How to breed pheasants at home. Breeding pheasants at home Reproduction of pheasants

By raising pheasants, you get the opportunity to stock up on quality meat and decorate your garden with unusual birds. Pheasant breeding is carried out according to certain rules, taking into account the characteristics of the birds and their requirements for food and living conditions.

This article describes the main nuances of keeping these birds at home. You will learn about the main features and conditions of their cultivation, as well as the overall profitability of the business.

Features of pheasant breeding

Raising these rare birds at home for beginners may seem difficult at first glance, but in reality, providing them with optimal living conditions, you will not face any difficulties.

Note: They have a shy nature, so they can easily fly away or run away from humans. To prevent this from happening, spacious mesh enclosures with a height of at least two meters are installed. The top of the structure must be covered with nylon mesh.

No less attention should be paid to feed. Representatives of this species eat a lot, so you need to prepare a lot of different foods for them, including green, juicy and grains, as well as regularly prepare wet mash and provide mineral supplements.

Breeding principles

Raising livestock on a farm is based not only on the purpose of keeping (for hunting, meat or eggs), but also on the physiological characteristics of the birds (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Features of incubation at home

Depending on the breed, there is a clear division into family and group keeping. Family means that only a family consisting of a male and a female lives in one enclosure. In group walking, one male and 4-5 females are released for walking.

It is also important to take into account that they have poor memory, so females lay eggs throughout the enclosure. Because of this feature, it is necessary to immediately build a paddock so that the owner does not spend a lot of time searching for masonry.

Breeding pheasants at home: video

You will find more details about pheasants, their physiological characteristics, maintenance and feeding in the video.

Breeding pheasants on the farm

Many novice poultry farmers are interested in the question of why such cultivation is practiced not only in large, but also in small farms. This is explained, first of all, by the wide market for the products.

Firstly, they are kept to obtain eggs for their own consumption and for sale. Secondly, carcasses are in high demand on the market and thirdly, they are used for further sale to zoological and hunting farms.


Raising such livestock on a farm has certain features that distinguish these birds from others.

First of all, they should not be kept in closed cages. In such conditions, their productivity and egg production are significantly reduced. It is best to equip several spacious enclosures with poultry houses in which they can hide at night or hide from the rain (Figure 2).

If you plan to independently breed young animals, you must definitely buy an incubator with a grid of the appropriate size. Females of this species are poor brood hens, as they have a timid character and easily abandon the laying site.


In order for the livestock to be productive, several important nuances must be observed. First, you need to build one or more enclosures (if several families will be kept). A light canopy or poultry house is installed on the walking area in which individuals can rest.

Figure 2. Enclosures for keeping livestock on a farm

Secondly, you need to stock up on a sufficient amount of a variety of feed. Adults eat a lot, but food costs are fully recouped when meat and eggs are sold.

In addition, you need to prepare an incubator in advance for hatching young animals. Females practically do not hatch their young, as they simply forget about the laying site.


Growing this species is considered a fairly profitable business. Apart from the costs of building an enclosure (which will last you for many years) and purchasing food, there will be practically no other financial waste.

All adult birds tolerate even the most severe frosts well, so there is no need to install additional heating devices in the poultry house. In addition, the market has a very high demand not only for eggs and meat, but also for live animals, which are fattened and sold to hunting farms.

Fattening pheasants for hunting is profitable only if you are confident that you can raise full-fledged adults. In other words, before starting such a business you need to practice a little (Figure 3).

Breeding Features

As a rule, only certain breeds are raised for hunting. Only adult individuals go on sale, and their price is quite high and fully covers the costs of food and arrangement of the enclosure.

Figure 3. Raising birds for hunting farms

In addition to being raised for hunting, elite breeds are raised for private zoos and animal farms. In this case, the cost of purchasing young animals is significantly higher, and the maintenance of birds must be treated very carefully.

You will learn more information on the topic from the video.

Silver pheasant: breeding

The silver breed is valued for its unusual color and beautiful crest on the head. It was bred in China, but is now successfully grown in our country (Figure 4).

Birds are unpretentious, but it will be better if you arrange a spacious aviary for them with a small poultry house, trees and shrubs around the perimeter. The top of the aviary must be covered with a net so that the birds do not fly away.

Figure 4. Growing silver breed at home

You can feed them any grain crops, fresh herbs, wet mash and chopped root vegetables.

King pheasant: breeding

The Royal also belongs to the elite breeds, so it is often bred for further sale to hunting farms and zoos (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Representatives of the royal breed

This breed reproduces quite readily in captivity, but, as is the case with other species, it is better to hatch young animals in an incubator.

" Birds

Today, you can increasingly see pheasants on farmers' farmsteads. From just a beautiful bird, they turn into a profitable business.

That is why in this article we will talk in detail about breeding and keeping pheasants at home and in the garden, we will learn what to feed, how to care for them and what to do with them next.

