Kitten without breed. Cat breeds with photos and names. Catalog of breeds! Cat breeds starting with the letters S, T, U

Among the many different cat breeds that exist today, smooth-haired cat breeds stand out. These beauties are distinguished by grace and elegance. They can be completely different in build, color, and character. But every cat will have smooth fur. More than thirty cat breeds with short hair are officially recognized by cat organizations, but slightly fewer species have completely smooth fur.

Abyssinian cat

– an amazing breed, the appearance of which is associated with the mysterious Ethiopia. A beauty of iridescent color with smooth fur, huge eyes that leave a surprised expression on her face. The Abyssinian's habits resemble a wild lynx, but the beauty is extremely friendly, neat, clean, and attached to her owners.

Australian mist

Australian mist (smoky cat) - wears a coat of a very characteristic color, has gentle transitions between the pattern and the main color. This is an affectionate, devoted creature. She thrives in an enclosed space and has no need for walks.

Asian tabby

Asian tabby was born by crossing a chinchilla and a Burmese cat. Wears a necklace of spotted patterns around his neck. He never refuses the attention, care, and affection of his owner, but he does not trust strangers and greets guests with caution.

American shorthair cat

- appeared on the continent in the company of sailors and travelers from Europe, quite strong build, excellent health. Many colors are allowed. The adaptability of the American Shorthair cat to any living conditions is remarkable.

American Curl

- a gorgeous cat with characteristic ears turned back, silky smooth hair that fits tightly to the body. The creature is not at all capricious, playful, flexible.

Balinese cat

– color-point color with silky thick coat without undercoat, lengthening from the ears to the tail. Smart, talkative, inquisitive, sweet animal.

Bengal cat

- a small leopard living in the house. He charms with his easy-going, gentle disposition, activity, and great mobility. This beauty cannot be classified as a sofa breed; she needs walks, games involving covering long distances or hunting for toys.

British Shorthair

– a large beauty, round and soft, has a pronounced fold around the head, thick plush fur. A kind, calm, almost phlegmatic animal.

Burmese cat

– a proportional, medium-sized beauty in the most delicate silk coat, painted with smooth transitions to darkening of color on the back and limbs, a soft, loving, tactful pet, maintaining playfulness until adulthood.

Bombay cat

- a small charming panther, very predatory in appearance, has the yellow-amber eyes of a wild cat and sparkling black fur. The beauty is sociable, playful, easy-going, unobtrusive, but very talkative.

Devon Rex

- an exotic big-eared handsome man dressed in astrakhan fur. An intelligent, loving creature, it can spend time constantly lying in the arms of its owner.

European Shorthair

The European Shorthair is a well-developed, muscular, strong individual. Possesses good health and is able to survive in difficult conditions. When kept at home, it retains independence, greatly appreciates affection and tenderness from a person, but will never impose its company on its owner.

Egyptian Mau

– a graceful, graceful, unusually flexible cat. The fur coat is painted with a characteristic spotted pattern, as if painted on silk fur. Quite an energetic nature, loves to be in the company of people, prefers playing in the water to other types of entertainment.

- a cat whose head is shaped like a heart. Handsome men older than two years old certainly have green eyes. Korats are always bluish in color, the most popular shade of color being blue-gray. A calm, open, trusting creature that does not like fuss, is attached to its owner, and is very jealous.

German Rex

The German Rex is a well-proportioned, well-built cat with a wavy, velvety coat of various colors. He is always in a great mood, curious, active, but extremely unfriendly with animals in the house.

Cornish Rex

- a wavy cat with a medium-sized body on high legs. The wavy coat has no main hair and consists almost entirely of undercoat. Sociable, smart, intelligent cat. Can get along with almost any neighbor.

Selkirk Rex

– a well-proportioned, well-built handsome man with wavy hair, a peaceful character, and is not inclined to play pranks and be a troublemaker.

- a cat on short legs, in a pleasant, smooth fur coat of various colors. Kind, playful, smart pet, wonderful companion.

Manx is a strong cat without a tail, strong, well built. They are excellent mouse hunters, they have a good, easy-going character and love for people.

Oriental cats

– graceful, sophisticated, graceful creatures, very harmoniously built, short-haired, without undercoat. Sociable, talkative animals that need constant human attention.

The Ocicat is a strong, muscular pet with a wild coloration in the form of dots, an open necklace of contrasting spots on its neck, and dark ring bracelets on its paws. Soft, affectionate, playful cat.

Pixie bob

Shorthair - a small domestic lynx with a short tail, a short-tailed elf, with soft fluffy fur. Like a dog, it is devoted to humans, unpretentious in food and hassle-free maintenance.

Russian blue cat

– a graceful, intelligent cat, the favorite of the Russian tsars. A very tactful, modest, even shy beauty. She gratefully accepts self-care, loves regularity, silence, and peace.

Siamese cat

– an oriental princess with a color-point color and the elegance of true grace. Independent, gentle, talkative. A very loyal friend, companion, comrade.

Thai cat

– a stronger, stronger relative of the Siamese cat, with rounded shapes, blue eyes, color point color. She does not tolerate loneliness well, actively takes part in all household chores, and not a single important event in the house takes place without her.

Singapura cat

- a small cat with sable-brown or ivory-colored silky dense fur. A cautious, timid beauty, very affectionate and gentle when kept at home.

– can be medium or large in size, with point spots, diluted with white markings. Soft, affectionate, sociable, easy-going beauty, inimitable hunter.

