Great Spotted Woodpecker. The woodpecker is a bird from the CIA. Description. Photo Why does a woodpecker hammer a tree?

There are, of course, fewer birds on earth than insects, but there are still a lot of them - about 9 thousand species. There are very large birds, almost two meters in size, and there are also very tiny ones weighing several grams.

Today we'll talk about woodpeckers

Look at the photo of the woodpecker. How to recognize a woodpecker if you meet one in the park? You can easily recognize a woodpecker by the red beret on its head and black vest.

What kind of wings, tail, legs, head does a woodpecker have? (He has a red cap on his head and red pants. The woodpecker has a black vest on his back, and the woodpecker’s chest is white). Male woodpeckers wear a red cap on their heads, while female woodpeckers go without a cap. Their heads are black.

Color the woodpecker

The woodpecker is called the “forest doctor.” He is not only a very beautiful bird, but also very useful. Do you know why? Who is he treating in the forest?

The woodpecker has a sharp, long beak; it uses it to dig into hollows and crevices. This is the beak (show it in the photo)!

The woodpecker also has a special language. It is very long (its tongue is bigger than its head!!!), flexible, thin, with a sharp tip and very sticky. With his tongue he takes out insects from under the bark of trees and thereby saves the trees from death. (Show your child a stick, a strip of paper or a pencil 13-15 cm long and tell him that this is the length of the woodpeckers’ tongue and this is how far they can stick it out to get insects from under the bark). But you and I can’t stick our tongues out that far!

When a woodpecker pecks trees with its beak, it rests on its tail. And that's why his tail is very strong.
Knock-knock, knock-knock - a knock flies through the forest!

I am a famous doctor, all secrets are revealed to me!

Knock-knock, knock-knock. I am the forest's best friend.

Knock-knock, knock-knock - a knock flies through the forest!

Trees, don't get sick!

Trees, go green! (V. Kikta.)

Pure talk about the woodpecker.

The woodpecker lived in an empty hollow, the oak was chiseling like a chisel. (S. Marshak) The woodpecker knocks and knocks on the oak tree, The oak tree creaks: What’s that knocking? (S. Cherny) A woodpecker is hollowing out a tree, A woodpecker is hollowing out an oak tree with its beak.

The woodpecker in the oak tree goes on and on,
Oak creaks: What's that knocking? (S. Cherny)
A woodpecker is hammering a tree,
A woodpecker is chiseling an oak tree with its beak.
Woodpecker, Woodpecker - Our friend

  • Habitat: coniferous and mixed forests of Europe and Asia
  • Size: 22-24 cm
  • Habitat: forests, gardens, hedges
  • Voice: Loud "chomp" or "drum roll"
  • Nest: hollow in a tree
  • Clutch: 4-7 white eggs
  • Incubation: 10-13 days
  • Chicks emerge: 20-21 days
  • Number of broods: one brood in May-June

Woodpecker chicks appear less than two weeks after the start of incubation, and at first the hollow serves as a reliable fortress for them. Caring parents take turns carrying food into the nest.

Ringing the forest with loud machine-gun fire, a large spotted woodpecker is diligently hammering away at a tree trunk. With each blow, small shavings and pieces of bark fly in all directions. In a matter of minutes, having broken through the galleries made by the wood-boring beetle larva, the bird pierces the fatty prey with a harpoon-like tongue.

Not a single bird in the world knows how, like a woodpecker, to obtain food and build safe nests, having adopted the carpentry craft. Moreover, by drumming its beak on a dry branch in the spring, the woodpecker claims rights to the nesting site, and its “trills” are carried far through the forest.

The woodpecker's main carpentry tool is its long, chisel-shaped beak. The support is provided by “impact-resistant” cranial bones, which reliably protect the brain from injury. The woodpecker's neck muscles are not only very strong, but also capable of working at incredibly high speeds - about 13 beats per second.

To effectively use its beak, a woodpecker must firmly attach itself to a trunk or branch. A tenacious grip is provided by specially designed fingers - two of them face forward, and two face back, and all four are equipped with sharp claws. In addition, the bird's short tail consists of 12 tail feathers with very thick and springy shafts, which provide excellent support when climbing trees.

Harpoon tongue

Climbing up the trunk in small jumps, the woodpecker meticulously examines the bark in search of food - the larvae of wood-boring beetles.

Having hatched from an egg laid under the bark, the larva gains weight by eating wood and making winding passages in it, which expand as it grows. Metamorphosis of the larva also occurs under the bark, after which the adult beetle emerges to the surface.

Holes made by beetles that have crawled out into the wild, areas of rotting wood, or the subtle rustle of a wood-gnawing larva unmistakably indicate to the forest orderly the presence of spoils. Having chosen a “fruitful” place, the woodpecker firmly grabs the trunk with its claws and gets to work.

But now the gallery is opened, and the great spotted woodpecker uses its amazing 40 mm long tongue.

An adult Great Spotted Woodpecker flies out of a hollow. For the construction of a home, as a rule, a tree with soft or rotting wood is selected.

It would seem that what is unusual about it? However, for a bird only 22 cm long, this is a giant tongue. With the same ratio, our tongue would be as much as 30 cm long! True, the narrow tongue of a woodpecker differs in many ways from that of a human. Its sharp tip is not only serrated, but is also moistened with sticky saliva. This kind of harpoon easily pierces the soft body of the larva, and the adult beetle is firmly glued with saliva.

A hungry hunter easily removes the helpless insect from its shelter and immediately eats it.

Cone lover

The Great Spotted Woodpecker is distributed throughout Europe and Asia - from the British Isles in the west to China and Japan in the east. His original patrimony is endless coniferous forests, where a rich harvest of spruce and pine cones ripens all year round.

In the spring, when sap begins to flow in the trees, the woodpecker often makes horizontal rows of holes in the bark and regularly visits them to drink the flowing sap and at the same time snack on the insects stuck in it.