Pheasants have a unique and memorable appearance. Males are easily recognized by their bright plumage and long tail. Females are gray with brown and black speckles throughout the body. The color of males differs depending on their habitat. The head and neck are green or blue-violet.

There are no feathers on the rings around the eyes; the rings themselves are red. The color of the body varies from orange on the back to bright red on the chest. Feathers with a metallic sheen. The length of males reaches 80 cm, females are smaller.

Conditions for breeding in industrial and household plots

Poultry is bred in industrial and homestead farms. Industrial farms are focused on accelerated growth and an increase in poultry numbers. Cultivation is carried out with the aim of making a profit and returning all costs of selling the business.

With the industrial method, the main condition is a large area for farming. On a farm, the number of pheasants can be up to 10 thousand individuals.

Homestead farms involve breeding poultry on a smaller scale, for their own needs and some for sale.

For a novice farmer, it is better to start the business of growing pheasants at home from scratch with several families and gradually increase the number. The eggs can be hatched by a female pheasant; you can place them under the hen or use an incubator. It is better to start with silver rock because... it is best adapted to temperate climates. Unpretentiousness in feed and rapid weight gain contribute to rapid payback. Additional profit is possible from the sale of eggs and feathers.

To gain experience, you need to go through the entire cycle from reproduction to sale of the finished product.

Breeding pheasants at home in a pen

Where to start growing domestic pheasant

Poultry is placed in cages if the main goal is to make money by selling meat by quickly increasing its weight. During the breeding season, the planting density will be 1-3 individuals per 1 m². In this case, protein will be used in large quantities in the diet. Up to the age of 2 months, you can use feed for turkeys and broilers containing 24-28% protein.

To increase the number of pheasants, they are placed in a spacious enclosure with a walk. Sand is considered the best soil for construction. The enclosure is built at the rate of 2 m² per individual in the sleeping area and 10 m² in the walking area. The walls are made of metal mesh. Cover the top with a nylon mesh. A net made of such material will not be able to injure flying birds. To protect the birds from the sun and rain, part of the aviary is built with a canopy.

To get closer to natural living conditions, dry trees and bushes are placed inside the enclosure for the birds to use as a perch. Baths with a mixture of ash and sand are installed for bathing.

Depending on the chosen breed, pairs or families of birds are created. In a family, there is one male for every 2-3 females.

When the number of females in a family increases to 4-7, egg production decreases and the number of fertilized eggs decreases.

From February to August, keeping pheasants on a personal plot is possible in separate enclosures, then they are transferred to a common one.

Pheasants are susceptible to stress. A loud sound or sudden movement can frighten them. Birds remember the person feeding them, his voice, and clothes. If any sudden changes occur, this can lead to stress. The result will be a decrease in egg production.

Birds are not afraid of frost; they can be kept in the same premises all year round.

Frost-resistant species of pheasants

Characteristics of pheasants

An adult pheasant weighs from 1 to 2 kg. Females are smaller than males. The silver pheasant weighs 1.2 kg when it reaches 7 months.
The male is placed with the female in February or March. During the breeding period from March to July, a female pheasant lays about 50 eggs.

The duration of laying is from 2.5 to 3 months. The weight of one egg is about 30 grams. Females build nests throughout the enclosure. Sometimes they forget about the location. From time to time you need to collect eggs to put in the incubator or place them under the hens.

Pay attention to the eggs being laid. Each breed of pheasant has different places for laying eggs: grass, bushes, trees. You can help the birds set up their nests. To do this, dig a small hole and cover it with dry grass or moss. Willow baskets are suitable for nests in trees.

During the breeding period, two males should not be allowed into the same enclosure. By nature, males are very aggressive and can fight until one of them dies.

The diet of pheasant is similar to chicken. Pheasants prefer green food and wet mash. A pheasant eats 100 grams of food per day.

Breeds for breeding

The most popular breeds for breeding are 3.


The highlands of China are considered the birthplace of the breed. It has many disadvantages, but its only advantage is its appearance. Performs a decorative function. Growing is labor-intensive due to temperature control.

Frost of 25-30 degrees is destructive for them.

In winter, the room must be heated. Due to the lack of exotic plants for food, the food must always contain vitamins, herbs and fish oil. Rarely reach a weight of 1 kg. They produce about 30 eggs per season.


One of the most popular species for breeding at home. The bird comes from China, but it has adapted very well to the climatic conditions of Russia. It tolerates frosts of 30 degrees well due to its thick plumage. The breed is sensitive to drafts.

The average weight is 5 kg. It has a high egg production - 50 eggs per season.

To increase egg production, 5-6 eggs are left under the female in the nest to stimulate her productivity.

Considered one of the most suitable species for breeding due to high egg production and rapid weight gain when fattening for meat. Stuffed animals are readily purchased to decorate hunting lodges and restaurants.


One of the most popular pheasants for ornamental breeding. Due to its low weight, it is not grown on an industrial scale. The weight is rarely more than 1 kg. Low egg production - 25 eggs per season. The taste of the meat is not particularly valuable.

