Worms in a domestic dog. We determine whether the dog has worms. What to pay attention to. Heartworms in dogs: symptoms

The widespread belief that stray dogs most often suffer from worms is fundamentally wrong. Without appropriate prevention, the risk of infection in domestic and stray animals is almost equal.

There is also a connection between the animal’s immune system and the possibility of infection. Pets with low immunity are more susceptible to helminthic infestations.

Many people are interested in the question: can a person become infected with worms from an animal? Some varieties of worms get along well in the human body and are most often found in children. This is another reason to take preventive measures.

Infection with helminths can occur in two ways:

Almost all owners of four-legged friends, especially dogs, are interested in the question: is it possible to independently determine whether a pet has worms or not?

In fact, there are a number of signs that allow you to find out, and the symptoms depend on the type of pathogen and the extent of the damage.

The main symptoms of helminth damage are as follows:

The behavior of an animal during helminthic infestations may also change. Tapeworms cause pain - the animal becomes agitated, very often pets feel itching in the anus and try to get rid of it, as if dragging their butts along the ground.

A noticeable decrease in the pet’s activity should alert the owner that the animal may be infected with hookworm or whipworm.

  • swelling in the abdominal area;
  • copious;
  • general weakness.

Also in this case, it becomes difficult for the pet to breathe, or, conversely, breathing becomes too frequent. The danger is that with such symptoms it is impossible to save the animal.

For timely detection, we can only recommend regularly seeking diagnostics from a veterinary service.

As for puppies, all the listed symptoms apply to them too. If your baby's fur has lost its shine, he has stopped being active and gaining weight, you should immediately contact a veterinarian without waiting for more serious symptoms to appear.

What drugs to choose for deworming

Of course, any symptoms of helminthic infestation are a reason to seek medical help. But self-treatment is not recommended, as you may not only fail to achieve positive results, but also worsen your pet’s condition.

For puppies, such drugs are prescribed only taking into account their age, the most common of them are:

Effective anthelmintics suitable for adult dogs include the following:

Prevention of worms in dogs

You should not select a prophylactic agent yourself; it would be better if a professional does it. Medicines are purchased exclusively from specialized pharmacies and pet stores. It is strictly necessary to comply with the terms and conditions of storage.

In addition, it is necessary to exclude the possibility, this will reduce the pet’s ability to eat something from the ground, look into street trash bins, and communicate with homeless relatives.

The pet should not be allowed to communicate with wild animals or come into contact with carrion and feces. You need to be especially vigilant towards dogs, which, due to their natural instincts, roll around in carrion and feces in order to remove their own smell.

When walking, it is better to stay away from places with high humidity and an abundance of insects, including mosquitoes. Preventive measures need to be reinforced by maintaining cleanliness in the home. The floor must be washed daily with detergent, and disinfectants must be used two to three times a week. This is especially important for the place where outdoor shoes are left.

All dog accessories must be washed, and the bed must be washed regularly. Since helminthic eggs can be found in food products, meat and fish should be purchased in stores, and under no circumstances at street markets. It can be frozen before serving, this will reduce the risk of infection. It is recommended that all by-products be subjected to thorough heat treatment. By adhering to simple rules, the owner will protect his beloved pet from helminthic infections.

Life cycle of worms

The presence of worms in domestic dogs is a widespread phenomenon. Many worms found in our animals are also dangerous for humans, especially for children.

 Helminths have a certain pathogenicity and cause varying degrees of harm to the body of the animal (their owner), which manifests itself in the form of a particular disease -.


How dangerous are worms in dogs?

It must be remembered that helminthiasis is a general disease of the entire animal’s body, accompanied by severe clinical symptoms.

A massive accumulation of nematodes or cestodes in the lumen of the digestive tract can cause blockage with subsequent rupture of the intestinal wall, hemorrhage and peritonitis. During their life, helminths secrete metabolic products (metabolites) that are toxic to the body, as a result of which various pathological phenomena develop in organs and tissues.

Some types of worms in dogs are dangerous to humans. After all, if proper hygiene is not observed, some helminths are transmitted from animals to humans. An example of this is roundworms. Therefore, a couple of times a year it is worth carrying out preventive deworming of your pet, thereby protecting yourself from the danger of infection.