At the beginning of the mating season, adult birds notify neighbors with ringing drumbeats about their claims to their favorite territory. If the “percussion instrument,” that is, the branch, is thick enough, the presence of the woodpecker can be heard a good 800 meters away. In this way, birds establish the boundaries of their territories and relationships with relatives.

The unusually strong neck muscles allow the woodpecker to peck at a tree with a frequency of 13 blows per second, and pairs of opposed fingers hold tightly to the trunk, in the withered tree trunk - and, just to be sure, hits it with force with its beak, after which it methodically opens the hard scales and eats out the seeds. Depending on the type of cones, a great spotted woodpecker can eat about 7,000 seeds in a day.

Once the site is found, the bird begins to build a nest, relying primarily on the strength of its beak. The first thing the woodpecker does is look for a trunk with soft or rotting wood, which will be easier to deal with, and then begins to chisel the entrance hole. The next stage is hollowing out a nesting chamber about 12 cm wide and up to 30 cm deep. At its very bottom. on a soft bedding made of small shavings, the female lays from 4 to 7 eggs.

Building a hollow takes 2-4 weeks of hard work. The value of such a safe home is so great that other birds, especially starlings, try to take it over every now and then. True, the woodpecker vigilantly stands guard over the home and drives away uninvited guests, but if the starling manages to bring at least a couple of twigs, pieces of paper or other nesting material into the hollow. the old master leaves his rightful home and begins all the work anew.

If everything goes well, after 12 days the chicks hatch from the eggs, and for the parents it’s time to frantically search for food for their voracious offspring. There is no time for picking at the bark - it is much easier and faster to collect fat caterpillars directly on the leaves. In the heat of the hunt, woodpeckers do not disdain either other people's chicks or even newborn squirrels. However, squirrels also do not remain in debt and, on occasion, feed woodpecker chicks to their young.

After the chicks have fledged, adult birds try to hold on to the old nest, settling down to rest in it every night. If the couple manages to save the hollow until next spring, this will save them a lot of extra work and increase the chances of successful breeding. 

Far away in the spring forest the sound of “trrrrr” is heard, similar to knocking on an empty barrel. This woodpecker, a forest worker, does not stop his work from morning to evening. Today we will tell you what a very important bird the woodpecker is for the forest. Descriptions and photographs will help you learn all the most interesting things from the life of a feathered forest orderly.

What does a woodpecker look like?

There are about 20 species of woodpeckers in nature. They live in the forest zone of North America, northern Africa and Eurasia. They come in small and medium sizes, and all have approximately the same structure. The most common and well-known species is the Great Spotted Woodpecker. The bird is quite large. The body is up to 27 cm long, and the wingspan is up to 50. The weight is small, about 100 g.

It got its name because of the variegated color of its feathers. Brown-white, white, gray, black with a blue or greenish tint are the primary colors. There are all shades of brown on the body. The woodpecker's elegance is given by bright red or pink spots on the back of the male's head and, like a cap, crowning the crown.

Listen to the woodpecker's voice

There are similar red spots in the undertail. In general, in different species of woodpeckers, the arrangement of stripes and spots of black and white forms a peculiar rhythmic pattern.

Why is the woodpecker called the forest doctor?

Woodpeckers live where there are trees: both in the northern taiga and in city parks. The types of trees do not matter; it can live in coniferous, deciduous and mixed forests.

The bird is sedentary and lives in the same place for a long time. They migrate to another place only if the seed harvest fails, and do not return to their native places. In this regard, woodpeckers may become very scarce, and it will take a long time for the numbers to recover.

What does a woodpecker eat?

The woodpecker is an omnivorous bird. In the warm season, their main food is a variety of insects. In large quantities, woodpeckers eat harmful insects that spoil wood, their larvae, any caterpillars, ants, and occasionally eat snails and crustaceans.

There are known cases when woodpeckers ate small chicks, bird eggs not only from birds of other species, but even from other woodpeckers. On occasion, they can feed on carrion and find food in garbage dumps, picking up food waste.

With its cone-shaped sharp beak, the woodpecker chisels the bark of a tree every hour. It makes a funnel up to 10 cm deep and takes out the insect with its sticky tongue. The tongue is long, up to 4 cm.

It is noteworthy that he does this only on dried or diseased trees, without touching healthy ones. That’s why he is called the “forest doctor.” This woodpecker really brings great benefits to the forest.

In winter, the main food is seeds of trees, most often conifers.

An interesting way of extracting a seed from a cone. Having picked a cone, the woodpecker carries it in its beak to a tree where there is a gap or a narrow fork between the branches. He pinches the cone, hits it hard with his beak - plucked off scales fly in all directions. It eats all the seeds, throws a cone, flies after the next one, and returns to the same place again. These places are called “forge” or “anvil”; one woodpecker can have up to 57 of them. And under such a tree lies a mountain of empty cones, hundreds and even thousands of pieces.

In addition to the seeds of coniferous trees, these birds also feed on other seeds and nuts, buds, and young shoots. In the spring, they hollow out the bark and drink sweet birch or maple sap.

Woodpeckers are loud and noisy birds. They jealously guard their feeding territory. A stranger appears, the “owner” sits down opposite, opens his beak, spreads out the feathers on his head - he scares. If the uninvited guest is not afraid, he begins to scream, drum on the tree and chase the alien along the trunk. It can fly from above and bite painfully.

Woodpecker breeding

During the mating season, the male and female begin to hollow out the nest. They find an old aspen tree and work for 2 weeks to make a hole. Sawdust is picked up and used to line the hollow from the inside. By the beginning of May, the female lays up to 8 eggs. Newly hatched chicks have no feathers and cannot see or hear.

Chicks are just as loud as their parents. If they are well-fed, they cackle contentedly. Hungry people grind. If you go to a tree and knock on the trunk with a stick, the chicks will squeal loudly.