Sensitive to frost. The temperature limit is -20 degrees, provided there is no draft. Kept in a warm house. The main food is greens. To replenish microelements, food must contain vitamins C, B6, B12, and fish oil.

Kamagan pheasant breeding farm

How to feed pheasants: detailed instructions for beginners

The main food for the chicks is a hard-boiled egg mixed with herbs. Water is replaced with whey. Feed for chickens is gradually added. On the 5th day of life, you can give millet porridge cooked in milk. At two months they are transferred to the main diet of adult birds.

Adult pheasants are fed wheat, corn, barley, and fresh vegetables. Ascorbic acid and a little sugar are added to the feed to boost immunity. Fish meal, fish oil and chalk are used to supply microelements to the body. Pheasants should only be given cold water to drink. The daily food intake is 100g. Cost per year for 1 bird – 36 kg.

Food and water are placed under a canopy in the shade. To do this, use large and convenient feeders and drinkers. The main thing is that they are in sufficient quantities to avoid frequent visits to the poultry house.

During the breeding season, adding antibiotics to the diet (biovit, penicillin, erythromycin) increases the number of fertilized eggs by 35-40%.

In winter, the amount of feed is increased and vitamins are added to improve disease resistance. In winter, electric lighting is additionally connected, increasing the duration of daylight to 14 hours. Under such conditions, pheasants will continue to develop normally and will not lose weight.

In the enclosure, the pheasants obtain part of the food themselves. This could be green grass, insects, beetle larvae, worms.

The exact amount of feed per day is determined experimentally. If there is food left in the feeder, then its amount is reduced until the birds no longer choose their favorite ingredients, but eat it completely.

The pheasant is the only bird that eats the Colorado potato beetle. From such food they noticeably gain weight. If pheasants with tied wings are released into potato beds, they will rid the garden of this pest.

After the chicks hatch, they are kept in a specially prepared area for 3 weeks. The density should be no more than 30 heads per m².

Pheasant chicks are sensitive to temperature conditions. In the first days after appearance, the temperature should be 28ºC. It is gradually reduced, but not below 20ºС.

Chicks do not require additional artificial lighting. Daylight hours are enough for them to grow and develop.

Diseases, treatment and care

If a pheasant violates the traditional daily routine, attention is paid to the bird’s well-being. If signs of the disease are detected, appropriate measures are taken.

Diseases of pheasants are divided into 3 groups:
Infectious diseases

  • Smallpox. Viral disease. Has a high mortality rate. Signs: rash on the legs and areas of the head without feathers. The bird develops shortness of breath, a hoarse voice, and exhaustion sets in. The cause of death is suffocation. They are treated with antiviral drugs, and Lugol's solution is applied to the rash.
  • Laryngotracheitis. The virus is transmitted by air after consuming contaminated food and water. Latent period 1-5 days. Signs: loss of appetite, coughing, sneezing, difficulty breathing. Egg production decreases, eggs' shells are damaged. Treatment is prescribed by a doctor after the results of laboratory tests.
  • Aspergillosis. The causative agent is a fungus that infects the bronchi and air sacs. Signs: excessive thirst, beak and paws become bluish. Antifungal aerosols are prescribed for treatment.

Non-communicable diseases

  • Dermatitis. This is inflammation that occurs after injury to the skin. The affected area becomes red and covered with a brown crust. The treatment is long-term, because the bird constantly pecks at the itchy fate. For treatment, antibiotics and vitamins are prescribed, and wounds are lubricated with iodine.
  • Emphysema. It is characterized by the appearance of swellings throughout the body that shift when pressed. After piercing, air comes out of the holes. The reason is a rupture of the wall of the air sac. The bird hardly moves and stops eating. They are treated by restricting mobility in a cramped cage and applying bandages to the wings. At the same time, the blisters are pierced and treated with an antiseptic.

Invasive diseases

  • Scabies. A common disease caused by ticks. Signs: white calcareous deposits extend from the corner of the beak, covering the entire head. The feather cover on the head disappears. Gradually it spreads throughout the body. For treatment, the affected area is cleared of deposits and lubricated with a 0.15% solution of Neguven.
  • Infestation with lice beetles. These are small insects that live on the feathers of birds. Infection occurs through mosquitoes and midges. In warm weather, most birds are infected. Pheasants cope with them themselves by taking baths from a mixture of sand and ash. In advanced cases, the bird is treated with insecticidal preparations.

Female pheasant with offspring

Advantages and disadvantages

When considering the pheasant farming business, some of its disadvantages are revealed:

  1. The need to invest significant amounts of money to make a profit.
  2. The fastidiousness of the bird requires the creation of living conditions and the correct selection of food.
  3. Sales may be complicated due to the high cost of meat.

Business advantages:

  1. The meat is dietary and has excellent taste. It is in great demand among restaurants and shops.
  2. There is no competition in this area, you can occupy your own market segment.

Profitability: is it worth breeding?

According to experts, business profitability is 45-55%. These are high indicators for poultry farming. The investment pays off in 6-12 months.