Causes and sources of infection

An animal can become infected with worms throughout the year, especially in warm weather. Eggs and larvae of helminths are found everywhere on the street: in the soil, in the water, etc. Eggs that fall into the soil with the feces of other animals quickly turn into larvae.

A dog can also become infected with worms in the womb. The larvae enter the bloodstream and through the placenta infect the organisms of unborn puppies. Also, larvae can enter the puppy’s body while feeding with mother’s milk.

Where do worms come from in dogs?

Types of dog worms

All known helminths are divided into 3 types: nematodes (roundworms), trematodes (digenetic flukes) and cestodes (tapeworms, tapeworms).

Trematodes- flatworms, flukes (about 7,200 species have been described), have two suckers on their body, which are securely attached to the tissues of the host. They have colossal fertility. Trematodes, the most common among dogs. Names of invasions: Opisthorchiasis, Alaria, Paragonimosis

Cestodes- tapeworms (about 3,500 species have been described), having a flat body shape, which consists of several segments (hence the “popular” name - tapeworms), the diseases they cause are called cestodosis. Some are real giants, reaching a length of more than 10 meters. The most common types of cestodiasis among dogs are: Dipylidium caninum, Echinococcosis (Echinococcus granulosus), Diphyllobothrium latum.

Symptoms and signs of helminthiasis in dogs:

  1. Individual segments, fragments or whole worms were found in dog feces or on animal fur, around the anus.
  2. The dog “rides” on the ground (tries to scratch the anus on the ground or surrounding objects)
  3. Deterioration of general condition, absence or increase of appetite, hair loss, lethargy, pallor of the mucous membranes (must be differentiated from hypovitaminosis)
  4. Unstable stool of the pet (alternating constipation and loose stools) (must be differentiated from gastrointestinal diseases)

Depending on the intensity of invasion and the reactivity of the body, helminthiasis can occur both with symptoms and without any signs and clinically (in mild and severe form).

How to treat? Popular drugs

They are presented in tablets, suspensions, sugar cubes, pastes. The choice of the form of the drug depends on the ease of use and is determined by the owner; preference should be given to drugs with a wide spectrum of anthelmintic activity (against all types of worms).

Medicines for the treatment of worms in dogs

All anthelmintic drugs are divided into two types: universal treatments, which affect almost all types of helminths, and narrowly targeted ones, which are effective only against specific types of helminths.

Universal remedies are usually used to prevent infections; specialized medications are prescribed by a veterinarian after examination. For puppies, there are special medications based on age, because some anthelmintics cannot be given to puppies. It is important to follow the dosage, because... exceeding it can cause not only intoxication, but also lead to the death of the dog.

Specialized medications that are suitable for puppies:

Dirofen, Prazitel, Drontal Junior, Prazicide suspension, Milbemax

Preparations for adult dogs:

Azinox plus, Vermox, Helmintal, Drontsit, Dironet, Kanikvantel, Stronghold

How to give a puppy or dog a pill -

The peculiarities of the biology of worms and the imperfect diagnosis of these diseases force veterinarians to recommend the following scheme of preventive deworming. It includes:

  • quarterly treatments of adult animals;
  • giving anthelmintics 10 days before mating, a week before and a week after birth;
  • deworming of dog puppies, starting from 2-3 weeks of age, every 3 weeks until reaching 3 months of age;

A heavily infected puppy may become ill from the drugs, because dead worms release toxins that cause poisoning. The puppy may begin to vomit and lose appetite, so it is useful to give the puppy a spoonful of Vaseline oil, which removes toxins from the body.

In addition, it is important to carry out treatment 10 - 14 days before. This is necessary in order to eliminate the inhibitory effect of helminthiasis on the immune system and to obtain the maximum effect from vaccination.

It is also necessary to prevent flea infestation, as they are often carriers of helminthic diseases.

If there is a need to “free” a cat or dog from helminths or there is a suspicion of infection, therapeutic deworming is carried out. It includes 2-3 times the administration of anthelmintic drugs with an interval of 10 days.

