lucretia, Lesya, Lulu, Livia, Lina, Liliana, Lilia, Lumiya;
  • M: Mavra, Maruska, Magda, Madeleine, Malvinka, Margarita, Martochka, Marfusha, Matilda, Matryoshka, Milana, Millya, Mimimishka, Mia, Molly, Muse;
  • N: Nana, Nessie, Nelly or Neonila, Nefertiti, Ninel, Novella, Nora, Nochka, Nate, Nyusha;
  • A: Octavia, Oktyabrina, Olympiada, Olympia;
  • P: Pavlina, Panna, Paulina, Pandora, Praskovya, Panochka, Penny;
  • R: Rada, Rimma, Rosochka;
  • With: Solomeya, Svoboda, Severina, Serafima, Sendy, Sophia, Susanna, Suzanna, Susan, Stepanida (Styopa);
  • T: Tyra, Tasha, Tisha, Trisha, Taira, Tamila, Tess;
  • U: Ulyana, Ustinya, Ulya;
  • F: Faina, Fina, Frau, Felicia, Philadelphia, Flora, Florence, Floriana;
  • E: Eureka, Elelnora, Elsa, Emma, ​​Erica;
  • Yu: Juno, Yuta, Yuna.

Signs associated with cat names

A cat can become not only a person’s friend, but also his talisman. A correctly chosen nickname will attract everything dearly desired to the owner of the animal. Therefore, if there is not enough love, money or health in life, then you need to carefully choose the nickname of a new household member.

If the owners' luck has turned away lately and they lack a little bit of luck, then perhaps they should get a cat. Call her Rainbow, Luck, Piece of Happiness, Lucky or Rada.

If you have a desire that seems impossible, then you need to get a cat with the name Zlata, Lamp, Rybka, Gina, Star, Lotyreyka, Sorceress, Fairy Tale, Coupon.

If the owner dreams of great love, a man who will become her soul mate for the rest of her life. Then you can get a girl kitten and name her Venus, Lyubov, Lova or another name meaning love.

Finance is what many people lack to achieve complete happiness. To attract them, you can call the fluffy talisman Dollar, and also suitable nicknames are Coin, Ruble, Kopeyka, Denga, Zolotka, Cent, Peso, Mark, Euro, etc.

If there are quarrels, swearing, and lack of peace and harmony in the house, then the cat can be called Harmony or Peace. Also suitable nicknames are Relax, Euphoria, Friendship, Accordion, Balance.

At the end of the article, it is safe to say that there are a million names for cats. But it is important to remember the main thing: you need to love your pet and pronounce its name with affection. Then, regardless of the name, she will answer her owner in kind. Will become a loyal friend and caring pet.

You still don’t know what to name the kitten that just moved into your home? You can select several suitable options if you narrow your search area and choose exclusively from thematic areas that pique your interest. Then it will be necessary to discuss the versions with your family and settle on a nickname that is attractive to everyone.

What can you name a kitten?

Interesting and unusual names for kittens can be found in the literature. Think about your favorite or just colorful characters from books that are suitable to name a kitten. Interesting ideas can be found in both classic cinema and blockbusters. Comics and computer games provide great scope for imagination. You should focus on the breed; a luxurious cat can be called Churchill, and an elegant cat can be called Godiva. Try it, and you will understand that finding the answer to the question of what to name your kitten is not only simple, but also fun if you get involved:

  • Trips.
  • Gastronomy.
  • Mythology.
  • Cartoons.
  • Fairy tales.
  • Blockbusters.
  • Other areas of your interests.

Names for boy kittens

You have just adopted a small male into your family, so this is a good choice, since cats have an easy-going character. When choosing what to name a boy kitten, look at the nicknames listed below:

  • Diamond.
  • Archibald.
  • Arthur.
  • Asterix.
  • Astral.
  • Bonya.
  • Barsik.
  • Balthazar.
  • Bandit.
  • Baron.
  • Berlioz.
  • Biscuit.
  • Black Jack.
  • Boris.
  • Watson.
  • Pate.
  • Rogue.
  • Brownie.
  • Bucks.
  • Cognac.
  • Coke.
  • Dexter.
  • Donut.
  • Eclair.
  • Tarragon.
  • Chingiz.
  • Gloss.
  • Godzilla.
  • Gothic.

