Drops inspector for cats. Drops Inspector for cats: a drug for fleas, ticks and helminths Inspector for fleas for dogs

Insecto-acaricidal drops “Inspector” are produced by the Russian company Ecoprom. The drug is available in two types: Inspector Total K is used for cats, marking C is intended for dogs. The oily, transparent or yellowish solution is packaged in easy-to-use polymer pipettes of 0.8 and 0.4 ml. Each pipette is designed for cats with a strictly defined weight. The product is packaged in cardboard boxes in quantities of 1 to 4 pieces with instructions for use included. The product is intended for external use only.

Important. Inspector Total S drops (for dogs) should not be used for cats, since their composition contains different amounts of active ingredients and can be designed for animals weighing more than your pet.

Drops Inspector for cats against ticks, fleas, helminths.

Inspector drops are intended for the treatment and prevention of diseases:

  • demodicosis;
  • entomosis;
  • otodecosis;
  • sarcoptic mange;
  • acarosis;
  • nematodes (toxocariasis, toxacariasis, uncinariasis, trichuriasis, hookworm);
  • dirofilariasis.

Toxicity of the drug and safety measures

According to the degree of impact, the product belongs to hazard class 3, i.e. moderately hazardous substances. If you adhere to the recommended dosages, the drops do not have a toxic, irritating or sensitizing effect on the cat’s body.

However, the presence of insecticides in the composition requires compliance with the rules of safe use:

  • Cats should be treated in a ventilated area, away from food storage and preparation areas.
  • Before applying drops to the animal, hands should be protected with rubber gloves. It is advisable for people with chronic lung diseases to use a respiratory mask.
  • It is prohibited to smoke, drink or eat food while treating pets to avoid getting the product into the digestive tract.
  • After using the drops, wash your hands thoroughly with soap.
  • For 2-3 days after applying the product, it is necessary to limit tactile contact with the treated areas on the animal’s body, and it is advisable to completely limit contact with children during this time.
  • If allergic reactions to the components of the drug develop, you must contact a medical facility for assistance. You should take the instructions for use or the product box with you.
  • For 4-5 days after using the drug, do not wash the cat and avoid accidentally getting it wet.
  • If it gets on the mucous membranes of a cat or person, rinse them with plenty of clean water.
  • To avoid overdose, repeated use of the product is allowed no earlier than after 4 weeks.
  • Drops are stored in a place inaccessible to pets and small children, away from food and feed.

Drops "Inspector": instructions for use for cats

Inspector Total K is applied to the dry skin of the animal without any damage to it - scratching or open wounds.

Use the drug according to the instructions.

Drops should be applied to the withers, between the shoulder blades, i.e. on that part of the body that is inaccessible for cats to lick.

Having broken off the tip of the pipette, you need to move the fur apart and drip the product onto the skin in 1-3 places.

One pipette of 0.4 ml is sufficient to treat an animal weighing from 1 to 4 kg. For cats weighing 4-8 kg, you will need a 0.8 ml package. If the pet exceeds the specified weight, then the product is used at the rate of 0.1 ml per kilogram of weight, combining pipettes of various sizes. If the cat weighs less than 1 kg, the calculation is 1 drop (0.05 ml) per 0.5 kg of weight.

Important. For the drug to be effective, until the substances are completely absorbed and distributed, cats should not be washed for 5 days after treatment.

The product is instilled into each ear (regardless of which one is affected) and massaged into the base of the auricle. The remaining amount of the drug is applied from a pipette to the withers. For odecosis, the Inspector is used 2-3 times with a break of 7-10 days. In case of complications of otitis, treatment is supplemented with anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics. If microscopy of scrapings shows the presence of ear mites, then after a month the course of treatment should be repeated. Perforation of the eardrum and significant skin damage in the ear canal do not allow topical use of drops. In this case, the drug should be applied between the shoulder blades in an amount corresponding to the weight of the cat and indicated above.

Instructions for use of the drug.