Deworming for therapeutic purposes, it is advisable to carry out after examination and consultation with a veterinarian, especially if the animal’s condition requires treatment. The specialist will select the necessary treatment regimen and give recommendations on the care and maintenance of your animals.

Main types

Let's look at the main types of worms in dogs.

Roundworms (nematodes)

Roundworms have many varieties that settle in different internal organs of the animal, most often in the intestines.

Many of the roundworms can live in the host’s body for seven years; it is often difficult to establish an accurate and timely diagnosis and the animal dies.

These worms can be microscopic in size, visible only under a microscope, and can reach 4, 8 or more centimeters.

Flukes (trematodes)

Worms damage the bile ducts, as a result, bile and pancreatic secretions do not have a natural outlet, causing inflammation, jaundice, and cirrhosis of the dog. Treatment must begin as early as possible, otherwise death is possible.

Tapei (cestodes)

Tapeworms or tapeworms settle in the intestines of dogs, entering the body orally with an intermediate host (lice, fish, mammals).

For many years, the infection may not cause significant symptoms and may not even cause much harm, using the dog as another intermediate link. The carrier is dangerous for the environment, including humans.
Developing in the animal’s body, numerous offspring clog the intestines, destroy the mucous membrane and bring the dog to exhaustion. Some types of tapeworms reach 9 meters in length.

Did you know? In some hospitals in Germany, a dog's scent is used as a litmus test to determine the course of the disease. The fact is that dogs capture special human enzymes produced when health conditions deteriorate. Four-legged nurses behave restlessly around such patients.

How to determine the type of helminths

How to determine whether a dog has worms at home, by what behavioral or physical reactions? Infection with worms, regardless of the type, has several common symptoms:

  • Constipation and diarrhea, replacing each other.
  • Vomit.
  • Apathy.
  • Changes in appetite (either absence or insatiable hunger).
  • Thirst.

Monitoring symptoms

Let's look at the symptoms inherent in each type of helminth.

Characteristic signs of infection with cestodes:

  • Unpleasant putrid odor from the mouth.
  • Dry skin.
  • The stool is watery with pieces of undigested food.
  • Paleness of the mucous membranes.
  • Increased excitability (the dog experiences pain due to clogged intestines).
  • Larvae and adult worms often fly out with vomit.
  • Puppies' development slows down, babies become nervous and lose a lot of weight.
Symptoms inherent in flukes:
  • The mucous membranes become yellow.
  • Body temperature rises.
  • The animal does not allow you to touch its belly.
  • Cough, diarrhea and vomiting with foam.
  • The dog may have a fever and seizures.
  • Allergies to common foods.

Veterinary examination

A non-specialist will not determine for sure the type of worm in a dog, despite the symptoms, and will not prescribe adequate treatment. Accurate diagnosis is carried out by veterinarians in laboratory conditions. The dog's stool and sometimes blood, urine or sputum samples are taken for analysis.

Important! Stool samples should be taken to the clinic as quickly as possible, because over time the information content of the analysis may decrease significantly.

Anti-worm medications for dogs are available in the form of tablets or suspensions. Let's figure out how to give deworming tablets to a dog.
It is given forcibly on the root of the tongue, or a tablet crushed into powder is mixed with water and poured into the mouth with a syringe, and also mixed into. The dosage of drugs is prescribed by the veterinarian, according to the weight of the dog (adult). The most famous deworming tablets for dogs:

  • Azinox plus.
  • Droncite.
  • Pirantel.
  • Fenbedazole.

Important! You should not treat a dog based on your own conclusions; the veterinarian prescribes a narrow-spectrum drug designed for a specific type of helminth, detected and diagnosed in the dog exclusively in laboratory conditions.

Basic hygiene of your pet (yours too) and control of its behavior on the street is already half the success. Let's consider preventive measures in more detail:

Puppies are given anthelmintic for prevention at three weeks of age, and the procedure is repeated ten days later, at 2-2.5 months.

Drugs are changed regularly to avoid addiction

Is there a danger to humans?

We will consider below which of the worms found in dogs are dangerous for humans. The most dangerous helminths for humans are the tapeworms Echinococcus multilocularis. Diseases occur almost all over the world, including in Europe, Russia, and Central Asia.