Which nickname matches your pet can be understood intuitively. It is advisable to select names for boy kittens (Russian nicknames) with hissing notes, since furry cats love sounds similar to mouse rustling and remember them well. The nicknames Lusha, Yasha, Zhuzha are perfect. The nickname Syom Syomych sounds funny in relation to the baby. When the kitten grows up, the name will acquire a connotation of respectability.

Nicknames for girl kittens

As soon as you adopt a cat, you immediately want to choose a name from the list of lucky names for kittens in order to further protect the plush miracle. But you should wait a little so that the pet’s character becomes more obvious and then you can choose a nickname suitable for naming the kitten a girl. Check out the list first:

  • Agatha.
  • Athena.
  • Beauty.
  • Belinda.
  • Chamomile.
  • Columbine.
  • Cybele.
  • Dana.
  • Fanta.
  • Fifi.
  • Flannel.
  • Flora.
  • Strawberry.
  • Frosya.
  • Chip.
  • Fuchsia.
  • Galatea.
  • Geisha.
  • Georgette.
  • Wolverine.
  • Grisette.
  • Hippie.
  • Toffee.
  • Caramel.

The question of how to choose a name for a girl kitten should also concern the animal’s guardian from the point of view of the speed of the pet’s assimilation of sounds. The female will respond best to Margosha or any other word with a hissing sound. The cat must understand that the name is hers, and not any of the household members or other animals. In this regard, the original word will be preferable.

The best names for kittens

Looking through various lists in search of an answer to the question of what names can be given to kittens, owners are guided by the color of the coat or the character of the pet. But it’s worth remembering that if you call a cat a long and complex word, there is a chance that it will not respond. This will upset the owner; many animal guardians firmly believe that their pets understand everything, but just do not want to speak out. It is unpleasant to part with this illusion, so it is worth respecting the preferences of the animals.

Animal guardians may exclaim: “Oh, my God, from the inexhaustible list of what to name a kitten, I will never find the right word!” and much easier to do. Since animal nicknames are of great importance to guardians, a group of owners, guided by tenderness, call new pets like previous cats. It’s hard to be surprised by this, because cats leave behind unforgettable memories. In addition, the problem of what to name the next kitten becomes less acute.

What to name a ginger kitten?

To make communication with the restless sun who has settled in the house easy and cheerful, you should try to give him an appropriate nickname. Below is a list of what you can call a ginger male and female kitten that are reddish-brown in color:

  • Apricot.
  • Amber.
  • Orange.
  • Mandarin duck.
  • Anise.
  • Brioche.
  • Carrot.
  • Cognac.
  • Cornelian.
  • Zolotko.
  • Nectar.
  • Lioness.
  • Orange
  • Pumpkin.
  • Saffron.
  • Sharkhan.
  • Sun.
  • Tiger or tigress.
  • Toffee.
  • Volcano.
  • Ogonyok.

What to name a black kitten?

Some people still believe in the superstition that a black cat brings bad luck. This superstition originated in the Middle Ages, when it was believed that demons and witches turned into black animals. The belief has not been completely overcome, but many demonic forces fascinate in connection with the Gothic fashion. If a black cat appears in the house, then he is welcome and the question of what is the best name for the kitten turns into a fun game like Halloween. If you want to find ones that will fit them like a glove, check out the list:

  • Chernushka.
  • Ember.
  • Domino.
  • Oilman.
  • Caviar.
  • Prunes.
  • Zorro.
  • Chaplin.
  • Lucifer.
  • Pirate.
  • Midnight.
  • Plum.
  • Shadow.

In addition, nicknames for black kittens are chosen in cartoons and comics. As soon as you notice the resemblance of your favorite characters to your pet, the question of what is the best name for the kitten will disappear by itself. Among the popular characters:

  • Hercules.
  • Felix.
  • Scratchy.
  • Sylvester.
  • Berlioz.
  • Figaro.
  • Salem.

What to name a white kitten?