Features of the woodpecker family

Birds of the woodpecker family are identified by ornithologists as a special species “woodpeckers”. Woodpeckers are different from other birds. Let us list the characteristics by which woodpeckers are identified as a separate species.
- On the woodpecker’s feet, two toes face forward, two – back. Each finger has a prehensile claw.
-The woodpecker has a very long tongue, moistened with sticky saliva to catch insects. There is a spike at the tip of the tongue. The woodpecker extends its long tongue and kills the insect with its thorn. The insect is glued to the tongue with saliva and safely enters the hunter’s mouth.
-The bones of the skull are reinforced with special threads, a layer between the brain and the skull. This device protects the woodpecker's brain when it chisels a tree with its sharp beak.
-The woodpecker’s beak is sharp (chisel-shaped), similar to a chisel, a special human tool for working with wood. The beak is connected to the bones of the skull.
- The woodpecker's tail is wedge-shaped and consists of 12 hard feathers that do not fall out during molting (the annual change of feathers).
-To communicate with each other, woodpeckers knock on wood; this knock is perceived as a drum roll.

If a woodpecker notices you in the forest, it warns its relatives with a drum roll:
"Attention, man"!

There are 539 species of woodpeckers living in the forests of the globe. Most woodpeckers live in South America. In terms of size, there are small woodpeckers, slightly larger than a sparrow, and large woodpeckers the size of a crow. The body weight of woodpeckers is from 60 to 300 grams.

Fifteen species of woodpeckers live in the forests of Russia: Great Spotted Woodpecker, Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, Snowy Woodpecker, Zhelna (Black Woodpecker), Gray Woodpecker, etc.

Woodpeckers can be found in city parks, forest parks of large and small cities in Russia, protective forest belts along fields, roads and railways. Pileated woodpeckers hollow out nests in trees with soft wood: willow, pine, alder, aspen, and sometimes birch.

Great Spotted Woodpecker

The Great Spotted Woodpecker, a large bird with beautiful plumage, lives in the forests of Russia. The head is white and black, the belly is white with a light red undertail. Wings and tail, black with white speckles. In spring and summer, the spotted woodpecker uses its hard beak to peck at the bark and trunks of diseased trees and obtain insect larvae.

In search of food, the spotted woodpecker moves along the tree trunk from bottom to top, clinging to the tree bark with sharp claws. The woodpecker relies on its tail when it begins to chisel the tree in the place where there are insect larvae. How he determines their location is unknown.

Autumn is a holiday for woodpeckers. Their diet is supplemented with lingonberries, blueberries, rowan berries, elderberries, and hazelnuts.

Yes! Woodpeckers deftly break hazelnuts with their beaks and feast on the tasty kernels.

In winter, woodpeckers feed on seeds of pine and spruce trees. They split spruce and pine cones and use a long tongue to get to the seeds. In the spring, in the forest under the spruce trees you can find piles of empty cones. A woodpecker worked here.
During hungry winter times, woodpeckers fly into the city. They eat lard, black and white bread from feeders, and do not disdain food waste in garbage dumps.

Woodpecker is a useful bird

People have long believed that woodpeckers damage trees. But scientists have proven the benefits of these birds.

In the middle of the 20th century, German ornithologist Heinz Sillmann lived in the forest for a whole year and observed the life of woodpeckers.

The scientist has established that woodpeckers only peck at trees that are infested with harmful insects. Thus, woodpeckers save trees from death.

What happens in the forest is that a tree looks healthy on the surface, but worms eat it from the inside. Woodpeckers identify diseased trees and remove pests from the depths of the trunk, where even the most powerful poisons cannot reach them. If birds chisel a dry tree, then they are doing useful work.

Insects harm forests. They actively reproduce on dry trees and can move to healthy trees and destroy them. Consequently, woodpeckers are natural healers of the forest.

Appreciate and take care of Woodpeckers! Don't destroy their nests!

Riddle about the woodpecker

In the forest, to the sound of chirping, ringing and whistling,
The forest telegraph operator knocks:
“Hey, thrush, buddy!”
And signs: …………………………………(Woodpecker).

Features of the woodpecker family
Saint Petersburg
December 2013
Author Ekaterina Ershova-Kireeva, pseudonym, Ekaterina Alekseevna Ershova
Characters and spaces - 4355

spotted woodpecker

Alevtina Zaitseva

In the silence and snow of the winter forest,
Only the skis creak quietly.
A knock suddenly sounded all around
From the alder tree that was closer to the ski track.

Woodpecker, pressing a cone to the trunk,
I ate “pine porridge” with excitement.
And then he carried the other one to the table,
Throwing the previous one into a snow bowl.

He's wearing a white and black dress,
The plumage is bright and colorful.
The red hat looms with fire,
The beak is sharpened for work.

The “blacksmith” threshes the cones in the winter,
There are many “anvils” of him in the forest,
But winter will finally recede
It will open the way for tender feelings.

March will come and you will hear - drrrr!
He will hit the branch with his beak,
Praising spring to the whole world,
Inviting a friend after your heart.


Alexander Galushko

Here and there. Knock-Knock -
There is a loud knock.
He gets it all day long
woodpecker breakfast and lunch,
at the same time saves the taiga
he is from a lot of troubles.
Looks for bugs under the bark,
very harmful worms
summer, autumn, winter
The woodpecker is our forest healer.
If the knock is a continuous trill,
So it's April,
that trill is his song,
no one has one like this!
So that the ringing can be heard further,
chose a taller tree
and drier, more vertebrate.
Do you see the woodpecker, Andrey?
He's wearing a bright red beret,
in a beautiful colorful jacket,
and visible under the jacket
also red pants.

Miracle bird Aibolit

Alexandra Klyukina

Woodpecker - Doctor Aibolit,
He is sitting on a tree.
This is a hardworking bird,
I love all trees very much.

Here he sat down on an oak tree:
“Why are you crying, little dove?”
With a sharp beak “knock-knock-knock” -
Treats cedar, birch, oak.