For notoedrosis, the Inspector is distributed in a thin layer onto the affected areas of the skin, cleared of crusts, covering healthy tissue up to a centimeter, at a dose of 0.1 ml per kilogram of weight. In case of significant damage to the animal, the application of the product is divided into two times, first treating one part of the body, and after one day - the second part of the body. Treatment for notohedrosis is complex, and therefore involves the complex administration of symptomatic and pathogenetic drugs until complete recovery under the control of microscopic examinations. To avoid licking off toxic droplets, a special cervical collar is used during treatment.

Deworming of cats involves a single use with the dosages indicated above, applying the product to the skin, for preventive purposes - no more than once a month.

Inspector drops can be used in measures to prevent dirofilariasis in the warm season, once before the summer of mosquitoes, then once a month during the season and the last time a month after the end of the summer of insect vectors. The drug is not capable of destroying mature heartworms, but affects the larval stage, so it can also be used by sick animals.

Side effects

Using the product in accordance with the recommendations does not cause side effects or complications. There may be slight redness and itching at the site of application of the drops, which does not require medical intervention and goes away on its own. Some cats may have allergic reactions. In this case, the pet should be thoroughly washed with shampoo in plenty of running water and given symptomatic and antihistamine medications.

In case of overdose, vomiting, depression, and muscle tremors are observed. It is also necessary to wash off the product from the animal’s body and seek help from a veterinary clinic.


The drops have a number of contraindications.

Inspector drops for cats should not be administered to kittens until they reach the age of seven weeks or older, if they have not yet been weaned from their mother. This is dangerous when licking kittens. The product should not be used on weakened or sick animals or cats after childbirth. You should exercise caution when treating pets prone to allergies, individuals weighing less than a kilogram, as well as lactating and pregnant females. Do not use drops for pets who are taking medications containing lactones.

The drug Inspector does not have a sharp or unpleasant odor and is colorless in appearance. The components of the product do not settle to the bottom of the container. Packaging Medicines are placed in glass or plastic containers with a built-in pipette, which helps to quickly and effectively treat the skin of your pet.

What functions do drops from bloodsuckers perform when used?

Inspector drops can also eliminate many types of helminths from the fur of cats and dogs.

The drops have two main active ingredients: moxidectin and fipronil. These components are completely non-toxic and are perfect for treating pets without harming their health.

Side effects and contraindications

Like many medicines, Inspector drops should be used only in compliance with certain rules of the instructions. Thus, the following drugs are inadmissible for use: points:

It is important to remember that Inspector drops, when administered to dogs that have various allergic reactions, should only be used under the strict supervision of a veterinarian.

Side effects

If the owner strictly follows the instructions contained inside the package, then no special contraindications can arise. If it happened overdose substances of the drug, slight itching or redness may appear on the animal’s skin. However, these side effects do not need to be treated, because they will go away on their own over time.

Dogs with allergies may have a particular negative reaction to the components of the product, although this may occur in particularly rare situations. If such a case occurs, then the product must be removed from the skin with water, and the dog itself must be given an antihistamine.

Course of treatment for otodectosis

In the presence of ear mite in the dog's skin you should:

Use for other diseases

The technique for using the drug and the number of doses will depend on the variety pest:

  1. When getting rid of ticks, lice, fleas and lice, Inspector should be applied only once. For additional prevention and maintenance of healthy and clean animal skin, you can use it one more time 30 - 45 days after the first dose. If there are fleas on the dog's body, treatment is carried out once per season.
  2. To clean ear mites from dog fur, the product should also be applied only once. Before using the medicine, the animal's ears should first be cleaned of excess dirt, fat and excrement left behind by ticks. If the disease is advanced, the ear treatment should be repeated again after one month.
  3. To remove subcutaneous and scabies mites, the drug should be used several times, taking breaks in use for 30 days.

Only the attending veterinarian can decide whether to increase the number of applications of the drug to the dog’s withers.

Sequence of use of the drug

Inspector drops, which contain additional instructions for use in their packaging, should be used in accordance with the advice of a veterinarian.

After using the drug, your pet should not take a bath for about one week.

Special instructions for working with the medicinal product Inspector

For ease of use, Inspector drops are available in a special bottle that includes a pipette. At the same time, when working with the drug, you should observe certain rules:

Storage of drops Inspector

The product should be stored in places that are protected from sunlight and away from children. The shelf life of the drug reaches 3 years. The Inspector means is considered low toxic medicine. It is the safe and effective components that make up the drops that give the drug such popularity and widespread use.