Your fluffy little one is as white as snow, and you want to name the cat according to his beautiful appearance. To name a kitten, you should look for images on mountain slopes or in the clouds. Fresh flowers or delicious culinary delights are also suitable. Look for a name for a white kitten, boy or girl:

  • Alaska.
  • Aspirin.
  • Snowball or snowflake.
  • Bounty.
  • Chamomile.
  • Cotton.
  • Crystal.
  • Diamond.
  • Foam.
  • Marshmallow.
  • Ice.
  • Lotus.
  • Moon.
  • Nougat.
  • Cloud.
  • Swan.
  • Sugar.
  • Yogurt.

The name for a white kitten is sometimes chosen based on its pedigree. The animal's name may contain the first letters or syllables of the names of its parents or more distant ancestors. Breeders also suggest suitable versions. Nothing prevents an animal from coming into the house with a ready-made nickname, but if it is long, then it should be shortened and turned into Lilly-Tilly simply into Lily.

What to name a gray kitten?

Many ideas arise on the topic of what to name a gray kitten for a girl or a boy. The suit is sometimes called blue or lilac. Ideal for a baby or toddler:

  • Fog.
  • Pebble.
  • Ash.
  • Granite.
  • Sergunchik.
  • Stainless steel.
  • A speck of dust.
  • Little mouse.
  • Titanium.
  • Ratatouille.

What to name a chocolate kitten?

Dark brown color is not so common, so the question of how to choose a name for a chocolate-colored kitten is especially difficult. You can go by searching for a sonorous word in accordance with its exclusivity. Caesar or Richard will do. Females have tasty nicknames such as Chocolate or Sweetie. For males, Snickers, Raisin or Bob are more suitable. Brown (brown) or Brownie sound interesting. The nickname Mulatto is suitable for a cat, and Zagarik for a cat.

What do you name a peach-colored kitten?

When choosing a nickname, you need to take into account the color, appearance and character of the cat. If you choose a purebred breed, then you can understand how he will grow up. Will the pet be a domestic tyrant or a tame animal? What you can call a fluffy peach-colored kitten is determined by a roll call with saffron milk caps. Among the most common is Peach. If you want to be original, you can ignore the color and go through the list of funny names for kittens:

  • Sugar.
  • Loaf.
  • Accordion.
  • Brawler.
  • Schwartz.
  • Noir.
  • Sunny.
  • Altyn.
  • Firefly.
  • Fox.
  • Jam.
A question that is asked by a huge number of cat owners. But it’s better to pose the question this way: how to choose the right nickname for an animal, so that it is smart, correct, and most importantly, so that the animal responds to it.

It’s quite difficult to come up with such a unique nickname, and to come up with it, you need to remember that cats only hear the first three sounds of their name. The rest of the letters are of little importance to them, therefore, cats respond perfectly to kitty-kitty.

Well, there are different cat names. There are many of them and they start with different letters, they contain a different number of letters, the number of hissing letters, as well as many more distinctive features. But the main thing that guides owners when choosing cat names is the behavior of kittens in childhood.
Below .

Each kitten has its own distinctive features, which reveal all the kitten’s inclinations. You can also focus on the kitten’s color, eye color, behavior, and only after this long process will it be possible to determine the kitten’s nickname; delaying the choice of nickname is also not recommended. After all, the kitten may not get used to the nickname, which was given too late.

There are also the most common nicknames that have been used for many years. These nicknames, as you may have guessed, are Barsik, Musya, Murzik, Vaska, Boris and many other “boring” nicknames, and also, the nickname depends on the breed of the cat. Some people give their pets nicknames that suit their appearance! For example, if the kitten is fluffy, smoky in color, and also has a kind, sympathetic character, then it would be logical to name him Barsik or Vaska.

Nicknames for cats should be bright, most often they contain diminutive suffixes, but, of course, they should suit the character and appearance of the cat. For example, Arabian cats are typically named Aben, Abrek, etc. So, the names of cats are given precisely according to this principle! Nicknames for cats are chosen in the same way as for cats! I hope that you will no longer have any difficulties or questions about what to name your cat!

Finally, you have a new mustachioed family member - you got a cat! It doesn’t matter how you got it - you bought a purebred pet, took it into “good hands” through an advertisement, or picked up a stray mongrel, the first thing you need to do is come up with a name for your four-legged friend - a nickname.