Woodpecker loves worms
And mustachioed bugs.
He will heal all the trees
Miracle bird Aibolit!

Forest concert

Alexey Aquarius Sergeev

The arms of the branches are open,
The expanse of the forest is vast.
On an old stump the drummer is a woodpecker
Lesnoy taps out the anthem.

Even if I lost my rhythm more than once,
But you can immediately see that it’s from the heart!
There are no evil critics here
In the unknown wilderness of the forest.

There are so many musicians!
Everyone has a hit in stock.
And although the woodpecker is not talented,
But it sets a good rhythm.

The roulades are intertwined,
A trill flows over the grass -
Thrushes, robins, cicadas.
Forest concert. Typical day.


Anatoly Lisitsa

There are a hundred thousand dents on the pine tree:
The woodpecker hammers every day.
It's like he's a sculptor
Like a sculptor in a studio.
And flies
pine trees
an avalanche.
Half collapsed:
Under the pine tree
sharp beak,
like a chisel
The woodpecker looks:
the barrel is ready.
Not pine
and a column.


Anatoly Marmazov

Spotted woodpecker, in a red hat,
Why are you knocking on a pine tree?
And unexpectedly in a frequent fraction
Making sounds in silence?

Suddenly it hurts from knocking
Your head is strong
How do you think about treatment?
Or is all this “tryn-grass”?

But the woodpecker stubbornly knocks,
Getting a worm:
“Don’t be afraid, I’m not crazy
And healthy for now!”


Antonina Kukhtina Brushtunova

As soon as the sun wakes up in the forest,
It will touch flowers and trees,
Dries the night dew from the leaves,
A distinct knock is heard.

A cheerful shot flies like a song,
And the echo plays hide and seek with her
Everyone has known for a long time: if a woodpecker knocks,
That means everything is in order in the forest.


Batu Irina

What a commotion in the forest today,
roar, knocking, and chatter?
Who seems to be fighting there?
who is angry or indignant there?
We are in winter with this question
We approached the pine trees in the thicket.
We look - a bird, its nose is like a pike,
jumps, shouts to us “kika!”
Dressed in a bright uniform.
He's probably the commander.
What's your name, buddy?
Well, of course, it's...WOODPECKER!

Warrior Woodpecker

Batu Irina

What's all the noise in the forest?
knocking and clatter?
Who is fighting there?
angry and furious?

Woodpecker, nose like a pike,
with a loud cry of "Kika!"
colorful uniform,
why not commander?

Hey, warrior Woodpecker,
who is your enemy?
- Flies and bugs,
aphids and worms!

Woodpecker, aty-baty,
who are your soldiers?
- Young tits
with a gentle cry of “Tsi-tsi!”

I'm a gang of tits
I'm sending you to attack quickly!
Nimble sneakers
everyone will check the holes.


Valentina Mentuz

Zhelna - a black woodpecker in a red hat,
Restless, winged,
It flutters up and down
Through the trunks the fastest.

Where there is a wormhole -
Pest beetle or larva,
The woodpecker will find everything right away,
He will definitely remove it.

The doctor treats all the trees,
Meticulous, inspired,
His nose is like a chisel
He hollows out a hollow in the trunk.

And not for fun at all,
Much needed for everyone
Not a hollow, but a forest house,
It is reliable, not simple.

Maybe the bird will settle down,
Maybe a squirrel or a marten,
It all depends on the size -
Not everyone will be lucky, I guess.

Woodpecker - doctor and caretaker,
Drummer and builder
The forest is a home for the woodpecker,
He takes care of him.

green woodpecker

Valentina Mentuz

I see how wonderful he is:
long nose, backs emerald color,
jumps deftly, but he is a virtuoso,
along the trunks of aged birches.

Scared? Suddenly he flapped his wing,
the house next door dived.
What's the problem, winged friend -
Our Red Book green woodpecker?

The filling started in these logs -
tree beetle, or maybe a larva,
The woodpecker is hammering the wall with all his might,
He is not an ordinary doctor - he is exclusive!

Causes the ability to envy -
no x-ray or analysis needed
a long tongue will help instantly -
into the crack - once, and into the larva - kirdyk.

His summer table is much richer,
he jumps on the ground like a sparrow,
eats berries, bees, ants there,
The forest is both food and home for the woodpecker.


Valentina Chernyaeva

There is knocking everywhere.
Their work is here and there.
Looking for bugs under the bark
And wood worms.
Heads don't hurt
But they hammer away all day long!
Red cap, spotted wings.
Talking about whom? ...

Riddle - Woodpecker

Vasily Puzyrev

Orderly in a red beret
People are all familiar with:
If you hear a knock more often,
So he's hammering bitches there,
Eats maggots for lunch
And saves the forest from harm.
And now the question is simple -
What is the name of our hero?
Riddle Woodpecker

Vladimir Marakhin

Like a clockwork drumming on a spruce tree,
Even the insects in the bark were stunned,
Maybe he's just crazy with joy
No, look closely, on the tree (WOODPECKER).

Vladimir Khrabrov

Woodpecker in a dense forest
served as a doctor.
The best in the whole area
he was known as a doctor.
As soon as the sun rises in the morning,
he's right there
Heals all those who wait
help. Knock, knock.

He was the ambulance himself,
I was successful everywhere.
But over a sick pine tree for hours
often healed.
The woodpecker was not at all burdened
because he lived his life
In a deep forest, which is not in the capital
he treated the sick.


Vyacheslav Kharitonov 2

Ah, the snow falling on the treetops!
It makes a unique ringing sound.

Full of mysterious melody
Singing forest silence.

And only the woodpecker has no time to listen:
He generously scatters the knocking,

All drowned in everyday affairs,
It multiplies the echo in the centuries-old trunks.

Galina Anatolyevna Maltseva

A woodpecker hits an oak branch.
Waiting to see if they will answer or not?
- I came to you for lunch! -
And the larvae in the wood
Hiding, they are silent in response:
“Since we are silent, we are not at home!”