– a cute pet with a wild tiger color, but the disposition of an affectionate, gentle pet. Toy sofa tiger cub. In addition to its color, it has a chic collar on its muscular neck, typical of tigers.

Chartreux are dense, strong cats with yellow eyes, gray-blue color and silky coat. Independent, silent, calm, gets along with all family members, be they people or animals.

Scottish lop-eared

- a charming pet with a round muzzle and small ears bent forward. This cutie has a slightly surprised look in her huge round eyes. He has an unusual, slightly raspy voice, as well as the ability to stand still on his hind legs while examining something. Calm, easy-going, non-aggressive cat.

Exotic Shorthair (exotic)

- a charming, always surprised creature with a childish, touching face and a plush short fur coat. Exotics are small and round, resembling a soft toy in appearance. The character is soft, flexible, they have royal grace and calmness.

Smooth-haired cat breeds include types of hairless cats that have all the characteristics of sphinxes, but have a short, almost imperceptible coat:

  • Peterbald (St. Petersburg Sphynx) - article, appearance reminiscent of orientals. Good-natured, friendly pets;
  • The Don Sphynx is a well-proportioned, muscular animal; any combination of colors is acceptable. Very thermophilic, love to sit on hands, get along with people and animals;
  • The Canadian Sphynx is a unique, cute creature with huge ears and delicate cat folds, and large amber eyes. The color can be solid, bicolor, van, harlequin, color point or tortoiseshell. Not picky sociable pet;
  • Ukrainian Levkoy are fold-eared, gentle, velvety beauties that surprise with their unusual appearance, grace and do not tolerate cold and drafts.

- the largest smooth-haired cat of a hybrid breed today, obtained by crossing a domestic cat and a serval. A playful, inquisitive, very active individual who is not recommended to be kept in an apartment. This exotic lady needs a lot of space to walk and play. In addition, shrouds welcome guests with caution, do not get along well with pets and require special attention.

Smooth-haired cats are all completely different. They are completely different in size, color, build, and character. But they all have an indispensable quality for humans - ease of care.

Their short hair requires almost no careful brushing and does not cause any particular trouble. That is why short-haired gentle creatures are gaining more and more popularity in society, and are ready to outdo their long-haired counterparts in this.

However, when choosing a pet, it is best to familiarize yourself with the individual characteristics of each breed, so that life with a charming creature brings only positive emotions. Of course, it is best to purchase a cat of the exact breed you dream of from professional breeders.



There are more than a hundred cat breeds in the world, many of which have already been classified and recognized by world organizations, others are still at this stage. Every year the number of breeds increases thanks to breeders who seek to combine the advantages or exotic properties of various breeds.

So, we have compiled a list of more than a hundred cat breeds. Enjoy!



One of the oldest breeds. Smart, curious and independent - these are the hallmarks of . These are neat cats that appreciate attention and care. With good care, life expectancy reaches 20 years.

Australian mist

Cats of this breed are almost ideal pets for children of any age, as they are tolerant of handling and are not prone to aggression. They are absolutely not against human contact, and have no great desire to be outside for a long time, which makes them an excellent pet.

Asian (tabby)

Asian cat, also known as Malayan. It is a cat breed similar to the Burmese, but with different colors and patterns. Cats of this breed get along well with children and are also very loving; they want to be in constant contact. Asians are very inquisitive and love to travel.


One of the rarest cat breeds.

American Bobtail

There are two types: long-haired and short-haired. They are loving and incredibly intelligent cats with a distinctive appearance. They are extremely interactive cats that bond with humans with great devotion. With representatives of this breed, you can have fun together or endure hardships and sorrows.

American Wirehair

The American Wirehair cat is friendly and laid-back. She is relaxed, sweet, gentle and playful, enjoying toys and games with his owner. This is not a particularly chatty cat breed.

American Curl

The American Curl comes in two varieties: shorthaired and longhaired. This breed is the product of a spontaneous natural mutation, which is not an unusual occurrence in the cat world. - These are funny cats that will play with you until you are old.

American Shorthair

The American Shorthair is a calm and tolerant cat that takes life as it comes - preferably while sitting on a sunny windowsill where you can indulge in your favorite hobby of bird watching. has more than 80 coat colors and patterns.


Also referred to as the Turkish Shorthair and Anadolu Kedisi. Anatolian cats are very loving and affectionate towards their family. And despite their large size, they are also very gentle, especially with children. Often called “gentle giants,” Anatolians enjoy the company of people and other pets, so they can do very well in families that have many pets.

Arabian Mau

The Arabian Mau is a domestic shorthaired cat. Native to the desert regions of the Arabian Peninsula, it thrives on the streets, adapting to extreme temperatures. The main feature of this breed of cats is their devotion, love and affection for the owner. This cat will always be a reliable companion for a person who loves and cares for it.


is a hybrid cat breed that was obtained by crossing between an African serval cat, an Asian leopard cat and a domestic cat. Despite her eccentric appearance, the Asher cat has a calm character.



The main difference between Balinese and Siamese is the length of their coat. Balinese have a slender but muscular body, as well as a wedge-shaped head, blue eyes, large triangular ears and bright points of color. They look beautiful and sophisticated, but they are funny people at heart. They love you and they want to help you with what you do all the time.


If you love the exotic, but without the character of a wild cat, was created especially for you, by crossing small Asian cats with domestic cats. This shorthaired cat stands out for its spotted or marbled coat of many colors.