Worms entering the brain cause loss of coordination, spatial orientation, paralysis of the limbs, protrusion of the eyeball outward, loss of vision, convulsions and loss of consciousness.

If treatment is not taken on time, the prognosis may be too gloomy: death or irreversible consequences in case of brain damage.

Prevention of this will help not only dogs, but also other animals in the house and pet owners.

Did you know? The largest dog in the world by weight is an English mastiff named Zorba. Mastiff weight-157 kg, as evidenced by the entry in the Guinness Book of Records.

Love your pets and be attentive to them. Teach dogs from puppyhood to behave correctly on the street: do not pick up any dangerous rubbish during a walk and do not sniff every dog ​​you meet.

Dogs become infected in three main ways:

  • intrauterine (from pregnant woman to fetus);
  • fecal-oral (through feces and digestive tract);
  • through blood (with the help of mosquitoes).

Infection with toxocariasis occurs in utero, i.e. puppies are born already infected.

Infection occurs through the fecal-oral route through contact of dogs with external sources of infection. Anything can serve as such sources - soil infested with eggs and larvae of worms, lawns, natural reservoirs and puddles, raw meat or fish products, sick animals, etc.

Anthelmintic therapy

The problem of helminthic infestation in dogs is constant. There is no point in waiting for the clinical manifestation of this pathology; it is enough to regularly treat the animal for worms.

List of anthelmintic drugs

Anthelmintics for dogs are available in 5 different dosage forms:

It is impossible to completely rid a dog of helminth infections using folk remedies, although there are a great many recipes for expelling worms using improvised means. All the folk recipes presented below are for informational purposes only and do not serve as a guide to action:

  • Give the dog a decoction of pomegranate bark three times a day until the helminths stop coming out in the feces;
  • once a day for a week, give the animal a decoction of fennel and chamomile with the addition of honey;
  • pour onion tincture with vodka into the dog’s mouth 1-2 times a day;
  • three times a day, give 2 tablespoons of a decoction of dried wormwood with honey;
  • give the dog a paste of crushed pumpkin seeds mixed with water, and after a few hours give a laxative;
  • Once a day, drink a water infusion of a mixture of herbs - wormwood, cloves and flax seeds.

For the purpose of prevention, dogs are wormed 4 times a year (every 3 months). If the animal eats only industrially produced dry food, the frequency of anthelmintic treatments can be reduced to 2 times a year (every 6 months).

Puppies begin to be wormed for toxocariasis from 2.5 weeks, if immediately complex, then from 3 weeks. After 2 weeks, repeat the procedure and then monthly until the age of six months. Further according to the general scheme.

Intestinal worms impair the functioning of organs and systems, weaken the pet’s immunity and can cause death. There are different ways to determine whether a dog has worms.

Causes of worms in dogs

Eggs and larvae are everywhere. They are:

  • in water and soil;
  • in the grass and on the body of other animals;
  • in fleas and ticks, which are carriers (intermediate hosts) of helminths.

When a dog runs down the street, it sniffs and licks objects and can come into contact with infected relatives. Through the gastrointestinal tract, larvae and eggs enter and develop in the intestines into adults. Then they lay eggs, some of which are carried into the bloodstream, and others are released with the animal’s feces. After a dog defecates, worm eggs remain on the fur around the anus.

If a puppy suffers from helminthiasis, the babies become infected in the womb and may die soon after birth.

How to determine availability

There are characteristic signs of helminthiasis in dogs:

  • putrid odor from the mouth;
  • frequent licking or scratching on the floor of the perianal area;
  • bloated belly against the background of general thinness;
  • lack of appetite and pallor of mucous membranes;
  • vomiting and diarrhea;
  • hair loss;
  • segments, eggs and adult intestinal worms in feces

At first the symptoms are subtle, but the picture changes very quickly.

What to do if your dog has worms

It is advisable to bathe the dog and treat fleas if his condition allows this.

If you discover that your dog has worms, you must begin treatment immediately. Also, do not forget about drug prophylaxis for other pets, as well as people living in the apartment.