The cost of farmed pheasant meat is similar to the cost of duck meat. When raised for meat, an optimal weight of 1-1.5 kg is achieved by 4 months. Feed consumption is 4-5 kg.

Over the entire feeding period, the cost of maintaining 1 individual is about 400 rubles. When selling live weight, you can earn 600 rubles. The cost of fresh meat will be 700 rubles. When breeding at home, the net profit is about 300 rubles.

Breeding pheasants at home, like any farming business, has pros and cons. If you apply advanced technologies and listen to the advice of experienced entrepreneurs, you can quickly recoup your investment. Wild pheasant meat has long been valued by hunters because unsurpassed taste. Nowadays, many farms successfully breed different breeds of these beautiful birds. An additional reason for raising pheasants is eggs. expensive dietary product.

The main thing is to follow an integrated approach: pheasants are distinguished by their whimsicality to conditions, their maintenance is not cheap. But a high-status restaurant or cafe will be more willing to buy naturally raised pheasant meat from you at a favorable price.

Description of pheasant

Galliform large birds stand out for their gracefulness and beautiful plumage. Only male pheasants have bright feathers; females have darker color patterns. For home breeding, farmers often use decorative, meat and egg-laying varieties of birds. Golden pheasant brought from China. The appearance of a male of an ornamental breed fully reflects the name of the bird variety. A lush golden-yellow crest is placed on the head; the neck is surrounded by a high collar of bright orange feathers with velvety black edging at the tips. The feathers above the tail also shimmer with a golden hue.

Diamond pheasants They are also extremely beautiful and are often purchased for zoos. Homeland - Tibet. The male of the heat-loving breed has a black crest, the feathers have red spots at the end. The forehead, cheeks, chin and throat area, back and sides are covered with shiny green feathers. On the back of the head and neck collar there are silvery light feathers with a dark border. The chest, belly and “pants” are completely white. The tail feathers are distinguished by their length and bright red color.

Steppe hunting pheasant- a representative of the egg-laying breed. Gets along well in temperate climates. The breed has strong immunity, is not afraid of sudden changes in temperature and is unpretentious in its diet. For breeding meat poultry, it is better to opt for the silver pheasant. Its long, beautiful feathers are used to make decorative accessories and stuffed animals.

Choose a bird breed not only by appearance - consider the ease of caring for a pheasant. At the initial stage of running a new business, purchase representatives of the hunting breed of birds. They are most adapted to our climate.

Requirements for keeping poultry

Organizing a farm for breeding pheasants will require considerable financial investments. For profitable breeding, it is necessary to take care of a suitable space for keeping families of pheasants (useful area of ​​the enclosure from 5 sq. m). Before starting construction, you need to decide on the breed of bird for breeding:

  • birds for hunting It is better to keep them in high cages so that they learn to fly;
  • meat breeds will not require high barriers;
  • taking into account the resistance of the breed to frost Instead of transferring individuals to insulated winter huts, consider a removable fence and roof for the enclosure in winter.

Adult pheasants in a large herd often pluck each other's feathers. Farmers who know how to raise pheasants at home recommend purchasing special plastic glasses for birds to preserve their feather cover. Accessories can be ordered from craftsmen in large quantities.

Each breed has individual requirements for everyday food. The food must contain sufficient amounts of calcium and protein. If there is a lack of food, pheasants can eat their neighbors in the enclosure.

Did you know? Female pheasants have poor memory - they often forget where their eggs are laid. Depending on the breed, pheasants leave eggs in different places - on the ground, in bushes and even in trees. Therefore, there is a growing need to purchase an incubator.

The bird needs to create conditions as close as possible to wild nature. Therefore, if there is a lack of experience in poultry breeding, it is advisable to purchase grown-up young animals.

Egg incubation

An adult female lays about a hundred eggs per year. She is physically unable to incubate such a quantity. The construction of an incubator will help solve the problem. The device will quickly recoup all investments, because pheasant chicks are in constant demand on the market. Incubation for any species of birds will always seem like a complex technological process. In captivity, pheasants practically do not reproduce, so it is important to equip an incubator and insulated cages for future offspring.

Females begin laying eggs approximately 14-20 days after mating. It is advisable to move the hatched eggs from the hen after 20-22 days to the incubator. From the beginning of the laying period, pheasants quickly increase their egg production until the end of spring - beginning of summer. Then the number of eggs laid gradually decreases. Provided that the farmer collects the laid eggs daily, the female will be able to give about five dozen during the nesting period.

Important! Almost 79% of chickens hatch from pheasant eggs. Ordinary hens are often used for incubation - they perceive pheasant eggs as their future offspring.

Raising chicks

Producing pheasant chicks from eggs from a home farm is an affordable and budget option. But the growing offspring produced on one's own farm are not always enough. Buy pheasant chicks from nearby farmers. When purchasing young animals, choose well-fed and lively specimens, without visible external damage. For the first 3-4 months, the chicks have no sexual differences, the final color is visible in the second year of life after the summer molt. A broken feather in a chick's wing is not considered a serious defect. In two to three weeks, a new one will grow to replace what is torn out. Every year at the beginning of the summer season, a gradual renewal of plumage occurs.