Calm and patient. She loves to greet guests and gets along well with children, dogs and other cats. It is not uncommon for her to learn to walk on a leash or play active games. This breed loves attention, so don't get one unless you have the time or desire to socialize often.

Brazilian Shorthair

The Brazilian Shorthair, which is also known as the "Pelo Curto Brasileiro", is the first cat breed from Brazil and has gained international recognition. It is actually a common street cat of Brazil, very similar to the American Shorthair and British Shorthair of the US and UK, respectively.

British Longhair

The character of the British Longhair cat is identical to the British Shorthair. They are very calm and peaceful cats who love to play and appreciate the presence of their owner.

British Shorthair

He has a calm character. As befits her British heritage, she is a bit reserved but very affectionate with her owners. Its short, dense coat can be dyed in many colors and patterns.

Burma (Burmanskaya)

Compact yet heavy, they are often described as looking like bricks wrapped in silk. This does not stop them from being active and acrobatic. Their short, fine, silky coat comes in the original dark brown color, as well as diluted colors: champagne (light brown), blue and platinum (lilac).

Burmilla longhair

Gets along well with all family members, including other pets and children, making her a wonderful family pet.

Burmilla shorthair

This is a people-loving cat with a great mood. She can be a gentle and devoted companion to adults and children. True to her Persian heritage, she is not overly active, but tends to be playful and affectionate.



The Havana is a muscular, medium-sized Siamese cat with a brown coat and a stunning pair of green eyes. A necessary maintenance requirement is regular nail trimming and ear cleaning.

Himalayan cat

The breed was created by crossing Siamese and Persians and then breeding the offspring until the desired characteristics were achieved. can be both a calm companion and an energetic playmate. This breed is generally friendly to others.


Devon rex

With his high cheekbones, big eyes, long legs, slender body and unusual hairstyle, he looks like a feline incarnation of model Kate Moss. Like his cousin, the Cornish Rex, the Devon has a wavy coat, but it has a looser curl than the Cornish.

Don Sphynx

Known to be a great family pet because it is playful and active. This is an inquisitive, social breed that is very friendly, intelligent and loving.


Egyptian Mau

Gentle and reserved, he loves his owners and wants to receive attention and affection from them, but is wary of strangers. Early socialization is important, especially if you plan to show the cat or travel anywhere with your Egyptian Mau. Otherwise, he can easily become frightened by extraneous noises and people.


Yorkie chocolate cat

Yorkies are an unusual and relatively recent American breed of show cat with a long, fluffy coat and tapered tail, and most are mostly or entirely chocolate brown. These cats are smart, energetic and curious. Yorkies are good companions and good hunters.


Celtic (European Shorthair)

These cats are also known to be very good hunters, they are also intelligent, playful and affectionate. They adapt well to changes in their environment and new people. Most of all, they love to spend time with their owners, so you will need a lot of attention and daily interaction.

California radiant

Looking at this cat, you will think you are seeing a miniature leopard. It has a long, lean, somewhat muscular body, as well as a similar pattern of spots. With an affectionate nature, they enjoy cuddling their owners. Because of their athletic, acrobatic nature, they enjoy jumping to great heights.


This breed is flexible, playful and athletic, as well as very intelligent and affectionate. Kanaanis love to climb and jump, so your home should allow for activity, including things like a large cat tree and many different types of cat toys.

Karelian Bobtail

There are two types of Karelian bobtails: short-haired and long-haired. Like other bobtail breeds, Karelians make truly excellent pets. These cats are very friendly and they thoroughly enjoy the company of people and other pets, including other cats.


Cymrik is friendly and affectionate. He is also smart and dexterous, able to use his paws to get into cabinets or open doors.


In its home country, Thailand is a living symbol of good luck and prosperity. He's quieter than the Siamese he's bonded with, but he'll definitely let you know what he's thinking. Its compact, muscular body is covered with bluish-gray fur tinged with silver.

Cornish Rex

The Cornish Rex is well suited to any home with people who will love him, play with him and give him the attention he seeks. Keep him indoors to protect him from sunburn, cars, diseases spread by other cats, and attacks from other animals.

Kurilian Bobtail

is a very active breed, but this does not mean that you will not be able to spend quiet time with him. The Kurilian Bobtail also has a character trait - it can choose one person - the owner, leaving other family members without much attention.



If the kitten is well socialized, then it will always be happy to have your guests. is a good choice for families with older children who will treat it with respect, but toddlers should be supervised to ensure they don't pull out fur. Laperm also gets along well with dogs and is friendly with cats.


They are one of the newest breeds of domesticated cats. In fact, they are still in the process of being fully recognized as a breed because there are only a few of them in the entire world. is quickly gaining popularity, especially in the USA.



Regardless of what you think when looking at this breed, he is not a cross between a dachshund and a cat. The dwarf species is the result of a spontaneous natural mutation. Energetic and playful, he may be short in stature, but he will have fun for a long time.

Maine Coon

Sweet and friendly, with the typically curious nature of a cat. He is sociable and loves his family, but does not require special attention. He will watch you and show interest in what you do, and if you want to let him show you, he will be glad.

Mekong Bobtail

Cats of this breed are friendly, social creatures that love to receive affection from their owners. These cats are generally calm, although they are curious.


Minskins are attractive and affectionate. They love people and children. These cats also love to spend time with dogs and other felines. They are smart, playful and entertaining.

Manx (Manx cat)

Manx is the result of a genetic mutation and is a calm, sweet cat. He never seems to get upset. Manx is a loving companion and loves being with people.