I'll check! -
A woodpecker hits an oak branch.
- I'm getting to the core...
And I really wanted to go to the aspen tree
Knock for lunch.
I thought you weren't really there!


Galina Samolenkova

All day long in the forest he chirps: Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta ta.
This is the worker Uncle Woodpecker, the orderly.
The native forest protects from beetles and bark beetles.
He builds houses for his neighbors - they will live in the hollows in the winter.


Golubeva Nina

What is this strange knocking noise?
Knock-knock-knock and knock-knock-knock...
Who is sitting on a tree?
With a strong beak he hollows out the trunk?

Came to visit today
woodpecker - red undertail,
forehead, cheeks, belly are white.
the back is black, the brave one...

He began to hollow out the titmouse's hollow -
you see, even the birds are friends.
I split a spruce cone,
hiding from us behind the trunk.

I fortified myself with seeds.
And having already said goodbye to us,
he will have a snack at lunch
very tasty bark beetle!


Gusarova Tatyana

“Knock-knock-knock” and “knock-knock-knock” -
A loud woodpecker sound is heard.
A woodpecker peels a cone.
He will eat some seeds and be full.

Woodpecker Riddle

Dmitry Ostanin

On the trunk of a large birch
A motley bird sits.
In a red hat, in the cold
A woodpecker knocks on a tree with its beak.


Dmitry Polonovsky

Hammers the tree until nightfall
He doesn't want to rest.
Knocking like a hammer
It heals, and the tree does.
In a red cap, neat,
In a black tailcoat, this is a woodpecker.


Dmitry Polonovsky

What kind of knocking do I hear in the forest?
Who's knocking on wood?
I raised my head and I see
A woodpecker sits on a pine tree.

How a surgeon treats trees
Will open the crust on the trunk,
Beetles don't like meeting him,
The beetle is food, on the table.

These harmful insects
The woodpecker will quickly find
And doomed larvae,
He'll quickly eat it and put it away.

It will be easier for the tree
Without bugs and worms,
And the trees will become stronger
The forest will always be healthy.

Woodpecker - a mystery for kids

Evgeny Shatalov

Knock-knock-knock is the only sound heard,
This is how I fly trees.
Knock-knock-knock and a beetle came out,
I'll swallow it in no time.

A beak as strong as steel
I'm a happy owner.
I don't feel sorry for the pests.
Guess who I am? Woodpecker.
Woodpecker. Mystery

Elena Telushkina

He grabbed the branch tightly,
He knocked with his beak: “Knock, knock,”
He always has a goal:
Make a gap in the wood
To use a thin tongue
Get the bugs out quickly.


Ivanova Olga Ivanovna

Woodpecker, woodpecker, why are you knocking all day?
Aren't you tired of all this?
Look around, there are so many aphids on the linden leaves.
Eat all the fat caterpillars - that will be the case.

I'm used to getting larvae out from under the bark,
Resting your feet on the trunk of a diseased tree.
I'm heavy, and if I tear linden leaves,
I will fall to the ground and begin to live, starving.

Believe! My head doesn't hurt at all.
Everyone in the family knocked: mother, father and our children.
After all, nature has thought of everything, she’s right!
We spend our entire lives saving diseased forests from death.


Konstantin Politti

A woodpecker was chiseling an oak tree with its beak.
Koroedov woke up.
The bark beetles screamed,
From the tricks of the fidget.

The woodpecker said: “As you wish!
If you don’t like me, get out!”

The bark beetles fell silent
We all collected our things.
Quiet, thickets of moss
Left the oak tree from sin...


Lidia Pugacheva

The friend of the trees is a nice fellow,
He doesn't treat them for fun,
Cleans everything from insects
Harmful, often familiar to us.

Knock-knock all day long
And again here and there and here
He knocks so hard...
“The knocking gives me a headache!”...

Possessing a keen ear,
The woodpecker hears where the trouble is
He took it out with his beak,
It became his lunch.

He is serving his share,
Marks the territory like this
I'm the only boss here
No offense, my friends.


Lyubava Skazkina

Knock-knock-knock, yes knock-knock-knock,
A knock is heard on the trees.
This is a drummer woodpecker
in a red cap, organ grinder,
Doctor of the forest, not a deceiver!
Among summer and snow
he heals trees without words,
getting worms!

Worms in the forest are harmful,
the trees are whittled down and eaten.
The woodpecker will eat worms
And again a healthy forest!

Knock-knock-knock, knock-knock-knock!
A knock is heard on the trees.


Lyudmila Glebova

The woodpecker tapped the apple tree,
like a good therapist
without ultrasound,
I found a trace of larvae.
Sawdust flying
and spent bark,
and under the tree there is a burial ground
detention... and the mountain
urgent matters: check in progress -
are there any weak points?
The bird's beak is fast and bold.
Knock! And the dimple is a dream!
Here it is in the hollow window,
and when spring comes,
like in a warm palm,
she will settle here -
mottled Madonna,
mother of the family and wife...


Lyudmila Zaikina 2

Early in the morning, knock-knock-knock,
There is a loud knock.
Everyone, young and old, knows
That there is a nurse in the forest.
The bark beetle is unpleasant
Well of course it is (Woodpecker)


Lyudmila Skripchenko

Cold is not a threat to Woodpecker.
He is not afraid of frost.
Not at all pointless
He's using his strong beak to peck at the Christmas tree!

He gets larvae
And it helps the trees,
And tree trunks
Like tables with hotels!

Mystery. Woodpecker

Lyudmila Trifonova

Knock and knock, knock and knock,
What's that strange noise in the forest?
This is the forest healer -
A cheerful woodpecker is working

Who's hammering?


Frosty snowy day
and the wind is fresh and dry.
And the old linden stump,
and a wooden knock:
Knock-knock... Knock-knock... Knock-knock.

And the frost is invigorating,
And the eye quickly searches -
Who's kicking the stump here?
Who is the culprit of the mischief?