If you managed to prepare eggs in an incubator for hatching pheasants, prepare to maintain a stable temperature of +28°C for the first three days. For food, prepare a finely chopped boiled chicken egg along with herbs; feeding with mealworms is allowed. Over the next month, gradually reduce the temperature to +20°C to prepare young pheasants for life in an open enclosure. Grown-up young animals can take food intended for adult pheasants on the farm.

Aviary structure

In wild natural conditions, pheasants quickly fly away at the first danger or hide in the branches of bushes or the low crown of trees. A familiar shelter created on a farm, in the form of an aviary for a pair of birds, should have a minimum size of 1.5 x 2 m. A perch for night sleep is made of wooden poles at a height of up to 2 meters.

There are some rules for arranging a pheasant enclosure:

  • to set up a poultry house, give preference to a dry place;
  • wall material – galvanized steel, cell size – 16 x 24 mm (to protect feed from theft by other birds);
  • a layer of sand with an admixture of ash (up to 10%) is the best option for sprinkling the flooring of an aviary; it requires replacement after heavy contamination with bird waste;
  • to protect the poultry house from rodents, it is advisable to provide a mesh floor under a layer of sand;
  • pheasants practice "bathing", so place low trays in the cage with the above mixture of ash and sand;
  • take care of the reliable installation of steel feeders and drinkers - the pheasant should not turn over with its legs or climb on them;
  • at the beginning of the mating and nesting period, the enclosure is supplemented with special huts for females with two exits from reeds or reeds; to simplify nesting, females throw dry leaves, moss and grass, and thin tree branches into the enclosure;
  • portable aviary cages must be equipped with overhead shading from the sun's rays;
  • The rear walls of the enclosure should be protected from windy and rainy weather with a polycarbonate sheet.
  • the enclosure must be adapted to quickly search for laid eggs - females tend to forget the laying sites and this role is transferred to the farmer.

In addition to the above items, there is no need to come up with additional devices for breeding pheasants at home in order to avoid crowding for the birds. A decorative aviary in the garden with a true imitation of the usual space for birds in the wild will require more territory. To decorate the landscape, you will need to plant living trees and bushes for roosting and arrange a flowing stream (pond).

Breeding season

The broodstock is formed from large healthy young animals obtained from active egg-laying pheasants. Optimal age for mating:

  • for females – from 8 to 18 months;
  • for males – from 1 to 2.5 years.

Farmers who specialize in breeding a specific breed do not use birds that are 2-3 years old, replacing them with young animals. Pheasants with chronic diseases or after serious injuries are culled. Avoid keeping several males in one enclosure during mating season– birds become aggressive and can harm each other.

During the mating season, one male and two or three females are placed in a cage. To form a pheasant family, it is necessary to select individuals who are not united by family ties. If the birds selected for the family do not show interest in mating, family members must be replaced with others.

Feeding pheasants during the mating season is slightly different. A month before the nesting period, special preparations with an antibiotic effect are introduced into the diet of adult individuals. This is important for increasing the egg production of pheasants during the breeding season (by 20-45%). Antibiotics increase the number of fertilized eggs. One of the drugs is administered per 1 kg of feed:

  • 21.5 g erythromycin;
  • 0.3 g penicillin sodium;
  • 1.1 g Terramix;
  • 0.7 g biovit-40;
  • 0.02 g biomycin.

By the beginning of the nesting period, in order to obtain new offspring, it is necessary to thoroughly clean and disinfect the cages of the poultry house. Optimal conditions for arranging nests must be created for females. In the wild, pheasants nest in bushes. Taking into account this feature, several rare bushes are planted or several vertical sheaves closely connected to each other are placed, reminiscent of the structure of a hut. Desirable material for “sheltering” the female:

  • cereal stems;
  • corn tops;
  • reed;
  • cane.
To make a nest, dig a shallow hole under a bush or hut. Its bottom is covered with moss, dry leaves and grass. For female peacocks and horned breeds, shallow baskets made of vines are fixed on trees, boxes with low walls are fixed on the walls of the cage. During nesting, protect females from meeting cats, dogs and strangers - they are very frightened and excitable during this period.

Features of pheasant breeding

If you have not yet been able to learn from your own experience how to raise pheasants at home, start by purchasing young animals for the farm. It is important to do this in different regions of the country. Breeding chicks through inbreeding will result in low disease resistance of the brood and poor fertility rates. Keep track of the number of females in each enclosure – there should not be more than three individuals per male.

During the mating period, you need to carefully observe the behavior of the male. Sometimes he shows pronounced aggression towards females. For the comfort of females, special protective enclosure fences are built. Birds will be completely safe in them and will be able to nest to lay fertilized eggs. For an overly active male, sometimes it is necessary to increase the number of females to 4-7 individuals.