The main thing in the article

The importance of choosing the right name for a kitten

Take seriously the choice of a nickname for your pet, because your animal, like a person, is also a personality, which means you need to come up with a special name, suitable specifically for it. Your choice should please not only you, but also your pet: its name will be pronounced several times a day, and the animal will also need to react to it correctly.

An important point: the name for a cat should be concise, sound clear and not too drawn out. This way the animal will remember it faster, and it will be easier for the owner to pronounce it.

  • Still, if you really want to give your cat a long name or a name consisting of several syllables, do not be discouraged - there is a way out. Even the longest name can be shortened: Geraldine – Gera , For example.
  • There is a tendency to call cats by human names, but this is not a good idea. It will be awkward if a friend comes to visit you Sonya , and you will call your cat the same name. It’s another matter if these are ancient names, which are used quite rarely these days: Filimon, Agafya, Roxana.

What you should rely on when choosing a name for your pet:

  • Cat fur color. There is plenty of room for your imagination to run wild here, and if the nickname Chernysh for a black kitten, for example, sounds rustic, name your pet Blackie , or use other foreign languages. Make associations, white cat - Snowball or Fluff, black - Ember etc.
  • Features of wool. Hairless cat - Shrek, or Tutankhamun, or the entire list of Egyptian pharaohs (suitable for the Sphinx breed). A smooth-haired cat can be called Bagheera, Panther , fluffy - Fatty , redhead - Carrot, Pumpkin or Russet . A nickname is suitable for a small kitten Lump, Buddy, Tramp. But remember - he won’t always remain small: a cat weighing 10 kg named Lump - it will be a very funny picture.
  • Pedigree of the cat. In this case, a name for her needs to be chosen that matches her origin. People from Britain can be honored with an English name, and those from Thailand can be given a Japanese name, while Persians can be honored with gentle-sounding names. Or simply - Baron, Marquis, Lord, Count.
  • Pet's character . If you have already managed to get to know the subtle disposition of your cat, or rather, if there is some peculiarity in it, then it will be easy to name it. Sloth can be called Sonya or Splyukhoy, naughty kitten - Hooligan, Prankster, Naughty.

Approach the choice of nickname with a sense of humor, come up with a mischievous and funny name. Cats have such a serious behavior that you just want to make fun of them. For example, Bun, Watermelon. There are plenty of funny names. Just don’t reward your younger friends with offensive or sarcastic nicknames, even as a joke. Cats are more than friends, they are family members and there is no need to insult them. Zamazura, Dirty, Scoundrel and similar nicknames will not work.

Do not despair if you have come up with a good name, at your discretion, for your pet, but he does not react to it in any way. After some time - a week, two weeks or more, you can try to rename the kitten. But you should not rename the animal more than once. Then it will not understand at all what they want from it.

The most common nicknames for cats

The most popular nicknames for cats

Nicknames for cats, depending on breed

There is a rather interesting formula for how to name a kitten with a pedigree. Here are two basic rules:

  1. The name of a kitten, whether it is a boy or a girl, must begin with the letter that is present in the name of its mother, a cat.

  2. The serial number of the letter of the cat's name is determined by the time it gave birth to offspring.

For example, if the cat's name is Flory and she brought the kittens for the second time, then their names should begin with "L" . This is not a whim at all, but a mandatory requirement in nurseries that breed purebred cats. This fact must be indicated in all documents - metrics confirming the pedigree; this makes it possible for the kitten to take part in various exhibitions and competitions in the future.

If the animal's name consists of several words or is complex in itself, you can come up with an easier, simplified version. In addition, experts who breed their own cats advise giving the kitten a short name, consisting of one or two syllables. For example, Archie or Richie.

After six months, the cat must respond to its name. If this is not the case, then there is a high probability that it is too difficult for him. However, do not mislead your pet by changing his name, and pronounce the one you originally gave him clearly and expressively. Praise him and call him to eat, saying his name.

Remember that with the help of a correctly chosen name, you can correct the existing inclinations of the animal, cultivating the desired behavior and character.