And here he sits! -
Dressed in colorful clothes and wearing a fez.
He is strict and businesslike -
The bare branch got it!

Doctor is a woodpecker!!!

Margarita Volodina 2

Who heals the trees in the forest,
Knocking with your beak all day long?
Holes the trunk, but does not cripple
Bird, in the status of a doctor!
The knocking sounds throughout the entire area;
And his, jokingly, "surgeon"
"Doctor of Forestry Sciences" -
They call you around affectionately.

Strong chisel nose
The trunk is examined all around,
And harmful insects,
Settled in, like at home,
Under the bark at depth -
He will completely destroy!!!
This miracle bird is a Woodpecker!
He's the one knocking in the forest.

There's enough work for him here:
Lots of work on the nose!
He's wearing a bright scarlet beret
Unprecedentedly handsome!
Our woodpecker dresses up like a dandy:
All clothes with scarlet piping!
Strict. Pull up. Businesslike.
This is what he is famous for!

Wish him luck;
If you hear a knock in the forest,
He treats trees here, which means
Woodpecker is the forest's best friend!!!

The woodpecker makes more than 12 thousand head blows a day without harming itself. It chisels a tree with a frequency of 25 Hertz and a speed of about 7 meters per second, which is 1000 times more than the earth's gravitational force! Scientists created a 3D model based on a computer tomogram, studying the woodpecker's defense against blows. The creators hope that deciphering the model will help in creating anti-shock materials and structures for humans.


Margarita Volodina 2

Woodpecker - doctor of forest trees:
He will get up early, the very first.
All the trees will knock,
Where it hurts will go to treatment.

Knock-knock, knock-knock,
He rested his tail on the branch.
Covered with a red cap
He hammers the trunk firmly with his beak.

There was a pest - the bark beetle,
And now he's gone!
The doctor - the woodpecker helped;
He healed all the trees!

Melnikov Igor Glebovich

Smells of previous years.
A woodpecker knocks in the wilderness.
There's just no answer -
A response for the soul.

The door is firmly closed.
What's behind it? - a country,
Where, like in the forest now,
Sun and silence.

There is a meadow near the edge.
Water breathes in the stream.
Woodpecker, my good friend,
You get there.

And come back again.
Here, on a pine stump,
Woodpecker, I'll be waiting.
What will you tell me?

...Here comes the evening light
Bumblebees drink from flowers.
There's just no answer
In a sensitive forest distance.

Doctor woodpecker

Natalia Anishina

Doctor woodpecker “knock”, yes “knock”,
checks heart beat.
If there is a birch in the heart
tears came from pain,
the woodpecker will cure him
with the doctor's beak it's easy.

If the heart is aspen
everything rotted down to half,
Doctor Woodpecker will knock
the heart will immediately heal.
All rotten hearts
The woodpecker heals endlessly.

There is a wound on the rowan bark
The doctor treats him early in the morning.
Bark beetles, caterpillars
it's hard to hide from him.
He's always ready to clean up
the beak of all forest enemies.

Mystery. Woodpecker

Natalya Gubskaya

He flew in and sat down on a branch.
A knock was suddenly heard in the forest.
Not a crow, not a tit.
Tell me: what kind of bird is this?


Natalia Zaraiskaya

Knocks on wood: “Knock, knock.”
He has his beak as hard as he can.
And there's a loud knock
Until the night.

He can mutilate the garden like that,
No, that's how he treats him.
I give up!


Natalia Letoshko

There is noise in the forest apartment,
One two three four.
Well, who can't sleep now,
Who knocks on our door in the morning?

Five, six, seven, eight,
We'll ask the guest when he's asleep.
Nine, ten, don't make any noise
Just come for a visit.

But he doesn't want to be silent
The woodpecker loves to knock.
He pokes the hollow with his nose,
Maybe he's waking us up out of spite?

Riddle Woodpecker

Natalya Merkushova 2

Walks around in a red skullcap,
And he’s not sitting on a bench,
And on a tree in the forest,
And almost overhang.
He knocks and he grabs the bug
The famous "doctor" ... . (WOODPECKER)


Nina Zhelezkova

Knock-knock and knock-knock-knock...
This woodpecker is a friend of the forest:
Yes, hard worker, always busy,
He treats tree bark:
Gets spiders
And bugs and worms
And the trees rustle
Grateful and in love -
Everyone says “thank you”...

Terrible Woodpecker

Olga Borisova 5

Knock-Knock! Knock-Knock!
There is a strange sound in the trees.
Along the trunk, among the branches,
The woodpecker is knocking harder and harder.
He's hammering something with his sharp nose,
Work goes on all day.
Apparently asking to open the door?
Well, why hit so hard!
Bugs sit under the bark,
Midges, fleas, spiders
And they tremble with fear
So afraid of the angry bird!
“Open up! Knock-Knock!"
The woodpecker's knocking is getting stronger.
Beware, little midges!
Get your feet up!

The woodpecker came to visit...

Olga Borovikova 2

The woodpecker came to visit,
I wanted to meet you.
Impeccable black tailcoat -
Woodpecker can't live without him.

Snow-white shirtfront
Too starched.
There is a red bow on the back of the head:
The woodpecker looks great.

What a woodpecker, what a dandy,
Received a grant today!
Recognized as a famous doctor -
In the life of the garden, in the life of the forest!

The bullfinch was waiting for him in the morning,
I prepared a feast for the woodpecker:
Left crumbs on the stump
And a spoonful of pearl barley porridge.

Two titmice did not sleep:
An important guest was welcomed.
They gave up a place nearby,
They are not crowded at the feeder.

Riddle about the woodpecker

Olga Klimenko 6

“Knock-knock-knock, knock-knock-knock!” -
There is a loud knock.
Who scares the animals in the forest,
Like hammering nails?

Who is the carpenter in the red cap?
Clinging tightly to a branch?