These cats make great pets as they are very sweet and loving, and they get along well with children and other pets. They really don't like to be left alone, so they are best suited for families who will have a lot of time to devote to their pet.

German Rex

German Rex cats are energetic and friendly, and they get along well with anyone, from small children to the elderly. They are quite playful and love activity, so give them plenty of space to run and play.


The best thing about them is their personality. Loving and sweet, they form close bonds of love and trust with their owners and remain extremely loyal and loyal throughout their lives.

Norwegian forest

She has long, beautiful fur, fluffy ears and a shaggy tail. This is a gentle, friendly cat who loves to be around people. is a slow maturing breed, reaching full size at about five years of age.

Neva Masquerade

There is a bit of controversy and confusion around. Some consider it as a color variation within the Siberian breed, and others recognize the Neva Masquerade and Siberian as two separate breeds, however some enthusiasts consider it a threat to the purity of the Siberian breed.


Oregon Rex

It is difficult to describe exactly what the cat's personality is, but it is believed to combine the characteristics of other rex cats. They are affectionate and need a lot of attention. They are very playful and friendly with other pets.

Oriental Longhair

The Oriental Longhair cat has a long, flexible and elegant, Siamese body with a triangular wedge-shaped head and ears. The coat is long and silky, but unlike Persian breeds there is no undercoat. The coat is dense and officially classified as semi-long.

Oriental Shorthair

Active and social - ideal for families with children and small dogs. The cat will play just like any retriever. loves the attention she can receive from children who treat her politely and with respect.

Ojos Azules

is a rare feline breed of domestic cat whose most striking feature is their magnificent blue eyes. "Ojos Azules" is blue eyes in Spanish. The breed was developed in the United States.


Many people dream of having a wild cat as a companion. Their strength, size and beauty are almost irresistible, although sane people know that they are impossible to live with. was created to be the solution. He's not wild at all - a cross between Abyssinians, Siamese and American Shorthairs - but his spots give him an exotic look that's hard to resist.



- this is the glamor of the cat world. Her beautiful coat, sweet face and calm nature have combined to make the Persian the most popular cat breed. She requires a high level of care and attention and has some health problems, but for many her looks and personality overcome these shortcomings.


The Peterbald is sweet, affectionate, calm, curious, intelligent and energetic. They have a medium voice and tend to stay with their owner all the time. Peterbalds usually live in harmony with other cats and pets, as well as children.


Large, lively and sociable, his devotion to his owner belies his slightly feral appearance. He is unique among other cat breeds because his breed standard allows for polydactylism, meaning he can have more than the usual number of toes.



Don't confuse the Longhair with its cousin the Ragdoll. The two breeds are separate, although they are similar in personality and appearance. Big and affectionate, loving. The Ragamuffin coat comes in more colors and patterns than the Ragdoll, although not all of them are accepted by every cat breed association.

Russian Blue

Very loving, but reserved. They don't like noise, but they love to play and can be quite active outside. They bond very closely with their owner and are known to be compatible with other pets. They can happily live indoors or outdoors and are also suitable for small living spaces.


A large, gentle cat with bright blue eyes who can get along with everyone, including other animals, allowing him to adapt to almost any household.



The Savannah is a cross between a domestic cat and an African Serval cat. The character is calm, but at the same time representatives of this breed are active. Savannahs adapt well to living in almost any environment, but they need a lot of space to move. These cats love fresh air and are not afraid of water.

Sacred Burmese

The Burmese cat is extremely sociable and trustworthy. She is gentle, calm, faithful and has compassion. Sacred Burmese are easy to handle, making them ideal pets. They enjoy being with people.


The Seychelles cat has the same personality traits as the Siamese - they are intelligent, extroverted and social. This is a people-oriented breed that enjoys company.

Selkirk rex

- a loving, very affectionate cat that requires attention. Her playfulness is another attractive aspect of her temperament.


The Serengeti has an open, confident and friendly character. Although they may be shy for some time in a new place. Once they get used to their habitat, they can become like Velcro, always wanting to be with you, helping in every endeavor.


Generally very affectionate and intelligent cats, known for their social nature. Many enjoy being with people and are sometimes described as "extroverted." They often form a strong bond with one person.


These cats love to be close to family members and get along well with children, dogs, cats and other animals. They are more likely to purr than meow. They grow up only at the age of five, but remain playful throughout their lives.


Skif-tay-don, aka, is a truly unique and relatively new breed of cat. Their easy-going disposition, playfulness and lifelong miniature nature of the kitten will leave few people indifferent.


The Singapura cat loves people and is not shy about their company. She likes to be affectionate and warm with her warmth on cold winter nights. Despite her nature, she is a gentle friend who can sympathize in difficult moments.

Scottish Fold (Scottish Fold)

This is an intelligent, moderately active cat. loves toys that test her dexterity and puzzle toys that challenge her intelligence. Her favorite activity is anything related to human interaction.

Scottish Straight (Scottish Straight)

The Scottish Straight is one of the cat breeds that make up the Scottish breed group, along with the beloved Scottish Fold. The Scottish Straight is known for its curiosity, loyalty and intelligence.


Snow-Shu is a unique person who is always interesting to live with. Snowshoe can be a master's owner, a cat "mom" who always checks on you, or your very best friend. She is smart, active and affectionate, although she needs a little time to get used to guests.

Sokoke (soukok)

Owners looking for a best friend will love this breed, he loves to spend all his time with his owner! If guests are visiting, the sokoke will pause to greet new visitors at the door.