Price drops Inspector

Thus, the final cost of the drug in pharmacies will depend on the volume of the drug solution in a bottle

  1. Weight up to 4 kilograms - price varies from 330 to 365 rubles.
  2. Weight from 4 to 10 kilograms – 360–405 rubles.
  3. Weight from 10 to 25 kilograms – 430–470 rubles.
  4. Weight from 25 to 40 kilograms – price 550–670 rubles.

Etc. You need a powerful remedy that can cope with these problems and protect your pet from attacks for a long time. Experienced owners use Inspector drops for dogs to relieve problems with bloodsuckers.


Inspector Total is colorless and has a faint alcohol aroma. Does not leave sediment. Packaged in a container with a pipette that allows you to quickly apply the drug.

How do the drops work?

Drops on the withers Inspector are intended not only for dogs, they are successfully used to eliminate. Their use is justified in case of insect attacks:

  • fleas;
  • demodectic mites;
  • sarcoptoid mites;
  • ixodid ticks;


Inspector Total C for dogs and cats successfully fights many types of helminths.

Composition of the drug

There are two active ingredients (components) in the drops: moxidectin and fipronil. These are low-toxic substances that do not harm animals.


Like most medications, it is permissible to use Inspector drops with certain reservations. So, contraindications to the use of the drug are:

  • age up to 7 weeks;
  • illness or recovery period, time after whelping or taking medications with lactones;
  • intolerance to the drug.

For dogs prone to allergic reactions, drops should only be applied under the supervision of a veterinarian.

Side effects

If the instructions for use of Inspector drops for dogs are followed exactly, the likelihood of adverse reactions occurring is minimal. If the dosage is exceeded, itching or redness of the skin may occur. These symptoms go away on their own.

Allergy sufferers may experience a reaction to the drug, although this happens in exceptional cases. If this happens, the drops must be washed off and the pet must be given an antihistamine.

Use for various diseases

  • To treat ticks, lice, fleas and lice, Inspector must be applied once. As a preventive measure and maintenance in the summer, secondary use after 30-45 days is permissible. If infested with fleas, treatment is carried out once a season.
  • To get rid of ear mites, you should apply the product once. Before use, the dog's ears must be cleaned with cotton swabs, removing dirt, oil and mite feces. If the disease was detected in an advanced stage, after a month it is necessary to treat the ears again.
  • To destroy subcutaneous and scabies mites, the drug is applied twice, with a break of 30 days.

Only a doctor can increase the number of applications.

Application procedure

Inspector drops for dogs, instructions for which are included in the package, should be applied according to the recommendations of a specialist.

  • The drug is applied to dry, healthy skin. Most often it is dripped onto the withers, where the dog cannot lick the product. To ensure that the Inspector gets onto the skin without remaining on the fur, the hairs are pulled apart and the drops are applied directly to the skin.
  • To treat small breed dogs, just drop a drop in one place on the withers. For large dogs, the dose should be distributed over 4-5 points.

After treatment, you should not wash your pet for at least a week. If the animal lives in an apartment, it is necessary to carry out inspections in it.

Rules for working with the drug

Inspector drops for dogs, reviews of which confirm their effectiveness, are packaged in convenient bottles with a pipette. But when working, you must follow safety rules with chemicals.


As soon as winter ends, you immediately need to stock up on tick repellents. I have a white dog, and as you know, ticks are drawn to white like a magnet.

No matter how many remedies I tried before, nothing helped. I've heard about it, but it's expensive. And so the veterinarian advised me to buy inexpensive anti-tick drops Inspector Total S.

I read reviews on the Internet, they all seem to be positive. I decided to buy it. Used it on my lap dog. Well what can I say. I recommend. A month of ticks has disappeared.

The veterinarian said that it also helps against worms, but we have a different remedy for worms. So somehow I didn’t focus on it. They took it exclusively to combat ticks.


Hello dear dog owners. In this review I would like to talk about the tick repellent for dogs Inspector. In this case, I used these drops on a small Chihuahua dog and I have my own personal opinion about this product.