Nicknames for Scottish and British folds

Before you come up with names for British and Scottish kittens, you need to figure out what their differences are, because outwardly it is very difficult to distinguish which breed is which.

Choose a nickname for a Scottish Fold kitten by studying the meanings of Scottish names - it will be quite symbolic, you can also use Hebrew.

The following nicknames are suitable for a Scottish Fold boy:

The following nicknames are suitable for a Scottish Fold girl:

The following nicknames are suitable for a British fold boy:

The following nicknames are suitable for a British fold-eared girl:

Another British cat can be called this:

  • Holly
  • Cherry
  • Chelsea
  • Sheila
  • Chanel
  • Shanti
  • Yasmina.

Cat names in English

Recently, it has become popular to call cats by English names. Perhaps this is an imitation of the cultures of English-speaking countries, or perhaps a cat with a chic name Vanessa will be perceived more nobly than with a simple name - Murka. Here are the options for cat names in English; for ease of reading, they are written in Russian letters.

For girls:

For boys:

The best nicknames for black cats

There is something mysterious and even mystical about black cats. You can choose a lot of options for names for such a kitten, referring only to the color of the coat. In different languages ​​of the world, “black” will sound special, which means choosing a name will not be a problem. For example, here are the names:

What do you call a ginger cat?

A lot of people are literally obsessed with ginger kittens. And for good reason. They are considered carriers of a colossal amount of energy and strength, which they share with their owners. You can come up with both a funny and symbolic nickname for your fiery pet.

Even in Ancient Rus', keeping a ginger cat in the house was considered a good omen - according to the ancestors, it should bring prosperity, prosperity and happiness to the family.

For the kitty you can come up with a creative and funny name - Carrot, Pumpkin, Apricot, Ray, Melon, Mango, Fanta, Cinnamon, Zlatka and many others.

For the cat: Caesar, Citrus, Amber, Leo, Whiscar. Or resort to mythology: Aurora (goddess of the dawn), Hector, Barbarossa (“red”), etc.

Unusual names for white cats

Naturally, when choosing a name for a white kitten, the emphasis will be on the “purity” of the color of such a pet. Besides the banal: Fluff or Snowball , there are still quite a lot of interesting and memorable nicknames. Here are some of them:

The most beautiful options for nicknames for spotted and tabby kittens

Talking about tabby cat, childhood memories of a cat immediately arise Matroskin . But you can rephrase this name a little and it will work out Matraskin, Mattress or Telnyashkin, Telnyash, Matrosych, Poloskin. In addition, the name for a “tiger” boy is perfect TIgridze, Tigrich, Snake or Arbuzik. Suitable for girls: Zebra, Vest, T-shirt, Lynx.

Spotted pet you can call Peas, Kopeyka, Tiger Cub, Burenka. If there is a spot around the eye, then it can be called Pirate, Puma. If there is a speck in the shape of a heart, then such a cat can be called Valentine, Favorite.

Funny and cool nicknames for kittens

A funny nickname for a kitten will emphasize the good sense of humor of its owner and will bring positive emotions throughout the day.

The meaning of a cat's nickname

It has been verified that cats remember and respond better to nicknames that contain the letters “s”, “sh”, “h”. For example, Sima, Shusha, Chita. And it is much better to choose a short name than a long one. Call the cat with the chosen name several times, changing the intonation. If you arouse interest in the animal, it means you liked the name and chose it correctly.

What should you not call cats?

  • It happens that a beloved animal passes away, and in order to dull the pain of the loss a little, another tailed friend is brought into the house. Often a new family member is called the same as the deceased, but this should not be done. The kitten can take on all the negativity from the life of the previous pet, but this is of no use. Keep the memory of the departed kitten in your heart, and give the new one a new life with a new name.
  • Do not call our little brothers abusive names. Of course, the owner is a gentleman, but it is unlikely that an invented obscene name will highlight your good human qualities.
  • Cats are rightfully considered the guardians of the home from negative energy. For this reason, do not call them by names associated with evil spirits - Lucifer, Witch.

Don't follow fashion, follow your heart. First of all, you should like the nickname; you don’t need to get used to a name that is unpleasant to your soul. Give your pet a name that will truly suit him and be in harmony with the appearance and character traits of your furry friend.