Like his brother, the Abyssinian, they live life to the fullest. He rises higher, jumps further, plays more actively. Nothing escapes the attention of this very smart and inquisitive cat.

Sphinx (Canadian)

It seems like a contradiction: naked cat? But people who recognize him fall under the spell of this hairless but beautiful cat. Her warmth and exotic appearance combine to make the Sphynx a favorite.



Connect strongly with people. They are loving, affectionate and attached to their families. They are social cats who really enjoy the company of people and should have support if they are left indoors for long periods of time.


- a medium-sized cat was created by crossing a Bengal cat with a tabby domestic shorthair cat. This is a domestic cat, without wild blood. It was designed to have branching stripes and orange, as well as black or brown coloring, reminiscent of a tiger pattern.


The Tonkinese cat is friendly, active and loving. If you think that cats are solitary and independent, it is only because you have not yet met the Tonkinese breed. She will demand attention and will not rest until she gets it.

Turkish Angora

The Angora is a natural breed and has existed in Turkey at least as far back as the 15th century. are usually considered white cats with blue or green eyes, but they also come in a variety of colors and patterns. This is a small to medium sized cat.

Turkish van

The Turkish Van earned the nickname "swimming cat" for his love of water. It is not uncommon for him to splash around in ponds, pools, or any other water he can find. She is an intelligent, active, loving cat with a silky, medium-length coat that is easy to groom. Most vans are white with colored spots on the head and tail.


Ukrainian Levkoy

The Levkoys contain the blood of the Donchak lightweight and elongated format, and the Orientals (through the Peterbalds). The Ukrainian Levkoy is smart and inquisitive. To keep this cat entertained and active throughout the day, provide him with plenty of toys.

Ural rex

The Ural Rex is a quiet, very balanced cat. She loves people and other pets. It is easy to keep and is also good with children.


Foreign White

Foreign Whites have the same traits as Siamese cats. For example, they are very smart, have great character and are loving.


Highland fold

The Highland Fold is a sweet, charming breed that is easy to live with and care for. She is affectionate and matches all members of her family.


- the largest (after the Maine Coon and Savannah), rare and - due to its exclusivity - one of the most expensive cats on the planet.



The Ceylon cat is very cheerful and active. She is always interested in what is happening around her. She quickly adapts to a new environment. The Ceylon cat loves large and open spaces, but also usually does well in an apartment.



– incredibly beautiful, always looking well-groomed and luxurious, confident. This strong, powerful cat has a distinctive blue coat with an elastic undercoat.

Chantilly Tiffany

Chantilly Tiffany is soft, lazy and not too active. This is one of the features that mainly attracts cat lovers and owners. However, these cats are very playful and mischievous. They get along well with children and all other pets.



Aegean cats are intelligent and cheerful, with good communication skills. They are generally friendly to people and can be excellent pets for families with children. True to their heritage as island cats, Aegeans are not afraid of water and can even catch fish for themselves.


Exotics have a calm and gentle disposition, complemented by curiosity and playfulness (even in adulthood). However, they are known as one of the most mysterious cat breeds, the first impression of which is deeply deceptive.


Javanese (Javanese cat)

Javanese cats have a silky medium-length coat and a beautiful tail train. Most Javanese tend to enjoy human interaction and will be upset by your lack of attention.

Japanese Bobtail

Brings good luck to everyone - this is what they believe in Japan. This must be true because who wouldn't love spending time with a happy, playful cat who is friends with everyone. The Japanese Bobtail's coat can be short or long.

Small ears are the key to great happiness. Scottish fold cat.

Scottish Fold - a cat breed that is not recognized in Europe, but is very popular in our country.

Today it is fashionable to have unusual pets, even if we are talking about the most ordinary cat, then there should be something extraordinary in its appearance. For example, the absence of a tail, shiny skin instead of the usual fluffy fur, or...short ears touchingly pressed to the head. If a kitten that looks like an owl appeals to you, then the Scottish Fold or Scottish Fold breed is your choice.

Scottish They are becoming increasingly popular among cat lovers, and for very pragmatic reasons. Exotic cats are most often artificially bred, which means they are susceptible to various diseases and require special care and nutrition. In the modern rhythm of a huge metropolis, it is difficult to provide your pet with proper care and attention, so people choose animals as pets that optimally maintain a balance between beauty and unpretentiousness.

Scots are omnivores, and thanks to their soft mouton coat, they tolerate the Russian climate well - when it is hot and drafty in summer, and in winter the air is very dry due to central heating. There are widespread rumors that due to the specific structure of the ears, these cats often have hearing problems and other diseases. But veterinarians and breeders say this is a myth. Scottish dogs have excellent hearing and do not suffer from any abnormalities other than funny curved ears.

Many people think that Scottish kittens are docked in infancy so that their ears lie properly, but this is also a myth. Small curled ears are a mutation. Yes, yes, a real mutation and thanks to this random miracle the breed was born, and quite recently.

In 1961, farmer William Ross came across a white kitten with funny ears on his estate. Fortunately, William was a true connoisseur and lover of animals, he registered the grown-up cat Susie with the GCCF of Great Britain (the register of cat breeds of the United Kingdom) and began breeding fold-eared kittens. Later, professional geneticists took over his work.

By the way, the ears of the first cat, Suzy, were bent just a little with a strong tilt forward, but now show-class cats have ears that fit tightly, and sometimes are not noticeable at all, this effect was achieved as a result of complex selection.