Before purchasing a sexual partner for a bird, ask the seller about the method of creating cells that is typical for this breed. They come in two varieties: monogamous and polygamous. For the second species, 3-4 females will be needed, and this will lead to a decrease in egg laying. Monogamous families are housed in pairs in separate cages. Pheasant pheasants show unprecedented aggressiveness towards males of their species, but at the same time they calmly get along, for example, with smaller songbirds. When choosing “neighbors” in the poultry house, choose unpretentious and granivorous breeds.

Feeding pheasants

Feeding adults

Pheasants are not picky about food. Suitable for everyday food:

  • greens (plantain leaves, wood lice, dandelions);
  • leftover food from your table (cereal porridge, cottage cheese, chopped vegetables, baked goods, pieces of meat);
  • grain mixtures (sunflower seeds, corn grains, oats, millet, millet, etc.);
  • legumes (beans, peas, soybeans);
  • berries and fruits from your garden:
  • insects and worms.

Did you know? The pheasant is the only bird that eats the Colorado potato beetle. Regularly introducing adult young animals into potato beds will help preserve the harvestah.

During the mating season, food should be high in calories. In winter, balance your food with healthy dry rowan berries and apples. The daily food intake in the cold season is 75-80 g. In the summer, crushed lime, chalk and shell rock are mixed into the food - important substances for the formation of shells and beautiful plumage. It is important to ensure there is enough water in the drinking bowls.

Feeding the chicks

After the primary egg feed, grain admixtures are gradually introduced into the daily diet of pheasant chicks. The chicks' diet should contain:

  • corn in the amount of ½ of the weight of food;
  • grain in a similar quantity;
  • barley (no more than 40% of the feed contents).
To gain optimal weight, a pheasant baby eats a total of 4-5 kg ​​of feed during the growth period, reaching its maximum weight by four months. Breeding pheasants at home is a very exciting, useful and profitable business. With the use of information and a little acquired experience, poultry farming can be put on stream and the first successes can be achieved.

Pheasant is considered to be cold-resistant bird. But owners of pheasant farms recommend adhering to special conditions for keeping pheasants in winter. In cold weather, pheasants are whimsical due to the lack of free space in the cage. For climatic zones where persistent winter frosts are observed, it is advisable to adapt an aviary for wintering birds. The bottom of the cages is lined with warm material, and canopies are built to protect from the frosty wind. The aviary is supplemented with artificial lamp lighting so that the birds do not forget to eat the right amount of food.

Pay attention to the bird’s well-being if you notice a disturbance in its usual daily routine. Pheasants of different breeds suffer from three types of ailments: infectious, non-contagious, invasive.

The first type includes viral smallpox. An infectious disease often leads to the death of birds. Signs of smallpox: rashes on the paws and scalp where feathers do not grow; heavy breathing and hoarseness in the voice; general exhaustion and loss of appetite. The disease is treated with antiviral medications, and the resulting rash is treated with Lugol's solution.

Laryngotracheitis virus transmitted by air after consuming food and water contaminated with pathogenic microbes. The latent period is 1-5 days. Signs of illness: poor appetite; cough and sneezing; dyspnea; decreased egg production in females; defective shell of laid eggs. Treatment is prescribed by a veterinarian after laboratory test results.

Aspergillosis caused by a fungal infection. The disease affects the bronchi and air sacs. Signs of a fungal disease: excessive thirst, increased interest in drinking, blueness of the beak and paws. To get rid of avian fungus, the veterinarian prescribes antifungal aerosols.

The group of non-communicable diseases includes dermatitis. After a skin injury, red inflammation occurs; over time, it becomes covered with a brown crust. The disease requires an integrated approach and duration of treatment with antibiotics and vitamin preparations. Skin wounds should be lubricated with iodine solution.

Emphysema causes the formation of unnatural bumps throughout the body, which mix together when pressed. After punctures, air comes out of the holes. The cause of the disease lies in the rupture of the walls of the air sac. Signs: pheasant immobility, refusal to eat. The disease is treated by restricting mobility by placing it in a tight cage and applying a cloth bandage to the wings. The blisters should be constantly punctured and treated with antiseptic liquids.

The third type of disease characteristic of domestic pheasants is scabies. The skin disease is caused by mites. Signs of mange: calcareous growths from the corner of the beak; gradual baldness of the head; damage to the feathers of the body. For treatment, the affected areas are carefully cleaned and lubricated with Neguven solution (0.15%).

Pheasants are also at risk of infection small lice eaters in the warm season. The carriers of pest larvae are mosquitoes and midges. Pheasants cope with the disease on their own by taking a “bath” from a mixture of ash and sand. In advanced cases, it is necessary to treat the individual’s body with insecticidal medications.