I won’t tell you that it fights a bunch of pests, both external and internal. Everyone, even if they haven’t read the instructions, have at least heard it somewhere.

I once bought pills, but couldn’t give them to my dog. I simply didn't want to eat. Since then, only drops.

So that's all I preface. I dropped a sneeze on my withers and forgot about ticks for a month. The product is really effective. It costs a penny. Therefore, I will recommend it to all my friends and those who are faced with the problem of ticks in dogs.

I hope my review is helpful to you. Thank you for your attention.


We buy drops for our Spitz, who weighs around 3-4 kg. Therefore, we take Inspector Total S for dogs from 1 to 4 kilograms.

We initially became acquainted with the product on the Internet. We read about it and looked into the reviews. We were convinced that the Inspector's reviews were mostly positive. We decided to buy. I’ll say right away that we don’t go to veterinarians, I know it’s bad, but so far we’ve managed somehow, so no one could advise us anything.

We bought drops and started dripping them in early spring. The instructions stated that the product is valid for 6 weeks. But someone wrote on the Internet that it is better to drip monthly, saying that after 4 weeks there is an effect, but not so pronounced. In principle, we started doing this, and we still do it to this day.

The Spitz is not allergic to the drops. He tolerates everything well, his behavior does not change.

The instructions say that the product also fights helminths. That's why we stopped giving deworming tablets. You never know, suddenly an overdose. In general, we are not doctors, but it’s better not to risk it.

As for fleas, I’ll say this – not at all. There are no ticks either. Once I saw a tick on a dog crawling around its ears. I took it off. This happened during the 3rd week of treatment. After this, such incidents did not occur again.

I like the product because it is inexpensive and really effective. Another huge plus is the absence of allergies or any irritation. We don’t risk trying new means, since we have already clearly chosen the Inspector for ourselves.

Negative reviews


Let me say this - it's a waste of money. Companies like Inspector simply profit from poor dogs that their owners love so much.

I'll tell you my story. My dog ​​often encounters ticks, so as soon as it gets warmer, I immediately treat her at the withers. This time they advised to use the Inspector tool. They said it was inexpensive and effective. I fell for it and bought it. And what do you think? 4 days after treatment, I went to the country and found a tick on my face. In a panic, I went to the clinic to get him out. They pulled me out. The next day I went to the dacha again and again my pet brought a tick on her face. This is just some kind of confusion.

This is my experience using this product. I don't recommend it to anyone.


Drops are like drops. Honestly, if I had the financial ability to buy more expensive drugs, I obviously wouldn’t take the Inspector. In terms of efficiency, there are no complaints. I didn’t seem to notice any ticks after treatment. But in terms of the quality of the product itself, there are doubts.

First of all, the packaging is just terrible. You cut off the tip of the pipette and the liquid just pours out. There is also a terrible smell. After treatment, the whole apartment stinks of some kind of fish oil.

The drops themselves are a minus due to the fact that you cannot touch the dog for 5 days. If there are small children, then this is a double problem.

As I said above, in terms of protection everything is normal. But if compared with other drugs, it is better to give preference to them than to the dubious Inspector.


Protects against re-infection for up to 2 months.


It is possible to treat cats and dogs of all breeds without restrictions.

Treatment of pregnant and lactating females is allowed.

Allowed for use in puppies from 7 weeks of age.

For preventive purposes, the drug can be used monthly throughout the year.


Convenient form of application SPOT-ON.

Assortment range taking into account the type and weight of the animal.

Ingredients: for dogs fipronil (10%), moxidectin (2.5%).

for cats fipronil (10%), moxidectin (1%).

Additional Information:

1. General information

1.1. Trade name of the medicinal product: Inspector Total C. International nonproprietary name: fipronil + moxidectin.

1.2. Dosage form: solution for external use. Inspector Total in 1 ml contains fipronil - 10% and moxidectin - 2.5% as active ingredients, as well as auxiliary components: isopropyl alcohol, polyethylene glycol, dimethyl sulfoxide.