Unfortunately, later the BCF (British Cat Fancy) thought that breeding animals artificially was not entirely humane, and Scottish Folds can have various diseases, and the breed was excluded from the list of registered ones. Thus, this breed is not recognized in England and Europe, but is nevertheless popular throughout the world.

Scots are often confused with British cats, despite the fact that for an experienced specialist they are also not similar, as for us Persian and Sphynx cats are. It’s just that during the selection process, folds were crossed with the British and exotics in order to achieve more characteristic characteristics of the breed, as well as stable color and fixation of the ears.

It is noteworthy that not all Scots have floppy ears. There are Scottish Folds (low-eared animals) and Scottish Straights (animals with straight, regular ears). Kittens of both species are born in a litter, more precisely, all are born with straight ones, but some kittens have ears that fall in the second week of life, while others do not, so in one litter there may be brothers and sisters with different ears.

Today only fold-eared kittens are allowed to exhibit, but except for their ears, they do not differ from their relatives - the same fur, the same eyes, the same character. But straights, despite the doom of their show career, are very important for breeding. You cannot cross two folds, because this will lead to congenital skeletal defects in the offspring. The ideal husband and wife are straight and fold.

Its peaceful disposition makes this breed a true family pet. Forums of breeders and owners are full of messages about wonderful love and friendship between small children and fold-eared cats. A real fluffy pillow and a purring hot water bottle - these are the epithets used to describe the Scottish.

But your pet will not differ in intelligence. No, he can easily learn how to open the refrigerator with his paw or what time you come home. But your pet is unlikely to be a hunter, a guard, or a threat to the neighbors' cats.

The Scots are distinguished by their devotion and love for their owners. If you get such a cat, you will be able to observe a unique psychological experiment - the merging of the cat’s personality with the owner’s ego. This love will be proportional to the cat's helplessness and partially atrophied basic instincts. Although a city cat living in a comfortable apartment does not need all these survival skills. If the pet sees a fly or a bird, then the hunt will be limited to a ritual dance, clicking of the tongue and sluggish attempts to grab the prey, and if it so happens that the prey has given up on its own, it is not a fact that your Scotsman will eat it.

If you decide to breed this breed, then you will give birth together with the Fold. So if your pet is pregnant, read in advance how to deliver a cat or keep the veterinary emergency phone number in a visible place. It doesn’t happen once in a while, but if you’re forewarned, you’re forearmed!

Despite such minor disadvantages, Scottish Fold cats are optimally adapted to living with people. Such a cat respects and values ​​both its personal space and its owners. And without difficulty he will become the warm and charming pride of the house and a friend of each family member.
























Fluffy and hairless, short-legged and long-legged, tailless and decorated with plumes - more than 100 breeds have already received official recognition, but literally every day new breeds of cats appear.

All cat breeds are divided into:

Shorthair cat breeds

Abyssinian cat

This cat breed is one of the most ancient. The Ethiopian beast (this is also the name of the beauty) is a cat of rare intelligence and rare obstinacy. The breed is famous for its exceptional colors - wild, red (sorrel or cinnamon), blue and fawn are typical. Ideally, each hair of her fur is triple ticked. Photos of the descendants of the cat Zula, the first Abyssinian brought to Europe, do not convey all the wild charm of the representatives of this breed.

Australian mist

The Australian Smoky cat is one of those cat breeds that can safely be called unique. Born in the homeland of the kangaroo, in Australia, he took the best from his closest relatives - the Abyssinian cat, the Burmese and from simple non-pedigreed cats. The best, first of all, is expressed in color. This is either a spotted coat or a marbled-spotted coat with a general ticked background. Outside of Australia, this breed is practically not found.

American Wirehair cat

Cats dressed in “wire coats” differ from American shorthair cats (more about them below) not even in the quality of their fur, but in its appearance.

While soft to the touch, it appears prickly in appearance and creates the illusion of wire. Often the “wire effect” is not expressed throughout the entire skin, but is concentrated along the ridge and tail.

American shorthair cat

There are breeds of cats that can be called long-lived, and the American Shorthair is one of them. The average life expectancy of an American woman is 15-20 years! The popular breed was recognized by Americans as early as the 17th century, but only gained official recognition in 1904 thanks to the cat Buster Brown.

Today, Brown's descendants have conquered not only America, where there are already 100 specialized nurseries, but also Japan, which does not lag behind American breeders.

Read also:

American Bobtail

All cat breeds have a history. For some it is short and such breeds are most often bred artificially, while for others the history stretches back several centuries. This happened to the cat, who descends from cats living in Indian wigwams. There is an opinion that these were not cats yet, but domesticated lynxes. Indeed, if you look at pictures of a short-tailed American bobtail, there is clearly something lynx-like about it!

American Curl

If you compare popular cat breeds with photographs of rare breed cats, the difference is sometimes noticeable only in the details, but these details decide everything! So, an important detail turned out to be ears that seemed to be curled back. Moreover, such a bloat is formed in kittens of the American breed not from the moment of birth, but only by the age of 4 months.

Anatolian cat


(English: Snowshoe - “snow shoe”) - born in an American nursery. Graceful cats have a nice disposition and charming appearance. Not all kittens in a litter turn out perfect, but those who take the best qualities of a snowshu become standards of feline beauty.