Sales of products

There are several ways to make a profit from a pheasant farm. A profitable type of income is considered sale of pheasant eggs. By nature, females lay several times more eggs than they can hatch. Incubator equipment and sale of chicks. Quick payback - within one month you can return the funds invested in the construction of the incubator. Eggs for culinary purposes are priced from 55 to 200 rubles. for 1 piece The dietary product is highly appreciated by allergists and is recommended for baby food.

The second direction of pheasant farms is sale of purebred pheasants. You will be presented with a profitable deal for the supply of poultry to hunting farms. For wealthy people, pheasant hunting has always been a favorite hobby; for farmers, it is a unique opportunity to earn from 1,250 to 1,600 rubles. for the wholesale sale of adult birds. Businessmen often buy collectible pheasants for country mini-zoos. The correct selection of decorative breeds will allow you to secure a comfortable future for yourself.

Sale of birds for catering needs– the third direction for permanent income of a farm. Exotic tender pheasant meat is in great demand due to its taste properties. You can profitably sell fresh carcasses to elite restaurants for banquets. The cost of 1 kg of pheasant meat now starts from 1.5 thousand rubles. Feel free to enter into direct regular supply agreements with restaurateurs. Pheasant meat is not sold in public trade, so your farm will quickly gain a permanent sales channel for the dietary product.

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Pheasants are wild birds, but despite this they can sometimes be found on private farms.

The exotic nature of pheasants and the slight competition among those who decide to breed them make raising them a profitable and, at the same time, interesting activity. They will decorate any poultry yard and help you make good money selling hatching eggs.

It is very important to choose the right breed of pheasants, because each of them has its own breeding characteristics.

  • Hunter's steppe– lives in the steppes of the temperate climate zone, as well as in forests. It is resistant to temperature changes and bird diseases. It quickly gains weight - up to 2.5 kg, has good egg production - about 45 eggs per year. The breed is well adapted to breeding in Russia.
  • Diamond pheasant - lives in the mountains of China. It has a bright appearance, so it is used mainly for decorating the yard, as well as for making stuffed animals. Does not tolerate cold weather, is demanding of warmth and feed. Rarely gains weight more than 1 kg. It produces up to 30 eggs per season.
  • The golden pheasant is a small bird weighing up to 1.2 kg. It has an attractive appearance and is bred mainly for decorative purposes. Rarely produces more than 25 eggs per season; the meat does not have high taste. Requires a warm house and feed with plenty of vitamins.
  • Silver - withstands Russian conditions, is not afraid of cold weather due to its thick plumage. Body weight can reach 5 kg, egg production - about 50 eggs per season. Recommended for breeding in the Russian climate.

When choosing a breed, it is worth considering that the brighter the color of the pheasant, the more difficult it will be to care for.

Beginning farmers should choose a hunting pheasant, which does not require difficult conditions, gets along well with chickens and is not picky about feed.

Conditions for keeping pheasants in a summer cottage

To start breeding, pheasants can be purchased as chicks or adults, or raised from hatching eggs.

They feel comfortable in enclosures surrounded by a net of two square meters per individual.

It is important to remember the characteristics of different breeds. So, some of them are monogamous, others are polygamous. Monogamous individuals are housed in pairs, polygamous individuals at the rate of one male for four females.

It is worth considering the peculiarities of egg laying in different breeds. Pheasants can do this in grass, bushes and even trees.

Your task is to create conditions for them that are as close to natural as possible. The birds lay eggs between April and October, and the male is placed with the female in February or March.

Pheasant care

Babies before they reach the age of 20 days require special attention.

  1. The chicks are placed in a brooder with a size of no more than 30 chicks per square meter, so that the babies do not crush each other.
  2. During the first three days, the temperature in the brooder is maintained at +28C, then it is gradually lowered.
  3. When the chicks reach one month, they are released into an open enclosure with a temperature not lower than +20C.

Care for adults

Adult pheasants are unpretentious to temperature conditions, have good plumage, and can easily tolerate cold winters, so even in winter they can be kept in an enclosure. But they are demanding when it comes to nutrition - the birds are voracious and need wheat grain, barley and corn.

You can also add fresh vegetables to your diet. Chalk, fish oil, and fish meal will help fill the need for micro- and macroelements. Feed pheasants only with cold water.

It is important to maintain cleanliness and order in the enclosure, remove droppings and garbage, and wash feeders and drinking bowls.


Features of keeping in winter

Birds tolerate frost well, but in winter you should still follow the following maintenance rules:

  • in enclosures, use booths or canopies as warm shelters, lay bedding inside,
  • adjust your diet - add vitamins, purchased supplements, for example, yeast or fish oil,
  • install an artificial lighting lamp to increase daylight hours.

What should a pheasant enclosure look like?

The enclosure is made spacious and closed on all sides.

At the same time, the size of the enclosure should allow you to enter it freely; this will have to be done periodically to search for eggs that pheasants may leave outside the nest.

When arranging an enclosure, the following rules must be observed:

  • place it in a dry place, if possible on sandy soil,
  • the roof of the aviary is covered with nylon or a rope mesh so that the birds do not get injured (frightened birds often fly up),
  • place perches and ladders inside,
  • The back wall of the enclosure is made blank so that the birds can have privacy and rest.