Olga Pavlova-Smirnova

Oh, and a business woodpecker.
And he’s happy with himself.
Saves from pests
The forest cleanses perfectly.

Hollows rotten wood.
Now it’s already residential.
A hollow appeared there.
The little birds are lucky.

What else can I say about him?
His name is Forest Doctor.
He wears a red cap.
Life is not in vain.


Olga Petrovna Popova

Who is loud in the pine forest
His beak knocks in the forge
And sometimes gutturally, loudly
Is he shouting at everyone around him?

He has a strong skull,
cone-shaped beak,
And its hollow is like a tower,
There is a way out - an open hatch.

He can be royal
Small and large motley -
The impudent drummer is drumming everywhere...
We know he is a forest doctor.

You are smart, my reader.
Well, of course, it's a woodpecker.


Olga Shalimova

Who is the neighbor's squirrel?
Is he building a strong house with his beak?
And for the jay, for the owl,
Can you guess?

Who heals trees with their beak -
Woodworms' first enemy?
This (woodpecker) makes a loud knock
The forest is ringing out now.

Drummers of spring. Woodpeckers

Raisa Trostyanova

Early February
Beats are heard:
There's drumming everywhere!
With the advent of spring
A luscious song
In coastal forests
Everything is louder, more wonderful
Voices are ringing
Jubilant birds
And the woodpeckers are knocking
Higher and further
They are flying after them
And songs and dances!
Here is the marble forest,
Where are the beautiful beeches?
Touching the skies
Saying goodbye to spring
To a mysterious temple
Fir trees fly in it
To the high snows!

Like with a raised flag,
Spring has arrived
Funny woodpeckers
To the tops of the earth!

Zhelna, or black woodpecker

Raisa Trostyanova

There is a sign, they say
(And they noticed - not in vain!)
The woman moans pitifully,
Know, she has a presentiment:
Soon - soon it will rain!
And the “barometer” doesn’t lie to us.
Apparently it breaks her bones
As the weather gets worse...

Or secrets were given to her
Sky, sun and moon,
The forces of wind and water,
And the breath of the earth?!

green woodpecker

Raisa Trostyanova

Wow, green woodpecker
I found “enemies” in ants!
He disgraces his brothers
Dyatlov - forests of doctors!

It's easier in an ant mound
Get the egg pupa
Than a beetle from wood,
Beat me senseless!..

Black woodpecker, or yellow woodpecker

Raisa Trostyanova

He examines the trees

And flashes among the branches

In strict black plumage,

In his red cap.

The woodpecker is large, with a powerful beak,

It's called yellow.

He can extract the larva

Wherever she was hiding!

And sometimes he groans,

Suddenly he screams pitifully,

Maybe the woodpecker is in a lot of pain?

No! He's knocking again!

People say about him:

“The woodpecker is calling for rain!”

He will predict bad weather

In three or four days!

Forest Doctor

Regina Novikova

Silence, peace all around.
Suddenly I hear: knock-knock-knock!
Who's knocking? And why?
I don't understand anything

I see nearby, on an aspen tree,
Bird in a dark blue hat.
In a fresh, clean shirtfront,
Red, silk pants.

A black tailcoat is his outfit.
“Spotted woodpecker,” they say
He knocks from morning to night.
He wants to treat the trees.

Bark beetles have overcome
They will cause trouble to the trees.
The doctor is a woodpecker, here - somehow - here.
With a strong beak, knock-knock-knock.

The beak is large and very sharp.
He sharpens the bark like an awl.
He'll get worms out of the bark,
The branches will stop drying.

And the trees will come to life,
Will bloom again in spring
Animals know everything around -
The woodpecker is the forest's best friend!


Rita Zaitseva

Woodpecker hole in old spruce
Continued without any drill
And he asked: “Would you like
For Woodpeckers to sing songs?
There is no time for trills -
There will be an answer for you.
The bark beetles prevailed,
We have multiplied - there is no way to save us!"


Rita Lyashchenko

I've been hollowing out a tree for a long time,
I destroyed all the insects.
He didn't waste his time
A motley woodpecker with a long beak.


Savinov Vladimir

I was walking through the forest, brothers, and suddenly -
Above me: knock-knock-knock-knock-knock!
At the top of the pine tree
The beaters are knocking -
Where, where is the knocking coming from?

I quietly stood up under the pine tree
And he raised his eyes straight to the sky:
Beak of a motley bird
Knocking on someone's door -
And I recognized her instantly!

Clings to the bark with its claws,
The hard tail rests against the pine trunk;
Head knocking
It hammers with its sharp beak,
He gets to the worm bugs.

I didn't waste my time in vain:
I saw how... (woodpecker) works.


Svetlana Tishkina

A nimble woodpecker somewhere in the crown
Drumming rhythmically.
Louder, quieter, drowns a little,
He will speak excitedly again.

Where is this fidget?
I don't understand where to look
The echo multiplies the knock of hello,
But it’s as if he’s not there.

I look up, but my legs themselves
They started dancing to the sound of knocking.
This woodpecker is a fashionable guy,
Musical trick came out!

Not hip-hop, not breakdancing...
This is a hundred times cooler!!!
By nature - the highest class!

There's the red bandana
Flashed between the branches.
The woodpecker hammers tirelessly
So much rhythm in your head!


Sergey Stakheev

Woodpecker, you must be crazy!
You hammer pine all day long.
I'd beat you up.
Here and there! How will I sleep?


Tamara Yevlash

You are in the forest and you hear
Loud, rattling knock.
This is a woodpecker tree
Beats here and there.
There are many species of these birds:
Variegated, green.
Small and big
Doctors scientists.
The hole will be hollowed out with the beak
And they get the larvae.
Very harmful insects
They are not allowed to breed.
Nests are built in trees
The male sits in the nest at night.
And in the morning tirelessly
In the forge the pine cones are peeled.