Turkish Angora

One can say about this breed – it is recognized by everyone! Brought to the world from the Byzantine city of Angora back in the 16th century, the Angora cat captivated everyone so much that for a long time Europeans called all white cats Angoras. By the way, in Turkey to this day there is a program to protect the Angora cat, because it is considered the national wealth of the country. The cat is also a long-liver. 13, 15, 20 years old is the norm for her.

Turkish van

British journalists exported two kittens of this breed from Turkey in the middle of the last century. The kittens' names were Van Atilla (boy) and Van Güzeli Iskenderun (girl). Van Guzeli amazed connoisseurs with her red and white Van coat. Today, only the classic red-white/cream-white Van colors are recognized, or black-white/blue-white, tortoiseshell and white Van colors are also acceptable.

Highland fold

She appeared quite recently and immediately had to defend her right to the breed. The breeders were perplexed - if the pedigree contains only folds, straights and Britons, then where do long-haired kittens come from? However, the Highland Fold's very existence dispelled all doubts - it would be a long-haired Scotsman!

Long-haired cat breeds


Very similar to the Persian cat, but the latter never has a colorpoint color. Another difference from the Persian cat is that the Himalayan cat is more active and playful. Long-haired cats get bored decorating the world with themselves and they are happy to run after a sunbeam.

Persian cat

Oh, the oldest and most popular! Yes, the creature, descended from the cat Scheherizade, must be treated with special respect. The snub-nosed cat lifts its nose for any reason and does not really like fuss around itself. According to the standard, about 100 varieties of color are known, but all these cats are similar in type of build - they are strong and massive.

Hairless cat breeds

Don Sphynx

You will be surprised, but the breed is considered aboriginal. Kitten Varvara, picked up by a kind person on one of the streets of Rostov-on-Don, without knowing it, laid the foundation for the history of the breed. Hairless type is divided into four types: hairless (or plasticine), flock, velor and brush. Most often, rubber (hairless) cats are naked.

Canadian Sphynx

Canadian sphinxes do not have holobirthing. And there are no absolute naked people among them. But there are kittens that, from their youth, can easily jump 1 meter in height, and when they grow up - almost one and a half meters! It is noted that they have a very good memory and are easy to train.

Peterbald or Petersburg Sphinx

A long muzzle, large ears spread to the sides, flat cheekbones and an elegant body on high legs - this is a St. Petersburg cat. According to the types of skin, experts distinguish: brush, brush-point, velor, flock, hairless and straight-haired variation.

Ukrainian Levkoy

Not only is he naked, he’s also lop-eared! Well, all 33 cat pleasures! This breed began to be bred in 2000, and the first representative of the breed was born in 2004 and his name was Levkoy Primero. One can argue about the cuteness of this breed, but one cannot but agree that the Ukrainian Levkoy is very cosmic and organic. Many believe that this is the cat of the future.

Here we have listed all the cat breeds with photos that you needed to know about. Share in the comments which breed is your favorite.

Over time, more and more new types of cats appear, but people more often get cats as pets from among certain breeds that have been the most popular for several years in a row. In many countries, cats are considered one of the most beautiful pets, and they are bred with pleasure. For those who have decided to get such a wonderful, sociable, friendly and easy-to-care pet, you should find out in more detail what popular cat breeds exist.

In many countries, cats are considered one of the most beautiful pets, and they are happy to breed them.

Many people do not attach much importance to the breed of a cat and take an ordinary homeless animal from a shelter, and some, wanting to breed these noble pets at home or simply having an interest in cats of noble breeds, purchase a pet for fabulous money or receive a purebred kitten as a gift, in addition with pedigree. There are a large number of varieties of purebred cats, and sometimes buyers’ eyes simply run wild when choosing a purebred kitten. Each purebred cat has a unique appearance, character and is beautiful in its own way, but the choice of buyers most often falls on well-known breeds of cats, which are gaining more and more popularity every year both in Russia and foreign countries, and overseas.

For several decades in a row, breeders have given preference to the Persian cat breed. These funny snub-nosed cats have long, luxurious hair. The Persian has a short muzzle and a round face. They are considered loyal animals, which is generally unusual for felines, and they are very loving and friendly. They come in a variety of colors, from red to spotted.

The Persian cat is considered a rather strange breed. They supposedly originated in Persia, present-day Iran, and quickly gained fame. Since the 19th century. Persian cats became one of the most popular breeds and they began to actively work on it, first in Great Britain and then in the United States. In England, this breed of cats began to be called longhaired Persians.

Today, Persian cats reliably hold the leadership bar among popular cat breeds. Some breeders are put off by the fact that such cats require careful daily care due to their rich, long coat. In fact, Persians' fur can grow up to 3 inches long if not properly maintained. A balanced diet and constant brushing can provide the Persian cat with the necessary care, and in return, these cats will give their owner their love and devotion.

What are the most popular cats in the world (video)

Maine Coon breed

A distinctive feature of this cat breed is its impressive bone structure and rectangular body shape. Their tail is very long and showy. Breeders are attracted by the amazing appearance of Maine Coons and their high intelligence. Indeed, those who dream of a real indoor lynx can purchase a Maine Coon, which is so similar in appearance to this wild animal. This amazingly beautiful pet can rightfully be considered one of the most unusual and famous cat breeds.

The Maine Coon cat breed is considered one of the most ancient. They can have different colors, and in size they are one of the largest representatives of domestic cats. Their weight on average can reach 8-10 kg for cats and 5-7 kg for cats. Some of the Maine Coon representatives even reached 15 kg in weight.