2. Pharmacological properties

2.2. Fipronil, which is part of the drug, belongs to the group of phenylpyrazole compounds, the mechanism of action of which is based on inhibition of the passage of chlorine ions in the GABA-dependent chloride channels of arthropods and disruption of the transmission of nerve impulses, which leads to the death of ticks and insects.

3. Application procedure

3.1. Inspector Total S is prescribed to dogs for the treatment and prevention of entomosis, demodicosis, otodecosis, sarcoptic mange, in case of ixodid ticks, intestinal nematodes (toxocariasis, toxascariasis, uncinariasis, hookworm disease), as well as for the prevention of dirofilariasis.

3.2. A contraindication for use is the individual hypersensitivity of the animal to the components of the drug. Inspector Total C is prohibited for use in puppies under 7 weeks of age, patients with infectious diseases and convalescent animals.

Treatment of animals weighing less than 1 kg, pregnant and lactating animals should be carried out with caution under the supervision of a veterinarian.

3.3. The drug is used by animals by drip (“spot-on”) application to dry, intact skin. Before use, the top part of the pipette is broken off. The drug, by spreading the fur, is applied to the animal in places inaccessible for licking, directly on the skin between the shoulder blades at the base of the neck. When treating large animals, the contents of the pipettes are applied to the skin in 3-4 places.

3.4. To destroy ixodid ticks, fleas, lice and lice, animals are treated once, to prevent re-infestation - once every four to six weeks throughout the entire season of activity of insects and ticks.

3.5. In a comprehensive program for the prevention and treatment of allergic dermatitis caused by fleas, Inspector Total is used once a quarter.

3.6. For the treatment of otodectosis (ear scabies), the drug is used once. During the treatment process, it is recommended to clean the ear canal of exudate and scabs, and in case of complications with otitis media, prescribe antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory drugs. If necessary, the course of treatment is repeated after 1 month.

3.7. For therapeutic purposes, the drug is used for sarcoptic mange 2 times, for demodicosis - 2-4 times with an interval of 28 days; in order to prevent possible invasion - 1 time per month.

3.9. To deworm animals with nematodes of the gastrointestinal tract, the drug is used for therapeutic purposes once, for prophylactic purposes - once a month.

3.10. In order to prevent dirofilariasis in regions unfavorable for the disease, the drug is used in the spring-summer-autumn period: before the beginning of summer against mosquitoes and mosquitoes (carriers of the pathogen D. Immitis) once, then once a month and the last time in the season no earlier than 1 month after the end of insect flight. Inspector Total C does not destroy sexually mature heartworms, but reduces the number of microfilariae circulating in the blood, and can also be safely used by infested animals. The drug should not be applied to wet or damaged skin; the animal should not be washed for 4 days after treatment with the drug.

3.11. Symptoms that occur with an overdose of the drug have not been established.

3.12. No specific effects of the drug upon first administration or upon its discontinuation have been identified.

3.13. In case of non-compliance with the established period of repeated treatments, the use of the drug should be resumed in the same dosage according to the same scheme.

3.14. As a rule, there are no side effects or complications when using the drug Inspector Total S in accordance with these instructions. In rare cases, individual skin reactions (redness, itching) are possible, which resolve spontaneously and do not require the use of medications. If allergic reactions occur in an animal sensitive to the components of the drug, the drug should be thoroughly washed off with soap and water and the fur should be rinsed with plenty of running water, and, if necessary, antihistamines and symptomatic agents should be prescribed.

3.15. Inspector Total S should not be used simultaneously with medications containing macrocyclic lactones.

3.16. Since the drug is intended for non-productive animals, the terms of possible use of products of animal origin are not regulated.

4. Personal prevention measures

4.1. When working with the drug Inspector Total S, you should follow the general rules of personal hygiene and safety precautions provided for when working with medicines.

4.2. While working with the drug Inspector Total S, smoking, drinking and eating are not allowed. When finished, wash your hands thoroughly with warm water and soap. You should not stroke the area where the drug was applied and do not allow the animal near small children for 24 hours after treatment Inspector Total S.

4.3. If the drug accidentally gets on the skin or in the eyes, it should be washed off immediately with a stream of water; if it gets inside, contact a medical facility. In case of poisoning with Inspector Total C, symptomatic treatment is carried out.