Great Spotted Woodpecker

Tamara Yevlash

The plumage is truly extraordinary,
There are white spots on the sides of the head.
The shoulders are also white, the upper part is black.
The abdomen and tail are purple, the variegation is pleasant.
He inhabits dense forests, as well
Appears in gardens, builds nests strangely.
Simultaneously in two hollows, it also settles in old ones.
Sheer impatience builds tirelessly.

Europe and Siberia should be considered its homeland.


Tamara Yevlash

Loud drum beat
It goes thump-thump-thump!
A sea of ​​wood chips on the ground.
Woodpecker nests in a hollow
He lived comfortably through the winter,
I peeled the pine cones over the winter.
It’s time to hammer the birch tree,
To drink spring juice.


Tamara Yevlash

These wonderful birds have up to eight eggs in a clutch.
The female is busy all day, the male sits willingly at night
In the hollow they found, there was a sea of ​​cones on the ground.
During the winter the woodpecker shelled them and lived quite well.
And in the spring it’s time to hollow out the birch tree by tasting the sap.
Afterwards the berries will come and the apples will be pecked in the orchards.
Ready to crumble the bark and get to the passages,
Where the larvae hide and without any hitch
It easily gets them with its sticky long tongue.
A booming drum beat is heard, knock-knock-knock.
The woodpecker makes a hollow, its beak looks like a chisel.

black woodpecker

Tamara Yevlash

Bright red head, strong, fast and shy.
Extremely playful, agile and beautiful in flight.
He avoids being close to people, because
It’s more comfortable for him to settle in large forests there.
There he diligently exterminates tree wasps and beetles,
When you get to the larvae, you are ready to hammer all day.
Already in April he begins to build a nest,
He makes a hollow, always choosing a higher tree.

The whole of Europe is considered the homeland.


Tatyana Makarova 11

There is a special doctor in the forest,
small in appearance, capable,
he heals trees in the forest,
so that they become stronger,

Black and white wears a tailcoat,
a real forest dandy,
red cap and belly,
he holds it in high esteem,

The bark is chiseled every day,
beak, getting food,
loves seeds, nuts,
coniferous tree seeds,

Longhorn beetles and bark beetles,
it will destroy instantly,
maybe it will appear in the park,
will settle in the old garden,

He is the most important ecologist,
always works well
loves to have fun,
Forest Doctor - a miracle bird!
From the life of woodpeckers

Tatyana Shelikhova-Nekrasova

Woodpecker at the spring ball
gives a fraction as a fraction.
getting the house ready for housewarming,
not sparing the beak and forehead.

Clears old ash,
from beetle pests.
it turns out great:
knock, knock, and the house is ready!

And then in a spacious hollow,
where it is dry and warm,
he is skillful and agile
cover the bottom with fresh moss.

The deadline will pass - and in the bird's house -
the woodpecker will be very happy -
instead of white testicles
seven chicks are making noise with all their might.

Open your mouth wider:
Mom and dad - move!
noise and din in a forest apartment -
Fine! This is life!

The woodpecker is a “family” bird. Often forms pairs from year to year with the same female, with whom she then nurses the chicks. First, the male woodpecker prepares a hollow.


Fomina Olga Alekseevna

Because he's hammering, woodpecker
Well, I'm not at all crazy.
Very much he is quite
In a sound, woodpecker's mind.

Will not sit on a healthy trunk:
He will send other birds there,
He sits down on dry land,
And the answer to that is simple.

The woodpecker is not a rake at all,
The woodpecker is the doctor of the whole forest,
And his outfit is colorful,
So that anyone can recognize him.

He looks very imposing,
But his diagnosis is accurate,
Anyone knows the beast in the forest
A woodpecker is pecking away dead wood.

But he doesn’t offend himself,
Under the bark it produces
He larvae and beetles,
He pecked, and was gone.

He's just hiding something
How does he get food?
Who would tell us the secret?
But there is no secret in this.

Here nature surprised
After all, only the woodpecker rewarded
In unusual language:
Birds dream about this.

It is of incredible length,
And the prey will be sure:
At the end of it are tongs,
And the ends of the tongs are sharp.

No matter how you hide under the bark,
But at lunchtime
Both the larva and the bug
They will get on the tongue.

Because he's hammering, woodpecker
Well, I'm not at all crazy,
Very much he is quite
In a sound, woodpecker's mind.

Strange green woodpecker...

Elvina Aksenova

Strange green woodpecker*
Doesn't like to sit in trees.
Strange green woodpecker
Likes to walk on the lawn
And talk to the hoopoe
About summer holidays in Geneva
And call the sparrows
Contemptuously: “flyaways.”

Strange green woodpecker
Parrot's cousin
And the golden bee-eater
Also a cousin.
Strange green woodpecker
Likes to sit in ambush.
And leafing through the leaves of the trees,
The wind itself is happy to play with him.

Strange green woodpecker
Once I was visiting Russia.
Among their motley brothers.
Drank kvass and birch sap
Got drunk a hundred years in advance.
I bought pimas and earflaps there
And a sheepskin coat with cotton wool
And flew to Girona,
Where he lives now.

*Green woodpecker (lat. Picus viridis) is a bird of the woodpecker family, common in the western part of Eurasia. About the size of a jackdaw; It stands out among other European woodpeckers for its olive-green color on the upper body. A sedentary bird, it inhabits a variety of wooded landscapes with deciduous trees and open spaces nearby. Like a house sparrow, it moves on hard surfaces by jumping. Unlike other species of woodpeckers, they rarely chisel into trees and almost never trill.


Yuri Parfenov-Nevsky

Woodpecker hollowed out a hollow
It's cozy and warm.
From there to all ends
In summer the chicks will fly out:
They'll knock on the spruce trees
The drums are new.


Yuri Parfenov-Nevsky

It's not true that everything is desirable -
This is Dyatlov's wife.
- But relatives, at least -
Animals talk among themselves.
And she was hollowing out a pine tree,
She confirmed everything about her relatives.