Maine Coons are friendly and love their owners very much. They love to show tenderness to the owner and his children, and also get along quite easily with other pets. Maine Coons are not intrusive, non-conflicting and quite playful. Despite the fact that a cat of this breed is classified as long-haired, its luxurious mane requires much less care than that of Persian cats. Maine Coons, in addition to loyalty to their owner, have one more non-standard trait for cats. As a rule, indoor cats hate water and bathing them can be very problematic. Maine Coons, on the contrary, love to take baths, and therefore caring for their coat will not cause any special problems for the owner. Kittens of this breed instantly adapt to the conditions of their new home and quickly find a common language with all household members.

Ragdoll breed

Another one of the largest and most popular breeds among domestic cats is Ragdolls. They have a fairly strong build, a large muzzle and amazing blue eyes. Outwardly, cats of this breed are very cute and gentle, and look like fluffy plush toys. The Ragdoll color variety can be presented in 3 variants - two-tone, color point and glove, and each of them has its own tone. The fur of representatives of the breed is of medium length and does not fall into clumps. Ragdolls have a luxurious long fluffy tail and can weigh up to 10 kg.

The Ragdoll cat breed was bred by American Ann Baker. Every year this breed is gaining more and more popularity among breeders, thanks to its soft, docile character. The name of the breed literally translates from English as rag doll, and these cats were named this way for a reason. This is due to the fact that when Ragdoll is picked up, he instantly relaxes and falls down.

Ragdolls are very suitable for keeping at home, but their submissiveness can play a cruel joke on them, since these cute creatures sometimes cannot protect themselves from attacks from other animals. That is why Ragdolls are not recommended to be allowed out for walks without the supervision of their owners, otherwise the cat may suffer if it encounters an aggressive animal or person. Ragdolls have one feature that distinguishes them unfavorably from other breeds. Representatives of this breed have reduced muscle tone, and therefore simply do not know how to land when falling on all their paws.

Russian blue cat

Graceful and elegant cats of the Russian Blue breed have long earned the love of breeders around the world. Their silver-blue fur and expressive emerald eyes literally fascinate with their beauty.

It is not known for certain how exactly this breed originated, but Russia is considered the birthplace of the Russian Blue. Well-known representatives of the Romanov royal family, Peter I and his daughter Elizabeth, began breeding them. The royal palace was home to about 300 representatives of blue-gray pets who caught rats in it. Peter also had his own pet of this color, which he loved very much, and all the courtiers unquestioningly carried out the whims of the king’s pet.

By nature, Russian Blues are friendly and unobtrusive. They love to communicate with their owners and household members and purr very melodiously. They quickly become attached to their owner and love to play with him and spend a lot of time. Cats of this breed are very active and inquisitive, they love to jump, climb onto high surfaces and explore their surroundings.

Exotic cat breed

This amazing breed appeared completely by accident and quickly gained popularity among breeders. About half a century ago, Americans, in order to improve their breed of shorthaired cats, decided to cross Persian and American. The result exceeded all expectations, and instead of the expected American one, the breeders received an exotic shorthair cat.

The Exotic inherited short fur from the American breed, and an easy-going and very loyal character from the Persians. These funny cats look very unusual, they love to play and spend time lying in the arms of their owner. Loneliness is painful for exotics and they feel comfortable only if the owner is nearby. Exotics get along well with other pets and even dogs. They inherited from their American ancestors only one trait that is unusual for cats - a fear of mice and rats. Nevertheless, cute exotics are ideal for keeping in an apartment.

Siamese cat

One of the most popular oriental cat varieties is the Siamese. Supposedly this breed originated in Asia and has a thin, muscular and flexible body. The eyes are almond-shaped, slightly slanted, and the coat is shiny and short. They only have one color and it’s called color point.

Siamese cats are quite sociable and love to be the center of attention. If they are not given due attention, the cat will begin to scream and moan heart-rendingly. They are considered quite smart. Siamese cats love to be petted and become very attached to only one owner.

Burmese cat

The Burmese cat breed was officially registered in the early 50s. last century, in France. After 10 years, kittens of this breed fell into the hands of an American breeder, thanks to whom Burmese cats were recognized in the States.

Burmese cats have soft fur and unusual yellow eyes. Cats do not require careful care. Eye color as a result of crossing with Siamese can acquire a green or blue tint. Blue eye color is not possible in a purebred Burmese.

Burmese cats, like Siamese cats, are very sociable, but their voice is much more pleasant. They have love, affection and trust for their owners.

The most expensive cat breeds in the world (video)

Sphynx breed

Many people consider this breed to be unattractive, but Sphynx cats are still popular among breeders. The Mexican hairless is called the Sphynx, and their distinctive feature is considered to be the complete absence of hair. But these cats aren't hairless; their skin is covered in a texture that feels like suede. The hairs are thin and short, and the eyes are large.

For those owners who are allergic to cat fur, Sphynx dogs are perfect. Cats of this breed like to sleep under a blanket with their owner, since they do not have long hair, and cats often get cold. Cats are very warm and pleasant to the touch. They need to be bathed often and this procedure is quite simple, since cats love water. They also need to have their nails trimmed and their ears cleaned.

Sphynx cats are very sociable, energetic and love to play with children. They also have an extraordinary mind, are very inquisitive and loving.

There are many characteristics that distinguish different cat breeds. This is the length of the coat, its color, the shape and size of the ears and muzzle, the length of the tail and the height of the paws. But for most people, cats are a great aesthetic pleasure, they are positive emotions. The sight of cute cats is a wonderful cure for bad mood and depression.

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