For one individual to live comfortably, you will need at least 1.5 m2 of space, and for a couple – at least 9.5 m2.


Hatching pheasants - how to store and select hatching eggs

Female pheasants do not have a good brooding instinct, so farmers most often use incubators. The selection of eggs for incubation involves careful inspection and screening.

Large specimens with smooth, defect-free shells are suitable. Avoid eggs that are too dark or light in color.

Storage rules:

  • You can store eggs for no more than three days after collection, or ensure that they are turned daily, otherwise the yolk will float and stick to the shell.
  • Hatching eggs are stored for no more than 15 days in a thoroughly ventilated area.

Incubation Features

  • The entire incubation period takes about 24-25 days.
  • Before laying, the eggs are left at room temperature for several hours, since they cannot be placed in the incubator cold.
  • The temperature should be around +37.8C.
  • From 14 days you can open the door for 10-15 minutes to cool.
  • Air humidity is maintained in the range of 60-65 percent.
  • On the 22nd day, the temperature in the incubator begins to be lowered slightly, and the air humidity is increased to 75%.
  • The eggs are turned over five times a day, this is necessary for the full development of the embryo.

If you choose high-quality eggs from healthy parents and follow all the rules of incubation, the chicks will turn out healthy.

Where to buy pheasant eggs for incubation

If you decide to breed birds of this breed, at first limit yourself to one pair. On it you can “practice” and master the basic rules.

For incubation, you need to purchase high-quality hatching eggs; this can be done from different suppliers. Many private farms sell eggs.

They not only provide the opportunity to buy eggs, but also invite you to visit the farm and share advice and experience on breeding. Most of the farms deliver throughout Russia.

Commercial organizations also supply eggs; they can provide official documents - an agreement, an invoice, a purchase receipt. Before purchasing, make sure that the supplier has all the necessary certificates for the products.

Keeping pheasants has been practiced for a long time and is a successful business with many advantages. During this time, many technologies have appeared, poultry farmers have gained valuable experience in keeping pheasants, breeding at home what to feed poultry and how to raise young animals. Having adopted many years of experience, even amateur poultry farmers will achieve success in breeding them.

Features of pheasant breeding

Breeding pheasants at home is quite an expensive pleasure, since the bird is very whimsical and demanding in terms of feeding and maintenance conditions. Adding to the trouble is the cowardice of the bird, which, in case of any danger, even apparent, can very quickly flutter and fly away from the owner. Knowing this, it is recommended to avoid sudden movements and sounds near the enclosure where the pheasant lives.

Often a bird is injured when it tries to escape from a threat. To prevent such unpleasant cases, many poultry farmers use a fishing net in the cage in which the bird is kept, as it softens head impacts. If this is not done, the pheasant may even die from injury. Also, do not limit the bird in space. The enclosure should be spacious, and it should provide a place for perching and night rest; for this purpose, tree branches and poles are placed in the cage.

The pheasant is a fairly voracious bird that needs regular, varied and balanced food. At home, pheasants are fed with the usual compound feed that other poultry eat. It is imperative to include calcium-containing foods in your diet: lime, lump chalk or crushed shells. Also, pheasant food should be rich in protein. Therefore, fish and meat waste must be included in the diet. If this is not done, cases of eating each other may occur in the flock.

In the summer, the pheasant itself diversifies its diet with insects, which contain a lot of protein, so the amount of fish and meat can be reduced, but the amount of plant food can be increased. In winter, birds need to generate a lot of heat, and this is a very energy-consuming activity. A pheasant's diet in winter must include a high-calorie sunflower kernel.

Depending on the breed, pheasants can be divided into pairs, creating a family for breeding. Such families are separated from the general mass at the rate of one male per 4-5 females, but no more, since as the number of females increases, their egg production decreases. If males are not separated during the breeding season, conflicts will break out among them over females, which often end in the death of one of the males.

Females do not cope well with the role of a hen, as they have poor memory and when they go out to feed, they may no longer find the nest. Sometimes pheasants forget where they laid their eggs and therefore begin to lay them chaotically: now in one place, now in another.

Therefore, an incubator is most often used for breeding poultry. Many poultry farmers do not risk breeding chicks on their own at all, but prefer to buy young birds that have already grown up. This approach allows you to avoid difficulties and unplanned costs that arise in the event of the death of chicks.

Feeding the young

In the first days of life, pheasant chicks are fed boiled and chopped eggs. Mealworms and finely chopped greens, which can be mixed with an egg, are excellent complementary foods. Grown-up one-month-old pheasants are kept for walking in an open enclosure, starting from two months, the young animals are fed with regular food.

We recommend watching a video about breeding pheasants at home:

Pheasants, breeding at home, what to feed- questions worthy of attention. Having seen a positive result and good profits, many poultry farmers do not stop there, but only increase the number of pheasants in their farmstead. More articles can be found on the website.